My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 452 Unhappy Retribution

Chapter 452 Unhappy with Retribution (Part [-])
When Qi Xi and his wife came in, the room was quiet.

Xi Zhu, who was looking forward to his second uncle's arrival, also drooped his head, his face full of shame and indignation.

Uncle had already been helped up and sat on the edge of the kang, his face a little pale.

He didn't dare to refute his wife, fearing that if he stopped her from venting her anger, she would despise Xizhu even more.

Seeing Qi Xi coming in, Uncle looked over.

Qi Xi is tall and tall, with a calm complexion and a beard. Because he has been the governor for several years, his official authority has become more and more serious.

"Brother, sister-in-law..."

Qi Xi's expression showed concern.

Jue Luoshi saw Gui Zhen standing there with a sallow complexion.

She stepped forward to help Guizhen, frowned and said, "What are you doing here? Go back and rest, you'll have to take care of it for a month..."

Xiaoyuezi hurts the body, which is no worse than childbirth, and needs to take a good rest.

Gui Zhen's tears came down at this time: "Aunt...Aunt..."

Jue Luo quickly dissuaded him: "Don't cry, you will suffer from eye problems in the future, I will help you go back and rest."

After finishing speaking, she nodded to Mrs. Uncle and helped Gui Zhen out.

Qi Xi, on the other hand, looked at Uncle's face and trembled in his heart.

"Big brother..."

Uncle smiled wryly and said, "I don't want to be a big brother. I've thought about it many times. It would be great if you were born earlier!"

In this way, you are the elder brother, inheriting the title and supporting the family.

I am also willing to be a wealthy idler.

But he is an older brother, he doesn't want to bow his head, and he doesn't want to rely on his younger brother.

So he brazenly coveted the title, but he has been guilty all these years.

Qi Xi sat on the edge of the kang and said, "Brother, take a good rest, don't think so much..."

It shouldn't be, it shouldn't be!
They all say that the New Year is sad.

Every winter and twelfth lunar month, Qi Xi is also worried about his elder brother's health.

After getting through it, I felt that there was nothing wrong with it for a year.

It turned out like this.

He hated Zhao Shi to death in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face.

The uncle glanced at Xizhu, then at Qi Xi, and said with a wry smile: "I chose this Xi, thinking that he will be as strong and strong as your uncle, after all, it's an extravagant wish."

Qi Xi felt very uncomfortable, and said: "Brother, why bother to say such a thing? My nephew is already in good health, and my nephew and daughter-in-law are also pregnant a few days ago. It's just bad luck. Take good care of it, and you will see a full house of children and grandchildren in the future." ..."

The uncle seemed to look into the distance, and laughed at himself: "Is it because I was born as a bad seed, so my ancestors opened their eyes and made me sick on purpose? It made me unable to drag down the family. Even if I did evil, I would only get retribution on myself... ..."

Qi Xi frowned: "Ernie was guilty for many years before his death. Big Brother said that, where did he put Ernie? It's all because of someone doing bad things, but God opened his eyes, that person also got retribution!"

This is about the old princess who married to Harqin.

After Shu Shu and his wife returned to Ning that day, Jue Luo told her husband about it.

"She is also miserable. Her husband died, her grandsons, and great-grandchildren were all lost. Her mother's family has also lost her inheritance and no support. Now there is only an orphan old woman left."

Qi Xi said.

Uncle's face became paler, and he murmured: "Retribution, retribution?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Xi Zhu.

Cowardly, showing no signs of responsibility.

There was only anxiety on his face, but no sadness.

It seemed that the one who was dragged away by the soldiers just now was not his biological mother, but just a stranger.

Pointing at Xizhu, the uncle said in a hoarse voice, " my retribution..."

Before the words fell, he closed his eyes and turned back straight.

"Big brother, big brother!"

Seeing this, Qi Xi immediately stopped him.

Immediately, people turned upside down in the room.

Mrs. Uncle was finally moved, and took two steps forward to have a look.

"Ama, Ama..."

Xi Zhu was dumbfounded, and spoke with a tearful tone.

Jue Luo Shi sent Gui Zhen back, and as soon as he entered the house, he saw this scene and told the housekeeper, "Go and call Dr. Han!"

Dr. Han is an enshrinement raised by the uncle's mansion, who takes care of the uncle's father and son.

The butler said anxiously: "Doctor Han was taken away by the officials of the clan's mansion."

Jue Luo was stunned, he didn't bother to ask, and said: "Then send someone to the nearest doctor, and then take the uncle's name card to the Imperial Hospital to invite an imperial doctor."

Uncle's face was really ugly.

In addition to what his daughter said, he has shown bad signs.

Feeling that Luo Shi was nervous, he wanted to invite the imperial physician over.

She is very troubled these days.

If the title is transferred, the sons will have a better future, which is naturally good.

But if because of this, the brothers fight against each other, the father and son are at odds, and the house is full of smoke, then she will also be irritable.

Contented and happy, she is very satisfied with her current living conditions, and she is a little afraid of big changes and twists and turns.

Even if Uncle really doesn't have much time, she also hopes that the transitional days will be as smooth as possible.

What's more, if you don't want to be a thief, you will feel guilty, and you are afraid of being suspected of being bad, so you want to get a clear diagnosis of Uncle's physical condition.

It never occurred to me that Mrs. Uncle made such a decisive decision.

Following Mrs. Uncle's complaint in the clan's residence, news of Dong E's family has spread.

Unexpectedly, in the future, the "concubine harming husband" scandal in Dong'e Bo Mansion will become well-known news, and it will become the talk of the eight banners old and young masters grinding their teeth in teahouses.

Zongren Mansion.

The suspects and witnesses were brought back, and they went through it in the hall.

The witness has no objection here.

As early as when Mrs. Uncle was interrogating with the housekeeper, they honestly recruited.

Now in the clan's mansion, I dare not act presumptuously.

When he came to Mrs. Zhao, he calmed down a lot. He only admitted that the poppy shell was eaten, but he didn't admit that it was harmful. He only said that it was addictive.

I want to use this to discuss some private properties with my uncle.

As for the salt in the milk tea, it was also to please my uncle.

It's my uncle who has been taking medicine for a long time, his tongue is numb, and he likes to eat heavy food.

As a result, the hall master said: "Just now, I have been martyred, so it can be seen that I know that salt poisoning kills people."

Mrs. Zhao wanted to quibble again, but Sunu stopped listening, and let Wen write it directly, and asked Mrs. Zhao to draw it.

It is a serious crime to be a slave to the master.

Only according to the law, the Zhao family will only pay with his uncle's death.

Now that Uncle is still alive, then Mrs. Zhao cannot be sentenced to death, at most she will die.

This is not something that can be directly sentenced by the clan's government, and it needs to be combined with the Ministry of Criminal Justice and Dali Temple to convict the death penalty.

Sunu was not in a hurry to make a judgment, and felt that he should ask the suffering master to see what the county master meant.

Public is public, private is private.

All must be kept safe.

It is the transfer of the title of Dong E's house, which should be sure.

Xin Dali dominates the wife of a servant, with no virtue or character.

Xizhu's background is not innocent, he is a concubine and the son of an adulterer, so he is not qualified to be a nobleman at all.

Sunu was satisfied.

The case is now on hold.

Just wait for Dong E's family to report the funeral.

Although it's a bit unkind, but tonight you can add two appetizers.

It’s fine to be happy in your heart, not to share it with others.

Especially my future in-law Qi Xi, who has always been kind to his brother, it would be bad if he knew that he was doing his best...

In the southern tour team.

On board the Queen Mother's phoenix boat.

Shu Shu talked about squinting, but actually fell asleep.

This time I fell asleep for an hour.

When she woke up, she got up, not daring to sleep again, or else she would be sleepy again at night.

She glanced at Xiaochun and the three of them, mainly at Xiaochun.

Maybe some people are born with motion sickness and seasickness, but in most cases, people with weaker bodies are prone to fainting.

Xiao Chun said with a smile: "Fu Jin don't worry, the servant is fine."

Although there were occasions when she was called on errands, Xiao Chun still managed to come back.

Otherwise, people will hear them and think that they are not polite.

Seeing that she was fine, Shu Shu was relieved, and looked at Xiaosong and Xiaotang again.

Xiaotang shook her head and said, "I'm fine, I went to the back kitchen before..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu warned: "Although there are guardrails on both sides of the boat, the deck is narrow. When sailing backwards, try not to walk outside."

Xiaotang responded positively.

Xiao Song said from the side: "Jiugege vomited, sister Xiaotang went to the kitchen to make red fruit soup for Jiugege..."

Shu Shu originally planned to ask the queen mother, but she didn't expect Jiu Gege to be seasick first.

It doesn't seem to be a surprise.

She got up and said, "I'll go and have a look."

After that, she walked out of the cabin door.

Her side is back to back with Jiugege's cabin, and she wants to go around the bow.

In the empty cabin at the bow were several servants and eunuchs.

The window of the cabin was open, seeing Shu Shu passing by, several eunuchs bowed to salute.

Shu Shu nodded, and went around to the right side of the bow.

"Ninth Sister..."

Shu Shu raised her voice through the door.

There was movement at the door, and then a somewhat quiet nanny came to open the door, it was Nanny Lin that Jiugege had mentioned before.

Seeing Shu Shu coming over, she blessed herself and said, "Jiufujin..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "I'll take a look at Gege..."

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

Jiugege was half lying on the bed inside, his whole body lost all vitality.

The windows of the cabin were left open, but there was still a sour smell that hadn't dissipated.

There was a maid standing next to her, with a worried face on her face, she was also blessed when she saw Shu Shu.

Shu Shu took a few steps forward and said, "So uncomfortable?"


Jiugege nodded pitifully.

Shu Shu reached out and touched her forehead, but there was no cold sweat.

"Besides nausea and vomiting, what other symptoms do you have?"

Jiu Gege said with a bitter face, "Confused, very dizzy..."

Shu Shu listened, a little worried.

According to the scientific explanation, this seasickness is "motion sickness".

If it is severe, it can only be alleviated by leaving this environment.

In that case, Jiugege's southern tour will come to an end.

But if it's that serious, you'll have symptoms before.

Jiugege has also been on a boat.

She was wondering when she saw a book beside Jiugege's pillow.

"Guyu of Wuzhong" is a notebook of literati in the Ming Dynasty.

Shu Shu immediately took pity on her, and lightly reprimanded him: "I told you not to read books while sailing, but you are not obedient. Isn't this just asking for trouble?"

Jiugege rubbed his forehead: "It's really boring, I didn't expect it to be so serious..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Don't sit still, and don't keep thinking about seasickness, lie down, close your eyes to refresh your mind, and think about other things in your mind... The beauty of Yangzhou, the beauty of Jiangning Food, how many delicious and fun things are in the front!"

Since you can't get off the boat, lying flat is also the best way to deal with seasickness.

Jiu Gege regretted it endlessly, lay down obediently, and said: "From now on, I will always listen to Jiusao..."

Shu Shu started, lifted the quilt to her body, and then told Nanny Lin: "Mommy, open all the windows, change the stale air, Gege can feel more comfortable..."

Nanny Lin went to open the window.

Seeing Jiugege, she whispered to Shushu, "Mummy should be more convinced by Sister-in-law Jiu..."

Shu Shu said: "Don't open your eyes, be obedient, just take a nap and you'll be fine, just remember the lesson, from now on, you are not allowed to read books on the boat, and you are not allowed to do needlework. If you wander around, you will easily get seasick..."

(End of this chapter)

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