Chapter 437 Repeating the old tricks
Mrs. Uncle said that she would come over for dinner, but as a junior, Shu Shu couldn't really sit and wait.

Besides, there is still uncle in the uncle's house.

It is not easy for the elders to come out because they are unwell. Could it be that the juniors are not sensible?
Even if Shu Shu is still awkward, as a niece, Gui Ning should go and have a look.

It's just that I didn't know the news of my cousin's miscarriage before, so the gift I prepared was probably inappropriate.

Jue Luo looked at what Shu Shu brought back, took a box of donkey-hide gelatin and a box of Ganoderma lucidum powder, and said: "Adding these two, it is just right to replenish blood energy..."

Shu Shu nodded.

Miscarriage hurts the body, and confinement is necessary. These nourishing medicines are just right for the symptoms. Ganoderma lucidum strengthens the body and donkey-hide gelatin nourishes the blood.

Jue Luo sent the girls around him to the uncle's mansion to see if it was convenient to receive guests there.

After a short time, the girl came back and told the news about Bofu.

The uncle is in good spirits, so he keeps the family master Chang Shan to have a feast in the uncle's mansion.

Shu Shu went next door with Brother Nine.

When he was about to reach the front yard, Shu Shu reminded Brother Jiu in a low voice: "Uncle, don't show anything, the things of the older generation are the things of the older generation..."

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "What did the mother-in-law say? What else is there to hide about what happened back then?"

It's not easy to say much right now, Shu Shu said: "We'll talk about it when we go home."

On the uncle's mansion, uncle lives in the front yard, Mrs. uncle lives in the back yard, and Xizhu lives in the east courtyard.

A family of three is divided into three places, and the well water does not violate the river water.

When we arrived at the main room in the front yard, a kind-faced woman lifted the curtain.

The woman was dressed plainly, in a blue gown, with a bun on her head, a round and fair face, soft eyebrows and eyes, she looked about forty or so.

Seeing Shu Shu, she said calmly, "My aunt isn't being raised in Dongkua courtyard, why did she come to the front?"

It was none other than Xizhu's biological mother.

To be honest, she is a few years older than Uncle, and she is also in her fifties.

With such fine skin and tender flesh, it can be seen that he is going well and living a good life.

The woman was taken aback.

Shu Shu didn't treat her close before, but in front of Xi Zhu, she was more polite.

Now it was unabashed disgust.

She blushed and said: "Uncle is not feeling well these few days, I will serve in front."

Shu Shu frowned, but said nothing.

A slap doesn't make a sound.

Since it is collusion and adultery, there are no innocent people.

What has this woman to do with her?
She was too lazy to grind her teeth.

When Xizhu insisted on praising her biological mother one day, she would come forward to support Amu.

She didn't stop walking, and directly brought Brother Jiu into the main room.

Uncle sat on the kang in the east room, and Chang Shan also sat cross-legged.

Seeing the two people coming in, Chang Shan got off the kang.

Uncle also got up.

Shu Shu hurriedly stepped forward to press down, held the uncle's hand, and said: "It's not someone else, uncle, you'd better sit down."

It's not that she does one thing to her face and another behind her back.


Uncle's complexion is not quite right.

The whole person looked fatter than last year.

The creases on his face have flattened a lot, and he looks several years younger than before.

Not really fat.

More like edema.

The palms are also cold.

When the uncle saw Shu Shu, his eyes were a little wandering. Seeing her so close, he smiled and said, "Yes, it's not someone else, it's Uncle's Xiao Shushu who has returned."

Shu Shu's heart trembled.

As the uncle opened his mouth, a strong fishy smell came over his face.

She tried not to lose her composure, and said with a smile: "If the person doesn't come back, don't even think about saving the red envelope, and you will have to pay for it every year in the future."

Uncle and Mrs. Uncle's lucky red envelopes were all brought to the West Garden by Mrs. Uncle on the Lantern Festival, that's what Shu Shu said.

Uncle smiled happily: "I don't know, I don't know, I have to give it to Shu Shu ninety-nine..."


Shu Shu said with a smile.

Nine elder brothers are by the side, seeing uncle and nephew getting close, they don't interrupt.

Uncle looked at Brother Nine, saw that his expression was as usual, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The uncle asked a few words about Brother Jiu's errand, and Brother Jiu was sitting close to him, and he also sensed something was wrong, so he glanced at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu is closer to Uncle than him.

Brother Jiu saw his wife's forbearance, and replied a few words without changing his face, then got up and said: "Uncle and the guards often sit down slowly, I will accompany Fujin to pay my respects to my aunt, and then I have some errands to ask my father-in-law, One step ahead..."

The uncle wanted to get off the kang to see off the guests, but it was still Shu Shu who stopped him.

Shu Shu glanced at his feet, they looked normal, not like edema.

Is it because of this reason that the family didn't notice it?

According to the old saying, "Men are afraid of wearing shoes, women are afraid of wearing hats", which is a sign of death.

People who have been ill for a long time, men are afraid of swollen feet.

If the feet are so swollen that you can't wear shoes, prepare a shroud and a coffin.

Women are afraid of their faces being swollen. If their faces are so swollen that they can't wear hats, that's dangerous.

Shu Shu followed Brother Nine out, her face was tense, and her eyes showed anxiety.

She could hide it from her uncle, but she didn't believe she could hide it from Mrs. Uncle.

She whispered to Brother Nine: "I won't see Ah Mou anymore, go back first!"

Brother Jiu nodded, turned around and told Xiaochun: "Just say that the master is a little uncomfortable, go with Fujin first, and then go to pay your respects to Madam."

Xiaochun agreed and went.

Brother Nine and Shu Shu went out of the uncle's mansion directly and went back to the next door.

Thinking that the younger brothers are all in the main room, even if they are sensible, but their age is there, it is not good if they are exposed.

Just looking forward to a false alarm.

Shu Shu directly dragged Brother Nine to the guest room in the front yard, and casually told the servant in front: "Just say that there are foreign guests coming up ahead, please come over, Ama and Ernie!"

The boy went in response.

Brother Jiu held Shu Shu's hand, then became nervous, and said, "What's wrong with uncle?"

Shu Shu smiled wryly and said, "I'm not sure, I just don't think it's quite right."

Ever since she learned about the past, Shu Shu has been very complicated towards Uncle, and she has contempt and disgust in her heart.

Everyone has closeness, compared with Mrs. Uncle, Uncle naturally lags behind.

But this is also the elder who cared for her from a young age.

If life and death were really involved, she would not remain indifferent and just stand by.

After a while, Qi Xi and Jue Luo came hand in hand.

Seeing Shu Shu's strangeness, Jue Luo Shi took her hand and said, "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu took a deep breath, did not rush to speak, but looked at Qi Xi and said, "Ama, have you seen Uncle these days?"

Qi Xi shook his head and said, "I'm busy after the Lantern Festival..."

To be honest, he spent three days in the palace on duty for half a day, and spent the rest of the time at leisure.

The reason why the brothers haven't seen each other for half a month is because they had a quarrel before the Lantern Festival.

As the news that elder brother Jiu harmed Xihuayuan became a gossip, the news that elder brother Jiu took Fujin to Baiwang Mountain also spread indistinctly.

Uncle was uncomfortable at the time, so he sent someone to call Qi Xi over, trying to get Nanny Xing's family back.

Now Shu Shu and Brother Jiu have not opened an account, and the population under this account has not been transferred, so the uncle wants to change people.

Wanting to take another family's servant, he changed Xing's family with Shu Shu.

The reason for discussing with Qi Xi is because Mrs. Bo has already transferred the Xing family to Qi Xi's name.

Qi Xi refused.

The Xing family was innocent in the first place, and now that the boys in their family are grown up, they can't just stay around in the village forever.

The brothers broke up unhappy.

Shu Shu was worried, and said: "Uncle's face is swollen, his hands are clammy, and his mouth smells bad. According to the medical books, it's not a good sign..."

Qi Xi's expression changed.

Jue Luo's expression also became serious.

Qi Xi was confused when he was concerned, he turned around and was about to go out.

It happened to meet Mrs. Uncle.

Mrs. Uncle said with concern: "What's wrong with Shushu, but what's wrong?"

She said she would go there before, but she waited in the main courtyard, but in the end she only waited for Xiaochun.

Although Xiaochun sent a message that it was Brother Jiu, Mrs. Uncle was still worried, so she came over to have a look.

Shu Shu greeted her, supported Mrs. Uncle and said, "Amu, I'm fine...just..."

She was afraid that if she thought too much, she would scare Mrs. Uncle.

Mrs. Uncle saw her hesitation and said, "I feel uncomfortable seeing Aunt Xizhu in the front yard?"

Shu Shu looked stiff.

Human nature is evil...

Shu Shu is willing to see the strengths of others, but she doesn't mind guessing others with the greatest malice.

If the uncle died of illness, the biggest beneficiaries would be their mother and son.

Now she is just a concubine, huddled in the side room of Dongkua courtyard.

If the uncle dies of illness and Xizhu becomes the lord, he can ask for the order of the wife of the uncle's mansion for his biological mother.

Shu Shu held Mrs. Uncle's hand, without any intention of hiding it, and told her what she found just now when she went to the front yard by herself.

Mrs. Uncle was stunned when she heard that, and it took a long time for the corner of her mouth to sneer: "No wonder you are so diligent. These days, the front yard servants, regardless of the customs, opened the stove and secretly cooked food for uncle, such as dried sausages, sauced meat, etc. It's all my uncle's favorite food when he was a child..."

Uncle is not in good health. He always pays attention to health preservation and eats a light diet.

Shu Shu frowned and said, "Uncle is not a child, how can he be greedy?"

Mrs. Uncle sneered: "It's not unusual, it's just adding poppy shells. It was the same trick seventeen years ago, and it will still be the same trick seventeen years later..."

Shu Shu recalled the record in "Compendium of Materia Medica", "Cure nocturnal emission and chronic cough". Could it be that the uncle used poppy shells to get Aunt Xizhu pregnant?
Dried sausages and sauced meat are all heavy oil and salt.

Uncle's kidneys are not good at all, so it's not uncommon to have edema.

"It's said that a long illness makes a doctor, uncle didn't realize it?"

Shu Shu was puzzled.

Mrs. Uncle said: "It can't be said that he thinks that others are serving him carefully, and his health has improved..."

Qi Xi, who was listening to the scene, understood it, and almost exploded in anger. He gritted his teeth and said, "You are such a lowly seed. How can I feel sorry for their mother and son, and dare to harm my brother?"

After all, let's go outside.


Mrs. Uncle grabbed her and said sharply: "Don't go, you don't want to meddle!"

Qi Xi frowned and said, "Sister-in-law..."

"Didn't you see that your elder brother has been coaxed, and you have been guarding against him all these years. You go to testify against his only son's mother, maybe he thinks you can't wait, and kill two birds with one stone for the title. To frame their mother and son..."

Mrs. Uncle said with a cold face.

Qi Xi opened his mouth and closed it again.

On the surface, the two brothers are good to each other, but Qi Xi also knows his brother's heart disease.

He was afraid that Xi Zhu's future would be lost due to the title transfer.

Especially after Shu Shu was accused of marrying him to the prince, every time the uncle talked to him, he always flattered and flattered him. There is hope...

(End of this chapter)

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