My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 433 Looking for Supplements

Chapter 433 Finding Compensation (Seeking Guarantee Monthly Pass)

Shu Shu said that he would go back to the province tomorrow.

"It's the daughter-in-law who was worried about Nirvana, that's why she asked Master Jiu if he could come back..."

She didn't push this matter to Brother Jiu.

Concubine Yi is aware of her disposition, and she is considerate in her actions, so she doesn't think it's a coincidence.

Brother Jiu must have thought about it, and he hurriedly set the date.

She said: "It's time to go back, if you want to go far away, I have to tell you, Amagene, before I can rest assured..."

After finishing speaking, she called Hui Lan in, holding a brocade box.

"This is prepared to do the 'three baptisms' for your Ernie. Since you go home, take it with you first, and it's cheap!"

Shu Shu stood up, took it with both hands, and thanked her.

Concubine Yi wiped her face, and said: "Go back tomorrow and see how your face looks, what you rubbed on your face, now the weather is dry, spring ringworm is about to appear, and you can't use medicine for unlucky birth, it's going to kill you... ..."

Shu Shu looked at Concubine Yi's face carefully, and said: "Daughter-in-law looks at it, it doesn't look like spring ringworm, what does the imperial doctor say?"

For vernal ringworm, it usually occurs in March and April.

Because of the dry and dusty spring days.

These days, the ice and snow have melted, but the air is still damp and cold, and the dust has not risen.

Concubine Yi said helplessly: "The imperial doctor said that it is a kind of spring ringworm, and it is also caused by dryness. Look at the water basins around, but it is not helpful..."

Shu Shu looked down as she pointed, and there were indeed several water basins in the corner of the room.

It's just that now that the earth dragon is burning, this won't work.

Shu Shu thinks it's because of the dryness in the floor heating room, and during the Chinese New Year period, all the dining rooms in the palace are full of New Year's dishes, big fish and big meat.

She recalled the beauty recipes of later generations, and said: "It's still due to dry face. My face is also delicate. I am most afraid of dryness in winter and spring. It is said that once it dries, it looks like cracking. It hurts to wash my face."

Concubine Yi listened seriously, and nodded again and again: "I am also like this, itchy and painful, I dare not rub anything, it makes it even more itchy!"

Shu Shu said: "My Ernie asked someone to put a charcoal basin in the house, and put an uncovered kettle on it, use the water vapor to make the room more humid, and use a wet towel to apply to the face in the morning and evening, it will be much better."

After hearing this, Concubine Yi was very moved: "This is really a good idea. It only hurts when the face is dry, and naturally it doesn't hurt when you quit."

Shu Shu said again: "However, I, Ernie, said that the reason for treating the outside and not treating the inside is because of eating too much meat in autumn and winter, and the internal fire is dry. It is better to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and lower the internal fire, and it will be fine!"

Concubine Yi felt that it was reasonable: "The imperial doctor also told me to avoid eating meat and meat, because I think the fruit is cold, and the apples and pears distributed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs are placed in the smoke room..."

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked about beauty treatment, and Concubine Yi asked her about taking people out.

Shu Shu smiled and talked about her "trick".

"Tianzi is decorated and carried, so it is convenient to go out."

Concubine Yi listened, became interested, and said: "Then Er Niang will also help you with one."

After finishing speaking, she told Hui Lan: "Bring two empty tins, and bring over the two boxes of jewelry that were put away a few days ago."

For a while, Hui Lan carried two jewelry boxes, followed by a little palace lady holding two tin boxes.

The two jewelry boxes were opened, and inside were several sets of lively and beautiful lace-inlaid jewellery.

Yi Fei still remembered what Shu Shu loved red, but picked out a dozen or so pieces inlaid with rubies.

There are tufted flowers, partial phoenixes, and tassels.

But after a simple match, Concubine Yi herself was not satisfied: "It's so golden, it dazzles my eyes..."

Comparing with the golden head in front of her, Shu Shu felt that it was too grand.

If it was Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong's age and status, she would look graceful and luxurious.

It's not suitable for Shu Shu's age and status.

Concubine Yi also understands the principle of "too much to go too far", so she picks out a few things.

The tassels on the front are gone, leaving only large and small clusters of flowers.

There are four large clusters of flowers at the bottom, and four matching small clusters of flowers.

It is a half tin that looks exquisite and unassuming.

Concubine Yi still couldn't get enough of it, so she picked another set of gold inlaid red coral with the word "Fu" surrounded by rice beads and flowers, and matched it with a second set of half tin.

Then she smiled and said to Shu Shu: "Let's wear it for playing, it's just right for daily use."

Shu Shu pointed to the Ruby set, and said, "My daughter-in-law can just keep this set..."

There is also Wu Fujin.

Do not suffer from widowhood but suffer from inequity.

On weekdays, we should pay more attention.

Concubine Yi patted her forehead and said: "I was careless, this is for you, you just take it, I'm free these two days, and I'll pack two more for your sister-in-law..."

Shu Shu thought that she had just taken pocket money of [-] taels of bank notes, and this is another two taels of money, not only soft-hearted, but also soft-hearted.

It's just that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, no matter how hot she talks, she can't persuade the other party to keep more private houses.

What has it become?

The gift from the elders is irresistible.

If you take it, you take it.

She made a note in her heart, if Concubine Yi's belly is Ge Ge or elder brother, they should be more generous as brothers and sisters in the future.

Coincidentally, the things from the silver building outside happened to be delivered today.

Shu Shu was not there, so Xiao Chun took Zhou Song to Shenwu Gate and brought him back.

There are three boxes in total.

The two boxes are for Elder Brother Ten.

A box is a supplement for Shu Shu.

Shu Shu thought for a while, gave some instructions, and then said: "Send them all to Yikun Palace..."

Brother Ten's wedding date is March at the earliest, so there is still time.

I still have a lot of stock on my side, and I will replenish it together in March.

She was negligent before.

Even if you want to give something to Elder Brother Ten, you have to be at the back of the queue.

First honor Concubine Yi and the Queen Mother.

Otherwise, it will be a lawsuit if it spreads out.

Right now, no one can afford to give the first filial piety to the mother-in-law.

When I go back to the mansion tomorrow, I will give an order when I pass by the silver building, and prepare another copy according to today's order.

When the time comes, I will give it to Elder Brother Ten and myself.

On the queen mother's side, it's not easy to be serious with Concubine Yi.

Shu Shu decided to bring back the pair of Jin Ruyi who was in charge of the shop when she returned to the silver building.

Xiaochun responded, and called a few rough envoys and eunuchs to carry the box to Yikun Palace.

Xianglan has already selected someone from the inner management, and she is showing to Concubine Yi.

"This time, the ones chosen from among the younger ones are all thirteen. The first one belongs to our palace, and the last two are from Concubine Bushu..."

She reported to Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi looked at Lingxiu at the front, and the two at the back looked honest and nodded in satisfaction.

It's not that Xianglan made her own decision and didn't choose a clever court lady for Concubine Chen Shu.

It was because the two maids who were sick in the garden before were caught by the epidemic because of their active temper and love to go out.

Concubine Chen Shu also has the young Seventeenth Elder Brother beside her, who really has the will to eat people.

Fortunately, the seventeenth elder brother was not infected, but the two maids Chen Shufei refused to stay any longer, so they didn't call in again.

As for Concubine Yi, she likes good looks and doesn't care for dull and dull ones.

After the three of them left, Xiang Lan reported to Concubine Yi: "Wei Xiaofu in front is the daughter of Wei Jiuling, the newly appointed doctor of the Guang Chu Division..."

Concubine Yi was surprised: "Why did the doctor's daughter also be sent to the palace?"

Even if the daughter of an official participates in the draft of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, she will be a supplementary concubine, not a supplementary court lady.

You know, as the princes and brothers have grown up in recent years, the emperor doesn't pay much for his concubines.

The Qianqing Palace has prepared promises to serve as bed servants, and many of them are Han women.

If you want to take advantage of wealth and wealth, you just stare at the prince elder brother.

Those who want to send their daughter as Ge Ge must first get through the relationship between the prince's biological mother.

Those who don't say anything like this are ordinary court ladies.

Xiang Lan said: "The list of candidates was reported a year ago, and the servant specifically asked me that the stepmother is in charge of the house, and there is a daughter who is one year younger. It should be that the stepmother has a dark heart and is reluctant to part with the dowry..."

Concubine Yi thought of Wei Xiaofu's good looks and clear eyes, felt pity, and said: "Poor, let's keep it, the overall score is better than the other side."

While the master and servant were talking, there was movement outside.

Hearing someone come in to report that it was Jiufujin who sent someone to deliver something, Concubine Yi was a little surprised: "When I came here just now, I brought several bags of candied fruit, why did I think of sending others? Bring them in!"

When Xiaochun came in, followed by six rough envoys and eunuchs, carrying three boxes that were three feet long, one and a half feet wide, and two feet high, Concubine Yi was shocked.

"What is this? Clothing material?"

Yifei stood up, walked around the box, and asked Xiaochun.

Xiaochun said: "We Fujin asked Yinlou to do it before, and prepared for the empress to reward people..."

Speaking of this, she pointed to the first box: "Here is the purse, divided into several grades, red is the first grade, blue is the second grade, and cyan is the third grade, fifty pairs of each."

She pointed to the second box: "Here are gold and silver collars, longevity locks, and bracelets, ten sets of gold and silver each."

The last bite of the box was a little smaller.

She said: "Here are also purses and gold and silver collars, that is, there are only twenty pairs of purses each, and five sets of gold and silver collars."

Concubine Yi shook her head and said: "I don't lack this here, I've got my wish, quickly carry it back..."

Xiaochun said: "Our Fujin said that those two boxes were originally given by Master Jiu to honor the empress, and the small box was honored by our Fujin. Because of the epidemic, the craftsmen delayed it, but today it was delivered, and the slaves were dispatched. It was sent here, it was not prepared for the reward of the empress..."

The corners of Yifei's mouth curled up, her heart was very ironic.

She believed Shu Shu's words and would not lie about this.

Sending things to the palace is recorded at the gate of the palace.

It's just that the son respects this, but she doesn't believe it.

Don't know what kind of son you gave birth to?

How can you be so considerate?

It must have been prepared by the daughter-in-law.

Concubine Yi nodded and didn't say anything, she just asked someone to give Xiao Chun a first-class seal.

Wait until Xiao Chun leaves.

Pandan and Cymbidium unpacked.

There is a list on the top of the box.

Xianglan brought it to Concubine Yi.

In the red purse, there is one gold curly and one silver curly, one liang of gold curly and two liang of silver curly.

In the blue lotus bag, there is one gold curly and one silver curly, five qian for the golden curly, and one tael for the silver curly.

In the green lotus bag are two silver curlies, one or two each.

This box and a half purse add up to two hundred and ten taels of gold and seven hundred taels of silver.

Looking at the gold and silver collars, they all weigh eight taels.

The gold and silver longevity locks all weigh four taels.

Gold and silver bracelets, each pair weighs two taels.

Adding up these fifteen sets, together with the purse, is five thousand taels of silver.

Concubine Yi had a lot of helplessness on her face, she followed Xianglan and complained: "How can there be such a gift, this hand is too loose?"

Shu Shu and Brother Nine lived in the palace, and received a lot of respects a few years ago, all of which were under everyone's noses.

Concubine Yi looked at the list in her hand, and felt that this wasn't the big head, it should also account for half of it.

But the things have already been collected, and there is no reason to ask someone to carry them back.

Xianglan was beside her, and said with a smile: "It's Fujin's usual style. During the northern tour, he also scattered all the things in the paddock palace. This behavior is all according to the empress..."

(End of this chapter)

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