Chapter 432 Counsel
Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, and really wanted to pick him up and take him around.

Even if I just mentioned this to Kangxi now, it can't solve the problem of the exiled clan, but Brother Jiu's heart is worth touching.

Not just because of Fusong.

Even though they have given Fusong a future now, it will still be troublesome for Fusong's son's generation.

Only by solving the plight of the exiled clan is the fundamental solution to the problem.

There is also the embarrassment of Luo Shi's identity.

Even though she is the mother of the prince Fujin, Mrs. Dutong, she will still be talked about because she was born out of the clan.

Except for the in-laws of Prince Kang's mansion and the relatives of the Dong'e clan, the Jueluo family did not have many contacts with outsiders, and it was for this reason.

"In the past few days, let's find time to go back to the Dutong Mansion, shall we?"

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, very gentle.

Brother Jiu also had this plan in mind, nodded and said: "Master, I will send Sun Jin over there tomorrow to ask, to see when the family is fully populated these few days."

He thought of the phrase "wealth and honor do not return home, like a night walk in brocade".


Does this count as "Returning Home"?
While the couple were talking, Elder Brother Shi had already washed up and changed clothes in the third school.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Today we will eat shabu-shabu."

The New Year's food has been eaten for nearly a month, and it is enough.

Today, the imperial dining room just delivered half a sheep.

Shu Shu asked someone to cut mutton rolls and eat sauerkraut and mutton hot pot.

It is a small hot pot for meal sharing.

Sauerkraut, blood sausage, white meat and various dried seafood are used as the base. Shabu dishes include mutton rolls, frozen tofu, vegetable platter, vermicelli, and egg roll meat. The staple food is cat ears, and the dipping sauce is sesame sauce.

The dining table is not a kang table, but a floor table.

The three of them guarded a steaming pot one by one.

Smelling the smell, sour and sour, Shu Shu felt articulate.

The mutton rolls soaked in sauerkraut soup remove the meaty aroma on the surface and are integrated by the sour taste, giving it a unique taste.

Not dipping in sesame sauce is one taste, dipping in sesame sauce is another taste, and the taste is very rich.

Shu Shu was burying his head in eating, and Elder Brother Shi also ate heartily.

Brother Jiu maintained his rhythm, chewing slowly.


With a scream, Brother Jiu jumped up from the stool, and the chopsticks fell on the table with a "slap", almost overturning the table.

Shu Shu sensed that something was wrong, and hurriedly pressed down on the table to stabilize the table.

Brother Jiu has already reached the edge of the kang, leaning on it tightly, wishing he could hide in the kang.

Elder Brother Ten hurried over and said, "What's wrong, Brother Ninth?"

Shu Shu also stood up.

Brother Nine's face turned pale, and horror appeared in his eyes.


"Bugs, there are bugs!"

Brother Jiu pointed to his pot and said.

Shu Shu leaned over to check Brother Jiu's pot.

It looked no different from hers.

"It's such a big's inside..."

Brother Nine has calmed down, gesticulating with his hands.

Seeing Shu Shu, she came up with a guess. She took Brother Jiu's chopsticks and stirred them in his pot. Sure enough, a purple-gray strip more than three inches long was revealed, and she took it out and put it on the dinner plate.

"That's it, that's it! Is the person in the dining room blind?!"

Brother Jiu said angrily.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Ten also had a displeasure on his face.

The things that come in are most taboo and unclean.

Shu Shu sighed inwardly, "This is mantis shrimp, for seasoning..."

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded.

Elder Brother Ten also showed curiosity on his face.

Brother Jiu returned to the table and stood four or five feet away from Shushu: "What mantis shrimp is not mantis shrimp, isn't it just a big bug? Or is it a bug in the sea?"

Shu Shu explained: "This is dried seafood. It was carried in the seafood at Ningshou Palace a few years ago. The quantity is not much, so I asked someone to prepare the seafood base."

She made the assignment according to the seafood hot pot base she remembered.

Dried clams, dried crabs, dried shrimps, dried shrimps, dried small fish, plus red dates and ginkgo.

In the previous life, Pipi shrimp was a big favorite and was often eaten, but I forgot the lethality of this.

For those who have never seen it, it looks like a big bug.

Brother Jiu took a closer look, still showing his teeth, and said, "No wonder it's called mantis shrimp, I look like mantis shrimp..."

Cricket crickets are worms in the ground, and they are found in the Imperial Garden. When they were naughty when they were young, they were irrigated with water.

Brother Ten is eager to try: "Since it's also called shrimp, it should taste similar to shrimp. Brother Ninth, try it, you won't be afraid if you try it."

Brother Jiu shook his head like a rattle: "If you want to taste it, you can taste it, but I won't eat this!"

Brother Ten smiled, picked it up and put it in his mouth,

When Shu Shu wanted to stop it, it was already too late, and hurriedly reminded: "Chew a few bites and taste it, then spit it out, this skin is thick, you need to peel it and eat it..."

Elder Brother Ten took two bites, found an empty bowl and vomited it out.

"It really tastes like shrimp!"

Brother Jiu was still disgusted, pointed to his own pot, and said to Shu Shu: "I don't want to eat this, take it out, take it out!"

Shu Shu signaled Walnut to take the pot down, and said to Xiaochun, "Let the dining room cook two bowls of noodles."

She was afraid that Elder Brother Ten would also react in her heart.

The three sat down again.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and asked curiously: "Why aren't you afraid, and you've seen it in books?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "I just tasted two dried ones before, and I think they taste good, firmer than dried shrimp..."

What was Shu Shu thinking at that time?

It seems that I will find an opportunity to go to Tianjin Wei in the future, so that I can eat fresh seafood.

After a while, Xiaochun came in with two bowls of noodles.

Shu Shu put her in front of Brother Nine and Brother Ten.

It's plain silver noodles, with a poached egg and two cabbages in each bowl.

Brother Nine nodded in satisfaction and started eating.

Elder Brother Shi just used a spoon to top the sauerkraut in the hot pot, turning it into a bowl of sauerkraut noodles.

It will be used up later, and it will be updated.

Brother Ten went back.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu also washed and lay down.

Brother Nine said sullenly: "Did you lose face today?"

It seems not very stable.

Also cowardly.

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "No, no, the tenth brother also changed his face. If it was the thirteenth brother or the fifteenth brother, he might cry in fright."

Brother Nine wanted to nod, but then felt something was wrong, turned over and pressed Shu Shu under him: "How old is Brother Fifteen? Are you still joking?"

Shu Shu suppressed a smile and said: "No, no, really not, I just thought, if we have a chance in the future, we will go to Tianjin Wei and eat live seafood, the taste must be good."

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Hangzhou is not far from the seaside, this time I can follow your heart."

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "What's the point of me being alone, and I'm not around."

Brother Nine hugged her and said: "It's like honey has been wiped on the little mouth, and I've been fooling Grandpa all day...Grandfather, try it..."

A night of gourmet feasting.

Shu Shu thinks Brother Nine has learned badly.

Good boy, why is he so greasy?

Not only meat, but also big meat.

I don't know where to buy two booklets, and I started to love learning.

Brother Jiu also knew that Shu Shu had worked hard and was very distressed, so he included the matter of returning to the province into the plan.

He didn't send someone directly to the Dutong Mansion, but first went to the study room to ask Xiao Liu when he would take a bath.

Haha Zhuzi can take two days off every month and go out of the palace to go home.

Xiao Liu hasn't had a rest this month, and the schedule is at the end of the month.

Only then did Brother Jiu send someone to the Dutong Mansion to see if the house was complete or not during the two days at the end of the month.

Jue Luo and Qi Xi were overjoyed, and gave Sun Jin a letter of silver as a reward.

They didn't set a time, they just said it was convenient for Brother Nine and Shu Shu.

Shu Shu's younger brothers are all immature, they are all at the age of studying, and it is convenient to ask for leave.

After Brother Nine went back to discuss with Shu Shu, the two decided to hurry up sooner rather than later, and return to the province the day after tomorrow... the twenty-ninth day of the first lunar month.

Because they live in the palace, they have to tell their elders when they come and go.

The next day, Brother Jiu went to the imperial court to inform him.

He said directly to Kangxi: "The son is thinking that the mother-in-law is old and will give birth in a few months, so I don't feel relieved if I don't take a look."

Kangxi rolled his eyes at him and said: "Just go, don't talk too much when you arrive at Dong E's house, just say that Dong E misses his family."

This stinky mouth, speaking like a curse, makes people feel taboo.

But being reminded by Brother Jiu, Kangxi was also a little worried about Concubine Yi.

Mrs. Qi Xi is getting old, and Concubine Yi is not too young.

When Brother Nine left, Kangxi asked someone to pass the news to the imperial physician in charge of Yifei's pulse case at the imperial hospital, and asked him carefully.

When he found out that Concubine Yi was in good health and her fetal appearance was fine, Kangxi finally felt relieved, and said to the imperial doctor: "In the future, please change the Ping'an pulse once every five days to every three days, and change it to every other day when you enter April. Concubine Yikun, mother and child are safe!"

The imperial physician respectfully agreed.

Yikun Palace, main hall, east room.

When Shu Shu came over, Concubine Yi was reclining on the South Kang, feeling a little lack of energy.

Xianglan was not in the room, but another court lady named Huilan was serving beside her.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, Concubine Yi just sat up and beckoned her to sit closer.

Seeing this, Shu Shu couldn't help worrying: " you feel uncomfortable?"

Concubine Yi sighed, did not answer immediately, but sent Hui Lan away, and then said to Shu Shu: "I just regret it."

It turned out that the maid from the Ministry of Internal Affairs had entered the palace.

Here in Yikun Palace, Concubine Yi can have six maids.

Concubine Chen Shu used to be in the permanent position, and there were three court ladies.

Later, the seventeenth elder brother was born, and he was treated as a nobleman.

There is no official canonization, but one more court lady can be added, which is four court ladies.

There is another promise from Yikun Palace, that there will be a palace maid under her seat.

As for Guo Guiren's previous maids, they were all sent to Jingshan to do sweeping.

Xianglan "retired from illness", and the two court ladies under the name of Concubine Chen Shu caught cold in the garden a few days ago and moved out, and never came in again.

In this way, Yikun Palace will add three maids.

Xianglan went over to pick someone up.

When people come in, she still has to bring the teaching rules.

"I'm going out by the end of February at the latest..."

Concubine Yi showed reluctance on her face.

Shu Shu couldn't persuade her.

Xiang Lan's age is already old.

It's not that Xianglan is unfaithful, but there are still people waiting outside.

Her son-in-law has also been decided, and there is a poor cousin from afar who is willing to visit her.

It was agreed a long time ago that he will leave the palace this year.

After Yifei confirmed her pregnancy last year, Xianglan wanted to stay for another year, but Yifei refused...

The sub-title post has come down, and it is in the circle of book friends. Interested fathers go to follow the post to share the results, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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