Chapter 445 Sending back to her natal family (third change)

Brother Nine was obedient and didn't say this.

Shu Shu didn't pay attention either, she was still looking at the album carefully.

What is on this album should be the Northern School Baduanjin that Xiaosong mentioned.

Most of them are squatting postures.

That's okay, it looks like a tosser.

After seeing clearly the movements of each pose and the effect indicated in the small words next to it, Shu Shu's expression became serious.

The third pose is to regulate the spleen and stomach, the sixth pose is to strengthen the kidney and waist, and the seventh pose is to increase strength. Isn't that right for someone's symptoms?

It's really a crooked shot.

Compared with the healthy, slender Jiugege, the frail "Little Jiu" in front of him needs this more.

Brother Jiu didn't pay attention to the commentary, but looked directly at the picture, and muttered: "This is too simple, you can strengthen your body by making gestures, sounds like a Taoist trick?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "If you are fooled, you won't be fooled for five hundred years, and there is nothing wrong with you. Just practice with me, so that I won't be able to understand by myself. Followed wrong."

Brother Nine immediately said: "Give the book to me, I will study it first, and appoint a tutor and a meeting!"

Getting started with Baduanjin is simple.

Brother Jiu read the description, tried a few times, and completed an action.

He was very proud, and told Shu Shu: "Don't worry, master go through it first!"

After trying out the eight moves, his movements tended to be standard, and his forehead was already a little wet.

Brother Jiu didn't realize it, threw the book on the kang, pulled Shu Shu and said: "I figured it out, come on, follow me to learn!"

He is very good at being a teacher.

Shu Shu pretended to be serious and followed suit honestly.

Occasionally, when there is something not up to standard, I will be yelled at by brother Jiu.

"Look at the tip of your index finger, don't wander your eyes, and concentrate!"

"Wrong, wrong, when you turn your head back upright, you exhale instead of inhale!"

"The eyes are still wrong, you have to look at your toes when you shake your head and tail!"

"In the end, I had to lift my anus and tighten my abdomen, and my belly came out..."

Shu Shu is still smiling.

She felt that she could also recite the Three Character Classic again, it didn't matter, it was unnecessary, and it wouldn't be necessary.

Don't be angry.

It's all about playing with the kids.

Isn't this very happy? !
In order to correct Shu Shu's shortcomings, Brother Jiu was not idle, and practiced according to the standard movements, over and over again.

This Ba Duan Jin looks like nothing, but it is a way to strengthen the body after all.

For half an hour, Brother Jiu was not idle, his mouth was dry, and he was gesticulating with his hands.

Just excited, not tired.

After Shu Shu did it the first time, and corrected the mistakes in the second time.

Brother Jiu realized it later, stretched out his arms pitifully and said, "Helping Master, my legs are numb!"

The face changed quickly, and nothing was done just like a "strict teacher".

Shu Shu didn't hold grudges either, and helped him to sit by the kang.

The couple simply washed up and went to the kang.

The sound of clappers in the middle of the night came from afar.

Brother Jiu still stretched his arms and legs, Lai Lai chirped: "The legs are not numb, but sore, did you stretch them?"

Shu Shu thinks not.

Because elder brother Jiu couldn't bear the pain, he would have screamed if he really wanted to stretch.

It is because there is less movement on weekdays.

This is just in front of me. If I don't stretch it out, I'm afraid I'll be limping when I walk tomorrow.

Shu Shu rolled up the sleeves of his jacket and said, "I'll give you a massage!"

Although she doesn't know how to massage the whole body, she learned from Xiaosong to massage the shoulders and necks with one or both hands before, in order to massage Amu, Ernie, and Ama, but she herself often enjoys full-body massages, and she knows the approximate positions.

Brother Jiu hesitated.

Shu Shu had already started, without saying hello, she directly grabbed Brother Jiu's arms and legs, and turned him over.

Brother Jiu changed from lying on his back to lying on the kang, his face still a little dazed.

Shu Shu has turned over and sat on his waist.

Brother Jiu was not annoyed either, and said with a smile, "Usually I begged you to sit down but you wouldn't do it, but now I can't help it, and I'm still stubborn, have you thought about it?"

Shu Shu was thinking about Xiao Song's movements, and instead of teasing him, she pressed on Brother Jiu's neck.

Because she knew that brother Jiu was afraid of pain, she controlled her strength.

Brother Jiu was not used to it at first, but after a few strokes, he realized the benefits and enjoyed it a bit: "Be stronger, be stronger..."

Shu Shu felt a headache, so she directly took the pillow next to her, put it on Brother Jiu's head and said, "Sir, don't talk, I won't be able to remember the location of the acupuncture points!"


Brother Nine reluctantly shut up, lying on the pillow.

Shu Shu just wanted him to be quiet, why would he care about acupuncture points?

According to Xiaosong's usual massage sequence, go down along the cervical spine.

As a result, it took only a quarter of an hour from shoulder to waist, and Brother Jiu's breathing became heavy.

Obviously tired, he snored a little.

Shu Shu's movements were relaxed, and he took a closer look.

Fell asleep.

But he didn't bury his face in the pillow and fell asleep on his side, like a child.

Shu Shu tiptoed down from the kang and turned off the lamp.

Listening to Brother Jiu's small snoring, Shu Shu also yawned.

How will Amu sue?
When will you sue?

The complaint is just the beginning, how will it develop in the future?

Shu Shu thought wildly in her mind, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The next day, Shu Shu woke up early.

This is the normal routine for the two of them.

Today is the first day of February.

Today and tomorrow, the Second Institute is busy.

The ingredients have already been prepared, and they are waiting to start work today.

Knowing that the palace also had beef supplies, Shu Shu sent Zhou Song to greet the dining room in advance and reserve [-] catties of beef.

This one is for beef sauce.

Fifty catties of raw beef, diced, fried and dried, and then made into sauce.

An original beef sauce without chili, and a spicy beef sauce with chili.

The main reason is that the weather in the south is hot and humid, and food is prone to spoilage.

Unlike during the northern tour, it was getting colder and colder as we walked, and the prepared food could be stored for many days on the road.

Meat, in particular, is more perishable.

Shu Shu only prepares four kinds of meat, two kinds of beef sauce, pork floss, and crispy fish in oil.

As for catching sparrows before, it was also made into a carp.

Since the number is not large, the meat on the birds is also small.

This Shu Shu didn't intend to take it on the road, she was blown out, and sent a copy to Ningshou Palace, Yikun Palace, Qianqing Palace, Tou Suo, San Suo, and Wu Suo.

Each serving consists of one fried quail, one fried turtledove, and a few fried sparrows.

It is cold in winter, and the drying speed of ingredients is slow.

What this bird eats is not so firewood, but more burnt.

Brother Jiu obediently went to the Ministry of Criminal Justice to read the files.

Shu Shu was talking about milk food with Xiaotang, and there were several large barrels of milk in the dining room.

Half of it was purchased from the imperial dining room a few days ago and placed in the front dining room to let it ferment naturally.

Now it's all yogurt.

I don't have much time, and I definitely can't make traditional air-dried milk tofu.

Shu Shu then told Xiaotang how to make cooked milk tofu.

It's not like making tofu, squeeze the water, and then dry it.

Instead, it is fried first, frozen and sliced, and finally baked slowly on the stove.

Although it is cumbersome, several boxes of soft and hard milk tofu can be made.

For the remaining buckets of milk, Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to make butter.

Butter is durable to storage. When the supply of fresh milk and milk food on the road is insufficient, butter can be used to make a lot of food.

These are the big ones.

The rest are side dishes.

Shu Shu didn't make it that complicated, just that spicy cabbage and sour radish are different.

Imperial food is available on the road, and there will be no shortage of basic meat and vegetables.

A few seasonings are enough, and she is not a cook.

This sour radish is mainly for seasickness.

When you are seasick, it is not suitable to eat, because you will vomit.

Only sour food is suitable and can suppress vomiting.

In addition to the sour radish, Shu Shu also asked the kitchen to fry a jar of red fruit, with less sugar than usual, so as to retain the sour taste of the hawthorn.

After Shu Shu gave these orders, he called Xiao Song in,

Started thinking about it last night.

She also needs to press well.

Xiaosong pressed halfway, and there were visitors from the second institute.

It was Jiugege who came.

Seeing the joy in her brows and eyes, Shu Shu also smiled.

The joy of going out soon, the sister-in-law and the sister-in-law are similar.

"I'm here today on an errand, and I'm here to deliver something to Sister-in-law Jiu according to the emperor's grandmother's orders..."

Jiuge grabbed La Shushu's hand, the aunt had seen it, and immediately took a box from the following woman, and handed it to Shushu's arms.

"This is Jiusao's share. There are three shares in total. Fifth sister-in-law and I also have one. Fifth sister-in-law took away yesterday..."

Although the Empress Dowager ordered yesterday to be excused, Wu Fujin still went to the palace.

He was summoned by the fifth prince, and he was also afraid that the Queen Mother would have something to prepare before going out.

Wu Fujin thought he would meet Shu Shu, but he didn't.

It's also not good for her to wander around in the palace. After coming out of Ningshou Palace, she invited Ann in Yikun Palace and went out.

Holding the heavy box in her hands, Shu Shu said guiltily, "I didn't even know Fifth Sister-in-law entered the palace yesterday, otherwise I should go and see."

Jiugege said with a smile: "Sister-in-law Wu won't care about this, and we can talk together later."

Shu Shu nodded, asked Jiugege to sit down on the kang, and ordered Xiaochun to serve tea, then put down the box and opened it.

Inside is a layer of gold ingots, neatly arranged.

It doesn't look like a lot, there are ten coins in total, but they are not light, five or one.

Fifty taels of gold is equivalent to five hundred taels of silver.

A lot.

Shu Shu closed the box and said with a smile: "I was thinking about how much money to bring to the south of the Yangtze River, and I was rewarded by the emperor's grandmother. We should honor the emperor's grandmother..."

Jiugege didn't know much about the economy, so he said disapprovingly, "Let's keep the pocket money given by the emperor's grandmother, and the emperor's grandmother will be happy. Then we will buy delicious food for the emperor's grandmother."

Shu Shu smiled, and changed the subject: "Sister-in-law San, has there been any news, will you follow me or not?"

Because Concubine Hui is in charge of the matter of accompanying the female relatives.

Concubine Hui is often in Ningshou Palace these days, and the news of Ningshou Palace is better.

Jiugege glanced at Shushu, but didn't answer immediately.

Shu Shu lowered her head and looked at herself. The homely clothes made of plain cotton were nothing unusual.

Jiugege looked strange, and said: "It seems that the third sister-in-law sent the two little elder brothers to her mother's house..."

Ho Ho, I finally stopped dragging it until tomorrow morning, pinch my waist!Goodnight everybody.

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 9th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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