Chapter 439 Sui Gener (addition for the leader Cao face)

Brother Nine showed disbelief on his face.

"There are three facades, ten or so people, and the craftsmen from the Shun'an Silver Building are needed. The income is only five hundred taels of silver in eight months? It is equivalent to sixty-two taels of silver per month, and every day is not enough. It’s too little for two taels of money?”

Shu Shu nodded and said: "This is a silver building, not other low-input high-outgoing businesses. The buying and selling are all transparent. Even if the silver bracelets weigh two taels, even if they are carved out of flowers, they can't be sold for three taels. The labor cost of one or two renminbi is almost the same... This is less than [-]% of the gross profit, and then the wages of the craftsman, the expenses of the clerk, the accountant, the shopkeeper, and the rent according to the market price, all of which have to be removed. The money left over every month is not bad.”

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Why do you still need to pay the rent for your own shop?"

Shu Shu said: "If the shop is rented out to others, the rent can be collected directly. You can't say that you use it yourself, and the cost will be wiped out."

Brother Jiu understood, nodded and said: "Looking at it this way, the profit of sixty taels a month is not too small, the shop was only bought for two thousand taels, and the shop has paid back its capital in almost three and a half years. "

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "Among the profit of six hundred taels, three hundred is earned in the winter month and the twelfth lunar month, because there are many people marrying at that time, and these months in the first month are the off-season, unless it is the year of the draft. Converted in this way, it’s almost six hundred taels a year.”

Brother Nine grinned: "There are only so many customers coming and going, so isn't the Shun'an Silver House less than this?"

The passenger flow on the opposite side is more than double that of this side.

Shu Shu thought about last year's accounting, and said: "It's not too small. The two shops are about the same. There are more gold wares here, and the labor costs are naturally higher. The profit is more lucrative than the other side..."

Brother Nine pinched his fingers and counted: "This is already a profitable shop. With twenty prosperous shops, the annual income is only more than [-] taels, and it takes so many people to keep an eye on it. It's not enough to worry about. Lord, let’s be the head of the House of Internal Affairs properly!”

Shu Shu listened with a smile and didn't say anything else.

In fact, she knew a simpler way to make money in her heart.

That is the big landlord, the big landlord.

Not to mention other people, when He Shen ransacked his house, there were three thousand houses and eight thousand hectares of fertile land.

But she was just thinking about it.

I was able to buy those properties last spring because of the light of brother Jiu, and the timing was just right.

Otherwise, it is rare.

The two came out of the silver building and went straight back to the palace.

Xiao Song was already waiting at the gate of Di'anmen.

The masters and servants still followed the route of Di'anmen and Shenwumen, and returned to the second school.

In Yikun Palace, in the East Second Room.

There is a "Nine Nine Cold Plum Picture" on the Kang table.

Concubine Yi hugged Elder Seventeen and was teaching him to draw plum blossoms with eyebrow pencils, her mouth was not idle: "Qijiu River is open, Bajiuyan is here..."

"When the river opens, there will be fish to eat at seventeen; when the swallows come, they will build nests on the beams and hatch little swallows..."

"Nine-nine plus one-nine, the cattle are everywhere, and the farmers are about to start spring plowing..."

Kangxi came to visit Concubine Yi, and happened to see this picture of the concubine teaching her son.

There is warmth, but the content is not right.

There was a lot of helplessness on his face: "It's probably the wild goose, not the little swallow!"


Concubine Yi saw Kangxi, her face was full of joy, she put down her elder brother Seventeen, and got up to greet him.

Elder Seventeen looked at Kangxi with round eyes, but felt that Kangxi was a bit strange.

A child has a short memory, and he has no memory.

Seeing Concubine Yi circle around Kangxi, Elder Seventeen quit.

"Niangniang, Niangniang..."

Brother Seventeen stretched out his little hand, wanting to be hugged by Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi smiled and wanted to hug someone, but was stopped by Kangxi.

Kangxi reprimanded: "You are heavy, don't get used to him too much, you are so big, you still need to be hugged!"

Concubine Yi didn't argue, she complained endlessly in her heart.

How big is it? !

The virtual age is three years old, and the first year is less than two birthdays!
Elder Seventeen saw that Kangxi was unhappy and didn't dare to act presumptuously. He looked at Concubine Yi pitifully and said, "Sister-in-law Nine, cake..."

Concubine Yi smiled slightly: "This is because I miss the snacks sent by your sister-in-law Jiu, let's go down and eat..."

Saying that, he ordered Seventeenth elder brother's wet nurse to carry elder brother down.

Kangxi just sat on the edge of the kang, looked at Concubine Yi, and took a few extra glances at her face.

Concubine Yi noticed it, touched her face, and said with a smile: "What is the emperor looking at, the concubine has become ugly?"

Kangxi pondered and said: "Go back and ask Tai Hospital to give you two boxes of pearl ointment."

Concubine Yi quit, and went to the dressing table in a "squeaky" manner, turned out the vanity mirror that Xianglan had hidden, looked at herself in the mirror, and was startled.

On both sides of the cheeks, there are yellow-brown spots.

Concubine Yi is fair-skinned, and the color of the spot is also lighter, but it is still very obvious.

Kangxi followed in and comforted: "This is a butterfly spot, which is common among women, and it will be fine after giving birth."

Concubine Yi's face was not annoyed, but she had a smile on her face.

Kangxi was surprised.

He knows Concubine Yi, she is the one who loves beauty the most, shouldn't he be annoyed at this time?

Then blame the palace man for concealing it.

Concubine Yi was flattered, looking at herself in the mirror, as if looking at a medal, and said: "No wonder it's called 'Butterfly Spot', it really looks like..."

Kangxi was a little confused.

He looked at Concubine Yi's face a few more times, but still felt awkward, as if eggs were dipped in sesame salt.

Concubine Yi has already put down the mirror, took Kangxi's hand, put her stomach down, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, this time is different from when I was pregnant with Fifth and Ninth Brothers. We want more little princesses... I have freckles on my face, but I didn't have any in the first two times... I always said 'an ugly mother gives birth to a daughter, and a beautiful mother gives birth to a child', I can't really say it..."

Kangxi listened and laughed too.

He had known for a long time that Concubine Yi admired Concubine De and Concubine Rong having both children.

But no one can say the sex of the child in the womb.

Even the best gynecologist can't be [-]% sure.

He was afraid that Concubine Yi would be disappointed, so he said: "Little Gege is good, little Elder Brother is also good, he is my youngest son, and I will love him well."

Concubine Yi smiled and nodded: "Well, then you have to teach him well, don't let him be like Lao Jiu, who was naughty when he was young, and has no shape when he grows up..."

Kangxi heard her complain and said, "What happened to him?"

Concubine Yi snorted softly and said: "The emperor is extremely intelligent and talented, and my concubine is not a fool. How could he give birth to such a stupid son?"

As she was talking, she told about brother Jiu's purchase of medicine.

"It is said that he has prepared two copies, but the concubine still doesn't know about him? If it weren't for the daughter-in-law looking for help, the concubine would not even be able to see ginseng here! Yes, there is an imperial pharmacy in the palace, and the medicinal materials over there are even better. It’s better, but can it be as filial as a son’s?”

The more she spoke, the angrier she became: "I put my heart into pleasing my mother-in-law, and I don't want to please my mother-in-law!"

Kangxi did not hear any shortcomings.

Thinking of the news I got yesterday, the Second Institute sent several boxes to Yikun Palace.

It was just yesterday that Shenwumen came in, most of them were gold and silver.

He felt sour and said: "Didn't you say that you are filial to others? It's not bad, and I haven't seen anything there yet!"

Concubine Yi covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Don't worry, your majesty, there are concubines here, and the emperor must also have... Where is that bastard filial, it's probably the daughter-in-law's idea, just like the time in the paddock palace, the daughter-in-law is Both rich and poor..."

Kangxi saw that she kept belittling Brother Jiu, so he didn't like to hear it anymore, and said: "That's not necessarily true, Brother Jiu said it before, Jiu Fujin is good, but Brother Jiu is also good... You can't favor one over another, too Partial eyes..."

Concubine Yi: "..."

She paused, then followed the words: "Isn't that why Lao Wu is more sensible and loving? If Lao Jiu is better, who will bother him?"

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Don't let people hurt you? The palms and backs of your hands are full of flesh. As a mother, you should act fairly. Don't embarrass the children!"

If it is really treated twice, it will be spread outside the palace at that time, I am afraid that Qi Xi will come to wipe his tears again.

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "It's my concubine's fault. These days I'm irritable and irritable. I feel annoyed when I think of Brother Jiu. That is to say, the daughter-in-law chosen by the emperor is good. The concubine who loves the house and Wu will bear it. Otherwise, yesterday In that case, the concubine will definitely send someone to give Brother Nine a lesson..."

Kangxi feels that he has been very angry recently, and he also wants to train others when he sees Brother Jiu.

Comparing his heart with his heart, he didn't blame Concubine Yi, but only told him: "No matter what you feel in your heart, be fair on the face, or as time goes on, there will be rifts between brothers."

Concubine Yi stood up and listened, and solemnly agreed: "Well, I listen to the emperor..."

The emperor and concubine sit opposite each other.

Kangxi thought about the delivery date given by the Imperial Hospital, and said: "You gave birth in May, and I should return to Luan at the end of April..."

Concubine Yi showed joy on her face.

Regardless of whether she was involved in the plan or not, since Kangxi said so, she just listened to it.

"The concubine is really uneasy, the concubine is waiting for the emperor to come back..."

Her eyes were full of nostalgia and dependence.

Kangxi nodded, and thought about it. At that time, there was a concubine De in the East Sixth Palace, Concubine Yi in the West Sixth Palace was in charge, and the Crown Princess was in charge of palace affairs.

There seems to be nothing to worry about.

But just in case, he still warned: "I will keep Zhao Chang in the palace, if there is anything on your side, you can send someone to tell Zhao Chang..."

Concubine Yi had a look of reluctance on her face, and said: "Well, this concubine knows..."

As she spoke, her eyes accidentally swept over Kangxi's purse.

Half new and not old, the needles and threads are delicate, comparable to embroiderers.

It is the needlework of Wang Shufei.

This time the concubine Wang Shu's nobleman should have hit the nail on the head.

Before, the emperor was afraid of people talking, even if there were two princes there, he was still a concubine, but his daily expenses were based on his status as a nobleman.

But this time the southern tour is to bring the concubine Wang Shu.

Even if it is shown to the Jiangnan scholars, the status of the concubine Wang Shu has to be lifted.

Yi Fei felt slightly sour in her heart, but she was smiling.

What's so strange?

The emperor likes the new and never tires of the old.

If the emperor likes the new and dislikes the old, she will cry.

I just hope that the two she gave birth to don't follow their roots, and live a good life with their respective Fujin, warmly, don't see one love the other, if you work hard, others will also feel tired...

Thank you lord dad!There are activities in the circle of book friends, and you can share the title with Xiaoba sister's post.

Other dads who are interested can also follow the post to share Guoguo, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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