My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 443 New Errand

Chapter 443 New Errand

Hearing that Brother Nine was leaving, Kangxi thought about business.

Before asking someone to slip him over, it was because he wanted to practice and practice.

But such a cowardly...

Kangxi rarely hesitated.

Do you want your son to take it easy, or just hit it hard?

Immediately, I thought of Brother Nine's age, seventeen.

After the Chinese New Year, those who come out will treat themselves like children. If they are not strict, when will they grow up?

With such irresponsible virtue, I still can't forget to move out.

When the time comes to put it outside, how can I rest assured?

He said with a stern face: "You are no longer a child. Even if you have completed your errands if you are not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you should still be in the world. Starting tomorrow, you will spend half a day every three days to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to go through the dossiers of last year's collusion! "

Brother Jiu was a little confused.

Concerned about chaos, he was a little anxious.

It was only yesterday that I realized that once the account was paid, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs would benefit from it.

He also wants to be long-lasting.

Hearing this, Brother Jiu was a little anxious.

"Khan Ama, okay, what is your son doing? The House of Internal Affairs is busy right now, the holy driver is making a tour of the south, the elder brother is getting married, all these things..."

Kangxi looked at him and said: "If you don't go through that, when will you be able to experience the courage? It's still like yesterday, and you can't sleep when you encounter some things?"

Brother Jiu blushed, and wanted to tell him that it wasn't because he couldn't sleep because of something, but because he couldn't sleep because he was thinking about the husband and wife in a few days.

Mandarin ducks cross their necks.

The phoenix and the phoenix sing together.

Qinse match.

He said sullenly: "It's just a coincidence. My son thinks that the imperial doctor's pulse diagnosis is also superficial. It may not be counted. He asked his son first before telling the pulse. Who can be sure? Maybe that's what he said, okay, son. What are you afraid of?"

Kangxi sneered and said, "That's an imperial doctor, not a wandering doctor. Can't you diagnose such a pulse?"

Brother Jiu gave Kangxi a sad look.

If she was really frightened, it was not because of the Yinbo mansion, but because of the look in the eyes of the imperial father yesterday.


His hairs are all up, can you not be afraid?

Kangxi only regarded him as stubborn, and said: "When you see the people's livelihood and the world, you will know that there are no strange things in this world, and you will not be surprised again."

Brother Jiu's face was stiff.

Why do you think this word sounds familiar?

Is this cause and effect?

It was only because of his selfishness that he disclosed this matter in front of the imperial court.

The results seem to have paid off.

He didn't want to look at the file of the condemned prisoner.

With that effort, why don't you take a good rest?
Last year, the fourth brother was busy with that, and he looked gloomy.

Think about it, too, listening to murder and arson all day long is nothing good, so it's no wonder that I feel better.

He sighed, and said: "Ama Khan, it's my son's fault, he shouldn't be thinking carefully... My son just thinks that the princes who passed down the founding of the country are all well-known, and if you lose one, you will be blind... "

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Compared to your father-in-law and mother-in-law, you are a bit worse at acting, and you think about it as soon as you come out, and you don't have a plan... Let me ask you, if there is no external cause for Xin Dali's illness, It’s your birthday, what are you going to do next?”

Brother Jiu didn't even think about it: "Then what can I do, watch Xizhu attack, what else can I do?"

Kangxi paid close attention to his reaction, and said: "Since you have thought about transferring the title of Dong E's family, are you giving up?"

Brother Jiu nodded, and looked at Kangxi with some incomprehension: "Khan Ama, that's my son's father-in-law, not my son's son, what should my son worry about?"

Kangxi glared angrily: "Don't worry about what you were talking about for a long time yesterday?"

Brother Jiu smiled and said: "It's not that you asked a question, and my son had an idea, and when he thought of this, he went bald. After all, this is a scandal. If there is no best, then think about the benefits. The family reputation is dirty. Yes, but the son's father-in-law can also get some benefits, so it's not a waste of money..."

Kangxi remembered the results of the investigation with a solemn face.

"It's true, Xindali's days are numbered!"

He said lightly.

Brother Jiu covered his mouth.



Unseen black energy is rising from Khan Ama's body again!

Could it be that Khan Ama and Uncle are old acquaintances, that's why they are so angry?
Thinking about it is not impossible.

It seems that the two are about the same age.

Khan Ama lived outside the palace when she was a child, and her wet nurse was the old lady of Dong E's family's second wife, so it is not unusual for her to be familiar with the children of Dong E's family.

Seeing his appearance, Kangxi thought that he was afraid again, and said: "What I said just now is not very clear. If this matter is uncovered, your father-in-law will not be in vain."

I'm not very old, so I worry a lot.

Before, he was thinking about his brother-in-law's future, but now he even cares about his father-in-law's future. He is really a good brother-in-law and son-in-law.

Brother Jiu didn't dare to look into Kangxi's eyes, for fear of revealing something, he drooped his head and said, "This is not a good thing... My son is still hoping for a false alarm..."

Kangxi said seriously: "The rest of the matter will be handled by Dong E's family, you are not allowed to intervene!"

Ninth elder brother hurriedly stood up and nodded honestly: "Don't worry, Ama Khan, my son doesn't dare."

The relationship between the Eight Banners is complicated.

Royalty and Clan.

Royalty and honor.

There is a delicate balance to be maintained.

Otherwise, the Eight Banners would become chaotic, and the Qing Dynasty would be unstable.

It is a taboo for the royals to interfere in the succession of the honorary title.

Seeing that he was quite obedient, Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Go to the imperial pharmacy and get him a jar of Ganoderma lucidum wine."

Liang Jiugong agreed and went down to fetch wine.

Brother Nine was puzzled: "Khan Ama, what's the matter?"

Kangxi frowned and said: "I don't know how to learn, go back and read "Materia Medica" by myself!"

Brother Nine shut up, not daring to be foolish at this time.

After a while, Liang Jiugong came over with Ganoderma lucidum wine.

It is about a circle bigger than an adult's fist and weighs about a catty.

Brother Jiu curled his lips, feeling a little too small, so he resisted not opening his mouth, thanked him for the reward, and withdrew.

Under the steps in front of Qianqing Palace, the fourth elder brother was standing with his hands behind his back, looking towards the direction of the study.

Brother Nine walked over and followed his gaze to see a row of houses.

"What are you looking at, brother four?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

The fourth elder brother turned to look at him, looked carefully at him, then looked at the Ganoderma lucidum wine in his hand, and said: "Didn't you catch a cold yesterday, how do you use this, you have a bad cough?"

Ganoderma lucidum is sweet in taste, relieves cough and relieves asthma, but it is contraindicated for those with exogenous diseases.

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment, but still asked: "Fourth Brother, besides relieving cough, what other effects does Ganoderma lucidum have?"

The fourth elder brother was taken aback, didn't understand why he asked this, thought for a while and said: "Replenishing qi and calming the nerves, it is also suitable for insomnia and palpitations."

Brother Jiu saw that his eyes were full of concern, and he wanted to lie casually but couldn't continue, so he said what he could.

I'm not stupid, I know how to say the same thing.

What the emperor said, what the fourth elder brother said in front of him.

He felt more and more comfortable.

Does this count as anticipating the enemy first?

Coupled with the corroboration of the imperial physician, now he wants to say that he just slept late before sending someone to the yamen to ask for leave. I am afraid that no one will believe it.

"I heard this kind of lawsuit first. It's all stories. I didn't expect it to be around me. I couldn't figure it out for a while, so I didn't sleep well..."

After Brother Jiu finished speaking, he still remembered to make amends for himself: "I'm not scared, but I just can't figure it out. If the people around me play tricks, it's really hard to guard against..."

After the fourth elder brother heard it, he realized the reason for the ninth elder brother's drooping.

He didn't comment on the affairs of Dong E's family.

Common people, one room, two acres of land, and people's brains must be beaten into dog brains.

The story of this honorable family's property infringement and seizing the title has never stopped at all.

But the emperor's father was right, brother Jiu was a little timid.

It's too childish to think about catching birds and fish all day long.

You should also see the world.

It's just that he handed in an errand in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs a few years ago, and now he is walking in the Ministry of Households, and he is calculating the relief money and food statistics of various prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River for [-] years.

Especially Songjiang Mansion, which was originally a rich place in the world of clothing and quilts.

As a result, there was a famine for four consecutive years, the cotton fields were damaged, and the harvest of grain and soybeans was wiped out.

The common people had no food to eat and had nowhere to go, so they all relied on official food relief.

In the past four years, money and food were allocated to Songjiang Mansion again and again, but the officials were greedy for ink, causing civil unrest.

In the thirty-sixth year, the famine was considered to have eased, and last year was a good year.

This time, Shengjia's southern tour is going to Songjiang Prefecture to Anmin.

The fourth elder brother put this aside, looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "The person in charge of reviewing last year's case is Langzhong Chen Chaojun. You can come over tomorrow and go directly to him. Be more polite and ask for advice when you encounter problems."

Ninth elder brother is a little uncertain: "Fourth brother, isn't younger brother just going to look at the case file, and also has to deal with people?"

He was too lazy to deal with people he didn't know well.

The fourth elder brother said: "If the minister and the servant are here, naturally they have to take the initiative to meet you. You can't just pass by in a big way, and wait for the bosses to come and say hello to you!"

Brother Jiu frowned, and muttered: "My brother doesn't want to go. Are there no notes related to criminal cases in Jingyang Palace's collection? Okay, why not go to the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, and you have to walk two miles to and fro!"

The fourth elder brother hated iron but said: "Don't say that in front of others!"

He also thought that Brother Jiu's task of reading the case this time was caused by the secret affairs of Dong E's family, and he warned again: "Since it involves private affairs, don't talk about it anymore!"

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, a little reluctantly.

He didn't expect to publicize it everywhere, but isn't there still an old ten?
His thoughts were all on his face, and the fourth elder brother glared at him: "How did I warn you outside the garden before? You can't have a longer memory! It's the same in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, don't talk, watch more and learn more!"

Brother Nine's face immediately turned bitter, and he said, "Fourth Brother, I don't plan to work in the Ministry of Criminal Affairs in the future. I just need to read the case files. What else do I want to learn? I really want to study. My brother thinks about Lifan Academy. The internal building office, the Ministry of Industry, etc., when the time comes, translate a book, or make some small things..."

The fourth elder brother saw him impetuous, and said: "No matter what you think in your heart, you must first calm down, so that Han Ama can trust you!"

Brother Nine listened, thoughtful.

Khan Ama is a little underestimating himself now, that's all, then he will be obedient first.

When Mongolia's medicinal materials are collected and the account book is thrown at him, he will know his ability.

I have to be busy recently, the Mongolian prince is waiting for the weather to get warmer.

Now there is some early spring in the capital, and the cold outside the Great Wall is still severe. They will not start until the end of February.

Brother Jiu had a plan in mind, so he felt that it would not be so difficult to go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to look at the case.

Just read the storybook.

Go for three days and half a day, and you don't have to work in the Yamen.

Brother Jiu thought about it, and felt very happy.

After asking why, the fourth elder brother didn't keep him, saying: "Go back and rest..."

As he said that, he noticed the vest on his body, and said, "Come on in spring and freeze in autumn, the weather will still be cold sooner or later, don't be in a hurry to change clothes..."


The ninth elder brother agreed and said goodbye to the fourth elder brother.

The fourth brother is okay, it belongs to the mother-in-law, and it is a bit long-winded.

Nine princes slandered in their hearts, and felt very disgusted...

(End of this chapter)

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