Chapter 421 Long Follower

Brother Nine wants to compile the documents, so naturally he won't summarize them by himself.

He remembered Zhang Baozhu, who was the best at summarizing, so he called a note and said: "Go to Zhang Langzhong's house to find someone, just say that there is an errand in the yamen, and the manager will wait."

Relatives are relatives, and errands are errands.

Use it when you need it.

It's not that elder brother Jiu doesn't respect his elders, but that he gave Zhang a chance.

If it really needs to be sorted out well, brother Jiu will not take the credit for him.

It's hard to say when you get out of the experience, you can be promoted from the fifth rank, and go to other yamen for promotion.

Brother Nine's hardcore confidant, Gao Yanzhong, was also absent.

Brother Jiu felt that there was a shortage of people, so he sent someone to find Gao Yanzhong.

This year's yamen will open on the [-]th day of the first lunar month, and there are still a few days of vacation, but to prepare for Shengjia's southern tour, he should come back for business.

The residences of the two are not far away, and they will arrive in about half an hour.

Brother Jiu directly ordered: "Let's sort out the files of the previous two trips to the south, the weather, the food on the road, and related supplies, and use them to fill in the gaps. The sooner the better..."

Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong bowed and agreed.

Brother Jiu looked at Gao Yan and said, "Master is short of two errand runners, do you have any of your nephews?"

This is the difference between Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong.

Zhang Baozhu is not a coat, and by virtue of his status as the prince's father-in-law, he can be recruited as a regular fifth-rank doctor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but it is not easy to promote people from his clan.

Gao's family is covered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Gao Yanzhong is already the third generation.

Gao Yanzhong's father and he are both officials, and they are also middle-level people in Baoyi.

Gao Yanzhong said excitedly: "The second son of the servant became a young man last year, and he hasn't made up his errands yet. If Master Jiu doesn't mind, let him run errands for you first..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Then call to try it out. Why is he the second son? In this way, your eldest son made up for the errand, where is it?"

Gao Yanzhong nodded and said: "The eldest son of the slave is making up for his errand. He is in the guard camp and serves as the leader of Lan Ling."

Lan Lingchang is a nine-rank official, an official the size of a sesame seed, but he has a rank. For a young man who has just grown up for less than two years, it is also a very decent job.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Not bad, not bad!"

The second son became a young man last year, that is, he was the same age as himself.

Gao Yanzhong got the answer, didn't dare to delay, entrusted a familiar guard to run home.

It's just that there is no waist card, and the Gao family kid can't enter the palace even at the gate of the palace. He had to ask Brother Jiu to write a note so that he can get in and out of the waist card.

Since the appointment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs last year, Brother Nine has held two seals in his hands.

One is the seal of the chief of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is being sealed with the "seal" of the twelfth lunar month of the Yamen.

One is a private seal with Brother Jiu's name engraved on it.

This was given by Brother Ten when Brother Nine celebrated his fifteenth birthday the year before last, and it was carved by Brother Ten himself.

Brother Nine likes it very much. After he came out to work last year, he used this to make his own private seal.

Since the first day of the first lunar month, the gate control has been tightened everywhere in the palace.

Brother Jiu wrote a note to Gao Yanzhong, saying: "Apart from your second boy, is there anyone else who recommends it?"

After hearing this, Gao Yanzhong hesitated.

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "What's the embarrassment? If there is one, there is one, and if there is one, there is none?"

Gao Yanzhong smiled wryly and said: "I don't know who to talk about for a while, my slave's nephew Fifteen is a clever one, it was the last time Jingshan Official School recruited students, the wind and cold delayed the exam!"

Jingshan Official School is a school specially set up for the children of the Three Banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The enrollment age is from ten to eighteen years old, and the places are allocated according to the assistant leader and the management leader.

Examinations are held every three years and you can study for up to ten years.

If you pass the exam, you can directly make up for the Ministry of Internal Affairs' pen post, and the second and third class make up for the treasury envoy and treasurer. If you fail the exam after ten years, you will be returned to the flag.

The exam Gao Yanzhong mentioned should be the internal exam of each Zuo Ling.

Brother Jiu said: "It's a smart kid, why hesitate?"

Gao Yanzhong said: "Master Jiu, Miss Walnut's brother is also fifteen this year, this uncle and brother are the same age, so the slave is hesitant..."

Gao Yanzhong was able to get to Brother Jiu, so he took the route of walnut.

His sister is Walnut's aunt.

His nephew is Walnut's cousin.

He should have reciprocated and recommended Hetao's younger brother, but Hetao's younger brother was not very clever, and he was afraid of delaying Brother Jiu's errand.

But if he recommends his nephew, he is afraid that Walnut will find out why.

Walnut is the maid next to Jiufu Jin, if he is really going to offend, then he is also worried.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Forget it first, they are half-grown children, it's time to study hard, don't delay any longer..."

In the past, Brother Nine would not feel that the fourteenth and fifth children were influenced by Shu Shu. He always felt that he was still a child at this age, and he would talk about other things when he was a child.

As a child, you should study hard.

At noon, Brother Ten came.

The tenth elder brother got the news and knew that the ninth elder brother came to have dinner with him.

The Yi noodles that the two brothers ate directly, brewed in hot water, are very convenient.

"It's too much trouble to go back and forth like this. My sister-in-law said otherwise we will come back first."

Brother Nine said to Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "I guess it's either nineteen or twenty, Sheng Jia is going back to Luan, and it's only a few days away..."

Speaking of this, he whispered: "Why don't you stick to it for a few more days, this will also make you look diligent!"

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said, "What is the clan mansion up to?"

Elder Brother Shi said: "There are no serious errands, they are scattered, the main one is the title of King of Shuncheng County, if Khan Ama doesn't approve it, others will miss it."

Brother Nine said: "Prince Shuncheng's mansion is notoriously thin, and there are still people who miss the title, can't it be Nuo Luobu, he can't think about it either?"

The Norob mentioned by Brother Jiu is the concubine brother of King Le Erjin of Ge Shuncheng County, the first-class bodyguard, who once guarded Brother Jiu during his northern tour.

Although the first king of Shuncheng County, Leke Dehun, was the founding king, he was of a younger generation. He was the great-grandson of Emperor Taizu, the grandson of Prince Lilie, and the second son of Prince Heshuoyingyi, Sahalian.

Because of his military achievements, he was crowned King of Duoluo County, and he was hereditary, but died of illness at the age of twenty-four, leaving behind a four-year-old second son, a three-year-old third son, and a two-month-old son.

This son-in-law, Chengjue in his infancy, is the second generation of Shuncheng County King, Le Erjin, the retired County King.

In the clan clan, the birth of the concubine and the concubine are distinct, and the circumstances of the concubine and the concubine are very different.

It is even more difficult for Le Erjin's concubine brother to miss the title.

Unless Le Erjin's bloodline is cut off, the county king's hat may be transferred.

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "It's not Norob, it's the third house of Prince Ying..."

That is the branch of Luck Dehun's third younger brother, and now there are two dukes in the lineage.

Brother Jiu said contemptuously: "It's ridiculous, the hat of Prince Shuncheng is not from Prince Ying, why are they joining in the fun?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's because Bu Muba's biological mother's status is too low."

Bu Muba is the candidate for King Shuncheng, the brother-in-law of the late King Chongbao of Shuncheng, the fifth son of King Leerjin of Ge Shuncheng, born of his concubine.

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "I do remember him, he is about the same age as us, and he almost became your reading companion..."

Later, Khan Ama ordered others.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "My younger brother also remembers, he is one year older than us, I never thought that this situation would exist."

Hereditary does not replace.

These princes have to take a step back, and they will be attacked by grace in the future.

Brother Nine listens to persuasion, and thinks what Brother Ten said makes sense, so he doesn't think about moving back.

After lunch, when the two brothers agreed to go out of the city, Elder Brother Shi went back to the yamen of the clan's mansion.

Brother Jiu is also waiting for a new follower, Gao Yanzhong's second son Gao Bin.

When he saw Elder Brother Jiu, he gave a thousand salutes politely, and said: "Slave Gao Bin has met Master Jiu, please be well!"

He is a boy of medium stature, with delicate eyebrows and eyes.

Everyone has a heart for beauty.

Such a clean young man is also more pleasing to look at.

Brother Jiu felt that his temperament was a bit familiar, and he felt somewhat similar to Cao Yin, with the gentleness of a literati, so he said: "Your father recommended you to the master, and there is a shortage of errands around the master, if you are willing, come here Errand!"

Gao Bin immediately said crisply: "This slave is extremely happy and willing to serve Jiu Ye."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Looking at you talking, you also learned it from reading, did you learn it from Jingshan officials?"

Gao Bin shook his head and said, "The slave didn't pass the exam..."

Brother Jiu frowned upon hearing this, with disgust on his face, he doesn't like idiots.

Seeing this, Gao Bin hurriedly explained: "The servant's house is located in the banner of Zuo Ling, and Zuo Ling is the brother of the Duan concubine..."

After hearing this, Brother Nine knew what was going on.

The number of places in Jingshan Official School is fixed, with eight Manchurian assistant leaders, four Qigu assistant leaders, and six Guanxia leaders.

The Duan concubine Dong was from the Qiguzuo leader of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Those who are not favored in the harem are also the lord of the first palace.

For Bao Yi, the Dong family is also a concubine, a relative of the emperor, and no one else can offend him.

I am afraid that the four places in government schools will be divided between the Dong family's children and their in-laws.

Brother Jiu's expression slowed down a little, and said: "I am impatient to teach people, if there is anything you don't know, you can just ask your father..."

Gao Bin respectfully agreed.

West Garden, South Institute.

Although elder brother Jiu told Shu Shu not to wait for him later before leaving in the morning.

But Shu Shu still waited.

At sunset, the ninth elder brother took the tenth elder brother back to the garden.

The meals in the dining room have already been prepared.

It is altar burning eight treasures.

It is not as rich as Buddha Jumping the Wall, but it is also full of fragrance.

The staple food is the puff pastry, which can be dipped in soup.

The vegetarian dishes are Chinese cabbage with sesame sauce and coir rain cucumber.

It is a greenhouse vegetable cultivated by the imperial dining room itself, and it is just right to eat.

The tenth elder brother came with the ninth elder brother, and after eating late, he went back satisfied.

Brother Jiu just talked to Shu Shu about what happened today, and he has already asked someone to sort it out.

Both Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong stayed at the Ministry of Internal Affairs at night and did not return home.

"My father reckons that it will be almost done tomorrow, and then I will keep a copy and send the rest to my fourth brother."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu said: "It's good to do it in one fell swoop."

Not only is it carefully preparing for the southern tour, but the most important thing is to brush up the favorability of the fourth elder brother.

Brother Jiu talked about Gao Bin again: "Master wanted to be recommended by Gao Yanzhong, so he did not avoid his relatives, so he brought his second child here. That boy is the same Geng as Master, he seems to be a smart guy."

Shu Shu smiled and listened.

There are already question marks in my heart.

Gao Bin from the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
Isn't this the half-hearted father-in-law of Xiao Si?
Same name and last name?

Or the Lord? !
I got up too early yesterday, was useless during the day, and was extremely inefficient at night.Tears ran

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 2th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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