Chapter 429 Recommendation

Shu Shu didn't shake her head in a hurry, but felt that this suggestion was quite reliable.

"Don't worry, the entourage list won't be handed over in a few days, I'll find a chance to ask Jiugege what he means first."

Otherwise, it would be too arrogant and impolite to think about using the other party's manpower without saying hello to the rightful owner.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, if Xiao Jiu is not happy, just tell the queen mother, isn't the queen mother not restricting people?"

Shu Shu smiled, but didn't speak.

Although Concubine Hui said so, the Empress Dowager will also reduce the number of people who follow her.

In the past, it was planned to bring twelve or fourteen people, but now it is estimated that there will be no more than eight.

There will not be more than five people around the two concubines, go past Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong.

Although the honor of the concubine is on the concubine, but the status level is the same.

Brother Jiu said this, and when he heard that Concubine Yi gave pocket money, he pulled out his purse and said, "How much pocket money did the empress give you?"

While talking, I took the banknotes inside and counted them.

Inside are two village notes, each with a denomination of [-] taels, a total of [-] taels.

Brother Nine has been on duty for half a year, and he is not ignorant of the world. He sighed: "What's the use of having a son? You have to coax a daughter-in-law when you come back!"

The annual salary of the concubine is only three hundred taels a year.

Adding birthday rewards and New Year rewards, one thousand taels a year would be good.

Shu Shu said: "I love Wu and Wu because I love my fifth brother and my master."

Like Concubine Rong, there are many wicked mother-in-laws who bother their daughter-in-law if they have nothing to do.

It is indeed rare for a mother-in-law like Yifei who only hopes for a happy life for her son and daughter-in-law and does not follow her into chaos.

This is Shu Shu and Wu Fujin's good luck.

Shu Shu is grateful and sympathetic to Concubine Yi, remembering the purse that was coming in outside, said: "A year ago, I ordered Yinlou to make some gold and silver purses for purses, and some gold collars and silver collars. , first take out a box to honor your mother."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's fine too, so as to save your mother's hands from being tight."

This kind of respectful filial piety does not need to follow the example of the fifth elder brother and the others, nor does it need to be revealed in a big way.

Five Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

Wu Fujin was talking to Fifth Prince about meeting the Queen Mother, and about the assignment of tasks discussed by the two sisters-in-law.

The husband and wife are here, preparing folk remedies for the unaccustomed, and then sending people to Tongzhou to find out how to deal with seasickness.

At Shu Shu's place, various dishes will be prepared according to the Empress Dowager's meal list in previous springs.

The fifth elder brother listened carefully, and said: "Master will go to Tongzhou in person tomorrow morning..."

As he said that, he praised Shushu for being careful: "He is filial, and he is very attentive."

Wu Fujin nodded and said, "Yes, and he is very knowledgeable. I have gained a lot of knowledge after following me."

Hearing this, the fifth elder brother was a little worried: "Lao Jiu doesn't like reading very much, so will the siblings despise Lao Jiu?"

Wu Fujin said with a smile: "Siblings and sisters are not that superficial, they never take pride in their talents, they only look at the harmony and beauty of the young couple, so I don't have to worry about that."

The fifth elder brother breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "That's fine, it's because Lao Jiu doesn't make progress..."

But Wu Fujin could hear the fifth elder brother's uncertainty, it seemed that it was not only Jiu elder brother who was talking, and said softly: "There are hundreds of people, all kinds of people, and they can be made from the same mold everywhere? Let's just look at the strengths."

The fifth elder brother sneered, and said: "That master doesn't seem to have any strengths."

Wu Fujin looked at him with gentle eyes: "Master is honest, kind to others, and filial to his elders, nothing could be better."

Fifth elder brother's face was flushed, feeling too uncomfortable, and he didn't dare to look into Wu Fujin's eyes: "How can I be so good, I don't study well, and I don't do errands well."

Wu Fujin praised: "But the Lord is patient and cautious in his errands, otherwise the emperor would not have given the important river work to the Lord to inspect."

The fifth elder brother has been walking in the Ministry of Industry for the past two years, and most of the errands on hand are related to the water conservancy of the Ministry of Industry.

The fifth elder brother felt his face getting hotter and hotter, so he diverted the conversation: "When the weather gets warmer in February, the foundation can be dug, and the prince's mansion of the ninth and tenth sons will be repaired. It's a pity that the master is not here. Khan Amma asked for an errand."

The construction of the Prince's Mansion was built by the Ministry of Households and the Clan Mansion Branch Bank, the Ministry of Industry and the Construction Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Wu Fujin heard this, and said with worry on his face: "My brother and sister said that they must become vegetarians on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year in order to seek a child. I am a little worried..."

The fifth elder brother frowned and said: "It's useless to burn incense and worship Buddha. It depends on whether Lao Jiu is up to date."

Wu Fujin sighed and said, "I'm also worried about this...Master, let's ask for a child too, and prepare for the birth of two elder brothers. Then there will be room for the ninth younger brother and the ninth younger sibling..."

She was serious, Fifth Prince only felt his scalp tingling.

He was also embarrassed to say that he was ashamed, and he didn't dare to look at Wu Fujin, so he nodded indiscriminately, and said, "Then... I'll beg when I get out of the service..."

Shu Shu and Brother Nine had a good night's sleep.

Who would have thought that there was one more candidate for their heir?
When the couple talked about the little farewell, they found an excuse for Brother Jiu and made a good deal of it.

The next day, after breakfast, the contented Jiu elder brother came out from the second institute.

He didn't go directly to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but first came to the third office to find Elder Brother Shi.

"Khan Ama directly promoted Mr. Yin De to be the governor of the county palace yesterday. Our title is not conferred, which is almost equivalent to being conferred. The Lord plans to go to the imperial court and tell Han Ama about Fusong..."

Brother Jiu said.

Elder Brother Ten has a good impression of Fu Song.

But without just meeting him once, he judged his character presumptuously, so he sent someone to Zhenghongqi to inquire about it.

I know a lot about Fusong's situation.

more pitiful than myself.

He lost his biological mother, and his natal family was wiped out. If Mrs. Dutong, his aunt, hadn't taken him in, it's one thing whether he can grow up well, and he doesn't have to choose his character.

The tenth elder brother was born with the same disease and sympathized with each other, and he also believed in the family education in the Dutong Mansion, and he paid more and more attention to the matter of marriage.

"Let's talk about it, whether it's the master of ceremonies or the guards, if you get the letter of approval, my brother will take him to my uncle's house."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's what you said, whether you like it or not, give me an explanation first, and it will hurt your feelings if it drags on for a long time."

The two brothers came out from the third institute while talking.

Passing through the Yuehua Gate, the ninth elder brother went to Qianqing Palace, and the tenth elder brother continued to walk south, leaving the palace to go to the yamen of the clan's mansion.

Yesterday at the Imperial Court of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, many civil and military officials who had been released to the outside world met, but there were not many people handing over the plaques this morning.

When Brother Nine arrived at the gate of Qianqing Palace, the eunuch serving meals had already brought his men to prepare meals.

Brother Nine didn't have the idea of ​​waiting for the dining table to be removed, so he called people to report immediately.

Kangxi was looking at the post of Wang Shen, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Because the incident at the first day of the first lunar month has not passed for a long time, the palace should not be turbulent, so Wang Shen has been ordered to investigate the coating family of the Ministry of Internal Affairs these days, and he did not directly investigate from each household, but first through the Eight Banners Division of the Ministry of Households. Statistics of the industries under each name.

If the ancestral property of the family is divided or the wife's dowry, etc., it is separately distinguished, and the remaining increase must be accounted for.

Some families whose income and expenditure do not match should be marked out.

The larger the difference in the middle, the more tricky it is.

As a result, there was something wrong with the leaders of the imperial dining room, the Guangchu department, the construction department, the Qianliang Yamen, and the internal management department.

Needless to say, the imperial dining room is notoriously full of oil and water.

There is an official pawnshop of the Ministry of Internal Affairs under Guangchu Division, which will regularly clean up some old and worn-out items, and there are also things that can be done.

Needless to say, the construction department had already checked once in July and August last year, and only found the chief of the palace, and did not continue to check.

You don't need to guess to know that the big boss who is greedy for ink is still building a company.

The money and grain yamen is in charge of the rent and tax of Huangzhuang, which also handles a large amount of money, grain and things, so it is easier to do tricks.

There is also the internal management collar, which is in charge of the errands in the palace, and it is very simple for Carnasso.

Kangxi had already prepared in his heart, and he was not surprised by the result of this inspection.

His gaze first fell on the collar of the inner tube.

It was managed by his people before, and the crown princess was named for thirty-four years. After the crown princess started to take power in the palace, for the convenience of Yuqing Palace, Kangxi let the prince's grandpa, Ling Pu, take care of it.

As a result, the two internal management leaders before and after were not less greedy for money.

The former bought several properties, and accompanied a daughter with a generous dowry, and married the son of the concubine of the clan and the Duke's mansion as his first wife.

The latter has been executed, and many of the hundreds of thousands of family assets that have been confiscated should have come from the internal management.

Immediately, he focused his attention on the Qianliang Yamen.

This is under the control of Concubine Hui's natal family, and now Concubine Hui's brother is in charge.

It is less greedy than other families, and the increase in property is only six or seven.

Kangxi was very satisfied. Concubine Hui acted respectfully and knew how to restrain her family.

Even though she has been the head of the four concubines for many years, she has never sought an official position for her natal family.

Three of the properties acquired by the Ulanara family were transferred to the Dafujin Ergenjueluo family in the [-]th, [-]th, and [-]th years respectively.

These three years were the years when the elder brother got married, gave birth to the eldest daughter, and gave birth to the eldest son.

This is by adding makeup and He Sheng to Da Fujin, dedicating the property to the elder brother.

Kangxi was more satisfied when he saw it.

Very well, the Ulanala family has not forgotten their roots, knowing that their favor is on the elder brother.

The remaining construction division...

Kangxi's face turned cold.

There are no Concubine Yi's brothers here, but her half-brothers' Yue's family, and her aunt's natal family.

Thinking of Guo Guiren, Kangxi showed disgust on his face.

If it weren't for Princess Kejing's scruples, he wouldn't even give Guo Guiren the title of nobleman.

Guo Luoluo's family is meritorious for giving birth to a concubine Yi, but it is also guilty for producing a nobleman Guo.

Kangxi drew a circle around the names of several people with a pen, and marked "dismissal and thorough investigation".

As for the money and grain yamen, Kangxi marked "pursuing the suspension of salary".

Tolerance is tolerance, and we should also remind the Ulanala family.

He had just put down his pen when he heard the eunuch tell him that it was Brother Nine who would see him, so he nodded and called for a pass.

When Brother Jiu came in, he saw Liang Jiugong standing next to the basin with a towel, and seemed to be serving the emperor to wipe his hands.

Brother Nine hurried forward and said, "I'll come, I'll come, I'll serve Khan Ama..."

After all, without waiting for Liang Jiugong to answer, he grabbed the towel, put it in the basin, wrung it carefully, and said flatteringly, "Khan Ama wipes his hands!"

Kangxi glanced at him suspiciously, but didn't pick up the towel, and said, "What do you want again? Do your job well, don't think about what you have all day long!"

Ninth elder brother dissatisfied: "My son just wants to be filial and filial to Khan Amma. You just accept it. If you do this again in the future, who will dare to be filial to you?"

Kangxi took the towel and said angrily: "Who told you to 'go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing', I am not reminding you..."

"Hey! No wonder you say 'knowledge is better than father', Khan Ama, you are really astute..."

Brother Nine smiled brightly, showing a mouthful of small white teeth, and said boldly.

Kangxi snorted lightly.

Where is this prince?

Literally a night owl.

Every time I come here, there are always accidents.

Kangxi didn't ask either.

Maybe it's related to the Southern Tour?

Or is it related to the eldest brother's marriage?

No matter what it is, Kangxi does not intend to agree.

After letting the son experience love and leniency, let him see what a "strict father" is.

Especially in the case of the eldest brother's marriage, he made an exception several times. If more grace is added, it will attract people's speculation and cause trouble.

Brother Nine did not go around in circles, and explained the purpose of coming: "Isn't the son thinking about the tenth brother's long history, and the son also recommends a master of ceremonies, and when the time comes to repair the house, there will be someone to watch over him, and he will be more dedicated."

Kangxi was a little surprised, but he really didn't expect it to be because of this.

"Who are you recommending?"

Kangxi asked, thinking about the people that brother Jiu had contacted, and found that this son is not sociable.

Not close with foreign family.

Brother Jiu smiled and said, "It's not someone else, but Brother Fusong, the adopted son of my son's father-in-law..."

The Eight Banners are unified, all ordered by Kangxi himself.

Kangxi was naturally well aware of the situation in Qi Xi's family.

It is common for the clan to go in and out.

There are not many really evil ones.

He didn't find fault with Fu Song's background, but said with disdain: "You're too young, the master of ceremonies should choose an old man..."

Thank you 99 Dad!It should have been updated yesterday, but it was abolished yesterday.

There is still one more father's, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will disappear from time to time, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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