My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 456 Punishment Not Courtesy

Chapter 456 Is Punishment Not Ritual (Second Update)
Report in private?
Third elder brother glanced from the corner of his eye.

Standing next to Khan Ama was Wei Zhu, the eunuch serving the pen, and Liang Jiugong was waiting beside him.

At the door of the cabin, Ma Wu and another guard stood.

Indeed, there are more people.

What kind of secret is there?
Just as he was thinking, the eighth elder brother had already looked over and said, "Ama Khan, do you ask the two elder brothers to stay away?"

The third elder brother was anxious and just wanted to speak.

Kangxi nodded and said: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hands to the third elder brother and the seventh elder brother: "You guys wait outside!"

The third elder brother can't hold back, what's the reason for this?
Eunuchs and guards don't have to avoid, but their brothers are required to avoid? !
He still wanted to dawdle, but Seventh Brother responded, turned around and went out "deng deng deng deng".

Both Kangxi and the eighth elder brother looked at the third elder brother.

The third elder brother didn't dare to say anything, and said with a sneer: "The son is also going out to wait..."

After all, he also backed out.

When he reached the cabin door, his steps were a little slow.

The cabin door is also outside.

As a result, Ma Wu and another guard were staring at him.

The two were wearing yellow mandarin jackets with knives, and they looked big and thick.

The third elder brother had to leave the cabin door a few steps.

What about old seven?
The third elder brother looked around, but there was no one on the deck at all.

Seventh elder brother has already disembarked from the imperial boat, and went to join the guard team again.

The third elder brother had no choice, he didn't dare to dawdle at the door, and he stayed a few feet away.


Kangxi looked at Eighth Prince with a cold expression.

The eighth elder brother saw it in his eyes, and his heart became more and more anxious, and he didn't dare to hide anything. He started at noon when the eighth elder brother came over, and it was only when the fifth elder brother came to admonish him.

"Don't blame Fifth Brother for being upset. This matter is really embarrassing. If it gets out, it will not only hurt Jiufujin's face, but also affect our brotherhood..."

The eighth elder brother bowed his head and said: "It's not that my son is defending Guo Luoluo. Since the Lantern Festival lost her child, Guo Luoluo has been a little hysterical. My son dare not force her to get off the boat at noon. Because of this, my son is afraid, and she really wants to jump into the water... "

His face turned pale, and his voice trembled.

Kangxi's face was livid, and he stepped forward with a kick.

Because Ba Ge was kneeling, he kicked him on the chest.

The eighth elder brother was kicked away and fell to the ground with pain on his face.

His chest was aching, and there was a throbbing pain between his breaths.


Kangxi couldn't help yelling: "Isn't this once or twice, knowing that the person is not right, you don't make a good arrangement, and let her catch up?!"

The eighth elder brother looked sad, and said: "It's because the son is incompetent and can't restrain his wife..."

Kangxi looked inquiringly, and said: "Is it because you can't restrain yourself, or because you are the prince and elder brother, I have always favored you, so that you lose your respect for me?"

The eighth elder brother hurriedly kowtowed and said, "son doesn't dare, son doesn't dare!"

Dark clouds clouded Kangxi's eyes: "Don't you dare? Last Dongyuezhen asked you to discipline Fujin, did you discipline? Are you unable or unwilling?! You are afraid of offending the brothers of King Anjun and dare not discipline your wife severely. Are you not afraid of me?"

How could the eighth elder brother dare to listen to such cruel words, and immediately said: "Ama Khan, it is the son who has made up his mind, thinking that Fujin has been beaten and lost discipline, and has no relatives except the son. The son can't bear to be strict, and he is afraid that the husband and wife will be ruined." Love, thinking that when Fujin comes in, she will always be more mature and sensible..."

Kangxi snorted coldly: "If you don't blame me harshly, then I will blame you on your behalf, let Guo Luoluo go back to the capital, and don't be an eyesore here!"

After that, he looked towards the door, wanting to call someone.

Seeing this, the eighth elder brother hurriedly begged: "Ama Khan, my son asks for an order. My son will send Guo Luoluo back to Beijing right away, and I beg Ama Khan to show my son some face!"

If you really want the guards to pick up the prince Fujin and forcefully send him back to the capital under the watchful eyes of everyone, then the couple's face will be unnecessary.

Kangxi sneered and said, "At this time, do you think of a husband and wife? When the emotional Guo Luoluo bullied others, you didn't remember being decent. When it was her turn to be punished, you remembered being decent?"

Brother Eight blushed, and was speechless in embarrassment.

Kangxi thought of what Bafujin said, with disgust on his face.

It's really the same line as the women in Prince An's Mansion, so they will be involved in the relationship between men and women.

Previously, in order to provoke the feelings of the eight elder brothers and his wife, Tai Fujin of Prince An's Mansion deliberately spread rumors that nine elder brothers and eight elder brothers were not innocent.

Now Guo Luoluo, because he hates his younger brother and daughter-in-law for being loved by the elders, casually slanders Dong E's conduct.

Stupid and vicious.

Kangxi couldn't bear it anymore, and couldn't hide his disgust. He said: "Send it directly to the Prince of An's mansion, and hand it over to Prince An and his wife for discipline. If the Prince of An can't discipline him, then don't be the Prince of the County either!"

He made the final call.

The eighth elder brother didn't dare to say any more, so he answered honestly.

Kangxi looked at the eighth elder brother and said: "This is the second time, there is no third time!"

There was no warmth in his voice.

The eighth elder brother kowtowed and said solemnly: "My son knows, there will never be a third time!"

Kangxi originally wanted to send the eighth elder brother back together, but thinking that the princes he brought with him had their own shortcomings, the eighth elder brother always made up for it.

But if he is not punished, he will feel uncomfortable.

He thought for a while, and then said: "The property that was distributed a few days ago, moved out a Huangzhuang, a shop, and supplied it to Brother Jiu and his wife!"

The distribution of industries at that time was actually divided into groups.

Needless to say, elder brother followed the example of Prince Gong and Prince Chunjing.

From the third elder brother to the eighth elder brother, the knighthood is only Baylor, and it is actually a royal rule.

On the contrary, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother, even though they were planning to separate their households, but they were not formally knighted, their property would be halved.

The two people on the left and right are still young, so they don't need to supply too many servants.

Insufficient property, wait until the two officially divide the title, and then make up for it.

It's not that Kangxi is partial, but that he should be cautious with the ten elder brothers.

Procrastinating not to be knighted, not to divide the subordinates, and to halve the distribution of property, all for the sake of preservation.

Luckily, Elder Brother Shi knows what's on his mind, and he never felt dissatisfied with this matter.

Only Brother Nine, who was in a daze, probably thought that the distribution of the prince's property was based on his title, and he would be satisfied if he got his share.

But he didn't want to think about it, they were all princes and elder brothers, and the An family's money was all in one body, so the property would naturally not be divided into ranks.

The eighth elder brother was stunned.

One must know that the divided family property seems to be quite a lot, but the cost of the Baylor Mansion is also high.

"Huh? You won't?"

Kangxi's face was a little ugly.

Eighth elder brother shook his head hurriedly and said: "Son is willing, son is willing! When my son got married, Jiu elder brother subsidized three thousand taels. When he got married, my son should have returned the gift, this is only made up for my son!"

Kangxi's face became more and more ugly.

"This is compensation, it's because of Guo Luoluo's outspokenness, it's not a favor!"

Dong E's hands are loose, and Brother Jiu is also sincere. If he really wants to salute as a favor, he will find an opportunity to return the salute.

The eighth elder brother was too embarrassed, and said: "It is the son who made a mistake, the son will make it clear to the ninth elder brother and Jiu Fujin, this is the gift of atonement!"

He wasn't stingy, he was just young and vain, trying to maintain his dignity in front of his brothers.

"The word I passed on was to make amends according to the order, so they can only accept it, and they have no right to refuse!"

Kangxi said.

"Yes, my son wrote it down!"

The eighth elder brother looked respectful, but his heart was suffering.

Khan Ama repeatedly told him that he was afraid that he would not give Lao Jiu the property?

Khan Ama really loves his son, but it's a pity that it's not him.

His heart was chilly, but he didn't dare to delay, and retreated from the front of the imperial court.

But he remembered clearly, the fifth elder brother raised his mouth, and the eighth Fujin went to the Queen Mother's boat.

If she dared to disobey the Queen Mother again, it would not be possible to pay for the property.

The eighth elder brother is in a hurry.

The third elder brother has been waiting to scratch his heart and lungs.

He thought about it in his mind, but couldn't figure out why.

What is it that the fifth elder brother knows, the eighth elder brother knows, but I and the seventh elder brother don't know?

Seeing the eighth elder brother coming out, looking like he was about to get off the boat, the third elder brother hurriedly took a few steps and grabbed the eighth elder brother's arm.

"What's going on, why did you just leave?"

The third elder brother asked without looking outside.

The eighth elder brother's face was gloomy, and he looked at the third elder brother with cold eyes.

Third Elder Brother's "love" today, he kept it in his heart.

The third elder brother did not let go, and said with a smile: "I am also doing it for your own good, this is not a good precedent, if the elder brother can teach the younger brother casually, then you elder brothers who are at the bottom of the ranking will suffer a big loss? "

The eighth elder brother covered his cold eyes, lowered his eyelids and said: "The younger brother really wants to thank the third brother for his friendship!"

The third elder brother "haha" said twice: "It's just a little effort, it's nothing, nothing... What's the matter? But what's wrong with the fifth child, let you know, is he threatening you to keep silent? Or is it the ninth child? Are you naughty?"

He just pondered on the deck for a long time, but he couldn't think of anything else, only these two possibilities.

The eighth elder brother looked away and said: "Third brother, don't ask, my brother still has an errand, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, he bypassed the third elder brother and got off the imperial boat.

Third elder brother stroked his chin, thoughtful.

Did you let yourself guess?
It's not that there's something wrong with the eighth child, but it's something wrong with the fifth child?

Just like the naive old fifth, he doesn't seem to be able to do bad things.

What is the reason?
The Queen Mother is on the pier next to the boat.

Ba Fujin blew the cold wind for a quarter of an hour, and felt the dampness and cold in the bones.

On the ferry board of the boat on the pier, it was empty before, but now there are four guards standing.

The four of them stood sideways, tightly blocking the ferry board several feet wide.

It was just after the fifth elder brother came back that he asked someone to guard him.

It is self-evident who this is guarding against.

Ba Fujin's face was pale and embarrassed, and he said: "Mama, let's go, I don't believe there will be a commotion, and the Queen Mother can still see no one..."

They were all in one group, controlling the queen mother and preventing others from coming forward.

It would be a joke if he left in such a dismal manner.

The grandma hesitated for a moment, and said: "Gege, why don't you just listen to Master Ba and let Master Ba come with you after a few days? The Empress Dowager looks at her grandson's face, and she won't care about you."

Ba Fujin sneered and said, "Doesn't that seem disrespectful? Since you want me to be respectful, how can I not be respectful if I come to the door on the first day? I hate that I can't bend down, or I will learn from that pug and have already won the Queen Mother's favor!"

"What pug, do you want to keep a dog?"

It was Sanfujin who came.

Both master and servant of the Eight Fortunes were focused on the Empress Dowager's boat, and did not notice the person coming behind them.

Bafujin turned his head and looked over, and saw Sanfujin smiling like a spring flower.

San Fujin's wishes come true, and he tours the south with the third elder brother, without having to be on the same boat as his mother-in-law.

As for why he wasn't surprised to see Ba ​​Fujin?
That's naturally because it's already surprised at noon.

When Ba Fujin took the nanny out of the car, someone from San Fujin's side saw it.

Later, the eighth elder brother came back in a hurry, and San Fujin understood the reason.

She could understand what Bafujin did.

If you don't come along, let the man go out for three or four months, and put Ge Ge next to him, then when he comes back, two people will become three people.

But Bafujin felt that Sanfujin's smile was dazzling, looked at the queen mother in the boat and said, "Sister-in-law San didn't get the big boat, why did she go to take the small boat instead?"

Sanfujin smiled and said, "It's better to have a big boat for a big boat, and it's better to have a small boat for a small boat."

If she was really asked to go on Concubine Rong's boat, she would feel suffocated just thinking about it.

How good is it now?

She is free and unrestrained, taking the time to say hello, that is to show her filial piety.

Even if the third elder brother goes to the spare royal boat during the day, he will return to his own boat to rest at night.

The cabin is not big, but she is the master, and the cabin is quite spacious, so she doesn't feel any inconvenience.

Ba Fujin snorted softly, with contempt, and said: "It's also the prince Fujin from Dong E's family, and the third sister-in-law is willing to be overwhelmed? When it comes to seniority, the third sister-in-law is at the top!"

Sanfujin had a strange expression on his face, he looked Bafujin up and down, and laughed with a "puchi".

"Eighth brother and sister, you'd better stop talking about sowing discord in the future, it doesn't sound good to your ears..."

"You have no good intentions towards Jiufu Jin, but you don't look down on me..."

"What do I have to do to see your face, and still listen to your provocation?"

(End of this chapter)

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