My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 455 Private Report

Chapter 455 Private report (first update)
The eighth elder brother always thinks more.

Even though he was kicked twice by his brother, he wasn't too angry, instead he was thinking about the reason.

Brother Wu has always had a good temper...

The fifth brother is accompanying the queen mother on the boat...

The eighth elder brother had a bitter mouth, grabbed the fifth elder brother's arm, and said helplessly: "It's... what did Fujin do?"

After hearing this, Fifth Brother's face became even more angry, and he lowered his voice and said, "You know that Guo Luoluo's family is inappropriate, why don't you ignore it?!"

Eighth Brother: "..."

He has no idea!
Even if Ba Fujin said that he was going to make amends to the Queen Mother, let him persuade him.

Let her rest well first, the southern tour team has just set off and it is in a mess, let's talk about it after these days, when the time comes, I will personally take her to pay her respects to the Empress Dowager.

Why can't you be peaceful!

"She... has disobeyed the imperial grandmother again?"

The eighth elder brother's voice was a little rough.

Last time he lost his job and was ordered to go home to reflect on himself, this time he won't be kicked out of the southern tour, right?
Fifth elder brother grabbed him by the collar, pulled him in front of him, gritted his teeth, and whispered in his ear: "She is not clean, talking about you and the ninth younger sibling, but the ninth younger sibling won't listen to what she said, let me tell you , if you can't control your Fujin's mouth, go to the imperial court and break it!"

The eighth elder brother, as if struck by lightning, hurriedly distinguished: "Fifth brother, this is a matter of no shadow!"

When I met Dong E's, it was not in full view of everyone, and Lao Jiu was by my side, which didn't make sense.

Although Dong Eshi looked at him a few more times when they first met, but he was not arrogant enough to think that Dong Eshi would miss him.

The fifth elder brother stared and said: "I'm not blind yet, and I know that the ninth sibling is a well-behaved person, but these words are too dirty and disgusting!"

Brother Ba felt his scalp tingling, and he naturally knew the lethality of these words coming from his own mouth.

He blushed all over his face, and said, "Brother, I really don't know where this word came from..."

The fifth elder brother said angrily: "Anyway, you have to restrain yourself, there is no second time! If it is because of Guo Luoluo that the reputation of the ninth brother and sister is tarnished and the relationship between the old nine and his wife is affected, then I will not spare you!"

The eighth elder brother nodded hurriedly.

Fifth elder brother snorted coldly, flung his sleeves and left.

The eighth elder brother stayed where he was, but his face turned red and then white, white and then red.

Affecting the relationship between young couples...

A strange dark thought came into his mind.

The two brothers gradually became estranged from each other after they got married.

Dong E's behavior is sophisticated and thoughtful, and he is patient with others, so he has a good reputation with his elders.

But respect yourself.

Although it is because of Bao Zhu's ignorance, Dong E's family is also a little less tolerant.

Not only did Dong E's dislike him, but he also seemed to have a faint dislike for him.

Is it because Baozhu vented his anger?
Or because of something else?

What would happen if the relationship between Dong Eshi and Brother Jiu was alienated?
The eighth elder brother held hands tightly, spurning himself in his heart.

But still can't help but be moved...

At this moment, the third elder brother came.

He carefully looked at Eighth Brother's eyes and found something wrong: "Old Eighth, why is your robe dirty?"

In order to welcome Shengjia, yellow sand and clear water were sprinkled on the pier.

Although the dust is suppressed, the soles of the shoes are indeed dirty.

The kicks of the fifth elder brother also left a mark on the eighth elder brother.

At this moment, the third elder brother also recognized it, and immediately said in surprise: "Shoe prints? What's the matter, didn't Lao Wu look for you, he did something to you?"

The eighth elder brother hurriedly leaned over, intending to dust off his body, and said, "Third brother, you misread, where did you get it?"

But the third elder brother immediately grabbed the eighth elder brother's wrist, stopped his movement, looked at his lapel, his eyes were full of joy: "This is the footprint! Don't hide it for the fifth brother, that is a mixed person, appointed to you Let’s do it! He’s not friendly! Go, let Khan Ama decide!”

The eighth elder brother still struggled away, but the third elder brother's strength was stronger than he imagined.

The two princes and elder brothers tore apart from a secluded place, and many people looked over.

Especially where Yuzhou is located, there are several layers of guards, guards of the upper three banners, and guards of the House of Internal Affairs.

Seventh elder brother was wearing riding clothes, holding a whip in his hand, standing there, listening to the captain's patrol arrangement, when he was alarmed by the movement of third elder brother and eighth elder brother, he looked over.

The third elder brother greeted immediately: "Lao Qi, come here, let's talk in front of the imperial court!"

In the fight in the paddock last time, Brother Seven was not with the big army because he was with the newly pregnant Qi Fujin, so he didn't get involved in the melee.

For this reason, the third elder brother looked closer to the seventh elder brother.

Brother Seven didn't move at all.

The eighth elder brother couldn't get rid of the third elder brother, and was dragged towards Yuzhou, sweating anxiously.

Seeing the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother also asked for help: "Please trouble the seventh brother to help me, it is the third brother who misunderstood!"

Seventh elder brother still didn't move, but raised his eyebrows, with a questioning look in his eyes.

Seeing this, the third elder brother couldn't help worrying, fearing that the seventh elder brother would be persuaded by the eighth elder brother, he hurriedly said: "There is no misunderstanding! It is the fifth brother who kicked you, how can you be so unfriendly to brothers? Even if you are a brother, It can’t be like this, old man, don’t be afraid, Khan Ama will make the decision for you!”

With this voice, the surrounding guards and guards looked at each other in blank dismay.

After all, it was in everyone's eyes that the fifth elder brother came and left with anger.

Is this really hands-on?

What the hell is Eighth Brother doing?
Angry the honest fifth elder brother?
Everyone was curious, and their inquiring eyes fell on Brother Ba.

Seeing everyone looking over, the third elder brother got more and more excited, and even gestured to the eighth elder brother: "The footprints are still there, this is the proof! You didn't fall, if he didn't kick you, why did the footprints fall on you?"

Eighth Prince's scalp was numb and his body was cold.

I just felt that hundreds of eyes were glued to him and looked at him.

The eighth elder brother was about to explode, so he shook the third elder brother away vigorously, and said through gritted teeth: "If I say no, then there is no, third elder brother, please don't slander fifth elder brother with nonsense!"

The third elder brother was taken aback by his gloomy expression, and then he was ashamed: "Why did you slander? What on earth are you coddling? The majestic prince, elder brother, didn't even drop a finger on Khan Ama, just let someone beat him ?”

Speaking of this, he remembered the scene when he was beaten, and couldn't help it even more.

The last time he didn't suppress his anger, he was fooled, and his fists landed on the boss and the tenth, but instead let the fifth elder brother, the culprit, escape.

As a result, the brothers were reprimanded by Khan Ama, who was given the most severe punishment for "beating the brother and bullying the brother", and lost the title of the county king.

Others seemed to be fined too, but they didn't hurt their muscles or bones, so they suffered a big loss.

Then this time, the fifth elder brother is also "brother Ling", shouldn't he be punished too?
And the eighth brother, what kind of wicked thing did he do to get into the hands of the fifth child?
So guilty, you have to hide it when you get beaten?

The third elder brother feels that the opportunity is not lost, and the loss will never come again.

His county king's hat didn't get promoted for a while, but he didn't want to stand shoulder to shoulder with the brothers below him.

After all, since he was young, he has been included in the big elder brothers at the front, and there is a difference in age with the younger brothers at the back.

Now the title is the same, but the elder brother's majesty is less.

He felt he had found his way.

Staring at the mistakes of these younger brothers, replacing their Baylor hats with Beizi? !

In that case, as an older brother, I don't have to stand shoulder to shoulder with them!
The third elder brother thought to himself, with excitement on his face, just in time to see someone coming down from the imperial boat, it was Ma Wu, the Minister of the Interior and the first-class bodyguard.

He is the head of the Royal Guards.

He hastily raised his voice and said: "Master Ma, please tell me, Brother Eight... Brother Seven, please see me..."

Lao Ba, the sufferer, denies it again, and Lao Qi, the witness, will prove it.

Don't expect Lao Qi to favor him, just fill in the number.

Lao Wu came to look for someone, but many people saw it.

Lao Qi was standing not far away, so he should have seen it.

Ma Wu didn't move, but raised his voice: "Three beiles, seven beiles, eight beiles, the master is calling!"

He was originally sent by the emperor.

Just now when Kangxi was standing on the deck, he happened to see several sons by the pier.

He couldn't hear it clearly, but the chatter was not in the right shape, so he sent someone to summon him to see what was going on.

The third elder brother immediately responded, looked back at the eighth elder brother, and said with a smile: "The eighth brother can rest assured, don't be afraid of anyone, Khan Ama is the most fair and fair!"

But the eighth elder brother felt heavy in his heart, looked at the third elder brother and smiled wryly: "Third elder brother, but my younger brother has offended you on weekdays? If so, you can just reprimand, why bother!"

The third elder brother is not willing to admit that he is uneasy and kind, coughed lightly, and said righteously: "I can't rub sand in my eyes, so I can't see the old five domineering!"

Seventh elder brother was beside him, his face darkened even more, and he regretted that he didn't hide away.

Ma Wu has already urged: "Several Baylors, come quickly, the master is waiting!"

The three of them followed on to the deck without delay.

The royal boat also has fifteen cabins.

The four cabins in the middle are connected, and the length is about the same as that of the queen mother, and the width is only a foot wider.

The cabins of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are at the front, and there is a small cabin at the back with the two promises of the Qianqing Palace, and the other cabins are occupied by guards.

After a few sons came in, Kangxi looked inexplicable.

His eyes fell on the folders on the case.

Kerkun, the former Minister of the Ministry of Officials, died of illness in Maochu today.

The Ministry of Rites wrote an excerpt and asked about the funeral.

Kangxi approved it as an example.

He also thought of Peng Chun, a veteran of the Mongolian capital, who had written a booklet to resign in the first month.

And the day before yesterday, Xiong Yixiao, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, begged for rest due to illness.

That crop of veterans withered one after another.

When people reach their old age, they cannot help themselves.

His face was ugly, thinking of his insomnia and dizziness.

I have been recuperating for these years, but there are still relapses every year.

When the third elder brother met, he realized that the emperor's father was in a bad mood and it was not a good time to file a complaint, so he remembered the lessons learned from the past.

Worried about being the victim of a fish in the pond.

But if he let go of this opportunity, he would still be reluctant.

He swallowed what was on his lips, revised it, and said, "Ama Khan, my son just had something to look for, Brother Ba, but when he came up to him, he didn't look right. There were shoe prints on his body, and someone dared to tell him It's unreasonable for the prince to do it!"

After hearing what he said, Kangxi looked at the eighth elder brother, followed with a sullen face, and said, "What's going on?"

With a sound of "Plop", Brother Eight knelt down and begged, "Ama Khan, my son please report in private!"

It took less than half a quarter of an hour from the pier to the imperial boat, and he already had a decision in his heart.

The third elder brother played tricks, and if he wanted to reveal this matter, the imperial court couldn't hide it.

Even if he keeps silent, Khan Ama will know the reason as long as he summons the fifth elder brother.

At that time, maybe Khan Ama would misunderstand that he was protecting his wife and kept silent.

But this is related to the issue of men and women. If the third child listens to it, he will probably "gumble" in the future.

Don't hide it from the emperor's father, but plead guilty honestly.

It's best to tell the reason...

I didn't pay attention for a day, and the monthly ticket list dropped two, and the monthly ticket was in tears, and the monthly ticket asked for help...

(End of this chapter)

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