Chapter 453 Just deal with it (second update)
After a while, seeing Jiugege fell asleep, Shushu got up gently and came out.

Nanny Lin also followed.

"When the smell is almost gone, Mammy remembers to close the window."

Shu Shu ordered.

Nanny Lin responded carefully.

Shu Shu didn't rush back to her cabin, but walked back to the Queen Mother's side.

See you through the cabin door as before, then Nanny Bai came out, please let Shu Shu in.

The queen mother did not lie down, but sat on the Luohan couch by the window, looking at the scenery on the other side.

Seeing this, Shu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't look like seasickness, which is pretty good.

Seeing Shu Shu coming, the Empress Dowager called her to sit closer: "Look outside, the willow buds have come out!"

Like a child, watch with gusto.

Shu Shu sat next to the Empress Dowager, looked over from afar, and sure enough, the shore was light yellow-green.

"It's greener earlier than the city!"

It should be because of facing the water and facing the sun.

The queen mother looked down at the little woolen clothes on her body, and said with a smile: "I heard that the further south you go, the warmer the weather..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, compared with the four seasons in the capital, spring, summer and autumn in the south of the Yangtze River are longer, and winter is shorter than in the north, but it's cold and humid, so you can't wear less."

That is the legendary magic attack.

Moreover, when the southern tour arrived in Jiangnan, it was just in time for Jiangnan's "Return to the South", which will definitely let everyone learn a lot.

The queen mother smiled and said: "Come on in spring and autumn, wear more, go out, don't look for illness..."

The grandparents and grandchildren have a word of gossip.

I saw a fast boat passing by.

Coordinating forward and backward to pass messages.

The queen mother pointed: "That boat is small, half smaller than ours..."

Shu Shu estimated it, and said: "It should be about four feet, which is not too small. I heard that in the Jiangnan water town, every family has a boat, and every family lives by the water. They go shopping and buy groceries on weekdays. , have to go by boat, just like our carriage."

The Queen Mother sounded interesting, and then asked curiously: "Where is the rower of our boat?"

Shu Shu said: "The canal boats are different. The water in this canal flows from north to south, and in February, the south wind happens to happen. This boat follows the wind and goes down the river."

Otherwise, such a large ship is powered by boatmen, and it is estimated that hundreds or thousands of boatmen will be needed.

After hearing this, the queen mother was a little worried: "Then what should I do when I come back? It's against the current when I turn back?"

"At that time, there will be a tracker pulling the fiber to help. Caoliang went north, that's how it came, there should be a fixed charter."

Shu Shu thought for a while and said.

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said, "Then it's better to go north than to go south, just go directly to the carriage and tent."

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Well, each has its own advantages, and it's also fast along the river. You can walk more than a hundred miles a day."

When the holy driver travels, he must have the corresponding travel etiquette.

For land travel, the standard is about fifty miles per day, and if it is more, it is about sixty or seventy miles.

As for the waterway, it is usually only a hundred miles.

If it catches up with the wind direction, a hundred or so is also easy.

The grandparents and grandchildren were talking, and they noticed that the willow trees on the side of the road were moving slowly.

It was the speed of the boat that slowed down.

Shu Shu took out her pocket watch and passed Shen Zheng.

Moored so early?
That's true.

Looking forward along the window, you can see a long pier in the distance.

The Royal boat is ready to berth.

After a while, it was the Queen Mother's turn to berth by boat.

About a quarter of an hour before and after, the ship was anchored well, and it no longer felt the floating feeling when it was moving.

The Fifth Prince and Fujin are here.

Shu Shu stood up.

"Grandmother, my grandson is going to visit the dining room at the dock..."

The fifth elder brother saw Shu Shu, nodded to her, and then followed the Queen Mother.

In the fleet of the Southern Tour, each large ship also has a small kitchen.

But it was just a small dining room, and a meal was heated under the boiling water, which was eaten at noon.

The large dining rooms are arranged by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and travel along the pier.

And set off half a day in advance to prepare meals for the masters, accompanying officials, and guards.

The queen mother hurriedly said: "Don't worry, don't worry, go slowly and ask someone to help you when you get on and off the boat."

The fifth elder brother obediently agreed, said a few words with the queen mother, and then went out.

Wu Fujin took Shu Shu's hand, looked him up and down, and said, "You look pretty good, don't you get seasick?"

"Well, I just woke up after sleeping for about an hour."

Shu Shu said with a smile.

The Empress Dowager ordered the two of them: "We will eat here for a while..."

Everyone's diet is different, and there are fewer special dishes when you go out. If you eat with the queen mother, you will naturally eat better.

Shu Shu laughed and said, "If Grandmother doesn't say anything, we will come too..."

Speaking of this, she said: "Fifth sister-in-law will accompany the emperor's grandmother first, and I will go to see the ninth sister..."

He didn't mention Jiugege's seasickness to save the Queen Mother from worrying.

Let's see how it goes.

If you still have symptoms, you can go for a walk on the pier twice before dark.

Wu Fujin nodded, Shu Shu told the Queen Mother, and went out of the cabin, Xiao Song was waiting outside.

"Sister Xiaochun sent her servants to welcome her, so that Fujin would not be bumped into..."

In fact, if you walk the boat back and forth, you will understand that it will not collide.

The boatman is in a fixed position, and the eunuch and guard are also in a fixed position.

Shu Shu didn't speak, but looked towards the shore.

There are many tents, large and small, built on the shore.

They are all round tents similar to yurts.

A fast horse galloped from a distance, and it looked like it was coming from the direction of the capital.

Go in the direction of Yuzhou ahead.

Shu Shu had a general guess in his mind, although Kangxi left the crown prince to supervise the country, the daily book should still be handed over to the emperor.

We're only starting now, so it's better to be closer to the capital.

When it is far away, it is the legendary [-]-mile express.

Shushu turned her head and took Xiaosong to Jiugege.

The cabin window on Jiugege's side was still half open.

Jiugege had already got off the bed, and was sitting on the couch in a daze.

Seeing Shu Shu coming in, Jiu Gege got up.

Seeing her listless, Shu Shu said, "What's wrong? Did you faint again?"

Jiugege said with a bitter face: "I vomited again, and all the bile came out."

Shu Shu frowned and said, "You can't wait too long. I'll ask my sister-in-law later... A while ago, my fifth brother went to Tongzhou to look for a boatman to find a cure for seasickness. I don't know if I found it."

Speaking of this, she remembered something, and told Xiaosong: "Go to your little sister Chun and bring me mint ointment."

It was used during the insect repellent during the northern tour last year.

During this southern patrol, Xiaochun went out to buy a lot.

Just afraid of insect bites.

I forgot, this is also symptomatic.

Xiao Song went out immediately.

Jiugege frowned and said: "How can I go to see the emperor's grandmother?"

Shu Shu said: "Then take the cloak and go ashore for a walk, maybe it will relieve some pain."

Jiugege had no other choice, so he nodded.

When Xiaosong came over with the mint ointment, Jiugege listened to Shushu's instructions and rubbed some on his temples and center.

"It's chilly, much more comfortable..."

Jiugege felt it carefully and was pleasantly surprised.

Shu Shu said: "That's good, sleep well at night, eat and drink well tomorrow morning, stay in peace, and get used to it in two days."

Jiugege still had lingering fears, and said, "I still want to go to the shore."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then go."

Xiao Song ran again and brought Shu Shu's four-piece suit.

Hoods, masks, gloves, and cotton capes.

Shu Shu put it on, it was already tight, and only one eye was exposed.

Jiugege opened his eyes, tongue-tied, and said: "It's spring and it's getting warmer, do you still need to cover it like this?"

This is not uncommon in winter, but it looks a little weird now.

Shu Shu said: "The water surface is wet and cold, the water vapor is strong, and it is easy to cough...The hat and gloves are for sunshade, so as not to get sunburned..."

In addition to the cape, Komatsu also brought a new "three-piece suit"

Shu Shu said: "This is for my sister. Later, my sister will reward us Xiaochun. She sewed it."

Jiugege said cheerfully: "Thank you, thank you, I'm afraid of the sun too..."

She imitated Shu Shu's appearance and dressed it up too.

The aunt and sister-in-law got on the deck.

Of the thirty or so ships in the entire fleet, only four were directly docked at the shore pier.

It is the boat ride of Kangxi, the Empress Dowager and the two empresses.

This is convenient for the master to go up and down.

Other boats are further away from the pier.

If you want to go ashore, you need to get on a boat and then send it to the pier.

Shu Shu took Jiu Gege's hand, and the two stepped on the board and got ashore.

Just a few people came towards Yu Zhou.

It was the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, followed by a few eunuchs and guards.

They couldn't see Shu Shu's face clearly, but they knew her makeup.

The two stopped to greet each other.

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

Then the two looked at Shu Shu's side with hesitation.

For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was Wu Fujin or Jiu Gege.

Jiugege took off his mask and said with a smile, "It's me, Thirteenth Brother, Fourteenth Brother!"

The two met again.

The thirteenth elder brother said to Shu Shu: "Khan Ama sent us to visit the emperor's grandmother..."

Shu Shu nodded and said with a smile: "Since you have carried out an errand, then don't delay, go!"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother went.

Jiugege murmured to Shushu in a low voice: "I thought Brother Fourteen would be naughty, it's rare that he is so cute."

Shu Shu smiled and didn't comment.

That's in front of the attendant, not the other side.

Even if the fourteenth elder brother is "in the nest", he is divided into people.

Jiugege just said a word and stopped, looking at the temporary tent in the dining room, his face changed.

It turned out that some porters brought water from the river and entered the tent.

Jiu Gege quickly supported Shu Shu's arm, and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, they brought water from the river? Could it be that they used that for cooking?"

In that case, it would be too scary.

The water in the canal channel is flowing, but it doesn't look clear, it's pitch black.

No wonder Jiu Gege was worried.

Shu Shu shook his head and said: "No, this time there are two shifts in the imperial dining room, alternately preparing in front of Shengjia, and listening to errands once every two days. In this way, there will be more time for meal preparation. There should be water trucks. Get water from the nearest well..."

It belongs to the emperor and the empress dowager. The water from Yuquan Mountain is used in the palace on weekdays, and the well water is used to deal with it. How can you use river water?

Only then did Jiu Gege breathe a sigh of relief, and said, "That's good, if I use the water from the river, I won't eat, and I'll eat fruit to deal with it..."

(End of this chapter)

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