Chapter 426 The One That Is The Best

Unlike Ba Fujin who is full of resentment, Shu Shu who is said by elder brother is still in a good mood.

good day.

There are big dogs, and small dogs, what more could you ask for?

Learn to be content.

After choosing the color and material of the spring clothes, they began to ask the needleworkers to tailor them.

Food should be prepared later.

That is a big project, let's wait until the first month is out.

Xiao Chun took out a small account book, which included the human relations that needed to be prepared from the first month to the end of April.

This has to be prepared in advance.

Including ten elder brothers' big wedding, as well as adults' birthdays, children's "grabbing weeks" and so on.

I have to prepare a few more free money.

Be on guard against something for nothing.

Even if Shu Shu, the hostess, is not at home and cannot come in person, this gift cannot be missed.

It is not surprising that there are many people who have more courtesy, but if there is less courtesy, they will be picky.

Especially for the banner people to live, relatives are absolutely indispensable to pay respects, otherwise they will be slapped in the face.

The walnuts are beside me, and I also remember carefully.

When Shu Shu goes out, she will act as the internal manager of the second office, and these trivial matters will be handed over to her.

Walnut said: "Fujin, Zhaojia Gege's birthday is in April, and Wang Gege's birthday is in June..."

Because Shu Shu married in at the end of June last year, Brother Jiu would not have thought of this, and the birthday rewards for these two people were not a rule last year.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then pick two pieces of cloth and two first-class purses, and make a note here. Wang Gege's birthday will be the same in the future..."

Walnut agreed, and took a pen and ink to write it down.

She followed Xiao Chun to learn how to keep accounts. It was not neat, but she could describe it clearly.

It's just that the word is a bit ugly.

There is an oral memoir of a court lady in later generations, which mentions that court ladies are not allowed to read and write.

When Shu Shu saw it, she also took it as real.

Now it doesn't feel right.

The current court ladies are not as tens of thousands as later generations thought, and there are not many in total.

They are all born in the coating family, the worst is a well-off family, and there are many daughters of high-ranking officials.

Thinking of Walnut's uncle's writing style, she mentioned that her cousins ​​are also good at reading. She thought of a possibility and said: "You probably just don't know Chinese characters, you should know some Manchu?"

The Office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has a pen and post style, and the test is mainly based on Manchu.
Walnut has a family background, so it makes no sense to be illiterate.

With shame on Walnut's face, he said: "Uncle slave taught me, but I don't know how to read. I always feel that the circles are dots, and they look similar. I really dare not say that I can read..."

Thinking of this, Shu Shu felt quite empathetic.

Even though she had learned this at a young age, she always felt disorganized and confused, and she just barely wrote.

I also feel headache every time.

Thinking about it now, it's stupid.

Manchu appeared less than a hundred years ago. In the Nurhachi era, people referred to Mongolian and created Manchu, which became Manchu without circles, commonly known as old Manchu.

In the period of Huang Taiji, the old Manchu script was improved by adding circles and dots to distinguish it from the Mongolian script, and it became the circled Manchu script, which is called the new Manchu script.

In fact, no matter which one, it is based on Mongolian.

It is even more difficult to learn Manchu directly without learning Mongolian.

It's just that Xiaochun and the others studied with Shu Shu, but they didn't learn Manchu. Walnut can't and can't be said to be dull.

Shu Shu comforted Walnut and said, "It's my fault. It's too difficult. It's normal if you can't learn it."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu remembered that Xianglan was leaving the palace, and said: "Prepare a pair of gold bracelets and two purses, and when Aunt Xianglan is leaving the palace, please send them to me."

This is not only a reward for going out of the palace, but also the meaning of adding makeup.

Xianglan is twenty-five years old, and she went out to avoid delaying her marriage. The wedding date should not be far away.

The gold bracelets on her side are medium in weight, and they are a pair of four taels of gold, which is also very respectable.

After entering the palace for half a year, the person Yikun Palace has dealt with the most is Xianglan.

It's a hassle.

If there is an uneasy life in the middle, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will not be so harmonious.

Shu Shu is not very happy, he is happy to hold grudges, but he also remembers gratitude.

She felt that she looked easy-going on the surface, but in fact, she also inherited Er Nie's coldness.

Not willing to suffer losses, nor willing to take advantage.

All favors that can be made up with money have been made up with money.

The walnuts were also carefully noted down.

The bulk of the expenses is the wedding gift of Elder Brother Ten.

Here Shu Shu prepares two copies, one for the gift with the sisters-in-law, and one for the Ming ceremony.

One is the prepared makeup.

A box of purses.

Inside are all kinds of silver and gold zippers produced by the Yinlou under Shu Shu's name, all of which can be rewarded.

There is also a box of gold and silver collars, longevity locks, etc., which can also be used as daily gifts.

In fact, at the earliest time, Shu Shu wanted to go back to a shop or yard.

Last year, Elder Brother Shi transferred a shop to Shu Shu's name as a wedding gift for his brother and sister-in-law.

If there is a relationship between people, it is nothing to return one.

But Shu Shu felt that it was too obvious and dazzling.

Elder Brother Shi transferred it to Shushu Shop before, and it was long after their wedding, and they sent someone to do it quietly.

However, it is different now.

Kangxi has already begun to check the accounts from the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households.

If Shu Shu imitated Elder Brother Ten, it would be in Kangxi's eyes.

Also in the eyes of others.

At that time, if the villain talks about it, he will be able to instigate brotherhood between Brother Jiu and other elder brothers.

Before they and the tenth elder brother, they were more than flesh and blood, and they could reciprocate with courtesy, but it should not be too clear.

If you take over a shop, you will return to a similar shop or house in a blink of an eye, as if you have received a previous account.

Buyin Gege is a Mongolian Gege, gold and silver will not be missing in the dowry, but such fine pieces should not be prepared.

There is no need to send it to the inner hall with great fanfare, just carry it to Brother Ten.

It was originally for the convenience of the young couple.

It is an old custom in Beijing that shops open on the sixth day of the first lunar month.

The Yinlou under Shu Shu's name is no exception.

The two boxes of things were ordered to be made years ago, and only then did the news come back that they were all ready.

Shu Shu planned to send someone into the palace at the end of the month.

Because she always has various purses here, she also asked Yinlou to make an extra copy to supplement it.

Sending them into the palace together is not eye-catching.

The guards had checked, and they would only say that she, the prince Fujin, had a generous dowry, a lot of income, and no shortage of expenses.

If she changed her identity, Shu Shu wouldn't dare to reveal her wealth.

Now this identity, there is nothing to be afraid of.

Everyone is snobbish in their bones, and those in the palace are no exception.

The maids and eunuchs in the palace were polite to the two institutes, not only because Shu Shu was not easy to provoke, but also because she was generous.

When the rewards of the two schools were "reformed" before, there were whispers behind her back, saying that Shu Shu was fake and generous, but in reality she was stingy, so she changed the elder brother's silver reward practice.

In order to prove this, some people made rough statistics in private.

However, in the following New Year's Day rewards, the total amount of rewards everyone received has not actually decreased.

It's just a change from the previous way of assigning things according to grades.

It's not just an amount.

It's "more pay for more work".

Dissatisfaction with stealing, cheating, and making sarcastic remarks in private are ignored.

A few days later, on the twenty-fifth day of the first lunar month, I went to the Imperial Palace of Supreme Harmony to watch the court.

Kangxi finalized the departure time of the southern tour, the third day of February.

Duoluo Shuncheng's papers from the Prince's Mansion were also approved, allowing the late Prince Chongbao's brother Bu Muba to attack the Duke of the County.

The third-class bodyguard Yin Desheng is the chief history of the king of the county.


This day is also the day when the concubine goes to Ningshou Palace to pay her respects.

Several princes Fujin from the sub-fu also put up signs to invite them in. They wanted to enter the palace today to pay their respects to the Queen Mother, and everyone will gather in Ningshou Palace.

Here, Shu Shu also jumped to Ningshou Palace alone for the first time.

Concubine Yi didn't go.

The Empress Dowager excused her from paying her respects earlier.

She brought Shushu there that day years ago, and she came out because she had something to do.

Now that the weather is getting warmer and the road is wet and slippery, Concubine Yi dare not show her courage.

Since Shu Shu went there alone, as a junior, she didn't dare to press the time to go out.

It passed away early.

Wu Fujin came earlier and had already talked with the Queen Mother in Dongci Room.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, Wu Fujin smiled and stretched out his hand, beckoning her over.

Shu Shu blessed the Queen Mother and also met Wu Fujin, so she went to sit next to Wu Fujin.

"Our master urged me to come, saying that the date of the southern tour has been fixed, and ask the imperial grandmother if there is anything else you want to bring, so that we can help prepare..."

Wu Fujin held Shu Shu's hand, and without Shu Shu asking, he explained the reason why he arrived early.

The queen mother smiled and said: "Don't worry about me, I don't choose, what you sisters-in-law want to bring, you can discuss it yourself."

Wu Fujin looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Here, Lucai, I have already drawn up the list, and I will make it on the first and second day of February. The main reason is that I am worried about 'acclimatization' and seasickness. I will suffer a big crime at that time. I checked a few folk remedies to deal with the acclimatization of the soil and water. Just in case, it is better to prepare, that is, bring a few jars of water from the capital, and then bring some soil. When the water and soil are not acclimatized, mix these two with the local water, and then If you boil it and drink it, it means that you are not acclimatized to the disease, why don't you let the fifth brother prepare this?"

Wu Fujin listened carefully, nodded and said, "I've made a note, and I'll ask Lord Wu to prepare it when I get back."

Shu Shu said again: "The rest to deal with acclimatization is related to diet, I will prepare for this."

There is honey, yogurt and so on.

In addition, there are traditional Chinese medicine sachets, which must be specially prepared by the people of Tai Hospital.

Wu Fujin nodded, very convinced.

"It's about seasickness. All I can find is what is said in the book. I don't know how effective it is. If Brother Wu is convenient, send someone to Tongzhou Wharf to find more people on the ship and ask a few more to see if there is a more symptomatic solution. Go back and forth. They are all waterways, if you really get seasick, you will suffer a serious crime."

Shu Shu said again.

Wu Fujin agreed: "Yeah, there is little water here, and there is no chance to take a boat if you don't go far. It's wobbly, and some people are not used to it."

The queen mother smiled and listened to the two granddaughter-in-laws answering each other without interrupting.

After Shu Shu finished talking about seasickness, she mentioned the intention of coming to the Queen Mother: "Grandmother, the granddaughter-in-law thinks that she is tired when she is away from home. This diet should be based on your mouth. The diet list of the dining room of Ningshou Palace is kept In the end, daughter-in-law would like to take a look at your daily diet in spring last year..."

The food preparation is only to accommodate the Queen Mother's preferences, and there is no reason for the Queen Mother to be accommodated.

During the last northern tour, following the people in the dining room of the Ningshou Palace, the Empress Dowager's daily diet was actually similar to that in the palace.

This time I will also bring people from the dining room of Ningshou Palace, but if the number of people is reduced, it will not be so convenient.

Shu Shu just wanted to prepare some daily food for the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager nodded and said: "Go and see, the others are fine, milk tofu and milk rolls are indispensable every day!"

Shu Shu nodded, planning to wait until the concubine pays her respects, and go to check the meal list with Nanny Bai...

Tears run down, insomnia after one night's sleep, and then my brain slows down.

The monthly pass is gone, so ask for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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