My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 468 Prepare to Watch

Chapter 468 Prepare to Watch (Part [-])
On San Age's boat, San Fujin wanted to cry but had no tears.

It's not scary to take care of my uncle, but why do I have to squeeze into my mother-in-law's boat?
Even if the two nobles move away, the remaining cabins over there are limited.

Not to mention, my mother-in-law has the worst temper.

"Aren't there still two spare dragon boats empty? What are you doing to disturb your empress?"

San Fujin was puzzled, looked at San Age and said.

Both ships are empty, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother will move over there, and the husband and wife will follow along to take care of them.

The third brother glanced at her and said, "Because it's a dragon boat."

You can set up a value room on it, and the accompanying ministers and guards can also wait and obey your orders, but you can't use that as a boat, otherwise it will be trespassing.

Sanfujin dawdled and said: "If the empress reprimands me, the master will help me..."

The third elder brother frowned and said: "How can there be such a rule? Are you trying to let the master bear the reputation of being an unfilial son?! The empress is getting old and loves to chatter, don't talk back, be respectful, just let it go .”

Sanfujin's face drooped, and he already felt a little regretful.

If she had known that she was going to live with her mother-in-law, she might have hesitated for a while whether to come or not.

But thinking about the prosperity and prosperity in the south of the Yangtze River, I can endure it.

When the time comes, there will be filial piety, and the right will be compensation.

Reluctantly, she ordered someone to pack her luggage.

On the royal boat.

The attendants of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are also packing their luggage.

The fourteenth elder brother pulled the thirteenth elder brother to the side, and said: "We are not little elder brothers anymore, why do we live with Concubine Rong? Can you tell Ama Khan and give us a boat too, no Big ones, just like the third brother and the others..."

Elder Brother Thirteen pointed to the back, and said, "You can talk, go ahead and talk!"

Where is it so simple?
There are five or six hundred guards and guards in total, two hundred on the shore, and three or four hundred in the fleet.

Now it is divided into several parts to guard several large ships.

If their brothers arrange the boat alone, they will go out with guards and guards.

Brother Fourteen: "..."

He snorted coldly, put down Thirteenth Brother's arm, and said with dissatisfaction, "You are still my Thirteenth Brother? Why do you hide when things happen?"

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said, "Brother Thirteen if you have something to do, Thirteen if you have nothing to do, it's still okay, you are too old, you are not a child anymore, you should take responsibility."

When I was young, I didn't care about sharing candy, competing for notebooks, etc., and I was willing to be the elder brother, protecting the fourteenth elder brother.

Now that they are all grown up, the same prince elder brother, the elder brothers in front need to be respectful, but the younger brother in the back doesn't matter.

The fourteenth elder brother's face turned red, and he always felt that the thirteenth elder brother meant something.

Unconvinced, he muttered in a low voice, "You're still talking about me, you changed your pants too!"

Brother Fourteen is still a little ignorant.

Elder Brother Thirteen is two years older, knowing the reason why the two moved out, he didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the subject and said: "The concubine's boat is also good, and it will be more comfortable to get on and off at that time."

The fourteenth elder brother can't persuade the thirteenth elder brother, and he doesn't want to bump into him, so he nodded embarrassingly and said, "Yes! Let's think about it!"

Speaking of this, he thought of one thing: "When did Concubine Wang Shu become a noble person?"

The nobleman sounds like he is not of high rank, and he is not the lord of the first palace, regardless of the internal management and subordinates, but the daily supplies are inferior to concubines.

And the nobleman can go with the main concubine to greet the Queen Mother.

The concubine concubine concubine Wang has contributed to the birth of the prince. In the first two years, she provided daily necessities according to the nobleman's rule, but she is not an official nobleman after all.

Brother Thirteen said: "Who knows this? It should be before leaving Beijing..."

Wang Guiren is from Jiangnan, a woman from Suzhou, and this time she was given a title, probably for this reason.

She entered the palace as the cousin of Uncle Li Xu's family who weaved in Suzhou.

Like Cao Yin, Li Xu is also the emperor's father's brother and confidant.

Elevating the position at this time is to give face to Wang Guiren, and also to the Li family.

Brother Fourteen just casually mentioned something.

Ben had nothing to do with him either.

After a while, the luggage of the two of them was packed, and someone carried them off the boat.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also came to the imperial court.

There just happened to be a promise.

Seeing the two elder brothers coming in, they stayed aside, with low eyebrows and pleasing eyes.

The thirteenth elder brother looked away, and the fourteenth elder brother couldn't help but take a look.

She is very small in stature and graceful in posture, completely different from the Eight Banners women.

Is this a Hannv?

It seems that it is indeed somewhat similar to Wang Guiren.

Kangxi saw that he was only curious and nothing else, so he knew that he was not enlightened, and he was not annoyed. He just said: "Remember to read every day, I want to check my homework."

The two brothers went out in response.

After leaving the imperial boat, the eunuch in front carried a lantern, and the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers followed behind.

Elder Fourteen whispered: "Are the women in the coat the same as Han women in Jiangnan? If that's the case, I'll ask our mother to pick two women for me?"

The thirteenth elder brother showed surprise, and looked at the fourteenth elder brother: "How did you think of this?"

Elder Fourteen disapproved and said, "Can't you think about it?"

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Just wait, don't worry, the emperor will ask Concubine De to choose you in the year after next."

In the next draft, three princes, Fujin, Brother Twelve, and the two of them should be selected.

Brother Fourteen gritted his teeth and said, "It will take so long, how boring!"

He was not an idiot when the Jin's wrapped woman approached him before.

I think it's also quite interesting. She's a few years older than him, but she has a soft temper.

The Jin family is Goryeo Zuoling.

I heard that all Korean women are like this.

It seems that I was sick and moved out. I don’t know if it’s okay?
Brother Fourteen feels that he is nostalgic, and he can inquire about it after returning to the palace.

When the empress chooses candidates in the next year, it is better to choose the golden palace lady than the young and new palace maid...

Shu Shu didn't pay special attention to the matter of changing ships.

She began to get used to life on board.

It just feels like time has slowed down.

When the boat is sailing, you can't read books, you can't do needlework to pass the time, you can't get together with Jiugege, and you can't talk from morning to night.

Shu Shu started looking for other fun.

That is to imitate the appearance of the queen mother, looking at the scenery on the shore,

Where there are no towns or villages, more natural scenery is preserved on both sides of the river.

Occasionally inhabited places, soldiers and civilians along the way also retreated, and no one joined the canal.

After four days of suffering like this, I finally arrived at the first palace of the southern tour.

The imperial boat hadn't berthed yet, and there were many people waiting for it on the pier.

Headed by Elder Brother and Prince Jane, as well as the chief soldier of the Green Battalion stationed next to the palace.

When she got into the carriage, Shu Shu jumped for joy.

It's still on the road.

Although the carriage was bumpy, it was much more comfortable than taking a boat.

She missed Brother Jiu again.

If the ninth elder brother is here, the couple can occasionally get off the boat and walk with the seventh elder brother by land.

The palace was built next to the canal wharf, only one mile away.

After a while, the carriage stopped.

When they arrived at the assigned yard, Shu Shu felt annoyed.

Compared with the palace to the north, the palace to the south is much smaller.

Wanting a master and a yard is a dream.

In addition to the large courtyard of the royal family and the east courtyard of the empress dowager and concubines, there are only a few small courtyards on the west road, which will be allocated to the accompanying princes and ministers.

The princes and brothers are divided into two courtyards.

The eldest elder brother and seventh elder brother followed the prince in the front yard.

The rest are in the backyard.

The third elder brother and his wife are the main landlord, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are the west house.

The two rooms in the east wing are the fifth elder brother and his wife.

The two rooms in the west wing are Shushu and Jiugege.

When Jiugege saw the room, he was surprised: "I haven't seen such a small room before, how can I sleep?"

Each room is one foot square, and only the inner room has a kang.

Shu Shu sighed, "Squeeze!"

Except for the little eunuch Xiaoluzi, there are seven masters and servants here.

In addition to the kang in the inner room, there is also an Arhat couch in the outer room, and there is no other place to sleep.

Jiu Gege also expressed regret, "It's not as convenient as on the boat."

Shu Shu listened, but her heart was moved. She looked at Xiaochun and said, "You can go to Mother Bai and ask how to arrange it there? Has anyone returned to the boat?"

The Empress Dowager brought eight palace servants, besides the two eunuchs, there were also two nuns, two palace maids by her side, and the other two were from the dining room of Ningshou Palace, and followed the people from the imperial dining room overland.

Xiao Chun responded and went to look for someone.

Jiugege understood, and said: "In that case, I'll also ask the nanny to go back to the boat to resettle, so as not to suffer here."

The sister-in-law and sister-in-law were talking, and San Fujin came.

Seeing that the room was full, she sighed: "It seems that your place is also in such a mess, there is no room..."

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege greeted each other.

Sanfujin drooped, looked at Shu Shu and said, "During the northern tour last year, how did the tenth brother and the thirteenth brother arrange the meals? These two days, the fourteenth brother doesn't like to use regular dishes. I'm trying to find a way..."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Last year I prepared enough, I brought a lot of dishes, mixed with the regular dishes, it was better; what's more, I took the purse and asked people to go to the imperial dining room to order, the small stove is better .”

There are many masters accompanying me this time.

Except for the emperor and the empress dowager who had special chefs to hold the spoons, the other masters were twenty people younger, and they also ate big pot dishes.

The taste is naturally worse.

The fourteenth elder brother divided the palace last year, lived in the elder brother's residence, and also arranged the prince's dining room, so it is normal to eat unconventional dishes.

Sanfujin suddenly realized, and said: "Why did I forget this? Those uncles in the imperial kitchen have enough preparations, as long as they are willing to spend money, what is there?"

As for the road dishes that Shu Shu mentioned, San Fujin didn't take it to heart.

It's just small pickles, small snacks, what's so strange?

At that time, I have to sell it in front of the two uncles.

What a chicken thief.

I didn't speak up myself.

Where did Shu Shu expect Sanfujin to make up a big show.

What she was thinking about was those crispy fish. During the first lunar month, Brother Jiu had done a lot of damage to the fish in the West Garden, and they sold several jars.

Even if it is soaked in oil, as long as the altar is opened, it is better to eat it up earlier.

It would be great if brother thirteen lived alone, and you can ask someone to send some.

live alone?

There are Big Brother and Seventh Brother.

Shu Shu decided to go back and discuss with Wu Fujin whether to send some to those two places.

After a while, Xiaochun came back with Nanny Bai behind her.

The Queen Mother summoned.

"The empress told Fujin and Gege to wear more clothes, and to follow the emperor to the school grounds to watch the princes shoot arrows..."

(End of this chapter)

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