My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 462 The Pomegranate Tree

Chapter 462 Pomegranate Tree (Part [-])
Seeing Brother Jiu's expression, Qi Xi and Jue Luoshi secretly exchanged glances.

Both husband and wife are not talkative people, talking about this today is just a "report" in advance.

It would be fine if there was no friction between my daughter and Ba Fujin, but if there was friction, I can't blame my daughter for this previous relationship.

Most likely, Bafujin had a bad temper and took the initiative to provoke.

As for the disadvantage of the girl?

It is impossible to suffer a loss, because I am afraid that there will be a rift between husband and wife.

After all, there are a lot of people in this world who like to be gentle, and always feel that everything will be over if they endure it, and they have no ability to restrain others, so they can only make those around them feel wronged.

Brother Jiu's heart was on fire, and he was really worried about Ba Fujin's virtue, and he comforted him: "Father-in-law, mother-in-law, don't worry, the queen mother is here, and fifth brother, fifth sister-in-law, son-in-law also greeted, no It will make Fujin suffer."

Qi Xi still frowned, nodded slowly, and said in a heavy voice, "Brother said so, we will believe him."

Jue Luo's expression eased a lot, and he became more loving, and said: "I just hope that Elder Brother will take care of you, it's because we, Ama and Ernie, didn't discipline well, our temper is too delicate, I'm afraid our actions are not thoughtful. The place."

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Fu Jin is in the palace, the elders love it, and the younger siblings respect it, who wouldn't praise the good education of the father-in-law's family? If this is not comprehensive, then there will be no comprehensive people in the world."

Jue Luoshi didn't feel happy when he heard this, instead he said with a wry smile: "The palace really trains people, but at home it's the most self-willed, everyone coaxes you, but you have to learn to coax people when you get married..."

She didn't want to talk about anything else.

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, as if he had said something wrong again.

Fujin himself has worked hard enough, all for his own sake, his father-in-law and mother-in-law feel distressed.

Feeling guilty in his heart, he changed the subject and said, "Before coming here, my son-in-law went to the clan's mansion and asked about the case of the elder brother's mansion..."

After finishing speaking, he relayed the words of the ten elder brothers, and then said: "The ten elder brothers mean that we still need to ask the county magistrate how he wants to close the case."

Qi Xi's expression was stiff, with bitterness in his eyes.

The clan's mansion will not close the case until the uncle passes away.

Uncle showed extraordinary tenacity.

He doesn't want to die.

He wants to live.

Now an old imperial doctor who has served in the imperial hospital has been invited to sit in the uncle's mansion just to delay his death.

Now the other prescriptions are temporarily suspended, and the diuretic prescriptions are given priority, but the effect is not obvious yet.

Now I don't even dare to touch the water.

Qi Xi would not wish for his brother to die, but seeing him struggling like this is also uncomfortable.

The imperial physician said privately that shrouds and materials can be prepared, and they can be washed when the time comes.

It's just a tactful rhetoric, just for the sake of dressing up.

Jue Luo's expression became much calmer, and he told the girls beside him: "Go and invite Mrs. Uncle, just say Brother Jiu is here, please come and talk."

The girl went down.

Brother Jiu looked at Jue Luo and said, "Mother-in-law, what happened to Fusong's household division? If it's all right, I'll ask someone to go through the formalities at the Ministry of Officials, and someone will watch over at the Prince's Mansion."

Jue Luo nodded and said: "It's done, Fu Song will rely more on elder brother to take care of him from now on."

Brother Nine said: "You're welcome, my son-in-law is short of manpower, and Fu Song was a great help..."

Bofu, the front yard.

Uncle sat on the kang, looking out through the open window.

The sky is blue.

In the warm and cold season, everything withers.

The pomegranate tree in the yard hasn't turned green yet.

"Is it dead, why hasn't it germinated?"

Uncle turned his head and looked at Mrs. Uncle.

Since yesterday, he has not let Mrs. Uncle out of sight.

Mrs. Uncle wanted to keep Xizhu to take care of him, but he refused to do so, and only begged his wife to accompany him.

Mrs. Uncle also looked outside and said: "It's not yet time to germinate, it will be almost ten days and a half months away."

The uncle sighed and said, "Before we got married, I transplanted it with my own hands. It has been more than [-] years in a blink of an eye."

Mrs. Uncle's expression was dull, and she said: "It's my fault, I can't do anything for Dong E's family."

It's not that she has never been pregnant, but she failed to keep the fetus twice.

Uncle hurriedly said, "I didn't mean that..."

Speaking of this, he said with a wry smile: "I asked the doctor privately back then, it might be because of me..."

If the seeds are not good, how can you expect to grow a good crop?

As for Xizhu, he was also worried about it back then, and he took Zhao's family into the mansion early in order to protect his pregnancy.

As a result, thousands of taels of various birth-prevention drugs were spent. Eating bird’s nest was like eating.

Sure enough, things in this world cannot be forced.

Mrs. Uncle looked at Uncle and said, "When Uncle insisted on taking Mrs. Zhao into the mansion, he used the same rhetoric."

It's not like other families without sons who, right or wrong, put the blame on their wives.

I know it in my heart, but it's too disgusting to do things.

"As a couple, I know Uncle, and Uncle understands me, so don't embarrass each other..."

Mrs. Uncle said lightly.

This refers to the arrangement of tin pillars.

Uncle hated Mrs. Zhao to the core, and also angered Xizhu, but this son was the one he hated the most.

The uncle was stunned, and said: "Cousin, I have to pull you here, not because of Xi Zhu, but because of you and my husband and wife. When we were in love back then, it was only in recent years that we became estranged."

At the end of the day, getting along peacefully is also a good beginning and a good end.

Mrs. Uncle looked at the pomegranate tree outside, her gaze also took a long distance, and said softly: "If there is an afterlife, you and I should be good cousins!"

So the fate of husband and wife lasts until this life.

Uncle's eye circles were red, he nodded after a while, and said, "Okay!"

There was movement outside, the girl from Dutong Mansion saw the two of them, and told Mrs. Uncle about the invitation of the mistress.

Mrs. Uncle didn't get up in a hurry, but looked at Uncle.

This person is difficult to deal with, if you insist on not letting her go out, or following her, it will be troublesome.

Mrs. Uncle didn't want to cause trouble, and she didn't want to bring trouble to the Dutong Mansion.

The uncle seemed suspicious, and murmured: "Brother Jiu has come here several times this year."

Mrs. Uncle frowned and said: "Shengjia's tour to the south, Shu Shu was brought along by the queen mother, and she left Beijing yesterday. Brother Jiu should come here to talk about this matter."

The uncle looked at Mrs. Uncle, and the circles of his eyes became redder: "You waited until yesterday to report to the official, and that's why? Is it because of my niece's accompanying tour to the south? In your heart, is my husband's face inferior to that of my niece's travels?" important?"

If the case comes out first, and the family's funeral is imminent, how can Shu Shu, a real niece, go out to visit the mountains and rivers?
Mrs. Uncle stood up, looked at Uncle and said, "Uncle, please be more lenient to me. In Uncle's heart, aren't Xi Zhu and Zhao Shi more important than my face?"

After all, she didn't look at Uncle again, and took the girl out.

Uncle is like a stone statue.

The old butler was worried about Uncle, so he guarded in the wing room. When Mrs. Uncle went out, he hurried to the main room.

Seeing that the window was still open, the old butler stepped forward to close it.

Only then did the uncle look at him, and said, "Leave a gap, or the room stinks..."

Without being reminded by others, he himself could feel the rancid smell in his breath.

He is really going to die.

The old butler's eyes were red, he left the window open, hugged the quilt again, and pressed it on the uncle.

The uncle looked at the old housekeeper and said: "God has eyes, in this life, one really can't do immoral things, there will be retribution..."

The old housekeeper comforted: "Uncle can't be all blamed. There are three unfilial acts, and having no offspring is the greatest. Even if Zhao's character is poor, but there is a child in the belly, uncle can't watch the flesh and blood raise it outside."

"But how wronged is Xing Zhong?"

Uncle's expression became clearer, and he took out two land deeds from his sleeve.

"It's not on the account of the public, but it was bought by the wife's private house back then. You keep a copy, and find another opportunity for Xing Zhong. Don't say I gave it to you..."

The old housekeeper refused to accept, and persuaded: "You take good care of yourself. When your health is better and the weather is warmer, go to Haidian Zhuangzi and feed him yourself. Let him grow up together. The resentment after so many years should be almost gone. "

Uncle stuffed it into his hands, and said lightly, "I don't dare to go face to face, I'm afraid he will hit me..."

In fact, both master and servant know it, but they are just deceiving themselves.

Uncle can't wait for the weather to warm up.

The old housekeeper also hated Xi Zhu before, but now he knows that the uncle is most worried about his son.

"Eldest young master, how do you want to arrange it?"

The old housekeeper hesitated for a while when he said this, and said, "The family's hereditary leader..."

The young master was born in a bad family, and if the madam uncovered the matter, there would be no room for it.

There is no need to think about the title, but it may be possible to retain the position of the leader of the world.

That can also be passed on to children and grandchildren.

At the beginning, Mrs. Tai was eccentric and left the title of title and assistant leader to the uncle.

Because the uncle was weak, the second master took over temporarily.

In the thirty-fourth year of Kangxi, because of the emperor's grace, and because of the population growth, Dong E's family separated another assistant leader, who directly belonged to the second master.

If you take one back, the second master probably won't stop you.

Uncle shook his head and said, "Forget it, if it's not mine, it's not mine after all..."

According to the promise he had made before his biological mother, the title and world position would have to be passed on from uncle to nephew.

It doesn't make any sense to force it now.

"There are eight private properties under Xizhu's name, pick the promising ones and transfer them to Gege's name!"

Uncle ordered.

Guizhen Gege was angry in her heart, but she also left room for speaking, and she didn't intend to tear herself apart with Dong E's family.

It would be meaningless to be stingy with these extraneous possessions.

The old butler agreed.

The uncle continued to look at the pomegranate tree outside, and said, "When that day comes, I will break off a branch and bury it..."

The old butler lowered his head, choked up and couldn't speak...

Dutongfu, the main courtyard.

Mrs. Uncle has already told Brother Jiu about her decision.

"Just follow the law, there is no need to be serious..."

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "But if it's really a prison guard, I'm afraid I won't die if I catch up with the pardon. At that time, I will probably be exiled to Ninggu Tower and serve as a slave to the armored man..."

Mrs. Uncle said: "It doesn't matter, if she can struggle to get to Ninggu Tower, that is also her fate."

Nine Elder Brothers said: "Before there was a prisoner who asked for a crime and was exiled, the family took care of him directly, and his life was not bad."

There is still a Xizhu, if you insist on being filial to your birth mother, you can barely get by.

In that case, it would be too cheap for Mr. Zhao.

Mrs. Uncle looked at Brother Jiu.

She is really innocent and romantic, and she thinks too well of people.

There is no shortage of filial sons in this world, but it is also full of false filial sons.

As long as it doesn't affect myself, I am willing to be a decent person and try my best to pretend to be filial.

If it affects his own situation, he might as well run far away.

The birth mother was locked up all day and night, and Xi Zhu didn't even fart.

Can you still expect him to give up the comfort of the capital and go to a bitter cold place like Ninggu Pagoda to be filial to his biological mother?
(End of this chapter)

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