My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 422 Joint name

Chapter 422 Joint Name

"How do you look?"

Shu Shu asked strangely.

If it was the real master who could give birth to a concubine Hui Xian who would make the scumbag happy, then the appearance should not be bad.

Brother Jiu didn't speak, his face drooped, and he looked at Shu Shu angrily, with questioning in his eyes.

Shu Shu immediately frowned, and said worriedly: "There is no girl in the family, those people in the Household Department have eyes for wealth and wealth, and they all want to climb high, I don't worry about it!"

Brother Nine's complexion is better now: "Who knows, what do you worry about, don't worry about it, it's just that there are many long-term followers around you, and it's not that the whole family is under your name."

Shu Shu looked at him and said: "Listen to what this means, if there are beauties in the master's banner, the master will accept it?"

Brother Jiu twitched the corner of his mouth, pinched Shu Shu's face and said, "I didn't eat dumplings today, why is the whole room smelling of vinegar?"

Shu Shu snorted softly, and said, "Anyway, don't let me worry about it!"

Sure enough, offense is the best defense.

Seeing Brother Jiu's expression again, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Curious is really curious.

It sounds like lust.

If memory serves me correctly, Gao Bin is a confidant of Yongzheng, who replaced the Li family as the fabricator of Suzhou.

The Gao family's fortune did not start with becoming a concubine's relative, but with Gao Bin's release.

If it's the real master, then do you think you've poached the corner of the fourth elder brother?

Shu Shu also laughed.

There is a secret pleasure of taking advantage of it.

Brother Nine talked about Brother Ten's persuasion, and said: "Let's stop tossing about, Old Ten is right, commuting such a long way to work makes you look more diligent."

Naturally, Shu Shu didn't stop her, but said: "Then ask someone to prepare a meal box, and you can't just keep eating flour."

Brother Jiu nodded, willing to accept his wife's sympathy, and said, "Prepare two copies."

The other copy, of course, belonged to Elder Brother Ten.

As Shu Shu expected before, Shengjia did not stay in Changchun Garden for too long, and returned to Luan with the Queen Mother on the [-]th of the first lunar month.

The ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother all accompanied the imperial court, and everyone returned to the Forbidden City.

Because there is the queen mother's car driving, they still enter the palace through Shenwumen.

Yinzheng started from the garden, and Maozheng entered the palace.

It was still dark outside.

Yesterday, Cui Baisui and He Tao went back to the palace first, and the upper room at the second institute had already been tidied up and cleaned again.

Shu Shu went into the Dongci room, took off her clothes, and was crooked on the South Kang.

Woke up too early today.

Almost from the beginning.

Last night, he messed around, slept late, closed his eyes for less than two hours, and now his temples are throbbing, and his chest feels a little nauseous.

Xiao Chun knelt down to take off her boots, Brother Jiu said: "If you are tired, go to the back room and sleep..."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's just that I'm a little tired, but my mind is still clear. I'll go to sleep after my master goes to the yamen."

For breakfast, there are sesame seed cakes with meat, and small wontons with fresh meat.

After returning to the palace, brother Jiu doesn't need to bring the food box to the yamen, just send someone to deliver it at noon.

When the breakfast was finished, it was also the beginning of the morning, and Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and Sun Jin to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

Shu Shu invited Nanny Qi over.

Mammy Qi had big and small bags in her hands.

"what is this?"

Shu Shu was a little curious.

Nanny Qi has Mongolian blood and is not very good at working as a female worker.

When Shu Shu was young, she used to do needlework, but what she made was Shu Shu's little clothes, little socks and so on.

Outer clothes will not do at all.

Nanny Qi opened the package and said, "One package is apron and obscene pants, and the other package is socks..."

Shu Shu took a quick look, there are two types of bellybands, both of which are plain, half of Songjiang cloth and half of silk, there are about twenty of them, and half of obscene trousers are almost the same.

"That's too much..."

Shu Shu took Nanny Qi's hand and looked carefully.

Sure enough, wearing a thimble, but there are many small red spots on the fingers.

Shu Shu was a little displeased: "It's only half a month in total, Mama is not idle, do you want your eyes?"

Although Nanny Qi is not good at female celebrity, as long as it is Shu Shu's work, she has never been fooled. The needlework is extremely fine, it's a lot of work, and it's a pain in the ass.

Nanny Qi smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay, there's nothing left and right..."

This is because Shu Shu loves cleanliness and is afraid that it will be inconvenient to change and wash when going out, so she prepared these things.

"If it's inconvenient at that time, just ask the girl to burn it."

Nanny Qi said.

Shu Shujiong, is this the Qing version of disposable underwear and disposable socks?
However, Nanny Qi said "there is nothing wrong with the left and right", which made Shu Shu feel distressed.

Nanny Qi only occupies a small part of her own world.

In Nanny Qi's world, everything revolves around her.

When Nanny Qi went out, Shu Shu called Li Yin and said, "Over there in the cat and dog room, can you go directly to pick it up? What's there?"

Li Yindao: "There are dogs, puppies, and cats. These three are the main ones. Other birds and lynxes are kept in other places."

Shu Shu said: "Then go and pick a milk dog, one with a good temper and clingy, and a little eunuch who can take care of dogs." Then, he told Xiaochun: "Take a few rewards. , Let Li Yin reward the envoy."

Xiao Chun took four purses and handed them to Li Yin.

Li Yin only took two, one big red top seal and one indigo small seal, and said: "These are enough."

Li Yin went to the cat and dog room.

Xiaochun was puzzled, "Why did Fujin change his mind?"

Shu Shu talked about cats and dogs before, saying that she would raise them after moving out of the palace, so as to save trouble.

This time it was prepared to raise in advance.

And the choice is not a cat that is more worry-free, but a puppy that needs to be looked after.

Shu Shu said: "Little Elder Brother and Little Gege don't know when they will come, and we can't let Mammy stay idle all the time, something is wrong with being idle."

Multiple puppies, be a buddy to relieve boredom.

Xiao Chun glanced at Shu Shu's stomach, and said: "Fu Jin will be filial piety next month, when he comes back from the southern tour, go to Hongluo Temple to pray for blessings?"

Brother Jiu's physical condition, Xiaochun didn't mention it publicly, but he knew it vaguely.

Now that the medicine is stopped, it is natural that the conditioning is almost the same.

The rest is to ask for a child.

Xiao Chun is a child of the family, and because she knows Shu Shu's baby name, she also grew up listening to the story of Qi Xi and his wife begging for a daughter.

Shu Shu nodded and said with a smile: "Okay, then we will go to Hongluo Temple."

Whether pregnant or not, gestures can be made.

You can also take a trip to the mountains and rivers.

According to the rules, bannermen cannot go out of Beijing for a hundred miles, otherwise they must report to the police.

The clan is even more so.

But begging for a child is begging for a child, and preparing for pregnancy should be done at your own pace.

But it's not easy to delay too long.

The best time is to prepare for pregnancy for one or two years, get pregnant in the second half of next year, and give birth in the next year.

Regardless of whether it's Elder Brother or Gege, the elders will be at ease when Mr. is next.

In the next three-year Eight Banners draft, there is no need to worry that Kangxi and Concubine Yi will miss their side.

Judging from the older elder brothers, the eldest brother, the prince, and the third elder brother, Kangxi really doesn't have so much free time now, and he refers to his son as a concubine.

The princesses of several people are all referred to before the wedding.

The difference is that the eldest brother and the third elder brother are referred to by their biological mothers, who are the beautiful daughters of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Gege of Yuqing Palace is referred to by the emperor, she is a beautiful girl of the Eight Banners.

Except for the poggle at the beginning, Gege Kangxi and his elder brothers' mothers and concubines didn't have much to do later.

Xiao Chun's voice was brisk, and said: "When the time comes, I'm afraid that Fujin will follow and retreat."

The cat and dog room is in the imperial city.

Li Yin went for more than half an hour before he came back with a dog cage, followed by a twelve or thirteen-year-old eunuch.

Inside the one-and-a-half-foot-square dog cage was a snow-white Pekingese.

It's not the two- to three-month-old puppy that Shu Shu imagined, it looks like it's half grown up.

Shu Shu looked at Li Yin.

Li Yindao: "The slave asked about the suckling dog, but the manager said that the dog likes to bark and is noisy without training, and is afraid of disturbing the master. It has been trained..."

Shu Shu nodded, it seems that the reason why Jingba became an unpopular pet dog in the later generations is also because of this, it smells bad and barks loudly.

Because of this, she asked Li Yin to choose a young eunuch from the cat and dog room.

Otherwise, instead of relieving Nanny Qi, she would cause trouble for Nanny Qi.

As Shu Shu expected, Nanny Qi was full of disgust when she first saw the puppy.

"I love shedding hair, how dirty it is, it will cause Fujin to cough..."

Shu Shu pulled Nanny Qi's arm and said, "But I want to raise one. Concubine Duan Shun raised one and named it Xueqiu, which is very human..."

Then Nanny Qi reluctantly said: "Then raise it."

Shu Shu suppressed a smile.

Just leave the rest to the puppy.

Xiaochun and Xiaosong surrounded the puppy cage, eager to touch it.

Xiaosong said: "Fu Jin, shouldn't it be time to name it?"

Everyone looked at Shu Shu.

The first thing Shu Shu thought of was "Longevity" and "Hundred Years", but these two are the names of people, the names of eunuchs from the Sansho and her side.

"Call Ruyi."

Shu Shu said with a smile.

It is said that nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in the world, but there are still one out of ten unsatisfactory things.

And optimistic.

As a result, there were two more establishments in the second institute on this day.

Puppy Ruyi, the daily supply of pork eight taels.

Li Zhong, a young eunuch who raises a dog, supplies eight taels of pork a day.

When the puppy was brought back, it was clean and white.

Nanny Qi was worried and refused to let Shu Shu do it.

Afraid that Ruyi might have fleas on her body, she wished she could check each one hair by hair, and then wiped it inside and out with a wet towel before Xu Shushu got her hands on it.

It's no wonder that Nanny Qi made a fuss over a molehill, it's because Shu Shu has a scarred physique.

When I was young, I was bitten by fleas once, and there were several red envelopes on my calf.

As a result, it didn't go away for three to five months.

Since then, in Shushu's house, deworming is a big deal.

There are also various mosquito repellent plasters around.

Shu Shu stroked Ruyi, looked at her dark, watery eyes, and her little pink tongue, and thought it was too cute.

Li Yin's errands are doing well.

Regardless of the puppy's temperament, this appearance is top-notch.

Shu Shu groped, the puppy was not afraid of life, and hummed comfortably.

For the whole afternoon, Shu Shu left Nanny Qi in the upper room, chattering about making clothes for Ruyi.

Seeing that Ruyi was well-behaved, Nanny Qi showed much less disgust on her face.

Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The yamen has opened the seal, and the holiday of waiting for the upper and lower people is over.

Brother Jiu became more relaxed.

Seeing that Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong were being reused, the doctors and principals beside them couldn't sit still.

I can't wait to hug my thighs.

Brother Nine is not a lover of power, so anyone who can use it will use it.

If he is willing to perform, he will give him a chance.

The fourth elder brother came, led by Gao Bin.

Regarding the summary of the weather on the southern tour, on the [-]th day, Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong got together, and the ninth elder brother sent it directly to the fourth elder brother.

He wanted to send a copy to Yuqian before.

If you think about it too deliberately, forget it.

The main reason is to believe in Si Age's character, not the kind of greedy others' credit.

Sure enough, the fourth elder brother re-adjusted the preparations for the southern tour with reference to the summary, and planned to report the matter to the Qianqing Palace.

On the way, I came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to mention Brother Nine, and I wanted to join him...

(End of this chapter)

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