Chapter 457 The heart is harder and colder (third)

Bafujin's face flushed red, trembling with anger.

Sanfujin turned around, looked at the guards on the ferry board, and led the mother over.

Those guards looked at each other, some of them recognized San Fujin, they bent down to salute, wondering if they should give way.

Sanfujin stood still a few steps away, and said politely: "Who told you to guard here, and everyone stopped?"

The head guard said: "If you go back to Sanfujin, it's the fifth master's order!"

There was no answer to the last sentence, and he didn't dare to look in the direction of Ba Fujin.

Regardless of whether the masters are decent in front of the queen mother, they are not something they can afford to offend.

It's just a matter of duty right now.

Sanfujin covered her mouth with a handkerchief and smiled, without embarrassing anyone, said: "Please tell me, my lord, do you see that the Empress Dowager is not free to see people?"

The guard bowed in response, turned around and boarded the boat.

In the Empress Dowager's room, Shu Shu, Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege are playing cards with the Empress Dowager.

It's not fun when sailing, now I'm idle.

The queen mother saw that Jiu Gege was short-tempered before, so she deliberately gave her a card and lost the [-] she was waiting for.

"Haha, I'm fooling around again!"

Jiugege laughed happily, and picked up the cards on the table.

On weekdays, she finds playing cards boring, but now she is a little embarrassed about reading, and she actually thinks playing cards is a good pastime.

"Hulahula", Jiu Gege's next family, Shu Shu, and the opposite family, Wu Fujin, each handed over half a handful of golden melon seeds.

The money box in front of Jiugege already contained a lot.

"Get rich!"

Jiugege grabbed a handful with a smile on his face, and handed it to Nanny Bai who was watching the cards behind the Queen Mother: "Whoever sees it has a share, this is from Nanny..."

As she spoke, she grabbed another half of the handful and handed it to Nanny Lin and Xiao Song who were sitting on the little Wuzi next to her.

There was no one behind Wu Fujin, and he was called back by the fifth elder brother to look through things just now.

These golden melon seeds were all prepared by the Queen Mother.

It is specially designed for passing time or entertaining people on board.

Several small boxes were given to each of Shushu, Wufujin, and Jiugege.

Fifth elder brother is not here.

He went back to the cabin to write a letter, planning to sue his younger brother, so as not to be fooled by the eighth elder brother.

If the eighth elder brother turned black and white, it would be bad for Lao Jiu to misunderstand that it was the younger brother and sister who caused the trouble.

The guards boarded the boat and did not go to the Empress Dowager, but first came to look for the Fifth Prince.

The fifth elder brother followed this boat, and the accompanying guards and guards also obeyed his orders.

In addition to the guards and guards on duty on the ship, there are also guards and guards from the two ships that accompany the Empress Dowager's ship. These people are responsible for guarding the ship when it is driving and berthing.

"San Fujin is here?" The fifth elder brother heard the guard's report, thought for a while, and said: "Except for the eighth Fujin, no one else needs to stop!"

The guard went out.

The fifth elder brother wrote the letter, but did not send it immediately.

Or wait until after dinner to ask the siblings, if the siblings also have grievances, tell Lao Jiu?

The guards went out from the fifth elder brother, instead of crossing the bridge directly, they went outside the Queen Mother's cabin first, and reported through the cabin door.

"Your Majesty, Sanfujin asks to see you..."

Quiet in the house.

The queen mother pushed the card and said: "Take it away, I guess it's time for her over..."

The first sentence was for Shu Shu and the others, and the latter sentence was for Nanny Bai.

Bai Momo went out and followed the guards to the crossing board.

Seeing several people on the ferry board, Nanny Bai thought it was brought by Sanfujin.

When she got to the front, she realized that something was wrong. The guards looked familiar, and there were two people standing on the pier at the other end of the ferry.

Bai Nanny recognized it as the Eight Fortunes, but she didn't say anything, she only blessed the Three Fortunes, and said, "Your Majesty, please come in..."

Sanfujin helped Nanny Bai, and said with a smile: "I'm sorry to trouble you, I can't be idle, I just want to say hello to Grandmother, how is Grandma today, did you get seasick? Did you take a rest during the day?" ?”

Just as Nanny Bai was about to speak, Fujin had already strode forward.

Sanfujin was dumbfounded.

Nanny Bai was also a little startled.

Eight Fujins have already pulled San Fujin, and are planning to go there.

The four guards were all there, and when they saw the Eight Fortunes moving, they had already prepared themselves and stopped them immediately.

Ba Fujin scolded angrily: "Several stinky fish, rotten shrimps, slaves with no eyes, I don't think who dares to stop me?"

After all, she was about to bump into the guard regardless.

Men and women are different.

There is a difference between honor and inferiority.

Where do the guards dare to confront the tough?

You have to avoid it sideways.

As if winning a battle, the eighth Fujin was about to go to the boat.


The eighth elder brother rushed to see this scene, and shouted loudly.

But Fujin didn't listen to the truth, and continued to rush forward.

"The Jewel!"

Brother Ba had no choice but to yell again.

Only then did Fujin hear the truth, and when he turned his head, he saw Brother Ba trotting over.

There was a lot of guilt in her eyes, and she forced a smile: "Master, I'm here to make amends to the imperial grandmother!"

The eighth elder brother endured his anger, and greeted Sanfujin first: "Sister-in-law San..."

Afterwards, he looked at Bafujin and said, "Ama Khan has a decree, follow me!"

After all, he went to drag Ba Fujin.

Bafujin put on guard on his face and struggled involuntarily.


The eighth elder brother thought about the beating and scolding he had just received in front of the imperial court, his face was stern, and his subordinates had no strength left.

Ba Fujin's body was weak, so he staggered and was dragged off the ferry.

The grandma was in a hurry, but she didn't dare to stop her, she could only follow behind.

Sanfujin was curious about what the emperor's will was, and wanted to make fun of Brother Ba, but was frightened by the ferocious face of Brother Ba.

She involuntarily looked at the eight elder brothers on the shore.

The eighth elder brother dragged the eighth Fujin, and he didn't go in the direction of the Yuzhou in front, nor in the direction of the concubine Hui's boat in the back, but got farther and farther away from the pier.

Over there, is the guard barracks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
Sanfujin couldn't understand it, hesitated for a moment, looked at Nanny Bai and said, "Mommy, do you need to tell the emperor's grandmother? Seeing how fierce the eighth elder brother is, he won't beat his wife, right?"

Bai Momo was neither humble nor overbearing, she lowered her eyebrows and said, "How dare a slave chew on his master's tongue? You decide for yourself."

Sanfujin stroked his temples, laughed twice, and said, "Then let's go in!"

In the queen mother's cabin, the cards have been collected.

Two fruit plates were replaced on the table of the Eight Immortals.

A plate of pears, a plate of apples.

The queen mother is getting old and doesn't like to eat fresh fruit, so this is for smoking the house.

There are two plates of dried fruit next to it, which are open pine nuts and paper walnuts.

Shu Shu loves to eat pine nuts, and she couldn't enjoy eating one by one, so she used a clean veil to cover it and peeled the pine nuts.

Wu Fujin had nothing to do, so he followed suit.

Jiu Ge grabbed the Queen Mother's arm, and acted coquettishly: "I don't dare to read while sailing again, I'm so dazed, and I'm sick, I vomited out of my stomach, I'll eat more later..."

The queen mother scolded: "Your sister-in-law has told you several times, who told you not to hear? You are not allowed to watch at night, your eyes are burnt!"

"Well, well, listen to grandma and don't read books at night!"

Jiugege suffered a loss, and now he is very obedient.

Sanfujin came in with Nanny Bai, and what he saw was such a comfortable and comfortable scene.

She told Ba Fujin before, "It is better to have a big boat, and a smaller boat is better", but now she feels different.

Not only is the length of the small boat a lot shorter, but the width is not the same as that of the big boat.

Here, the width of the boat is one foot, four feet and four inches, and the width of the middle compartment is also about one foot and two feet.

Coupled with the depth of more than two feet, the Queen Mother's cabin is extremely spacious.

Compared with here, her small cabin is really just a bed, table and chairs.

Sanfujin is honored, Shu Shu and Wufujin both get up.

Jiugege also avoided the Queen Mother.

Sanfujin just smiled and bowed his knees to salute, and then met with his sister-in-law and sister-in-law again.

The queen mother smiled and said: "Why is this here, it seems that we are about to eat?"

Sanfujin's smile was a little stiff.

However, she has been married into the palace for several years, and she also knows a little bit about the Queen Mother's temper, and she speaks more straightforwardly.

She smiled and said, "Our grandfather's boat is far away from here, and grandson's daughter-in-law wants to come here to greet you at dawn, so as not to be inconvenient when it gets dark."

The Empress Dowager smiled and said: "It's fine to come here this time. It's inconvenient to be on the boat, so don't worry about it in the future, and come to talk when you are in the palace."

Sanfujin wasn't sure whether it was disgust or caring, and he was a little bit guilty in his heart, but on the surface he agreed: "Then the emperor's grandmother, don't dislike her granddaughter-in-law for being lazy..."

The queen mother shook her head and said: "No, no, I know you are busy too, so you don't need to come to my place to order. I have a few of them here, but your mother-in-law has no one to serve her."

Sanfujin's smile was a bit forced.

I don't really want to go to my mother-in-law.

Originally, I thought that I could carry the grandma to press the mother-in-law's side, so that the mother-in-law would not bother people on the road.


Sanfujin looked at Shushu and felt that there were too many people.

The Empress Dowager has all the granddaughters-in-law and granddaughter in front of her, so it's not easy for her to make up for it.

Thinking of Ba Fujin, San Fujin looked a little dazed.

It's not easy to tell the Queen Mother, should I tell Wu Fujin and Shu Shu?
They are all sisters-in-law.

They dislike and pick each other on weekdays, but it's not a life-and-death relationship.

Bafu Jin is so pitiful, he is still in confinement.

Today, Ba Fujin's appointment made a mess again. I don't know if the couple will do it.

Seeing that Ba Age looks like a dog, but who knows what's going on in private.

Sanfujin isn't cruel, it's rare that he doesn't gossip, instead he worries more...

Outside the guard camp.

Bafujin looked at Yu Zhou in the distance, and said angrily: "Is fifth elder brother still a man? Don't talk about getting involved with women, how dare you go to the imperial court to complain?"

The eighth elder brother was afraid that she would go crazy, so he didn't mention the fact that he was beaten, but said: "Since Khan Ama has an oral order, go back to Beijing!"

Ba Fujin said in embarrassment: "What is that? It's all my fault. It's obviously Dong E's indiscretion..."

"To shut up!"

The eighth elder brother scolded in a low voice: "This time I just sent you back to the palace, do you really think that the royal family has no wives?"

Ba Fujin raised his head, looking at Ba Prince with horror.

The eighth elder brother said with a cold face, "Last time, you were open in Ningshou Palace, you lost your job, and you have been side-viewed for several times; this time you talk about men and women. After losing the two properties of the sub-fu, Khan Ama warned the Lord, there will be no third time! Guo Luoluo’s family, there will be no third time!"

Ba Fujin's chest was panting, and he said with a trembling voice: "Guo Luoluo, you call me Guo Luoluo?"

Brother Ba looked at her coldly and said, "Are you the enemy of the master?"

Bafujin said angrily: "The third time, what will happen?"

The eighth elder brother looked at her seriously, and said, "Circle together, or... die together!"

Bafujin showed horror on his face, turned his head, and said, "Can't I go home? I don't want to go to Prince An's Mansion!"

Brother Ba shook his head and said: "The emperor's oral order is also for King An, if he can't discipline you well, don't wear the hat of the king!"

Ba Fujin clenched his fists tightly, with resentment on his face: "Why is the emperor doing this, is it because the fifth elder brother has added fuel and jealousy, and entered into slander?"

The eighth elder brother looked at her, didn't speak, but lifted his clothes, revealing the bruise on his chest.

"Who hit it?"

Ba Fujin almost jumped up, and asked nervously.

"Han Ama moved his hands. Thanks to you, I was disciplined by Han Ama himself. I am also the first one among the princes and elder brothers!"

Brother Ba closed his clothes, looked at Fujin and said, "Since I was sensible, I have worked hard to be a respectable prince and elder brother. I have worked hard for more than ten years, but it took me less than a year to destroy these things..."

Bafujin's face was pale, biting his lip and said: "You despise me?"

The eighth elder brother was expressionless: "I don't want to live a big joke, you should think about it, and I should also think about it..."

"You want to divorce your wife?"

There was more madness in the eyes of Fujin Bafujin, he glanced at Brother Ba, and then looked at the canal in the distance.

The eighth elder brother seemed to see the bottom of her heart, sighed, and said: "Don't threaten me anymore, it doesn't matter if you jump into the river or the car, if you do it, it will make me a big joke, and the relationship between you and me will be severed. !"

His voice was not loud, but decisive.

Bafujin closed his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

Yeah, she's not the only one who threatens people.

The heart of this person in front of him is colder and harder than hers...

You can come once a day at a fixed time, and you will be able to read three chapters, and it is so uncomfortable to read one chapter after another.

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 13th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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