My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 425 Fighting Spirit

Chapter 425 Fighting Spirit

Inside the Anding Gate, the main house of Sibeile Mansion.

It's already time to hold the lights.

Sifujin was sitting on the south kang in the east room, with a kang table in front of him.

In her arms was a little girl who hadn't grown her hair yet, carved in pink and jade, with extremely delicate eyebrows and eyes.

It is Ergege from Baylor Mansion, Gege Li's family.

Now Sibaile Mansion has one wife and two concubines.

The two concubines are Song Gege and Li Gege, who were born in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Song Gege once gave birth to the eldest daughter of the fourth elder brother, who died before full term.

Li Gege gave birth to Er Gege and Er Gege.

Because Er Gege is the eldest daughter and the only daughter, the fourth elder brother loves her very much.

After Li's second elder brother was born, he had no energy to take care of his daughter, so the fourth elder brother sent his daughter to Si Fujin to be raised.

Er Gege was born in the thirty-fourth year of Kangxi, and now he is five years old, not yet ready for enlightenment.

Si Fujin gave Er Gege the ivory Nine Links to play with, and was teaching her how to unbutton them.

The elder brother Honghui is three years old, and it is time to be naughty.

He lay on the side of the kang, interrupting his sister.

The siblings grew up together and had a very good relationship.

Er Gege didn't feel annoyed when he was disturbed, he grabbed the puppy tooth carving next to him and handed it to his younger brother.

Honghui took it and put it in his mouth.

He was drooling when he was teething.

Seeing this, Er Gege hurriedly dragged the puppy tooth carving back and handed him a piece of fruit.

This furnace fruit was harder than usual, and it was Si Fujin who listened to Shu Shu's suggestion and prepared to come out to grind Honghui's teeth.

Because of the long teeth, Honghui's gums were itchy, and he had something to grind his teeth, and he put it in his mouth, and started to chew contentedly.

When the fourth elder brother came in, he saw this scene of peace and happiness.


When Er Gege saw the fourth elder brother, he immediately screamed loudly.

When Honghui was learning to speak, he also called out to the side: "Ama, Ama!"

Si Fujin got up, went to meet him, and helped Si elder brother go outside to cover up.

The fourth elder brother rubbed his hands to get rid of the cold, then picked up Er Gege, put it down after weighing it, and then patted Hong Hui's head.

Seeing this, Honghui put his arms around the fourth elder brother's thigh, raised his head and said softly, "Hug!"

"Book of Rites" records that "a gentleman embraces grandchildren but not sons", and the same is true of banner people's rules.

But this is the eldest son, the fourth elder brother is not a rigid person, his face softened, and he also hugged his son.

Honghui laughed "giggle", very happy.

Sifujin was beside her, with a smile on her face, and whispered to the nanny to prepare the dinner table.

After a while, the dining table is set up.

Although he has moved out of the palace now, Sifujin is still taking care of his children from the palace.

That is, breastfeeding until the age of six.

Neither Ergege nor Honghui has been weaned, but the siblings can also eat complementary food.

Now there is a plate of milk cakes on the table, which is for the siblings.

The fourth brother here is lotus leaf cake with eggs, and a steamed stuffed bun with tofu.

The fourth elder brother likes vegetarian food and does not like meat. Si Fujin has been married for many years, and his diet is similar.

There is no big meat in the matching dishes, only one crispy fish is meat, there is a shredded mustard pickle, and the rest is a vegetable radish meatball soup.

The fourth elder brother saw the crispy fish and picked up two chopsticks.

This is one of the recipes Shu Shu gave Si Fujin years ago.

It's kind of reciprocating, thanking Si Fujin for giving her clan's gift list as a reference.

The fourth elder brother thought of the fish in the West Garden, and it was spread throughout the clan.

In fact, Brother Nine's fishing activities were very loud, and it was in broad daylight.

There are guards and guards in the garden, as well as eunuchs and officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how can we hide it from people?

Spread the word early.

Say anything.

Those who are envious say that he is the son of a favorite concubine, and that he dares to act like a fish in the royal garden because of the presence of a holy family.

Those who are jealous, talk about the dude prince, ignorant and incompetent.

There are also some people who add fuel and jealousy, saying that Brother Jiu is greedy by nature, and by taking advantage of his position as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to scrape the ground, thieves never leave, and even the fish in the lotus pond do not fall.

When Sifujin saw the fish, he also thought about the West Garden.

When the dining table was removed, Si Fujin said with a smile: "The ninth younger brother and sister said that when the fish is finished, we will share some with the fifth..."

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "This old nine is seventeen years old, he doesn't look like an adult yet, he's just playing around with Fujin!"

Si Fujin said with a smile: "Master's words are biased, I see Brother Jiu is much more sensible than before..."

In the past, she was not very pleasant, her words choked people, and she was not very respectful to her brothers, but she was still polite in front of her sister-in-law.

The fourth elder brother did not deny it, and said: "The one who owed my son earlier is not much better than the fourteenth!"

The fourth elder brother has long disliked it. As an elder brother, it is not that he has not thought about teaching him, but the eighth elder brother is strict in protecting him, and the ninth elder brother is not listening to persuasion, and they are estranged from each other.

Thinking of this, he pondered, glanced at Sifujin, wanted to say something, but hesitated when he saw the two children.

When such a big child is really learning the tongue, both husband and wife have to avoid them when talking.

Seeing his expression, Sifujin knew that he had something to say, and whispered to the nanny to carry Ergege and Honghui down to settle down.

The two haven't divided the yard yet, one is placed in the east wing and the other is placed in the west wing.

There were only two husbands and wives left in the room, so the fourth elder brother opened his mouth and said, "Does Jiufujin have a bad relationship with Bafujin?"

I didn’t notice it before, but a few days ago I realized that the tenth elder brother stopped the ninth elder brother from letting him visit the Babeile Mansion, and the fourth elder brother realized that the ninth elder brother, the tenth elder brother and the eighth elder brother seemed to be Alienated a lot.

You know, because the three brothers live close to each other, they have been in and out together for more than ten years, and they are very warm.

Even before and after the eighth elder brother got married last year, the ninth elder brother still tossed a lot.

Although it was criticized later and there were some inappropriate actions, but the affection for the brothers was real.

Sifu Jin has a gentle personality and doesn't like to gossip about others, but he still couldn't help but said: "Perhaps it's because the two got married in the same year. The eighth sibling claims to be of noble birth, and they always try to overwhelm the ninth sibling. The ninth sibling was also pampered by the family. Surely I won't endure it all the time, and there will be quarrels, but I see that the ninth brother and sister are kind and not vengeful, knowing that the eighth brother and sister have a miscarriage, I still feel uncomfortable for a while..."

Hearing the eight blessings, the fourth elder brother frowned.

What he dislikes the most is Guo Luoluo's boisterous temper.

With a tense face, he said: "Lao Ba is good everywhere, but he didn't get a good Fujin!"

The relationship between the brothers is alienated, and the appointment is not due to one party.

Jiufu Jin generously doesn't hold grudges, and doesn't provoke brotherhood, so who is it that provokes brotherhood, do you have to guess?
Si Fujin listened with a smile, without refuting, but in his heart he didn't take it seriously.

She grew up in the palace, and she was used to seeing the ups and downs of her eyebrows, so she saw that the eighth elder brother's request for perfection was not true.

In comparison, she felt that Ba Fujin was more pitiful.

With her background and a generous dowry, her life would be more comfortable if she married into another family.

But poor man.

She looked to the west, not knowing how the eighth Fujin was doing.

On the day of the accident, Si Fujin went to visit his doctor.

I just sat with him, gave me some bird's nests, didn't say anything to comfort me, and had to think about it myself...

Baylor Mansion, go to the room.

Eight Fujins lay half-lying, taking good care of their bodies, and did not intend to be brave.

In the past few days, I obviously felt weak, afraid of the cold, and lack of strength.

Fortunately, the symptoms have improved a lot these days.

She was full of energy, as if preparing for battle, looking at the door.

She asked the nanny to invite the eighth elder brother to come over.

She smelled the room, there should be no smell of blood, right?

The eighth elder brother loves cleaning.

After the accident, Ba Fujin refused to stay in Prince An's Mansion, so the couple went back to Baylor Mansion.

She bled a lot, and the room smelled of blood.

The eighth elder brother didn't show it at the time, but these days, he came and went in a hurry every day.

Ba Fujin could see that he still disliked it.

While talking, the eighth elder brother came in with the nanny.

His smile was still warm, but his footsteps paused visibly when he approached the door.

It seems that there are lingering fears.

Ba Fujin sneered in his heart, but smiled lightly on his face, looked at Ba elder brother, and said: "Master, my body needs to be recuperated, and I don't have the energy to take care of the affairs of the mansion for the time being. The emperor pointed at the side Fujin, so the master followed Ma Let the Qi family set a date to carry someone..."

The eighth elder brother stepped forward and helped her tuck the quilt and said: "Stop thinking about it, it's not that the end of the year is good, so let's talk about it at the end of the year."

Not to mention that the server has not yet been released, even if the server is released, there is no such hasty ceremony.

Isn't that offending people?
Although the side Fujin is not a direct Fujin, there are corresponding rituals.

Thinking of this, he felt a little rejoiced that the wedding date was delayed.

If the Fucha family had entered the mansion at that time, it would be really embarrassing now.

Khan Ama ordered him to follow him, and he will not be in the capital by then, and Baozhu will still be Fujin, who knows what will happen?

But if he left Fujin at home and brought out Fujin who had just been brought in, what would happen?

Bafujin still didn't give up and said: "But there must always be someone in charge of the house..."

The eighth elder brother said softly: "Don't worry, there is still Grandma Yun here, and when the time comes, let Grandma take over the affairs of the inner courtyard as well."

Sister Yun is the eighth elder brother's nurse, and the previous nurse in charge.

Later, when the eight blessings married in, she made several rules for Yunmao.

The eighth elder brother was afraid that the conflict would get worse, so he released Nanny Yun.

But when the mansion opened, the eighth elder brother still let the wet nurse's family into the mansion.

However, it was not placed in the inner courtyard, but in the front yard, letting Nanny Yun take care of the front matter.

Mammy Yun's husband, Yabuqi, is managing Eighth Prince's private property.

Bafujin also knew that Nanny Yun was restless and kind.

Her daughter, who is one year older than the eighth elder brother, stayed until eighteen or nine and hasn't told anyone. If she said she didn't have any plans, who would believe it?
Unexpectedly, the eighth elder brother didn't believe it.

Grandma Yun gave birth to two sons and a daughter, both of whom died young, leaving only this daughter, who had already told Eighth Brother that she would find a wife in the future.

It's just that there is no suitable candidate for the time being.

After Ba Ge finished speaking, he paid attention to Ba Fujin's reaction.

Bafujin's expression froze, but he didn't say any words of rejection, but nodded slowly, and said: "Listen to me..."

Brother Ba sighed inwardly, and said: "Nurse is looking forward to our well-being, there was some misunderstanding before, just let it go."

Ba Fujin nodded, very submissive.

She was sneering in her heart.

I really don't know.

How dare a slave want to be stronger than himself?
Is this looking forward to her well?

In the previous BUG, ​​the names of the emperor's grandsons should be circled, because Hongpan died with a name, and it should be only the emperor's grandson of Yuqing Palace who has not circled his name.

Thank you lord dad!Thank you readers Dad!
(End of this chapter)

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