Chapter 430 Birth Grace

"My son's population is simple, and he doesn't have any serious errands. The master of ceremonies is just making up for it..."

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly.

Kangxi hesitated.

The master of ceremonies is a staff member of the Prince's Mansion, so it is better for Brother Jiu to use it conveniently.

"You mentioned it to your mother-in-law. Is there no backup candidate at Guo Luoluo's house?"

Brother Jiu was puzzled, and said: "This is the person my son wants to use. What does it have to do with Guo Luoluo's family? Why did you mention this to your mother?"

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu very helplessly: "This is the principle of human feelings..."

The other princes all promoted their uncle's family. Although Guo Luoluo's family was incompetent, Brother Jiu still had to worry about Concubine Yi's face.

If the person from the father-in-law's family who gave up his uncle's family and went to be promoted without saying hello, if he was narrow-minded, it would be difficult for his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law to get along with.

Brother Nine frowned and said: "As long as their family can find something suitable, the son will not be in need of someone to take care of him. They are all useless, and they will do nothing except greedy for money. Just stay in Shengjing, don't worry about it." Go to the capital to make do with it, annoying!"

Kangxi was a little envious of Brother Jiu's straightforwardness.

Acting is really casual.

Previously, he thought Gao Yanzhong could be used, so he was promoted to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the kid from the Gao family was also promoted to be a long-term follower.

On the side of Guo Luoluo's house, there was no intention of raising it at all.

If only he could do the same with the Tong family.

Just don't tolerate Orondai's bad temper, and don't have to think about Longkodo, his cousin.

"Did you think of this candidate, or did Fu Jin propose it?"

Kangxi pondered and asked.

He attached great importance to the Hesheli family, although it was because of the Empress Yuan, but more for the prince.

It is a good thing for the son and daughter-in-law to get along well, but if the daughter-in-law blows the pillow wind to promote her mother's family, that is something he cannot tolerate.

Since Brother Nine came over, he had already thought out his speech, and he didn't stutter at all.

"Of course it was my son's idea. On the sixth day of the lunar new year, Fusong sent his son's little brother-in-law to the West Garden. The son happened to see it and knew that the tenth old man was choosing a son-in-law for his cousin. He thought it was just right... Brother Fusong was raised by my father-in-law. This character is not to be pickled, and he looks more decent than his son's brothers-in-law, but his life is more difficult. He lost his mother at birth, and his stepmother is not kind. Although Niu Hulu's family Gege is the daughter of Fengchao, he is also famous Tired, it's hard to find a husband's house in a high-ranking family, so my son mentioned it to the old ten..."

He saved a little scheming and changed the order.

When Kangxi heard this, he couldn't help laughing and cursing: "I just trained the old ten before, and you have made this mistake again. How old are you, and you don't learn to do good jobs, and you still gossip about these nosy things about mediators!"

Brother Jiu said truthfully: "It's not that the son feels that his son Fujin has worked hard. He is grateful for the kindness of his father-in-law and mother-in-law's upbringing, thinking about repaying one or two, but their family is in the red flag. In the future, the brothers-in-law will make up for the missing son. In the beginning, brother Fusong is pitiful, he lacks a future, and his son will push him around, and in the future, there will be many proper people around him, so it is the best of both worlds."

Kangxi snorted softly and said: "You also know that Fujin has worked hard, but if you are more sensible and less messy, she can save her a lot of worry!"

The reason why Concubine Yi asked Jiu Fujin to serve the Queen Mother was not hidden from Kangxi.

Kangxi also knew a thing or two about the situation in the second institute.

He also came here at this age, knowing that teenagers are the most greedy for pleasure, and he doesn't like to make the face of Brother Nine, so he said it tactfully, and wanted to point out one or two points.

Brother Nine smiled "hehe", he couldn't hear anything else at all, he just took it literally, and said: "This person always has something to do, and he can't be idle all the time. He has to worry about what he should worry about!"

Kangxi was very helpless, and warned him: "I know that you have stopped the tonic, but you are not allowed to mess around, and you must rest and recuperate, so as not to damage your body."

It was only then that Brother Jiu realized that this sentence meant something similar to Shu Shu's "replenish energy".

He expressed displeasure, and said: "Ama, you misunderstood. You just lie down and talk together, be a companion, and have nothing else to do. You and the empress are just worrying. Is your son that ignorant person?"

When Kangxi saw that he was talking out loud and bald about everything, he had a headache and said, "Okay, okay, I understand..."

Going on, you have to listen to your son's bed.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "You have to write down the matter of Fusong. When he separates from the household next month, he is poor and free, and can live on multiple salaries. Then his son will be more arrogant in Yue's family!"

Kangxi heard that his voice was wrong, and frowned and said: "Fu Song is the eldest son, even if he was brought up by his aunt, there is no reason for this adult to leave the house completely?"

Brother Jiu said helplessly: "But this reasoning is reasoning, and favors are favors. Their family has been ruined for several generations, and they have no serious errands. They sit and eat, and have no property left. His stepmother is still strict. The son means The fight over three melons and two dates is meaningless, it's better to come out early."

Kangxi pondered: "The situation of the exiled clan is so bad?"

Even if due to various reasons, the clan registration is expelled, it is still the blood of the ancestors.

Ordinary people in the Eight Banners have hard-core crops. Could it be that these ancestral bloodlines are worse than ordinary people?
Brother Nine sighed and said, "Fusong's family is pretty good. They have their old books to eat, and their cousins ​​have resumed their clan status, and they live in neighbors... But there are also places that they can't take care of. Guess what happened to Fusong's family?" mortal..."

Speaking of this, he talked about Fusong Ama's retaliation for offending Xianglan Banner ginseng.

"The son heard it at the time, and he was still curious, wondering if there was some great hatred, but finally asked the reason, it was ridiculous, that is, there was a widowed sister in the leader's family who fell in love with Ama Fusong. Fusong Enie died of illness, and the widow wanted to marry Fusong Ama as a continuation. She was a fat man, and she was five years older than Fusong Ama. He was offended, and he didn't dare to deal with Ama Fusong directly, so he put his father-in-law and brother-in-law on the military register, and as a result, both father and son died, and the family was cut off..."

Kangxi listened, his face darkened.

Bannermen are all included in the military register, but the only child is different after all. Most of them are transferred to logistics supplies and do not go to the battlefield.

This revenge is not only insidious, but also violates the law.

"Prince Jane's mansion just let them be bullied?"

There was displeasure in Kangxi's voice.

The Xianglan Banner clan has been deposed and is the descendant of Amin, belonging to Prince Jian's residence.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "It's been several generations, and they are poor relatives with no future, and they can't touch the gate of the palace."

Kangxi didn't say anything else, but kept this matter in his heart.

Even leather-yellow belts are not to be insulted.

Otherwise, if a precedent is set, they will lose their respect for the royal family and clan.

Brother Jiu also noticed that the emperor's father was in a bad mood, so he didn't bother anymore, and resigned happily.

Kangxi felt a little blocked in his heart.

In the future, before eating, I won't see brother Jiu!

Just let him wait!

In the second office, Shu Shu was still thinking about telling Jiu Gege about the eunuch.

If she brought eunuchs, it would be either Zhou Song or Sun Jin, and they didn't actually have much time to order them around.

It's really not as convenient as bringing Komatsu.

Tired from the boat ride, I can still press it well.

After thinking about it, she didn't go to Ningshou Palace.

When I was in the West Garden earlier, Jiugege mentioned that I hadn't seen the study room of the second school, so I could invite her to come and sit for a while.

Shu Shu sent Xiaochun to go for a walk, and asked Jiu Gege if he had time in the past two days, and if he had time, come and sit down.

As a result, when Xiaochun came back, Jiugege followed directly.

"I'm also thinking about Jiusao, I'm free today!"

Jiugege said with a smile.

Shu Shu hurriedly got up to greet her, took her hand in, led her directly to the study room in the east, and said: "Come in quickly, I have something to ask you..."

Ever since the two of them moved to the garden, the curtains and bedding in the study have been collected.

This time when they moved back, elder brother Jiu refused to divide the room, so Shu Shu would let him.

What Jiu Gege saw was the neatly organized study room.

There are several books on the desk.

There is a small table on the South Kang, with a tea set on it.

The layout of the study in the south of the lotus pond in the West Garden is similar, except that the room is more spacious than that one.

In addition, there are many bookcases with ceilings, which are full of books.

Jiugege's eyes lit up, and he expressed urgency: "Sister-in-law Jiu, can I borrow these books?"

Shu Shu smiled and said, "What can't be done? If you want to see something, just send someone to get it..."

Speaking of this, Shu Shu asked curiously: "My sister is next to Jingyang Palace, so there is still a shortage of books?"

Jiugege whispered, "It's very inconvenient to record the books borrowed over there."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I forgot about that."

A boudoir girl like Jiu Gege would definitely not like a big guy from the classics and history category, some notes on poetry anthology and the like.

Not really a book.

It is kept in the palace archives and borrowed frequently, so there is no doubt that someone will talk about it.

Shu Shu saw that she looked from the left side of the bookcase to the right side, and the right side returned to the left side, and there was no direction, so she took a bookcase and said: "This is "Tokyo Menghualu". Song people eat..."

Jiugege took it over, and opened it to read the author's preface. Seeing the description of the capital city of Song Dynasty, he couldn't help yearning for it, and said, "Okay, then I'll borrow this one first."

Shu Shu realized later and found that her hands were a little fast.

This "Tokyo Menghualu" depicts the scene of the prosperous capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, but it is actually a memoir. It is the fall of the Song capital, the destruction of the ancestral temple, and the people fleeing to the south. The author writes this book with nostalgia for the past.

Jiugege was considerate, thinking about Shushu's words just now, and asked with a smile: "What does sister-in-law Jiu want to tell me?"

Shu Shu talked about the manpower problem.

"I just want to ask, whether my sister is taking care of the eunuch or the nanny, and if I have an errand here, I will bother you to run errands, pass a message or something, or else one of my three girls will always be left home."

Jiu Gege smiled and said: "I have appointed Nanny Lin to follow, and Sister-in-law Jiu just do what she wants, and she is not happy to appoint her. Everyone knows that Sister-in-law Jiu is generous with her rewards..."

Nanny Lin is Jiu Gege's nurse, and she will marry with her in the future. She has a quiet and introverted personality, but she treats Jiu Gege very well.

Shu Shu walked around with Jiugege a lot in the past few days, and met Nanny Lin twice.

It's a hassle.

Shu Shu said: "My younger sister is a golden branch and a jade leaf. I don't know that we are the prince Fujin, and the family is worried about whoever climbs a high branch. The family is not at ease. I am afraid that I will be bullied. Let alone send the family away, but also worry about it." Daily pockets!"

Jiugege said: "Poor parents in the world, nothing more than that."

Shu Shu nodded.

There is another saying, that is, if you don’t raise children, you don’t know your parents’ kindness.

Shu Shu felt that it was not suitable for her.

She didn't raise her, but she remembered the situation when Er Nie gave birth to Xiaowu and Xiaoliu.

Really hard.

Every mother deserves respect.

Maybe some people are lacking in caring for their children. Not all mothers and children are destined to be perfect, like the concubine De and the fourth elder brother, but the grace of childbearing cannot be erased...

(End of this chapter)

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