Chapter 435 Less Than Half (Seeking a Guaranteed Monthly Pass)

The next day.

Shu Shu woke up early.

Sitting in front of the dressing table, she looked at herself in the mirror.

I went to bed early last night, and I looked good, my cheeks were flushed, and my chin was round after the whole year.

Brother Jiu came over, looked at her and said, "What are you looking at?"

Shu Shu sighed and said, "Thinking about what to eat all day, but not moving much, I'm getting fat."

Brother Jiu looked at her carefully, nodded and said: "It's a little fat, I can't even turn around if I hold you!"

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him.

At this time, shouldn't it be said that I am not fat, or that I should be more plump?

Counting on him to coax people is really going a long way.

After the husband and wife finished grooming, the dining table was set up.

Today's breakfast looks very simple.

It is fried dough sticks with sesame seed cakes, and meat with sesame seed cakes.

Served with salty soy milk.

Two small dishes, shredded five-spice tofu and shredded mustard greens in red oil.

Brother Jiu felt weird: "I haven't heard of this way of eating, sesame seed cakes with deep-fried dough sticks?"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "I heard that it's the way to eat at the early stall outside the front door. It's cheaper than sesame seed cakes with meat, but the fritters are crispy and satisfy your cravings."

This morning's fritters were all deep-fried years ago, and they lost their crispiness after being distilled.

However, there is no taste when sandwiching sesame seed cakes.

Brother Jiu ate it and thought it tasted okay.

Shu Shu picked up the deep-fried dough sticks and soaked them in salty soy milk.

The salty soy milk is based on the practice of the Shanghai market. Shrimp skin, seaweed, green onion, soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar are placed at the bottom of the bowl, and then boiling hot soy milk is poured in.

Because there is less balsamic vinegar, there is only a slight bean curd, which is not very obvious.

Shu Shu ate just right, and felt that she was short of a rice ball.

When the stove is turned on the day after tomorrow, glutinous rice will be steamed to make rice balls.

Brother Jiu originally disliked the soy sauce color of salty soy milk, seeing Shu Shu eating with relish, he couldn't help swallowing, and took a sip with a spoon.

Different from the common sweet soy milk in the palace, this salty and fragrant one tastes better.

Brother Jiu finished a bowl directly, and said: "Is this easy to make, this will be a 'respect dish' tomorrow morning, Khan Ama should like it..."

Shu Shu said: "It's very simple. When I come back, my dictator wrote the prescription, so let's send it together!"

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Well, this soy milk is not a valuable food, and it can't be sold for a lot of money, so Fang Zi should honor it to Han Ama!"

Shu Shu: "..."

It seems to be getting more and more stingy, a little stingy.

Brother Jiu looked up, saw Shu Shu's eyes, and snorted softly: "Who told me to have a loose Fujin, if I don't be more careful, I won't be able to live in the future?"

Shu Shu said obediently: "From now on, I will obey my master. If I am wrong, my master will stop me."

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why are you doing something wrong, aren't you 'often reasonable'?"

Shu Shu saw him push his nose up to his face, twisted his waist, and said: "What is it, 'Chang Laipi'?"

I study every night, I am persistent, and I don’t like to leave get out of class.

Talking about rest, but not being honest in hand.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "This is not very good, husbands sing and women follow, they are all from the ordinary generation..."

The couple chatted a few times and left the second school.

Shu Shu led Xiaochun, Xiaoyu, and Xiaosong in the back, and Brother Jiu followed He Yuzhu and Sun Jin.

It was still Shenwumen who got on the bus.

One guard and fifty guards followed.

Coincidentally, it happened to be Chang Shan's bodyguard.

They were those who accompanied their husband and wife to Baiwang Mountain a few days ago.

"Fourth Uncle..."

Seeing Shu Shu, Fuli said hello.

Chang Shan sideways avoided, and then smiled and said: "It wasn't our turn, and we happened to be idle. I heard that I was going to your house, so I grabbed the errand..."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Ama must be happy."

Chang Shan and Qi Xi were the same age, and the two clan brothers were very close when they were young.

When we grow up, we have errands for each of us, so there are fewer contacts.

Brother Nine was beside him, and he acted very kindly. He murmured to Shu Shu after getting into the carriage, "I found out that you have a lot of relatives. I feel like we can run into each other at any time."

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Do you know how many people there are in Eight Banners?"

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "You look down on people again, right? The Ding Chuan is edited every five years. The last time it was [-] years, the Eight Banners' strong men are [-]. According to the ratio of one Ding to five people, the population of the Eight Banners is almost About [-] million..."

"What about the proportions of the Manchurian, Mongolian, and Han armies?"

Shu Shu then asked.

Brother Jiu frowned: "Sixty-nine percent of the Han troops of various colors, more than [-] troops; [-] percent, [-] troops of Manchuria; [-] percent, [-] troops of Mongolia."

Shu Shudao: "There are few Manchus in the first place. If you don't say anything else, just say that there are seventy-four assistant leaders in Zhenghongqi. This world job inheritance is in the hands of twenty or thirty families. For example, the first leader of our family is , Now there are fourteen assistant leaders in total, four Jueluo assistant leaders, five and a half Dong'e clan assistant leaders, three and a half Korean Tatar clan assistant leaders, and one Korean Han clan assistant leader..."

"Sister-in-law Seven's family is in the third leader. There are fifteen leaders in total, and they are divided into five families. The Hadanara family holds three leaders..."

"The Eight Banners have relatives. It is said that this is a family of senior officials. There are twenty or thirty households of official households in Manchuria in Yiseqi. The total number of Eight Banners is only more than two hundred. There are also people like our family and the fourth uncle's family. If the tribe is divided into two banners or three banners, according to the surname, there may be dozens of families, but it’s not just relatives who set relatives..."

Brother Nine was silent for a while, and said: "In the future, when we lower the flag, won't we also be included in Jue Luozuo's leadership? Will it be compiled under the leadership of others, or will it be a separate leader?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "I don't know about that. So far, no prince has flown the flag of Zhenghongqi, but it should not be listed separately..."

Zuo Ling is based on Ding as a unit, and [-] Ding to [-] Ding is a Zuo Ling.

For example, big brother, according to household registration, is one ding.

Is there a separate assistant leader out?
Most of them settled under the leadership of Jue Luozuo of Xianglan Banner.

"Emperor Shizu's clan had a population of [-] people, but now it is only more than [-] people, accounting for only one-thousandth of the population of the Eight Banners..."

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu paused for a moment, and said, "Do you know the total population of Qing Dynasty now?"

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "[-] million?"

It seems that it reached [-] million in the last years of Kangxi, so now it is almost [-] million?

Shu Shu guessed.

Brother Nine sighed and said, "I checked the population of a group in [-] years, and the total is [-] million. The population of the Eight Banners only accounts for two points, not even half of the population..."

Shu Shu was silent.

Therefore, those in power have no idea, respect Confucianism, and strengthen imperial power.

The distance was very short, and the husband and wife arrived at the place after chatting about gossip.

Brother Jiu sent someone to tell me yesterday, and he will come over this morning.

Therefore, the capital governs the mansion up and down, which is very neat.

Zhuliang and his brothers all took leave of absence, and even Xiao Liu came back from the palace.

As soon as the carriage entered the street, the Dutong Mansion got the news, and everyone was waiting at the door.

When the carriage stopped, elder brother Jiu got out of the car first, and saw his father-in-law and his family all looking at him.

Brother Jiu straightened his chest, turned around and helped Shu Shu get out of the car.

Jue Luo has already stepped forward.

In the public, it is natural that national etiquette comes first.

Shu Shu didn't wait for her to squat down, but directly supported her and said, "Ernie, don't move, let's go in quickly..."

After finishing speaking, she took Jue Luo's arm, and the mother and daughter walked in.

Shu Shu's eyes fell on Jue Luo's stomach, and she was much more pregnant than the time she saw at the Zhijun Palace in Dongyueli.

According to the calculation of pregnancy in July, it is now six and a half months to seven months, which is already the third trimester of pregnancy.

Immediately, Shu Shu realized something was wrong.

"Amu and sister-in-law, why don't you see me?"

As for the uncle, Xi Zhu and his son, because of their weak health, they are afraid of the wind, so they stay behind closed doors in winter.

Jue Luo said in a low voice: "You Mou said you would come over during dinner, your on confinement..."

Shu Shu was surprised: "When... when did you conceive?"

Haven't heard of it in Dongyue yet.

As for miscarriage...

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I saw Ah Mu and said that everything was fine at home, so she didn't have to worry about it.

Jue Luo smiled wryly: "On the day of the Lantern Festival, the young couple quarreled for some reason, and your sister-in-law made an appointment with Qingru to watch the lantern, but when she arrived at the lantern festival, something was wrong, and she couldn't keep it when she came back..."

Shu Shu felt a little nervous.

The sister-in-law looks strong, not so weak.

Could it be because of close relatives?

So can't sit still?
Then Shu Shu thought about the relationship between the cousin and the sister-in-law. In fact, they are not close, especially since both of them are concubines, and they have maternal blood.

Maybe it's the seeds?
Shu Shu knew that she shouldn't be angry, her cousin didn't have much contact with her, but the siblings never blushed even when they were young.

But for Xizhu, I also drew a circle in my heart.

Genes from parents are passed on to children.

Such a shameless biological mother, and a selfish and cowardly biological father...

Shu Shu also questioned Xi Zhu's behavior.

Maybe not a bad guy, but it also makes people dare not trust too much.

At Qi Xi's place, he had already seen Chang Shan, and he stepped forward with two "haha", the brothers hugged each other, and the two clan brothers exchanged pleasantries.

Qi Xi asked someone to welcome the guards to the side hall in the front yard, and asked the butler to go outside to wait for a table.

As for Chang Shan, he was considered a member of the family, so he was invited to the inner courtyard.

Chang Shan said with a smile: "Second brother, don't be so busy, I haven't seen my eldest brother for a while, I'm going to visit my eldest brother and sister-in-law..."

He was not an outsider, seeing him say that, Qi Xi didn't keep any guests.

Fu Song, Zhu Liang and the others surrounded Brother Jiu, surrounded him and entered the yard.

Brother Jiu also had joy on his face.

Finally, there is no need to divide the front and back yards.

He followed Shu Shu's family directly to the main courtyard.

Everyone went straight into the East Room.

Everyone pushed Shushu and Brother Jiu to sit on the kang.

Ninth elder brother has a noble status, and Shu Shu is also promoted to aunt.

Shu Shu didn't move, but supported Jue Luo Shi, asking her to sit first, and then sat next to each other.

Ninth elder brother has something to learn from, so please invite Qi Xi to take the seat.

But it was not easy for him to do it next to Qi Xi, so he sat on the grand teacher's chair beside the Kang.

Others and Brother Nine were a little cautious, only Xiao Liu knew each other well, and said, "Brother-in-law, when can I go to your house to play? I used to visit my sister when I was in the garden, but I never saw her again when I returned to the palace. ..."

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 6th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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