My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 436 Insufficient Greed

Chapter 436 Greedy Insufficiency

Everyone looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu didn't answer in a hurry, but thought about it carefully, and said: "When the weather is bad, it will be windy and rainy, and you won't have the archery class in the afternoon, so you can leave school early in the study room. I'll send someone to pick you up at Elder Brother's place, otherwise, it would be too late to leave school, and it would be inconvenient to go through the inner court..."

Although Xiao Liu is only eight years old, he is the son of a minister, not a prince or grandson.

Xiao Liu hurriedly nodded and said, "That's settled, I'll just wait..."


Brother Jiu touched his little head and felt that he was very well-behaved and able to reason.

Shu Shu had already said to Jue Luoshi: "Ernie, ask the housekeeper to run more and open an account for Fusong. Don't wait for his birthday, and then you can go to Yin De's family to see him!"

Apparently Fu Song had mentioned it to Jue Luo Shi before.

She wasn't surprised, and she didn't ask which Yin De was.

It can only be said that the names of the Manchus are repeated too much.

There are several Yin Des in the Eight Banners, there is Zhan Shifu Zhan Shi, and there is a leader of the Eight Banners.

If you don't know which one it is in advance, you will be confused.

Jue Luo hesitated and said, "Have you seen that Niu Hulu Gege?"

Shu Shu said regretfully: "I wanted to meet you, but I never had a chance, but Lord Shi mentioned that Yan Zhu's guards are all very good in character and conduct."

Jue Luo said: "Will the elders appear negligent if they don't show up?"

Shu Shu said: "Then what do you think?"

Jueluo thought for a while, and said: "Forget it, wait until they find Fusong; if they don't agree, it will be bad for Niu Hulu if they inspire teachers and mobilize people."

Jue Luo is a woman herself and has a precious daughter, so it is not easy for her to understand women.

She is obviously the daughter of Fengchao, with a promising future, but because of the dispute over the title of uncle and earl, she has suffered a lot of trouble for no reason, and her father died and her mother died.

This Niu Hulu Gege is also a poor man.

Sitting next to her, Xiao Wu happened to hear the mother and daughter talking, and asked in confusion, "Eldest sister, didn't you say that girls from the Eight Banners will be auditioned? It's not yet the year of the draft, and they haven't been auditioned yet. How can they see each other in private?"

Shu Shudao: "With the grace of the emperor, women from close branches of the descendants are exempted from election!"

Niu Hulu Gege is the niece of Empress Xiaozhao, so she is naturally a close relative.

If it weren't for this, A Ling'a and Tong Guowei would not have dared to intervene in her marriage before.

Qi Xi looked at his daughter, worried: "This time the holy car is on a tour south, and Amma is not here. If you have something to do, I will go find your fourth uncle or your third uncle..."

That is to say, Chang Shan from Dong E's family and Norob from the side branch of the Shuncheng Palace are both first-class guards, and they have a good relationship with Qi Xi, and they will also serve in front of the imperial court.

Shu Shu responded with a smile, nodded and said: "Ama, don't worry, my daughter is with the Queen Mother, and Jiu Gege is with me, so I won't go anywhere."

Qi Xi said sternly: "It's better to be fully prepared when you go out."

Brother Jiu listened, but didn't mention that he would pick up Shu Shu.

It's still far away now, wait until the tenth elder brother's big wedding is over, and he will talk about it before he leaves Beijing, it will definitely scare his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Shu Shu saw Brother Nine's well-behaved appearance, and he treated her Ama and Ernie with sincerity and respect, which made her quite touched.

She also knew what brother Jiu was proud of these two days, and she wanted to show him some merit, so she said to Qi Xi and Jue Luo: "Ama, Ernie, we are back today to announce the good news!"

The couple looked at Shu Shu's stomach at the same time.

Shu Shu shook her head with a smile and said: "It's not this, it was our lord who recommended Fu Song as the chief of ceremonies of our prince's mansion, and the emperor agreed!"

Qi Xi and Jue Luoshi looked at each other, both beaming with joy.

It's not just Fusong's future, it's almost the matter of the daughter and son-in-law starting the house.

Qi Xi smiled and said to Brother Jiu: "I'm sorry to trouble Brother, it's very good, very good!"

Uncommonly, Brother Nine didn't show any complacency, and said modestly, "They're all from my own family, so it's nothing!"

Jue Luoshi groped for Shu Shu's hand, unable to speak.

For men, the future is more important than marriage.

With Fusong's appearance, he might not be able to marry a wife, it's just a matter of family status.

The settlement of the future is the most important thing.

Zhu Liang and the others surround Fu Song, also happy for him.

Fusong's face was blurred, as if in a dream.

Sending Xiao Liu to the West Garden after the year, he heard about Shu Shu's future, but he didn't get well so soon.

Zhu Liang smiled and pushed him, reminding: "Thank you brother-in-law..."

Zhu Liang called "brother-in-law" sincerely.

At first he felt a little awkward, but he always felt that Cousin Chuntai was better.

But my sister has been married for more than half a year, and she has come back three times in total. She still has the same temper as before she got married, and she looks plumper than when she was at home. Obviously, she is living a very good life.

Brother Jiu, the brother-in-law, has come to the Dutong Mansion several times, and has improved every time.

It seems that when the ceremony was first scheduled, the arrogant appearance has become a little blurred.

And the eyebrows and eyes of my sister and brother Jiu met before, and it seemed that there was something impenetrable.

Zhu Liang felt that he seemed to have learned something.

Fu Song got up, but he didn't go to Brother Jiu first, but to Jue Luo Shi: "Auntie..."

Jue Luo smiled and put down Shu Shu's hand, took Fu Song, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, I will be an adult from now on."

Fu Song's eyes were also moist, and he looked at Qi Xi.

Qi Xi scolded with a smile: "I have an errand, but I'm not going out..."

Fu Song took two steps back, and knelt directly in front of Jue Luo Shi.

The room fell silent.

Jue Luo stood up and said angrily, "What is this for?"

"Aunt, nephew...can you change your mind?"

Fu Song raised his head, trembling, and said cautiously.

Jue Luoshi helped him up, his eyes were red, and he said without hesitation: "Change! I'll hug you back when you fall to the ground, and pull you so hard, why can't you say 'Nie'?"

"Eh... Nirvana..."

Fu Song called softly, tears rolling down his face.

Qi Xi was beside him, stretching out his arms, and said, "Why are you crying so hard, come on, Ama is still waiting!"


Fu Song did not hug Qi Xi directly, but solemnly kowtowed.

Qi Xi pulled him up, hugged him in his arms, patted him on the back and said: "That's enough, you were stubborn before and refused to change your words, and Ama didn't treat you as an outsider!"

Brother Nine was by the side, seeing this situation, felt inexplicably rejoiced.

Fortunately, Fu Song is half a year younger than Shu Shu.

It's just that there is one less cousin and one more brother-in-law, which is almost the same as before.

If he's older than Shushu, he's really an uncle from heaven!
Fu Song had already wiped away his tears, looked at Brother Jiu, and said with a smile, "Thank you brother-in-law..."

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "Don't be an outsider!"

This is also good, so as to save the status of cousins, if the name is not right, let people talk about it.

There are some people with dirty minds, who behave unruly themselves, and look crooked to others.

Brother Jiu blinked his eyes.

Fu Song changed his words because of his true feelings?
Or do you think about this, and make your aunt and uncle's identities into adoptive parents, so as to avoid future troubles?
He glanced at Zhu Liang who was smirking.

He had already discovered that the Zhuliang brothers were too honest, only Xiaoliu was more active.

The rest of them are all well-behaved children, not at all like Shu Shu's brother.

The beauty between the parents was all occupied by Shu Shu alone.

Looking at it now, Fu Song not only looks like Shu Shu's younger brother, but also behaves like Shu Shu.

Brother Nine felt that he was beginning to know how to judge people.

The atmosphere turned around.

There is only joy left in the house.

Seeing that Fusong was about to grow up, Zhuliang and Xiaosan and Xiaosi were two years later.

The most worrying thing for the family at that time should be the financial problem.

Dowry gifts and errands.

Shu Shuxin made a move, pulled Jue Luoshi, and whispered, "Ernie, let's go to Westinghouse!"

Jue Luo said to Qi Xi: "My master is talking with elder brother, and our mother and I will go to the west room to have a rest..."

Qi Xi nodded reluctantly.

These two girls must have a whisper.

It's not good for the girl to grow up. When she was a child, she was the closest to this old Ama.

The mother and daughter went through the middle hall and went directly to the west room.

"Tell me, what kind of monsters are you going to make?"

Jue Luo snorted lightly.

Known daughter Moruomu.

Seeing Shu Shu's petite appearance, Jue Luo felt that it was not a serious matter.

Shu Shu hugged her arm, and said stickily: "Ene said so, my daughter is sad, is there any girl who is more filial and caring than my daughter?"

"I didn't see filial piety and caring, but it's true that I have a thick skin."

Jue Luo Shi pinched her face, and reminded: "In the future, you should also avoid food. It is not easy to lose weight after eating fat."

Shu Shu didn't want to mention this, so she lowered her volume and talked about meeting the old princess in Harqin last August.

Jue Luo sneered and said, "This is God's eyes. If she lives well, your grandmother will not be able to live underground."

Shu Shu heard that the voice was wrong: "Grandmother knows that premature birth is caused by others?"

Jue Luoshi nodded: "Maybe I didn't think of this earlier, but I'm not a fool, and I understand it."

It is too late to understand.

The culprit has already married away.

Shu Shu said: "Anyway, she used the shop in the capital and the Zhuangtian as compensation, so I took it. I thought that when the family is complete, I told uncle and Ama, and the two will distribute it. Now I don't want to give it to uncle... ..."

Speaking of this, she was still sullen.

"Cousin wouldn't have committed the same problem as Uncle, and was flirting with some girl, let the cousin see it? I'm blind to the cousin..."

Shu Shu said angrily.

In fact, that's all.

At the beginning, the marriage between the two was not only because of their relatives, but also because of their similar identities.

One is the only son of the uncle's mansion, and the other is Da Gege of the princess's mansion, and his parents are still alive, but his father is the king of Jige County, and his biological mother is Shu Fujin.

Jue Luo frowned and said, "What are you talking about? These two live a life, and when there is no bickering, they don't get along with others."

Shu Shu stopped talking, blinked her eyes, and said, "Ernie, these properties, otherwise don't tell Ama about it."

If Qi Xi knew, it would probably still be divided equally.

Jue Luo shook his head and said, "It's not good to hide it from you, Ama."

Shu Shu was a little upset: "But uncle's share, I want to keep it secret..."

Jue Luo's face became more serious and he said: "Your uncle did have something wrong about what happened back then, but it's not your turn to be picky and accusatory as a junior!"

Shu Shu said sullenly: "I just feel bad for Ah Mou, so why not give it to Ah Mou?"

Jue Luoshi drooped his face and said, "Then what? You, Amu, love you, or will it fall into your hands?"

Shu Shu was a little aggrieved: "Could it be that I am the greedy one in E Nie's heart?"

Jue Luo snorted softly and said, "That's how it falls into the eyes of others! I have taught you long ago that things should be done according to reason, not according to human relations, and should not be based on your own likes and dislikes!"

Shu Shu frowned and said, "Then uncle didn't give any punishment?"

Jue Luo said: "Why are you talking about these things again? No one is a saint, good or bad don't need others to interfere, don't pick on others' faults, pick yourself first, and take it as a warning..."

Shu Shu looked at Jue Luo Shi, and praised: "Eh, you are so broad-minded, like a saint."

If you don't fight for the title, you can't get a windfall from the sky.

Jueluo snorted softly and said, "I'm just an ordinary person. I only worry about the three-acre land in front of me. I live in peace and stability. Human nature is greedy. If I'm greedy once, I'll think about the next time. When will it be the end? I can't tell when. Falling into the ditch. If you want to be a down-to-earth person, you have to pay attention to your own size..."

Note: The author's memory is not very good now, if Shu Shu told Jue Luo Shi about the princess's affairs before, please correct me, and Xiao Jiu will revise it.

Roll around and continue to ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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