My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 449 Who Died (Part XNUMX)

Chapter 449 Who Died (Part [-])
This... This... Is this Dong E's family affair? !

Doesn't Xin Dali only have a bastard at his knees?
Why is there still a lawsuit of killing and seizing the title?
Su Nu was puzzled, and found that the certificate was a thick stack.

Along with the petition, there are also the doctor's pulse case, the confessions of the front yard servant, the backyard maid, the kitchen master, and the farmer's tenants.

This is conclusive evidence!
Second Earl...

Sunu's heart skipped a beat.

Even if the son-in-law Fu Yong whom he has a crush on is not the heir of the uncle's house, if the eldest son Zhu Liang is adopted, then Qi Xi's family title and assistant leader's world position will fall to Fu Yong.

Fuyong is not bad, but he lacks an identity.

It's a pity that Liu Gege is not a direct descendant of his own family, otherwise he would have been given the title of Gushan Gege.

In that case, Gushan's forehead is equivalent to the fourth rank of Wu, and it can be regarded as having a future, and there is a foundation for filling vacancies in the future.

Now this lawsuit, this is a rare opportunity.

Sunu immediately called someone over, went to Dorogege's residence, and brought the murder suspect and witnesses.

Don't give the county master a chance to repent.

Otherwise, if the complaint is withdrawn, it may be necessary to make a major incident into a minor one.

As for the physical condition of Xindali's distant cousin...

Sunu sighed.

Birth, old age, sickness and death, no one can avoid.

It's just that I didn't expect that a person who had struggled all his life would be killed by his own maid and concubine.

Xin Dali has been ill since he was a child, and his brothers and cousins ​​of the same generation let him in since childhood.

They all thought that he would not live long, but he also procrastinated to live to his fifties.

Before, everyone gossiped in private, saying that Xindali could endure it, but it was not enough to see his grandson.

Immediately, Su Nu Beizi thought that his in-laws would have a prince and son-in-law in the future.

It was today that the holy driver set off, and the princes all went to see him off.

Even if Brother Nine knows about this, there is no reason to meddle in the family affairs of Dong E's family, and this lawsuit has something to do with Brother Nine...

After watching the Southern Patrol Fleet leave, the elder brothers returned with their bodyguards and guards.

Everyone is riding a horse, and they don't have to follow the convoy, which is much faster than when they came out in the morning.

In less than an hour, he returned to the capital.

Brother Nine didn't sleep last night. He was blown by the wind while riding his horse, and felt a little dazed. When he got off the horse, he yawned and said, "Fourth Brother, you are busy, Old Ten, you can do whatever you want. I'll go back and catch up on sleep."

The three brothers all had errands, so they were about to separate at Daqingmen.

It's not until Shen Shi, although Ma Qi's retinue will also be in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but Brother Jiu, as the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, should also show up at the Yamen to see if there is any official business today.

Si elder brother thought like this and wanted to teach him a lesson, but seeing his sleepy eyes, he swallowed the words again: "Go back and have a good rest."

Elder Brother Ten warned: "Brother Ninth, remember to put on a cushion before going to bed, so as not to be hungry and uncomfortable."

Busy with work, everyone didn't take care of the lunch at noon, and they are also hungry right now.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows proudly, and said, "I'm not hungry yet. Your sister-in-law brought rougamo and tea eggs in the carriage this morning..."

Elder Brother Ten felt that something was wrong, looked at Elder Ninth, sized it up a few times, landed on the package in his hand, and said, "Sister-in-law Nine prepared one?"

Nine Sisters-in-Law has always been generous, and she always prepares several meals when she prepares meals on weekdays.

If you are on your way today, if you prepare a convenient meal, you will probably prepare a portion for yourself.

Brother Jiu picked up the package and said, "That's not true. I prepared several copies and asked me to share them with you. Didn't you forget?"

At that time on the pier, I felt very uncomfortable, how could I care about other things?
Elder Brother Ten felt that Brother Ninth was disgusting, so he reached out and pulled the package over.

Open it, and there are two oiled paper bags inside.

The tenth elder brother took one, and passed the remaining one to the fourth elder brother: "If the fourth elder brother goes to the Yamen, he will pay for it first."

The fourth elder brother nodded, took it over, and saw that the ninth elder brother was getting more and more unpleasant.

Really obsessed.

Except for him, Fujin, there was no one else in his eyes.

Brother Jiu laughed twice and said: "Then I'll go back to the palace first, see you tomorrow, see you tomorrow!"

After saying that, he walked quickly to the palace gate.

The tenth elder brother saw that the fourth elder brother's expression was not good, and helped to explain: "Ninth elder brother has been taken care of by the ninth sister-in-law for most of the year. Maybe he is not used to being separated for a while."

The fourth elder brother nodded with a stern face, without saying anything else.

I just feel that Khan Ama's behavior is a bit inappropriate.

Even if he is filial to the queen mother, he shouldn't order the prince Fujin to serve the queen mother in daily life, it's too inconsiderate of his son.

The two brothers went to the Yamen separately.

The fourth elder brother went to the yamen of the household department, and the tenth elder brother went to the yamen of the clan mansion.

It's just that the two brothers have different plans.

The fourth elder brother planned to be on night duty, collected the data of Songjiang Mansion, and counted them all, and then passed the booklet to Yuqian earlier.

Elder brother ten is here, planning to go to the clan mansion to show his face and order a massage, and then go back to elder brother's place to make up for sleep.

Although he slept last night, he also got up early in the morning, and his eyelids are heavy now.

The yamen of the clan's mansion is usually very idle, but now following the instructions of Khan Ama, drawing a bow and archery has become a serious job.

Other times, the miscellaneous affairs are handled by Fu Cheng and several hall masters.

The princes of the clan who came to be on duty just drank tea, chatted, and just clicked.

Apart from compiling the jade documents once every ten years, the clan's mansion is nothing more than weddings and funerals.

Nowadays, the number of people in the clan is not huge, nor does it have things to deal with every day.

Brother Ten thinks the atmosphere in this yamen is good, and he is more used to this kind of life.

Unexpectedly, there was thunder today!
The ten elder brothers entered the yamen of the clan's mansion, but were blocked by Sunu Beizi.

This one is a direct descendant of Guanglue Baylor, and is now the head of that branch.

Elder Brother Shi, here, everyone calls "Uncle Clan".

"Brother, someone filed a complaint today..."

Sunu directly said that the clan's mansion took over the case.

Elder Brother Shi was stunned.

"It's Dong E's family, Uncle Nine's father-in-law, can't he be a fool?"

Before, he was envious of Dong E's family style, but he ended up in a lawsuit?

Sunu didn't say anything else, just handed the pleadings and the testimony of the witnesses to Elder Brother Shi.

Brother Ten couldn't help frowning when he saw it.

He even has something to do with brother nine and sister-in-law nine? !
According to the confession of the maidservant and concubine of Xin Dali, Zhao's side mother, Zhao once arranged for someone to spend money to buy off the tenants of Haidian Zhuangzi, and asked him to monitor his ex-husband Xingquan's family.

On the ninth day of the first lunar month, after the Jiu elder brother and his wife arrived at Zhuangzi, the tenants reported to the uncle's mansion in the capital on the same day.

Concubine Zhao then used the name of "diarrhea" to send someone outside to grab a few packs of poppy drink.

The poppies inside were taken and used to make stewed meat with sauce for Xinda Li to eat.

Because Xin Dali had been ill for a long time and his sense of taste was not sensitive, he added several times salt to the milk tea he drank.

This made Xin Dali poisoned by salt.

The tenth elder brother was furious when he saw it, and said: "It's really a guilty conscience. What are you afraid of? I'm worried that the ninth brother and the ninth sister-in-law will find out that the day when the adulterer gave birth to a child is wrong? Is this confusing the honorable blood?"

Obviously Jiuge Yue's family is doing well, but now their reputation will be dragged down for no reason.

Sunu nodded and said, "It's probably true!"

He pointed to the sentence written on the certificate below, which was included in the mansion to give birth in June and a half.

"I've heard of seven-month premature births, but never six-month premature births..."

This sentence alone can crucify Xizhu's identity as a traitor and son.

It doesn't matter whether it is Xindali bloodline or not.

Even the Xindali bloodline is still a concubine, and is not eligible to inherit the title and family property of this branch.

If it's not from Xindali's blood, then it's suspected of impersonating his surname.

You must know that this house in the Bofu is not an ordinary bannerman, but has a title and world position.

It is an ordinary banner family, and it is a serious crime to pretend to be blood, let alone this kind of noble family.

Elder Brother Shi frowned and said, "Why did you sue at the clan's residence?"

Under normal circumstances, a lawsuit against the Eight Banners can first be reported to the Capital of the Eight Banners.

Su Nu stroked his beard and said, "Ge Ge must be angry, afraid that Dong E's family will cover up the matter."

Why is it that "relatives and relatives are hidden from each other" is the most important thing now.

Zhenghongqi's capital is Qi Xi, and if he is reported to him, he will probably have to investigate the matter privately.

Elder Brother Ten said, "How did Uncle deal with it?"

Su Nu Beizi said unhurriedly: "Naturally it is 'handling with justice'..."

Since it was the county magistrate who revealed the matter, it should be tried clearly.

After this incident, Dong E's family's reputation may be ruined for a while, but the in-laws will get benefits in the future.

Besides, the nobles of the Eight Banners, who doesn't have a few dirty things?

At most, it would be someone gossiping about it for ten days and a half months, and it would be fine when the time passed.

Elder Brother Ten nodded and said: "Then you are busy first, nephew will go back to Elder Brother's place first, and tell Brother Ninth..."

Sunu nodded.

In fact, he was hesitating whether to meet the county magistrate in private and ask his heir about his choice.

His future son-in-law has the best qualifications among his brothers, and it makes sense to be the pillar of the next generation.

As for what Qi Xi thought, Sunu didn't care much.

The five boys in Dutong Mansion are all Qi Xi's sons, but only one is his future son-in-law...

The tenth elder brother didn't delay, after coming out of the clan mansion, he returned to the palace in a hurry.

Brother Nine had already washed and washed briefly, and was lying in the east corner of the main room.

Although Shu Shu cleaned up his bedroom a few days ago, brother Jiu didn't want to go.

He still wants to lie here.

All the furniture is the dowry of the wife; all the small objects are placed by the wife.

This curtain was also used by the two of them before.

Brother Nine spread out into cakes.

Be careful!
Isn't it because you are afraid that you will live in the main room, which is close to the backyard? !
I really underestimated him.

The southern patrol boat will be temporarily moored today.

Not only today, but the nearest Zhoujiazui palace is hundreds of miles away by water, and it takes the seventh or eighth day of the lunar new year to go ashore at the earliest.

Brother Jiu sat up and snorted again.

Good this time.

Five or six days on board.

The person who loves cleaning the most can only be dealt with this time.

Live it!

Nine princes are both relieving their hatred and feeling distressed.

Shu Shu's pitiful appearance appeared in his mind.

Her habit is to take a bath every day and wash her hair every other day.

If this is inconvenient on board, it must be difficult.

After all, he lived on the queen mother's boat, so it was not easy to move around.

Brother Jiu sighed again.

If he went with him, the husband and wife would have their own boat, so why worry about it?
There was movement outside.

Brother Ten is here.

Liang Jiugong was blocked outside the gate of the second school, but the tenth elder brother couldn't.

"Ninth Brother, Ninth Brother!"

Before the ten princes arrived, the voice came first, and they started shouting as soon as they entered the yard.

Brother Nine pulled up his shoes and got off the kang, pushed open the window, and said angrily: "It's a soul, what are you shouting at the top of your voice?"

Elder Brother Shi didn't delay, came in "dengdengdengdengdeng", didn't go for a while, only sat down next time.

He walked in a hurry along the way, his voice was dry, so he was not polite, he directly took the warm teapot on the smoker cage, poured himself a cup, and drank it "ton, ton, ton".

"In a hurry? Who is this dead?"

Ninth elder brother came out from a while, saw the sweat on tenth elder brother's forehead, and said casually.

(End of this chapter)

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