My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 450 Infidelity

Chapter 450 Infidelity (Second Update)

It's no wonder Brother Nine asks this question, it's really the clan's yamen that manages the weddings and funerals of the clan.

This happy event is in accordance with the rules.

If there is any emergency, it is likely to be a dead person.

"Grandfather's side..."

Brother Jiu guessed.

This seems to be the only one left of the older generation.

Emperor Taizong's seventh son, Fu Guogong Chang Shu, is over sixty years old.

It seems that the princes of the clan don't have a long lifespan, and Brother Jiu is a little distracted.

Don't follow this kind of root, right?
Elder Brother Ten had already finished his tea, moistened his throat, and said, "It's not the prince of the clan, but the old county lord of Prince Shuncheng's mansion, the aunt who married into Dong E's family, sued her husband's concubine, and the lawsuit was handed over to the clan Mansion!"

Brother Jiu's eyes widened and he was puzzled: "Mrs. Uncle has filed a complaint, so can I still file a complaint at the clan's residence?"

Shouldn't the family discuss this kind of matter involving family scandals first?
Why do you want to expose something that can be solved by yourself?
It's just a maid and concubine. When the time comes, the family temple will be closed directly, and the grind will be grinded to death.

The tenth elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother, and said: "The clan mansion is in charge of this. Cases involving the emperor's relatives should be in charge of the clan mansion. Not to mention Duo Luo Ge Ge and Duo Luo's forehead, it is Suo Luoge Ertu, if he is detained, he will also be locked up in the prison of the clan's mansion, not in the yamen of the infantry..."

Brother Jiu listened, with excitement on his face, and said: "Hello to the clan mansion, hello to the clan mansion!"

He was worried that Peng Chun had selfish intentions and deliberately suppressed his father-in-law's family, so he could not handle the matter fairly and fairly.

If it is handed over to the clan mansion, what are you worried about?
There is an old ten in the clan mansion!

Naturally, I want to help my relatives or not!
No, no, you have to help on the surface, you have to be reasonable!
Ninth elder brother's dancing appearance made tenth elder brother stunned.

Elder Brother Ten thought for a while and said, "Brother Ninth doesn't seem to be surprised..."

As he said that, he remembered the matter of Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine returning to the province a few days ago, and said, "A few days ago... Brother Nine knew about it?"

Although the fourth elder brother had warned him not to let the ninth elder brother tell others the secrets of Dong E's family, but in the ninth elder brother's heart, the tenth elder brother was no one else.

He nodded and said, "I've been busy these few days, so I forgot to tell you this."

After all, he talked about what happened that day in Guining.

Elder Brother Shi heard this, but didn't comment, but said: "What's the matter with Baiwang Mountain? Why did Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine go, so the concubine is afraid?"

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "The eldest son of the Xing family looks five or six times like Xizhu. At that time, the master thought about uncovering this matter, so as not to save a good title from a bastard whose biological mother is not innocent. In the end, your sister-in-law Stop it, don't let me get involved..."

Speaking of this, he paused, and said: "Could it be that Xizhu's life experience really cannot help but look into it, or why was he not in a hurry before, but now he is in a hurry?"

Elder Brother Ten looked at Brother Ninth in his heart, feeling faint sympathy.

Sister-in-law Nine has bright eyes and a clever mind.

After meeting the stepson of the nanny, I guessed that there was something hidden in it; when I visited the uncle, I immediately discovered something wrong with him.

It's just that on weekdays, he seems to push brother Jiu to the front, and he doesn't make up his mind, so he doesn't show it.

In the future, Brother Jiu wants to do something behind Sister-in-law Jiu's back, but he might not even think about it.

Brother Jiu said: "What does the county lord mean? This incident was revealed, but it cut off the future of the bastard?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while and said, "I'm afraid I'm not innocent!"

One must know that what is ruined is not only the future of the bastard, but also the future of the descendants of that line.

Anyone who thinks about the relationship between husband and wife will not be so decisive.

Since the husband and wife had no quarrel before, it should be the bastard who was involved in the case.

Ninth elder brother was surprised: "No way? It doesn't look like it. I have met several times, and I look honest..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "If it wasn't for this, my younger brother wouldn't be able to think of anything else for the time being."

However, he felt that the county lord handled it rightly. He took care of the bastard's biological mother and allowed the bastard to assume the title. That's not kind, it's stupid.

Even if she thinks about the relationship between husband and wife and treats the concubine with love, but in the eyes of the concubine, she is the murderer of the mother and the enemy.

Brother Jiu was pacing up and down on the ground, but he was very clever: "I found out the clue at twenty-nine, and it took four or five days to uncover it. You can help your brother keep an eye on it, and you can't let the county magistrate withdraw the case..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "It's too late to withdraw, the Clan Mansion has already gone to Dong E's house to arrest suspects and witnesses."

Brother Jiu heard this, frowned and said: "Did you slap Dong E's family too much? Don't you need to tell Peng Chun and my father-in-law first?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Today Sunu Beizi is on duty..."

This one is the nephew of the Dong E family, and will not let the Dong E family suffer.

Brother Jiu still frowned and said: "That should be more polite, otherwise outsiders will think that Dong E's family has lost their holy family..."

Elder Brother Ten has no choice.

When this matter is uncovered, it is impossible for Dong E's family not to lose face.

"Ninth Brother, don't worry about this. When the case is almost over, Ninth Brother will go to the Dutong Mansion twice more, and others will understand."

Brother Ten persuaded.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "If anyone wants to take advantage of the fire at this time and step on someone's foot, then I will not tolerate it!"

Elder Brother Shi heard this, thought for a while, and said: "Don't be afraid of anything else, the only thing I'm afraid is that someone will use this matter to spoil Master Qi. Zhenghongqi's surname is not just Dong E's family... Now that Peng Chun's Mongolia has all resigned, Master Qi is at a time when he is weak..."

Ninth elder brother was immediately full of fighting spirit, raised his eyebrows and raised his eyebrows: "Who dares to see?!"

Elder Brother Shi knows that tongue can kill.

Just like the "family ugliness" of Niu Hulu's family before.

Spread the word, there is no winner.

If you want to silence other people's mouths and reduce the room for spreading rumors, then this case really needs to be tried fairly and fairly.

Zhenghongqi, Dong Ebo Mansion.

The head of the clan's mansion, who was ordered to come over, encountered difficulties.

The owner does not show up.

He sat upside down in the room and waited, and someone had already sent a message in.

As a result, half an hour later, the county lord did not show up, and neither did the uncle.

In the main room in the front yard, the uncle stopped Mrs. Uncle from going out.

"Hurry up and find the second master!"

The uncle dismissed his confidant butler.

Mrs. Uncle said coldly, "I'll see who dares to go!"

The butler drooped his head and didn't move.

Uncle was so angry that he glared at Mrs. Uncle and said, "What are you going to do? Chunying has already said it, it wasn't on purpose..."

This Chunying is Aunt Zhao's name.

Mrs. Uncle looked at Uncle and said: "I would like to ask, what exactly Uncle wants to do, your life is about to die, how long are you going to lie to yourself?"

Uncle's face turned blue and white, white and blue, with a bit of pain, he said: "I can't go through the official, she is just confused for a while, she is Xi Zhu's biological mother!"

Mrs. Uncle had a sneer on her face: "Uncle is really a loving father. He is not afraid of death. When he is about to die, he still wants to protect his son's future? It's a pity, it's too late!"

The uncle was stunned, and then he became ashamed: "I knew that you couldn't tolerate Xizhu. You would rather give the title to the boy in the second room than Xizhu. Why are you so cruel? He has called you his son for more than ten years!" Ernie, the daughter-in-law is also your own niece..."

"The boy in the second room? How can uncle say it?! That is the serious descendant of Dong E's family, not the one in the back room who has been in the door for six months!"

Mrs. Uncle felt disgusted and looked at it for a while.

Now the mother and son were called to the front by the uncle, this is to go all the way to the dark and protect them to the end.

She sneered and said, "That good son of yours is not cruel. He knew that his mother wanted to use poppy shells, and he was afraid that he would go outside to grab the medicine to show his whereabouts, so he had a miscarriage on his wife and used it to pick up medicine for his aunt to choose, in order to harm you, old man." His life is really just pretending to be honest, this root is crooked!"

The uncle was shocked, and immediately retorted: "Impossible! Xizhu hoped that his son would not be in time, how could it be?"

In his eyes, blood inheritance is the most important thing, so he naturally feels that his son will see it the same way.

As for whether the poppy shell is not poppy shell, the uncle does not believe that his son will harm him, he is still soft-hearted, and was fooled by his aunt.

Mrs. Uncle sneered and said, "Of course I want to ask your concubine what kind of ecstasy soup she gave her son? Maybe it's just random, a serious wife doesn't love her, she just likes to sneak around..."

Uncle's face was dark.

Looking at it for a while also brought doubts.

There were only a few people in the family, and he also knew that there was a pretty maid beside Zhao Shi, whom Zhao planned to leave for his son.

Aunt Zhao didn't dare to sit still, and hurried to the door to defend herself, "Ma'am, I misunderstood, Hongxiu is the girl next to me, and I sent someone over twice because I was worried about my uncle's daily life."

Mrs. Uncle looked at her with contempt in her eyes: "I really admire you. For your selfishness, I don't want Xizhu to be close to my first mother, and my own son is also cheating. You are picky and picky behind your back, implying Gui Jane is not chaste, she often went back to the palace last year, she met some big brother, brother Bao, she was quite good at making up stories, it was going to a funeral, only a shameless woman like you would regard a good funeral vigil as a good thing A good chance to cheat..."

Aunt Zhao turned pale and said: "Where do you say that, I'm wronged, I don't go out, how do I know what's going on outside?"

Mrs. Uncle didn't look at her, but only looked at her slightly: "I never thought that some people are not human beings and insist on treating themselves as living bastards! They are really obscene seeds that can't stand on the stage!"

Uncle felt as if struck by lightning, his eyes turned black, his throat was fishy and salty.

He dragged his sick body and tried his best to maintain it, in order to continue the blood.

Before, he clearly believed in Aunt Zhao's harm, so he gave her a reason.

I thought she was timid, so I thought about it for a while.

Unexpectedly, she cut off his bloodline.

"Xi Zhu, get out of here!"

Uncle said sharply.

After a while at the door, Xi Zhu came out with a panicked expression on his face.


He looked at Uncle with anxiety in his eyes.

Uncle's heart sank, and he said, "What your sister-in-law said is true? You misunderstood that your daughter-in-law is not chaste?"

Xi Zhu blushed, with a pleading expression on his face, and said, "Ama..."


Uncle's eyes are about to breathe fire.

Xizhu drooped his head, and his voice was inaudible: "Out of the three times, there were always two times when it was not possible. The son asked the doctor privately, and he also said that the son's current body makes it difficult for a woman to conceive..."

Otherwise, how could he have believed what his aunt said?
Xizhu was young and inexperienced, and he was not a very assertive person.

Now that he knew he was wrong, he was afraid of being resented by Mrs. Uncle and his wife. He looked at Aunt Zhao and said, "Aunt Zhao said, she asked someone to find out that Gui Zhen was born in a palace. Elder Sister Wang, she should have been able to find a more respectable marriage, but the reason she got married is because she messed up with her baby brother and ruined her reputation..."

Before he finished speaking, the uncle was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood with a "puchi".

He sacrificed his face to ask for this marriage!
The purpose is to support Xi Zhu's status and make him have another capable in-law.

Uncle secretly approached Guizhen's father, King Le Erjin of Jige County, and gave him a village in Fangshan and a courtyard in Haidian, and then he nodded his head...

(End of this chapter)

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