Chapter 444
The second house, the main house.

Shu Shu washed her face with ice water, and her mind was cleared up.

Although she told Brother Jiu again, she was still a little worried.

It's been too much nonsense lately.

Sitting in front of the vanity mirror, she looked at her complexion.

Fortunately, he was young, but his eye circles were a bit dark.

She is also hungry.

I was planning to go to bed before, so I was empty stomach.

Waking up now is a bit difficult.

She said to Xiao Chun: "Hot serving of siu mai with mutton soup..."

The mutton soup uses cooked white cut mutton, which is very simple to make.

Xiaochun went out to spread the word.

There was movement outside, Shu Shu looked over, Brother Jiu came back.

He yawned, and said: "I'm so sleepy, Khan Ama is really good, give me a good time!"

Shu Shu got up, took the wine jar in his hand, curious.

"Why is there still wine?"

"Ganoderma lucidum wine rewarded by Han Ama, it calms the nerves and invigorates Qi..."

Brother Jiu said, thinking of the imperial physician's diagnosis, he still felt hot on his face.

He concealed the words "deficiency of yin" and said the diagnosis of "deficiency of heart, gallbladder and qi" earlier.

"Do you think he is really capable, or is he just guessing casually based on his words and demeanor?"

Brother Nine is half-believing.

Shu Shu said: "Since there are inheritances and classifications of pulse images, it should be reliable. Besides, this doctor's medical treatment is to 'look, hear and ask'. Asking a few more questions and looking at the expression of the master are also the basis for diagnosis."

Although she is not yet a beginner, she is also convinced of Chinese medicine.

Brother Jiu just complained a few words.

Shu Shu ordered to pass the meals.

Brother Jiu lay down on the south kang, looked at Shu Shu, and concealed the words that Uncle's life is not long.

If she said so, she wouldn't feel at ease when she went out.

He said: "It's Khan Ama who really believed it. I thought I was frightened. Let me go to the Ministry of Criminal Justice tomorrow to read the files of the death penalty criminals who were interdicted last year. Going there for half a day in three days is a new job..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu said enviously, "That's pretty good, there's no place to look outside if you want to."

They are all real cases, events that novelists cannot make up.

Why are the mystery novels of later generations so popular?
That's because it is fascinating, with various reversals and self-consistent logic.

Mostly because of a good story template.

It's not that she is idle and bored, thinking that all the tragedies in the world can be used as stories, but that it is not a bad thing for Brother Jiu to get in touch with them.

Brother Nine thought she was teaching him to lie, but in fact she was teaching him the truth.

He was just terrified, he was just rambling on last night, and he couldn't stop talking.

He didn't realize it himself, the more timid he was, the more he bluffed, a little bit harsh.

To read more cases of death penalty criminals, first understand the principle of "Skynet is sparse and not leaky", and then look at karma.

With his courage, he will not make big mistakes in his actions in the future.

Brother Jiu glanced at her disapprovingly, and said, "Why don't you pick and choose when you read, you want to read everything?"

When the time comes to scare, what should I do?
Shu Shu smiled and said, "I've read koan novels before, I'm just curious."

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said: "Then don't listen to these dirty things. If you look into it and see people as bad, then you will be unhappy in the future."

Shu Shu nodded and did not argue with him.

The siu mai and mutton soup are served.

Brother Jiu just ate noodle tea, which means he was full of water.

The couple sat down and ate.

Then they rinsed their mouths and chatted a few words before the couple fell asleep again, sleeping very soundly.

As Shu Shu expected.

Turn the whole thing upside down.

When it was time to light the lamp, Brother Jiu woke up.

His eyes were shining, but Shu Shu didn't dare to let him mess around, and pointed to the warm medicine on the smoker cage.

"The imperial pharmacy sent them in two kinds. This one is decoction, Guipi decoction, and the other is big honeyed pills, which calm the nerves, served warm with Ganoderma lucidum wine..."

Having said that, she couldn't help but smile.

It deserves it, it's not safe every day!

It was not easy for her body to be adjusted to the same level, but she had to suffer from kidney deficiency by herself.

Fortunately, the prescription was prescribed according to the nocturnal essence, if it was prescribed according to the prescription of indulgence and strain, then I would not have to see anyone.

Brother Jiu's face turned dark, with accusations on his face, he gritted his teeth: "Who is it for, you are still laughing..."

Shu Shu immediately restrained herself, and said: "I was wrong...but let's rest, let's have a good talk..."

Nine Brothers hummed and chirped, "Which night didn't you talk properly?"

Sitting in front of Brother Jiu, Shu Shu pointed to her eye circles and said, "It's not just that the master needs to be repaired, I should also take care of it. I can't say that I am more powerful than the master."

Brother Jiu took a closer look and said, "What's the matter? You don't look any different than usual?"

Only then did Shu Shu realize that she had been negligent, she slept all day during the day, and the dark circles under her eyes were relieved.

She pulled Brother Jiu and said, "We won't fight for the day and night, and it will be a long time..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help being reluctant, but he didn't dare to be too presumptuous when he saw the bowl of medicine.

Who is not afraid of death?
He was also afraid in his heart.

"Okay, then let's have a good talk, wait until the third watch and take a nap, and tomorrow will be reversed."

The sound of clappers came from a distance outside, and we entered the watch.

Shu Shu sighed, and said, "Amu won't let Ama intervene, so how will she deal with it?"

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said, "Let's report to the government, and ask Peng Chun to make the decision?"

But Shu Shu sat up: "Sue?!"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Peng Chun is the patriarch or a cousin, so it's the right time to take care of this!"

Shu Shu didn't think so.

Even if they are relatives, there are two branches.

On weekdays, Amu didn't go around much with the government.

But this "report"...

There are sayings.

I just don't know whether it is the infantry capital's yamen or the clan's mansion.

Amu is the daughter of a noble family. She is named "Duoluogege" as the daughter of the county king. She is the county head in Chinese.

The uncle is "Duo Luo's son-in-law", and he also has an annual salary of sixty taels of silver and sixty dendrobium of rice.

Cases related to the two of them can be reported to the clan's residence, and it is not wrong to report to the yamen of the capital of the infantry.

Seeing that Shu Shu stopped talking, Brother Jiu looked over and said, "Isn't that right?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "My lord is right, only my uncle can take care of this."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "If this title falls on father-in-law, outsiders must gossip, it's really not possible to adopt Zhuliang, it's also suitable..."

In that case, the title would pass over Qi Xi and directly fall on Zhu Liang's head.

If it is transferred, Qi Xi and the uncle are of the same generation, and they will inherit the title inherited from their ancestors, and they will not descend.

If he chooses an heir, he will attack if he can't say it.

Shu Shu listened, but didn't speak.

Amu will not want an heir.

If she really has the heart, with the status of the county lord, she is not without power to fight.

I just don't want to rob my sister-in-law's son.

I'm also afraid that because of choosing an heir, the younger generation will feel dissatisfied.

After all, choosing an heir does not necessarily mean the eldest son.

Everyone is eligible.

But if you really want your younger brother to inherit the high title, the innocent brother will be several times short of the title, then it will be difficult for brothers to live in peace in the future.

Shu Shu guessed Mrs. Uncle's next move, and felt relieved.

Not to mention that there are ten elder brothers in the clan's mansion, even if there are no ten elder brothers, there are only those who are partial to Amu.

The direction of the lawsuit and the inheritance of the title will follow Amu's wishes.

It's just that these words don't need to be said in front of Brother Jiu.

She doesn't want to be a female Zhuge.

Brother Nine, however, remembered the scene of a few cousins ​​in the government's mansion stealing the limelight during the big wedding.

"Peng Chun's several sons don't know how to be jealous of the title, so they are also thinking about it?"

He was a little worried.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "There is no such precedent, please rest assured..."

The "Great Qing Law" has laws on the inheritance of titles.

The Dong E family is a title of hero, and the title of hero is awarded according to military merit.

What is the first time, what is the second time, there is a fixed title, and the second-class uncle is the accumulation of sixteen military exploits.

According to the rules of the succession of the nobility, the title is downgraded from one generation to the next, until the last time the nobility is not downgraded.

In this way, the second-class uncle can pass on to more than ten generations.

But in fact, there is no rule at all in the inheritance of honorary titles.

If you have won the Sacred Heart, there are some who don't attack.

If you don't have the Sacred Heart, it is not uncommon for a generation to fall to the fifth or sixth class.

Why did Brother Jiu feel that it was a pity for Xizhu to be the lord before? It was because Xizhu's status was low and his qualifications were ordinary, so he would definitely attack.

From the clan to the nobles, there are many times when they win titles, but they are all close to each other.

This is limited by the law, and the succession of the title is also in the order of distant relatives such as the same father and the same ancestor.

Unless Qi Xi and his son are dead, the Duke's mansion can't touch the edge of the title.

This is also why, among the noble families, the brothers fight the most fiercely, but they can live in harmony with the clansmen, which also means "friends from a distance and attack from a distance".

Seeing Brother Jiu talking more and more energetically, Shu Shu felt that it was impossible.

After this, I can't sleep at midnight.

She went to the study and found a book, which contained a picture album, the Baduanjin mentioned by Xiaosong.

Brother Nine came over and asked in confusion, "Why is it a solo painting?"

A few days ago, the brochures I read were all for two people, and sometimes there were three or four people.

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him angrily, and said, "It's Ba Duan Jin, not something else!"

Brother Jiu saw the above posture, like squatting, and said: "Practice what, leg training?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "For physical fitness, let's be idle when we are free, or try..."

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, looked at Shu Shu, and said angrily, "Do you despise Master?"

It is not good to have such a misunderstanding between husband and wife.

Shu Shu put down the brochure, leaned over and said in a low voice, "I'm preparing it for Jiugege!"

Brother Jiu's eyes widened, he didn't care about getting annoyed anymore, and hurriedly said, "What's wrong with Xiao Jiu?"

It's hard for Shu Shu to say that she likes to be quiet and not active, and her diet is light. She is afraid that she is not in good health and will not be able to withstand the heat in the future.

Because that's no excuse.

Now the Eight Banners are sinicized, and most of the ladies are like this.

Shu Shu said nonsense: "I read it in the book, saying that women's waists are too slender, they like to be quiet and don't like to move, which is not conducive to childbirth, and I'm afraid of life and death. Practice this."

Brother Jiu turned pale when he heard this, and looked at Shu Shu's waist.


It seems to be out of line with slender...

(End of this chapter)

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