My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 461 Filial Piety

Chapter 461 Filial piety (addition for fathers)
After breakfast and lunch boxes were delivered, the fleet left the pier and went straight down the river.

Because it is a canal channel, the boat is actually very smooth.

That's why most people don't get seasick.

Only Jiugege is the daughter of the boudoir, her body is already weak, plus she goes to bed early and reads a book, the state superimposes, and the reaction is a little bigger.

Jiugege didn't dare to read, so he came to Shushu's place early.

She sat on the couch, rubbed her arms and said, "I didn't feel anything wrong when I did it yesterday. It was slow, but my arms were sore when I woke up this morning."

After hearing this, Shu Shu immediately called Xiao Song and said, "Quickly give Ge Ge a press..."

When Jiugege was in the garden, he often ran to Shushu's side, and he knew a few girls well, so he immediately leaned on the couch, assuming that he could be picked by you.

Xiao Song said with a smile: "Yesterday I got a lot of golden melon seeds, today I will serve you well."

Jiugege waved his hands and said proudly: "Yesterday I turned the page, today I just count!"

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu and said: "I also follow the example of Sister-in-law Jiu, prepare more purses for a few girls, shall I?"

It turns out that this time when Jiugege came out, besides Nanny Lin and her personal maid, she also brought an eunuch named Xiaoluzi, who specialized in running errands and ordering orders, and lived with the two eunuchs from Ningshou Palace in the eunuch's duty room next to the kitchen .

Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to prepare a few purses, and Nanny Lin, Xiao Luzi, and the maid gave them all.

Portions vary.

The ones for Nanny Lin and Xiao Luzi were also double-packed because they had agreed with Jiugege before that the girls here would have to order people around when it was difficult to show up.

For the rest of the court ladies, those who follow suit will get half the reward.

Jiugege was pressed comfortably, and he also liked the ability of the girls here, so he said this.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "You can do as you please, but you can't rely on less rewards. Everyone knows that you are a rich man!"

Everyone in Mongolia knows that there is an elder brother and a princess in the queen mother's palace. In previous years, when paying tribute to the New Year, there were two more.

Especially the princes of Horqin, they are the most filial.

Except for Princess Duanmin.

Jiugege lazily said: "I also think of others when I see the good ones. I will learn from Sister-in-law Jiu and be a generous person."

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, Ge Ge, who was so quiet before, had a sudden change in her style of painting that was kidnapped by her.

Because it was daytime, my sister-in-law didn't speak when she spoke.

The queen mother's room is also next to this.

Hearing the faint laughter coming from here, the queen mother was a little curious, and said to Nanny Bai: "Come on, let's go and see Shu Shu's room."

The master and servant came out of the cabin, walked a few steps, and arrived at the door of Shushu's cabin.

Jiugege felt comfortable after being pressed, and said: "Xiao Song has three rewards, and I will go to press the emperor's grandmother soon..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu said, "It's good to press, and you can rub your stomach."

In that case, it is helpful to defecate, which is the symptom of the queen mother's constipation.

Outside, Mother Bai said: "Jiufujin, Gege, your empress is here."

Shu Shu hurriedly got up to greet him, Jiu Gege also waved to Xiaosong, turned over and sat up.

Shu Shu opened the cabin door and welcomed the Empress Dowager to bring Nanny Bai in.

Seeing Jiu Gege, the Queen Mother was taken aback, and said, "Why did you take off your hair?"

Jiugege usually wears two buns, but now his hair is loose, and he looks lazy.

Jiugege smiled and said: "Just now I pressed the acupuncture points on my head, it was very comfortable, and the imperial grandmother also pressed..."

The Queen Mother said curiously, "Then I will try it too."

But she looked around the room and said, "Go to my room, it's too crowded."

Three grandfathers and grandchildren, plus three people from Shu Shu's side, and one from the Queen Mother and Jiu Gege, that's eight people.

Although there is wealth on the ground, it is not much, and it seems that the house is full.

Everyone turned to the Queen Mother again, alarmed Wu Fujin, and also came from the back cabin. Everyone got together, and it was a scene of grandparents and grandchildren enjoying themselves again...

Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Nine came over early to order Mao.

Gao Yanzhong asked Nine Elder Brothers to send out his entourage to take charge of the logistics supply.

This kind of errand of retinue requires careful people to manage, but it is also a good opportunity for meritorious service.

Brother Nine was partial to his own people, and because he wanted to flatter him, he arranged for Gao Yanzhong to help Ma Qi.

Doctor Zhang Baozhu, as usual, summarized the official affairs to be handled and sent them over.

Brother Nine took it, and didn't tell him to go down immediately, but pointed to the opposite chair and said, "My lord, sit down and talk."

Zhang Baozhu thought that elder brother Jiu was going to order an errand, so he sat down honestly.

Brother Jiu thought about it for a while, and said: "I think the adults are good at collecting documents, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is a bit overkill, but the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Punishment seem to be able to give full play to the strengths of adults."

The little brother-in-law wanted to raise his hand, and he couldn't bear to watch Fifth Brother's father-in-law suffer in the position of fifth rank.

He thought that if he could push, he would push.

The fourth elder brother is currently in the household department, and he is a little familiar with the household department.

On the side of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, brother Jiu went to look at the case and happened to know that several doctors were going to be promoted.

Recently, the six departments have been promoted and transferred, mainly the doctors from the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Industry. It is because these three departments are practical and easy to achieve political achievements;

After Zhang Baozhu heard this, he immediately felt embarrassed, and hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Hello, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are good..."

Brother Nine has been learning how to recognize people for the past six months.

He thought for a while that Zhang Bao seemed to be living alone in the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he didn't interact with his colleagues.

Even for my immediate boss, it was a routine, and I resigned immediately after sending the official document, without a word of gossip.

Brother Jiu understood a little bit, this person seems to be shy of strangers.

No wonder I have been a pen post style for more than ten years, and I am capable, but I haven't been promoted.

But the rank of the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is low.

Now it's just the third-rank yamen, using copper seals.

Except for the top one to five chief ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the highest rank below is the fifth-rank doctor, followed by the sixth-rank principal, and the seventh-rank and eighth-rank low-rank officials.

Not an outsider either, Brother Nine said bluntly: "If it's in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I'm afraid that the doctor, my lord, will be in a high position, and I can't move up."

Zhang Baozhu got up and said: "Upgrading to the fifth rank is all due to Master Jiu's support. It was something I didn't dare to think about before. My father sent a letter to warn the slaves, let the slaves keep themselves safe and do their jobs with all their heart."

Everyone has aspirations.

According to what he meant, it was to satisfy the doctor's position.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Then follow the adults' wishes."

Zhang Baozhu bowed and retreated.

It took half an hour for Brother Nine to finish the official business at hand, called the on-duty pen post, and sent the official business to each department.

Afterwards, he came out of the House of Internal Affairs and went straight to the clan mansion.

Mrs. Uncle filed a complaint yesterday, and the clan's family took the person. What's next?
Brother Jiu felt that it was time for him, the prince's son-in-law, to show up.

For such a big matter, the father-in-law and mother-in-law were appointed to worry about it, and they went to the clan's mansion to ask about it, and then they could go to the capital's mansion.

Brother Jiu was very happy.

At that time, I will ask Fu Song if he has separated his family. If so, then he will go to the Ministry of Officials to finalize Fu Song's master of ceremonies first.

Afterwards, Fu Song could help Yin De, wait for the thaw, and watch the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Internal Affairs build the Prince's Mansion.

When the two get along, they see each other naturally, and there will be a follow-up whether the marriage is successful or not.

Ninth elder brother thought very well, when he arrived at the clan mansion, he went to tenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Shi also paid attention to Dong E's family's lawsuit, and just asked the principal who handled it for details.

"What, can't judge?"

Brother Jiu felt baffled, and said: "Isn't it a concubine, a householder, shouldn't this be regarded as murdering the master?"

Not to mention beheading the prisoner, should he be hanged too?
Elder Brother Ten said: "The law is like this. The poppy shell added by Zhao is medicine, not poison. This medicine is also often used to stop diarrhea. Uncle just has a sign of diarrhea after the new year; there is also the addition of salt, uncle is still alive. It's just a salty mouth, if she doesn't plead guilty, this is not a big fault..."

Brother Jiu frowned: "Isn't that cheaper for her?"

Only then did Elder Brother lower his voice and said: "When Uncle passes away, he will be murdered, either poison or medicine..."

According to the doctor's pulse, Uncle is just going through the day.

Brother Jiu still felt unhappy, and said, "Has anyone come from the Dutong Mansion?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Zhu Liang and Fu Song came here, and gave two silver seals to the guards, to take care of the doctor."

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "He's not innocent either, or he's living in the uncle's residence. How come you don't see anything wrong with the uncle's pulse every now and then? Your sister-in-law just flipped through "Materia Medica" and a few manuscripts. , can see one or two, he can't see it?"

Elder Brother Ten didn't speak.

The Dutong Mansion specifically pointed out this doctor to protect that doctor and also to doubt him.

Worry about his hands and feet.

In that case, it's not just a concubine harming the master.

He was afraid that others would harm Dong E's family, and he also had to guard against someone taking advantage of this to pour dirty water on Qi Xi.

It's just that it's too complicated. Elder Ten thinks he doesn't need to tell Brother Ninth before he understands it.

To save brother Jiu from worrying.

Brother Jiu knew the general idea, so he didn't wait any longer, and still decided to go to the Dutong Mansion.

It's still the same principle, Shu Shu is filial to the Queen Mother on his behalf, and he is filial to his father-in-law and mother-in-law on behalf of Shu Shu, this is also the way of husband and wife.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth, if you see the county magistrate, you can just ask the old man what the regulations are."

There is no sentence now, but when Xin Dali passed away, the sentence will be imminent.

To avoid procrastination, extra troubles will arise, and Dong E's family will be in the middle of the whirlpool.

The plaintiff, the county lord, is still an elder of the clan, and the clan mansion must have followed the county lord's wishes.

Brother Nine nodded and said, "Master, I wrote it down."

Now he knows the rules, and he knows that going without invitation will cause trouble to the Dutong Mansion, so he sent He Yuzhu: "Go first, just say that Fujin is not in Beijing, and something happened at home, don't worry, I will go visit my father-in-law later." ,mother in law."

He Yuzhu agreed, and asked for a carriage from the House of Internal Affairs, and went to the Dutong Mansion.

Brother Jiu went to the guards to be on duty, called some guards and then followed him to the Dutong Mansion.

Instead of riding in a car, he chose to ride a horse.

The father-in-law's family is a martial arts family, so he should also like his son-in-law to be more heroic.

When passing by Xisi Avenue, Brother Jiu bought a lot of food, all of which Shu Shu mentioned before, such as Dongzi dishes, fire roast, and two open river fish.

The following guards looked at each other.

Is this still the prince brother?

How can I please my father-in-law and mother-in-law, just like everyone else?
Cheng Ding can make up for the guards.

Most of the bodyguards are married, and they have done something similar to Brother Jiu.

When they arrived at the Dutong Mansion, Brother Jiu didn't ask anyone to pass it on, and directly brought the guards in.

Qi Xi and his wife got the news of He Yuzhu first and were already waiting.

The two of them didn't expect the lawsuit next door. Instead, they both worried that something was wrong with their daughter.

When Brother Jiu came in, Qi Xi said before he was greeted, "What's the matter with Fujin?"

Brother Jiu was a little confused: "What's wrong with Fujin?"

Seeing him like this, Qi Xi and Jue Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Xi said worriedly: "I heard that Bafu Jin is also following him, which makes people worry."

Yesterday, Shengjia toured the south, and there were many clan princes who saw off at Tongzhou Wharf.

The news of the eight blessings following the southern tour was sent back to the capital last night.

It's just that Brother Nine lives in the palace, and the news is blocked, so he doesn't know about it yet.

Jueluo also nodded and said: "Yes, Bafujin is domineering. Before she got married, she came without asking and didn't say anything. She was also rude to Shushu, and she greeted her face with her hand. At that time, there was no sister-in-law status. This time, there are elder sisters." Shu Shu is not being bullied."

Brother Jiu's expression was a little ugly.

He was worried and embarrassed
What I'm worried about is that I'm afraid that my father-in-law and mother-in-law will talk about it.

An embarrassing thing, I was too low in the ranking, dragging Shu Shu into a little sister-in-law.

As for the eighth Fujin, Brother Nine was very disgusted.

Is it really endless?
Can't you see what virtue she has?
It's just bullying.

In the final analysis, I still looked down on myself, felt that I couldn't stand up, and was unscrupulously mean to Shu Shu...

Once again, I feel that everyone’s monthly pass has made this book a big step forward on the list, thank you thank you!

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 14th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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