Chapter 438 Grandpa Lost

Jue Luo approached, helped Mrs. Uncle, and said, "Sister-in-law, how can I check? Our master is not easy to talk, and it is not convenient for you..."

Mrs. Uncle sneered and said: "It's not only Uncle's uncle's mansion, but also my uncle's mansion. As long as you go to investigate, where can't you find it? It's a serious crime for a concubine to murder the head of the family. Don't interfere, I will deal with it myself. "

After that, she glanced at Shu Shu, and apologized to Brother Jiu: "The family is unlucky, I made my elder brother laugh at me!"

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "You are too polite!"

Mrs. Uncle didn't stay long, she told Shu Shu to "go out and do well, don't be naughty", and went back to Uncle's residence.

The remaining four were a little silent.

Brother Jiu looked at his father-in-law and then at his mother-in-law.

Before, I thought that Dong E's family style looked more harmonious than other big families, and Fu Song got a good job, and the younger ones were not jealous or dissatisfied, only happy.

In a blink of an eye, "concubine harming husband" came out.

He blinked, looked at Qi Xi, and said, "Father-in-law, does cousin know about this?"

Qi Xi shook his head and said, "I'm sure I don't know, or I would stop him."

Xizhu's identity is here, so he can't fill the vacancy, and he can't walk in the Eight Banners. He is only seventeen years old, so there is no reason to rush to become a prince.

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "Could it be that you care about it and cause chaos? If the uncle suspects the father-in-law, then the cousin may also be affected. In the past six months, the son-in-law has come several times..."

If you think too much, you must worry about whether Qi Xi and his son will want to transfer the title after having more princes and sons-in-law.

Qi Xi was stunned.

Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix.

Xizhu is the uncle's son, influenced by his uncle, he has a dull temper, not a cheerful and lively personality, he likes to hold back what he has to say, and it is not unreasonable to worry about the capital.

Qi Xi's face was a little ugly.

If Xizhu was really an insider and acquiesced to his biological mother's behavior, then he would not spare Xizhu.

Jue Luo took a look at Brother Jiu, and said, "This is Dong E's housework, so don't say anything rude."

Brother Nine: "..."

He was a little cautious, but he didn't want to offend his mother-in-law, because the gain would outweigh the loss, so he shut up immediately.

Shu Shu's irritability has calmed down, and she doesn't know why she thought of "karma".

Just like Han Moujuan's brain-burning words, if there is a cause, there must be an effect.

Uncle's retribution is Xi Zhu's birth mother.

With a son, a head, and a hard-working life, the concubine who bred his blood is not only a pet, but also a benefactor, but the one who wants his life now is also this one.

As for Brother Nine, it seems that he still doesn't give up on the title, so he deliberately turned the topic on Xi Zhu.

Qi Xi saw that his wife was harshly admonishing his son-in-law, and he was not tactful at all, so he hurriedly tried to make amends: "Brother is of high status, don't be biased, otherwise it won't be easy to be talked about, let's go back to the inner courtyard, and the younger ones are still waiting."

Brother Jiu was not annoyed, and nodded.

He could tell that something was wrong with his father-in-law's house.

Other people's family is a strict father and a loving mother, while the father-in-law's family is reversed, a strict mother and a loving father.

No wonder every time Fujin saw his mother-in-law, he acted like a kitten, obedient, he must have been taught a lesson.

He also remembered that when he was mourning at the Prince's Mansion in Zhijun, his mother-in-law beat someone directly.

Brother Jiu took a look at Qi Xi, feeling that it was not easy for his father-in-law.

Even if a few people have something on their minds, it is still easy to hide a few small ones.

In addition, elder brother Jiu is a person of Qiqing, he has no affection for Uncle, he is just curious about the follow-up, not sentimental.

So even though the little ones were curious about how they came back together, they didn't think about anything else.

Zhu Liang said, "Where's Ah Mou? Why didn't you come together?"

Shu Shu said: "Uncle Chang is a guest at Bo's residence, and Ah Mou wants to entertain guests, so it's not easy to come out."

The younger ones also saw that the uncle brought the guards over, and they didn't doubt the reason.

Only Fu Song didn't speak, and only looked at Shu Shu a few more times.

The family had a reunion dinner.

Shu Shu also planned to go to the shop and leave the Dutong Mansion after eating.

Of the three maids brought along, only Xiao Chun followed.

Xiao Yu went to the house.

For Xiaosong, let her seize the time to meet up in front of Dianmen before Youchu.

Sitting in the carriage, Brother Nine realized it.

Come back for nothing.

First, Fu Song changed his mind, and then Shu Shu found out that the uncle's condition was not right. He didn't get a few compliments for being a good uncle.

"It's really a loss. I didn't boast or talk, and I was scolded. Why are you talking so much?"

Brother Jiu regretted it unceasingly, and talked to Shu Shu.

Shu Shu talked about the conversation between the mother and daughter in Xishao, and then said: "Compared to Ernie, I am too restless, and I act too arrogantly!"

She really did reflect a little bit.

Er Nie's indifference is really indifferent, not pretending to be indifferent, naturally he doesn't like Brother Jiu's petty thoughts.

Brother Jiu said in shock: "Fortunately, it was Khan Ama who pointed out the marriage and pointed you to the Lord; if the mother-in-law chooses her own son-in-law, the Lord must be out of luck!"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "People are not sages, who can have no selfishness, Er Nie can restrain himself, in addition to good conduct, it is also because of the mother's sake, afraid of following the example, the children will not learn well, and go astray in the future!"

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, and then thought about the six brothers-in-law, but he was able to do things well, without any obvious flaws.

Even though the Zhuliang brothers are not very smart, they are gentle and down-to-earth, and they are reassuring to watch.

"When do you get pregnant, master should be more restrained in his actions, and I can't teach bad brother, little Gege..."

Brother Jiu came to such a conclusion.

Shu Shu looked at him, nodded and said: "Then I will learn from my master and be less self-willed."

Brother Nine, be honest and be the "Poison Tongue Nine", don't evolve into "Poisonous Snake Nine".

Even if the husband and wife are doing nothing, just relying on their status, they don't need to be involved, and they can enjoy the glory and wealth in peace.

As for meeting Tian Gege, Shu Shu doesn't want to care about whether he will behave in the future or not.

The reason why I was not angry was because of snobbery, didn't I still salute honestly when I met the Empress Dowager and Kangxi?

He is also obedient in front of the princess.

If you don't want to be a queen, then you will inevitably have to meet people in the future.

I am an ordinary person, so I can't be too self-righteous.

The mother of Xizhu is a lesson from others.

Greed is just a little expansion like this.

Unsatisfied, he finally took the risk.

While speaking, the carriage arrived at Gulou Street and stopped in front of the Shun'an Silver Tower.

The guards and guards here followed, and the silver building got the news immediately, and the treasurer Hou came out to welcome him.

Brother Jiu helped Shushu out of the carriage, turned around and looked diagonally across.

The business in Qianjinfang is still booming, and it looks busier than the Shun'an Silver Building.

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin, and said to Shu Shu, "I think even if there is no such lawsuit, I can still keep an eye on you..."

At that time, the business of Shun'an Bank Building was good, and he thought it was the idea of ​​the shopkeeper Hou who came up with a "trade-in" activity, so he wanted to poach someone.

"It turned out to be your idea, sir, is this considered a wise eye?"

Until he went to the tea room on the second floor, brother Jiu still spoke boldly.

Shopkeeper Hou went to the warehouse to take the treasure of the store.

Shu Shu also remembered the lawsuit in March last year, glanced at Brother Jiu, and said, "If I'm not Gege from Dong E's family, but just the shopkeeper, would you still want to take it by force?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's appointed, although it looked a bit shabby at the time, but it is capable, master is not the kind of jealousy."

Shu Shu thought of Gui Dan, and said: "Before, he used master's name to practice and make perfect. It doesn't seem like he did it once or twice. Master also needs to warn him."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Don't worry, Master has already taught him a lesson!"

There is a story in it?

But why haven't I heard of it?
Seeing Shu Shu's appearance, Brother Jiu explained: "It's just two days since my sister-in-law was gone, I heard that he used the name of his mother to inquire about Sun Gege in the Fuguo Gong Changshu's mansion..."

Fuguo Gong Changshu, the seventh son of Emperor Taizong, is the only surviving uncle of Kangxi, and the great-uncle of the elder brothers of the princes.

Sun Gege of the Duke's Mansion is the second cousin of the princes.

Guidan really has high eyesight.

Just think beautifully.

Marriage between the Eight Banners not only emphasizes "banner people do not marry", but also pays attention to "good and low do not marry".

Concubine Yi's nieces, relying on their favorite concubine's aunt and the prince's cousin, can marry offspring from the side clan.

However, the Guo Luoluo family, who had only raised the flag for a few years, could not marry their eldest daughter.

It is estimated that it will take two or three generations for Guo Luoluo's family to gain a foothold in Shangsanqi before they can marry a daughter-in-law or grand-daughter-in-law of good background.

Just like the nobles of the Eight Banners, there are those who marry a wrapped woman as their main wife, or marry a civilian girl as their main wife, as long as they arrange for her to be naturalized in the banner family.

However, if one dares to marry a daughter to a commoner, or to marry a daughter to a Baoyi family, that is self-willing and degrading. The former violates the law, and the latter cannot be tolerated by the family.

At that time, Brother Jiu heard about it, so he asked someone to beat Guidan twenty boards.

This is also for the people of the Fuguo Duke's Mansion, otherwise the clan would think that he and the fifth elder brother were crazy, and that's why they are so used to being so ignorant.

"In those few days, everyone was busy and tired. I wanted to go home and tell you, but I forgot..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's really high-minded."

The title of Fuguo Duke's Mansion is not high, but it is close to the clan.

If you look for it in the family of Jueluo, who has an ordinary family background and no high-ranking officials, it may be really successful.

Brother Nine snorted and said, "It's just that I didn't clean it up, Brother Fifth also cleaned it up later, and once I said it again, the guard wiped it off directly."

The guards of the Three Banners, one radish and one pit.

If it wasn't for Yifei and the two elder brothers, where would it be Guidan's turn?

For ordinary Eight Banners families, Guo Luoluo's family is a new rich family, but for the aristocratic families in the Upper Three Banners, they are nothing.

Footsteps were heard at the door, and the couple stopped chatting.

Shopkeeper Hou came in, holding a brocade box carefully in his hand.

When the brocade box was opened, Brother Jiu couldn't help but stepped forward: "Why doesn't it look like something new?"

Shu Shu proudly said: "Since it is the treasure of the town store, it is naturally not a vulgar thing. It is a golden silk inlaid with white jade and three ruyis inlaid in the Yuan Dynasty. The Queen Mother should like it..."

It has been four or five hundred years since the court of the Yuan Dynasty flowed out.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Don't just give it away, it happens to be the Empress Dowager's [-]th birthday next year, so I will use this as a birthday present..."

Shu Shu thinks it's good, it's too grand to give this on weekdays.

She told shopkeeper Hou: "Like the ones prepared yesterday, prepare another copy and send it in."

Shopkeeper Hou agreed, and went downstairs to deliver a message.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine were not in a hurry to go back either. They sat on the second floor drinking tea and watching the flow of customers in Qianjinfang opposite.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but said: "The shop opened in April last year, and it's been more than half a year. Have you checked the accounts? How about the income?"

Shu Shu stretched out his palm and stretched it out: "As of the twelfth lunar month, after excluding all expenses, the net profit is this amount!"

"Five thousand taels of silver?!"

Brother Jiu's eyes shined.

Shu Shu laughed: "Master's idea is really beautiful..."

They sell gold and silver wares. It looks like there is a lot of turnover, but in fact the bonus is limited, especially for gold and silver, which can be regarded as small profits but quick turnover.

In eight months, the profit was five hundred taels, and Shu Shu was already satisfied.

Brother Jiu thought of five thousand taels...

There is also the leader of the alliance, everyone will watch it tomorrow morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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