Chapter 423 Confused

Ninth elder brother originally thought that he should have his own credit, but seeing that fourth elder brother's eyes were black and his clothes were wrinkled, it was obvious that he was upright in the Yamen last night.

He was very embarrassed, waved his hands and said, "My younger brother didn't do anything, he just moved his mouth. It was all sorted out by Mr. Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong."

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "Don't be naughty, let's go, it's just right to go now."

Ninth elder brother didn't say anything, and followed fourth elder brother out.

The fourth elder brother was originally thin, but now he is staying up all night, and his cheeks are even shriveled.

Ninth elder brother advised: "There are so many people in the yamen, fourth brother will also dispatch the errands at hand, and do everything else by himself."

The fourth elder brother glanced at him, but didn't say anything else, just said: "Just busy for a few days, it will be fine when Sheng Jia leaves Beijing."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "The tolls on this road are all shipped from the capital side, and there is no need for local supplies. What about the pick-up from other places?"

The fourth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, very helpless: "You have been in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs all day, and you didn't ask about this?"

Brother Nine snapped his fingers and said, "My brother is busy. The North Garden of Changchun Garden is looking for someone to draw a picture, and it will start construction after the freeze; the Prince's Courtyard outside the West Garden will also arrange for people to paint the foundation, Yanxi Palace and Zhong Cui. The palace was still under renovation for [-] years, and when the two concubines leave the palace, the main hall will have to be repainted; Yuqing Palace is narrow, and several emperors and grandchildren are getting older, so they have to move to Xiefang Palace with the palace people , this is only one part of the construction department that needs to be watched, and there are other parts..."

The fourth elder brother heard that he couldn't do it, and said: "You just persuaded me, why is it my turn to be confused?"

With so many errands, how can one person keep an eye on them?

Brother Nine sighed and said: "It's all about money-related errands, if you don't worry about my younger brother, these uncles in the Ministry of Internal Affairs are very courageous!"

Other errands that do not involve large amounts of money are also accounted for.

Brother Jiu really can't trust them for those who are involved with money.

Who asked him to be the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? He didn't want to work hard and make another mistake of improper employment.

The fourth elder brother did not follow the northern tour last year, but he also heard that the ninth elder brother and the seventh elder brother thoroughly investigated the renovation of the palace during the northern tour, and found a bunch of coated moths.

He was quite jealous, frowned and said: "Ama Khan is generous, even if they are lawless, they are out there taking advantage of others and taking advantage of the opportunity to amass money, they should investigate every family!"

Brother Jiu listened and knew what he meant.

It was none other than the prince's wet nurse He Naimo and her husband Ling Pu.

Ling Pu also served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, as a doctor of the Guangshu Division.

As a result, Suo'etu was liquidated at the beginning of the year, and Ling Pu and his wife were brought out.

The properties purchased under the names of the husband and wife are recorded in more than a dozen places in the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households. In the end, the gold and silver copied out of the family is more than one hundred thousand taels.

Comparable to the worth of a royal official.

Both husband and wife were executed in the end, their families were lost, and their children and grandchildren were sent as slaves to Ningguta and the armored man just like Suo'etu's son.

As early as before the Lantern Festival, officials from the Ministry of Punishment and the Clan Mansion escorted the two families out of Beijing.

Brother Nine still has lingering fears when he thinks of Nanny Liu.

The wet nurse is the closest person to them, and the relationship is also close, so it is easy to lose fear and think that she can control the prince and elder brother.

There is also the current wrapped concubine as an example, every family is thinking about the glorious lintel, and wants the emperor's grandson to come out of the belly of the wrapped palace lady.

The ninth elder brother thought of the fourth elder brother's wet nurse, Xie Shi, who was also the only one among the elder brothers, because she was not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but a Daxing civilian woman.

I heard that when the fourth elder brother landed, the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared three wet nurses as candidates, but the fourth elder brother refused to breastfeed and cried day and night.

The pediatric masters of the Tai Hospital have seen it, but they have not found any problems.

In the end, it was Qin Tianjian who came to the conclusion that the nurse and elder brother were incompatible. At that time, there was no suitable nurse in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so they searched in the suburbs of Beijing, and then chose Xie's for some reason.

The wet nurse Xie is not a coat. The fourth elder brother was not close to his natal family because he was raised in Empress Tong's Palace earlier. Therefore, compared with other elder brothers, he has the weakest relationship with the family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The fourth elder brother didn't like the coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at all, probably because the bystanders could see clearly.

While talking, the two brothers arrived in front of Qianqing Palace.

Civil and military officials from other places who have been promoted are all rushing to hand over the cards in the past few days.

Therefore, at the gate of Qianqing Palace, officials were waiting to be summoned one by one.

Fourth elder brother and ninth elder brother stood by and watched.

Brother Nine looked up to the direction of the study.

Shengjia returned to the palace, and the elder brothers followed him.

My brother-in-law is in the study.

The elder brother of Yuqing Palace also chose four companions, and formally entered the upper study.

Two of them came from the Hesheli clan, one was the cousin of the crown prince, the grandson of the late Chengenggong Kabula, and the other was the nephew of Heyi.

Brother Nine curled his lips, luckily there were only four companions.

If it is the eldest son of the prince, follow the example of the prince, then what are these princes?
But thinking of the twelfth elder brother, the ninth elder brother is thoughtful

If the ranks of princes are divided by birth mother's birth, shouldn't the [-]th elder brother follow the example of the [-]th elder brother, and only have four companions?
It seems that the concubine and concubine are still in the body, and Khan Amama has already agreed that she will be promoted to concubine?

Khan Ama is quite interesting, and he likes the new and never tires of the old.

The pets around me are connected one by one, without interruption for more than [-] years.

Half of the concubines in the harem have been concubines and concubines.

It seems a bit lustful.

The ninth elder brother was running away, and the officials who didn't pay attention to his eyes walked almost the same way, and the fourth elder brother had already been passed on.

When Liang Jiugong came out this time, he was delivering Kangxi's oral order to tell them to go in.

The fourth elder brother gave a hand, and reminded in a low voice: "Be serious, don't be distracted!"

Ninth elder brother withdrew his strange idea, and followed fourth elder brother into Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi took a look at the fourth elder brother, saw his haggard face, felt unhappy, and scolded him: "Your parents are responsible for your body, hair and skin, even if you are young, you shouldn't torment yourself like this!"

He had been reminded once at Qingxi Bookstore a few days ago, but he didn't listen.

He's paranoid when he's young, he stresses perfection in everything, and he has various temperaments.

If you are tired, others will worry about you.

The fourth elder brother said in shame: "It is the son who is not filial, which made Khan Ama worry about it."

Ninth elder brother was by the side, seeing the father and son answering each other, he was slandered endlessly.

What an elusive old Ama.

Does he like his son's hard work, or does he like his son's lack of hard work?
If you work hard, you will be reprimanded, and if you don’t work hard, you will be disliked, so how do you choose?

Brother Jiu only wanted to be praised, and didn't like to be reprimanded, so he was a little confused for a while.

Kangxi saw Brother Jiu's expression, and said with disgust, "Okay, what the hell are you doing?"

Brother Jiu said honestly: "My son is a little embarrassed. He has just been working hard for a few days, and he wants to see the good and think about it...but he doesn't want Han Ama to worry about it!"

Kangxi: "..."

He felt that this was not very pleasant.

Brother Nine decided in his heart that he didn't think so.

Smart words!

He looked at Brother Jiu's luck, and was thinking about where to start to reprimand him.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the fourth elder brother had already taken out the booklet, and said: "Ama Khan, the ninth elder brother has been working diligently and attentively recently, and asked people to collect the accompanying population supply for the previous two southern tours. The hydrology and weather are just right. The logistical arrangements for this southern tour are for reference."

Kangxi showed surprise, and raised his chin to ask Wei Zhu, who was standing there, to accept the order.

After handing it to Kangxi, Kangxi opened it and read it.

The table is very clear, from the cost of the first and second follow-up population, the approximate cost of the follow-up population this time is calculated.

And because the first southern tour was in winter, and the second southern tour was in the first month, there were additions and subtractions.

It is clear at a glance, really attentive.

It's not just the intention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to put it together, but also the plan that the fourth elder brother added.

Kangxi's face looked better, and he said to the fourth elder brother: "You are careful in doing things, I have always been at ease..."

After speaking, he looked at Brother Jiu and said: "It's rare, besides eating, drinking and having fun, he also knows about serious errands, which is beneficial!"

Brother Jiu didn't raise an argument, nor did he make a big deal, and said truthfully: "The son just thinks that the emperor's grandmother will accompany him this time, so he should be careful, so as not to be incomplete, and the emperor's grandmother is uncomfortable, sweat Ama was also worried, it's better to be prepared, and my son didn't do anything, he just gave orders casually, and both Mr. Zhang Baozhu and Gao Yanzhong were bothered..."

If the queen mother is uncomfortable, isn't Shu Shu the one who suffers?

Not to mention the fault of poor service.

Where did Kangxi think that elder brother Jiu had a big circle in his heart, only because he was filial to the queen mother, his expression became more and more soothing.

The empress dowager is the first-line grandmother, and he, the emperor, is filial, and he is also happy that his son can do as he pleases.

Hearing that Zhang Baozhu's name sounded familiar, he said, "Is it fifth elder brother's father-in-law?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "He is a good hand in collecting cases. In the past two months, Mr. Zhang has been transferred, so my son can save a lot of worry."

Kangxi had no impression of Zhang Baozhu, but his father Buyanu, governor of Shaanxi, was his confidant.

Hearing that Zhang Baozhu is capable and not a mediocre person, Kangxi is also quite relieved.

"Who is that Gao Yanzhong?"

This name was very unfamiliar to Kangxi.

Brother Jiu said: "It was originally the foreman of the imperial dining room. During the northern tour last year, he temporarily took over the management of the camp dining room. He is the elder in-law of a court lady on the son's side. He was transferred to the general manager's yamen to be the head of the hall..."

The imperial dining room is a yamen with a lot of money and water, and it is also popular when it is short.

Before that, it was Concubine De's natal family, Concubine Rong's natal family, and Concubine Wei's natal family.

Now that the Ma family has all withdrawn, the vacant vacancies will be filled by the natal families of Concubine De and Concubine Wei, and outsiders will not be able to get in at all.

Kangxi frowned and said, "You can't use nepotism!"

Brother Jiu said aggrievedly: "My son wants to use 'kiss', but there is no one. If you meet someone who is capable and obedient, why not treat one as two and use it vigorously."

Kangxi recalled that Brother Jiu's grandfather, Sanguanbao, was raising the flag, and the other clansmen were still in the House of Internal Affairs, but he didn't see Brother Wu and Brother Jiu going to get close to them.

He didn't say anything, but said: "Even if you are a palm print officer, you are all subordinates, you must treat them equally, so as not to make people dissatisfied."

Brother Nine laughed when he heard this, and said, "Ama Khan said well, does the son's appointment count as going? Haha! It's good to go, it's good to go, or else my son will always go to see Mr. Ma Qi." No confidence!"

He Yi has little seniority, and Wang Shen is in charge of the Punishment Department.

On the contrary, Ma Qi, as usual, went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for half a day every three days.

Not like an overseer, but better than an overseer.

Although Brother Jiu is the prince, seeing this old minister of Jiuqing is also a little bit emboldened.

Who told him to still be appointed?

Seeing Brother Nine smiling, Kangxi thought that he had been doing well these days, and that he had worked so hard to enter the city from the garden, so he snorted softly, acquiescing to this rhetoric...

Sure enough, there was only one day at the 30th position, and then I fell down endlessly, crying, and my father who didn't have insurance at the end begged for some help.

(End of this chapter)

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