My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 469 Little Jealousy and Small Arrangements

Chapter 469 Little Jealousy and Little Arrangements (Second Change)
Shu Shu and Jiu Gege looked at each other with surprise.

It's afternoon, the spring is bright, the room is so narrow, it's uncomfortable to hold back, it's good to go out with the Queen Mother to let the wind go.

On the other hand, San Fujin hesitated, and said: "Then what kind of clothes do you want to wear? Do you want to change into riding clothes?"

Mother Bai said: "Fu Jin can do as he pleases. The empress is afraid that the school grounds will be empty, and the masters will feel uncomfortable after eating the wind, so she gave one more word of advice."

Sanfujin did not delay, and went back to change clothes.

Nanny Bai went to the east chamber to look for Wufu Jin again.

Jiu Gege thought about it, and said to Shu Shu, "Why don't you change your clothes?"

The normal clothes they wear now, and the sheepskin boots on their feet, are quite comfortable for walking.

Shu Shu nodded.

It was the local green battalion garrison school grounds, and they went there just to make up for it, and it wasn't the time to show off.

The clothes I change every day are all hung up now, it's uncomfortable not to wash, and it's inconvenient to wash.

Needs ironing, hanging.

"Brother is here, no one else can compare..."

Jiu Ge Ge Road.

Shu Shu said: "The king of Zhijun should be in charge, and he may not end."

The princes are all gone, didn't they show their hole cards?

It is to show the royal demeanor to the soldiers of the green battalion.

How to show it?

Most of it will fall on the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

The older elder brother in front, pick another powerful shocker.

Let the green camp soldiers know that the princes and brothers are not mediocre.

The Green Camp Soldiers, also known as the Green Banner Soldiers, were the Ming and other Han armies incorporated at the founding of the People's Republic of China.

There are about [-] people in the country, and they are stationed in battalions in various places.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege didn't change their clothes very much, they got ready quickly.

Jiugege basically didn't move, except that a pearl and sheepskin vest was added on the outside.

Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to help her braid down, and she wore a tine, which looked a little more formal, and she also added a quilted vest with a high collar.

It is not easy to wear a mask when you arrive at the school grounds, so you can use this collar to cover your mouth and nose.

Sanfujin and Wufujin also packed up and came out.

Wu Fujin's makeup was similar to Shu Shu's.

San Fujin changed into a dark blue riding outfit, and her hair was tied up in a Mongolian bun, looking very capable.

It is completely different from the charming and beautiful image on weekdays.

Seeing that Shu Shu and the others still had the same clothes just now, San Fujin looked him up and down, and said, "You guys are too foolish!"

Seeing that she was wearing a finger puller, Jiugege asked, "Sister-in-law San also wants to play?"

San Fujin touched his ivory finger and said, "It's all about being prepared..."

While talking, the sister-in-law and the others went to the courtyard on the east side of the palace.

This is a two-entry courtyard.

In the front are two concubines with two nobles and two promises, followed by the queen mother and two concubines.

Therefore, when the sisters-in-law went to the Queen Mother, they had to pass through the front yard.

Several people stopped talking and followed Nanny Bai to the back yard.

But the window of the west room in the front courtyard was open, and Concubine Rong was sitting in front of the window.

Hearing movement outside, he raised his head and looked straight.

Seeing that San Fujin was among them, dressed in nondescript clothes, Concubine Rong frowned, and told the nurse beside her: "Just say I have something to look for, and call San Fujin over here."

Mammy went and chased after her.

"Sanfujin, the empress has something to ask you..."

San Fujin's face was a little stiff, but he didn't follow the nanny, he said unhurriedly: "Is there anything urgent, Ma'am? If not, let me go to pay my respects to the imperial grandmother first; if you are in a hurry, don't delay, Nanny Hurry up and find the third master..."

The nanny was dumbfounded for a moment.

Sanfujin smiled and said: "That's nothing serious, then the nanny will go back first, I'll go see the emperor's grandmother first..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at each other.

Is this to use the queen mother, the grandparents, to suppress her mother-in-law?

But the queen mother will not get involved in these small lawsuits between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

But the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very stiff. Concubine Rong must have tormented Sanfujin a lot these days, which forced her to stop pretending to be obedient.

Several people entered the main room.

Not only the queen mother was in the room, but also the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

The two of them had already changed into their riding clothes, with riding whips pinned to their waists, and were ordered to pick up the Queen Mother.

Seeing Shu Shu and others coming in, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother both stood up to salute.

The queen mother smiled and said to everyone: "The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother will probably play in a while. You sister-in-laws and sisters should go over and applaud the two little elder brothers."

The thirteenth elder brother pursed his lips and smiled, and glanced at the sisters-in-law.

The same sister-in-law, why is there such a difference? !
Last year, sister-in-law Jiu asked someone to prepare a carload of food when she went out.

He and the tenth brother also borrowed money, and they never lost their mouths along the way.

Changed to Sanfu Jin, not to mention road dishes, but no snacks.

When I went out, I brought more than a dozen boxes, all of which were clothes.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother could still eat with the emperor's father when they were in the imperial boat, and it was enough to eat their own regular dishes on the Concubine Rong's boat.

He really wanted to ask Sister-in-law Jiu for something to eat, but he was afraid of getting her into trouble.

The fourteenth elder brother had no scruples, after meeting the sisters-in-law and sister, he leaned in front of Shu Shu and said, "Ninth sister-in-law, nine-sister-in-law, have you prepared any side dishes? What I ate for the past two days, my brother can eat I can't eat it, especially the lunch at noon, it's just leftovers, and I can't eat it!"

In fact, how can it be so exaggerated?
The hot ones at noon are the dishes prepared in advance in the food box, and they are also newly made in the morning.

What can Shu Shu say?
The food she prepares there is in the small dining room on the boat, so is she going to lie?
She smiled and said: "There are some, you can try them later."

Fourteenth elder brother was satisfied, faintly proud.

He could see that Mrs. Nine had a bad temper, but she loved face, and she would not reject him in front of the elders.

Shu Shu went on to say: "This is prepared for the imperial grandmother to serve porridge. The quantity is not large. The further south you go, the hotter the weather. The small pickles and small pickles prepared here are also easy to spoil. If you eat your stomach, I will eat it." But no matter..."

On the fourteenth elder brother's boat, there is the concubine Rong who is not easy to deal with, and the hypocritical San Fujin, and the third elder brother who is stubborn.

Shu Shu had to make a report first, intending to be stingy.

Brother Fourteen stared.

What do you mean?
Is this to be eaten or not?
Brother Thirteen was beside him, and said: "Then tell people to take less, just enough for a meal."

Shu Shu nodded.

As for taking a few days in the future, it depends on Brother Fourteen.

It was because she wanted to ask the fifth elder brother to send some to the eldest elder brother and the seventh elder brother, but this idea disappeared.

Forget it, forget it, make more mistakes.

Have a long memory.

With Sanfujin at the side, his expression was a bit unbearable.

She looked at Shu Shu, hesitated to speak.

Thinking about saving money directly, ask for more.

When the time comes, it will not be related to her if it is delicious.

Shu Shu looked away, looked at the Queen Mother and said, "Grandmother, let's go quickly."

The queen mother nodded and said, "Okay, let's go now."

Wu Fujin stepped forward to support her, but the Queen Mother waved her hand and said, "No, no, I was able to walk better than you when I was young."

The palace is right next to the green camp, only half a mile away from the school grounds.

Everyone surrounded the queen mother and strolled over.

Taking advantage of his age, Sanfujin stood on the left hand side of the Empress Dowager, and said with a smile: "Next time I have the opportunity to go on a north tour with the imperial grandmother, the granddaughter-in-law will also show you her hands..."

The queen mother took a look at her attire and said, "Before you got married, did you also learn how to ride horses and shoot arrows?"

Sanfujin said with a smile: "Yes, with my brothers, I started riding and archery at the age of six or seven, and I was like a tomboy all day long. I only started to learn the rules of needlework when I was young, and there was less horseback riding and archery... "

Speaking of this, she looked at Shu Shu and said, "Sister should be the same, right? It seems that my sister spent more time in Kang Wang's Mansion when I was young..."

Everyone looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu glanced at Sanfujin, and said: "Sister-in-law San has a pretty good memory, about the same. My aunt loved to pick me up when I was young."

San Fujin wanted to say more, the queen mother signaled Shu Shu to come closer, took her hand and said: "Kang Wang's mansion is about to be served, and when your aunt enters the palace, you can see her."

Now there are several calculations for server release, some count [-] months, and some count according to the first and last three years.

All in line.

For example, Prince Kangliang Jieshu died in March in the thirty-sixth year of Kangxi. If the filial piety period is twenty-five months, it will be served in April.

According to the calculation of the first and last three years, the remaining months of the first year, the whole year of the second year, and the first month of the third year.

Last month, Prince Kang's Mansion didn't send a post to do the ceremony, so it should be in April.

Shu Shu nodded, with a smile on her face.

"My aunt loves my granddaughter-in-law very much. Before my big wedding last year, my aunt added a big man, and my granddaughter-in-law was too hot to keep it. Now I'm looking forward to the next draft. My aunt has more daughter-in-laws, and my granddaughter-in-law is generous to add back..."

What old women like most is to watch the juniors pair up.

The queen mother smiled and said: "Then the next draft, there will be a lot of people selected."

After three rounds of the Eight Banners draft, there are not many showgirls who are finally accused of getting married and keeping their names.

Unless the clan Fujin has a similar candidate, follow up to say hello, or there is no candidate and want the right one.

Otherwise, it only refers to the married prince and the children of the close clan.

The scope of this close branch is the descendants of Emperor Taizong.

Shu Shu glanced at the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

These two Fu Jin have also been drafted for forty years.

There is currently no Shangshu named Malhan in the six books, and it should not be promoted yet.

As for the servant, because he is not the chief official, the ninth elder brother has not mentioned it, so he does not know whether the fourteenth elder brother's father-in-law has been promoted or not.

On the other hand, Ma Qi's family had a prince named Fujin. I don't know if his prostitute daughter will become prince Fujin.

While speaking, everyone arrived at the school grounds.

On the high platform, there are two chairs.

Kangxi has arrived with all the princes, accompanying bachelors, and ministers leading the bodyguards.

Surrounded by a hundred or so guards in yellow vests, they were watching the phalanx of the Green Battalion soldiers.

To Shushu's surprise, the eighth elder brother has come back.

Standing beside Seventh Brother, accompanying Kangxi.

Shu Shu was surprised, but her expression remained unchanged.

Brother Eight also took a look at Shu Shu, and then quickly looked away.

Shu Shu: "..."

Let her see a bit of respect and stay away.

Or is it hindering Ba Fujin's words?
Shu Shu also looked away, although it was uncomfortable to be rejected by others, but if the eighth elder brother really avoided her, and also avoided the ninth elder brother, that would be the best.

Eighth Prince's heart is a little messed up.

Dong E's expression was flat, and there was no difference between looking at himself and looking at Lao Qi.

She shouldn't hold grudges or vent her anger on him.

On his side, it seemed that he acted a little indecently.

He didn't do anything else, but told the wet nurse and the wet nurse that if there was any problem at home or in the property, he would go ask brother Jiu for help.

He denied to his wife that the nurse sister had feelings for him, but he also knew in his heart that she had some daughter-like thoughts.

Now that he has both the Di Fujin and the Side Fujin, and the two princesses chosen by Er Niang, it is really hard to accept the daughter of the wet nurse.

Otherwise, what do others think?
Fujin would also be very noisy, and couldn't accommodate the wet nurse's family.

Lao Jiu likes economics, and that sister-in-law has some ability to make money, and now manages several shops of her own.

Eighth Brother clenched his fist, feeling ashamed in his heart.

He didn't do it on purpose, but he was a little jealous.

If Brother Nine can keep his conduct, then nothing will happen...

Seeing the queen mother coming, Kangxi got up to greet her, and led the queen mother to her seat.

Shu Shu also closed her eyes, held her breath, and followed the two sister-in-laws to become the little daughter-in-law.

The green battalion soldiers below are on standby.

Shu Shu stood behind the people, looking at the army below, she was very surprised.

It looks much stronger than the Eight Banners soldiers and horses stationed in the capital.

Now, is it time for the green camp to be the elite?
It seems to be true.

The decline of the troops of the Eight Banners did not begin with the Battle of Ulan Butong, but earlier.

As early as the San Francisco Rebellion, the Eight Banners soldiers who went south to suppress the rebellion showed signs of decline, and the war lasted for several years.

It was the Green Battalion that kept the rebels south of the Yangtze River.

For this reason, Kangxi has been expanding the green battalion in the past few years.

The number of green battalion soldiers has increased from more than [-] to [-].

Moreover, the treatment of the soldiers of the Green Battalion is not much different from that of the soldiers of the Eight Banners.

For this, it also caused dissatisfaction among the soldiers of the Eight Banners.

Because in the past few years, [-]% of the imperial tax was used for military pay, and [-]% of the military pay was used to support the green battalion soldiers.

Shu Shu remembered that at that time, Ama wasn't the governor, but just a member of the leader.

Some colleagues complained, but he never got involved.

He said to his wife and daughter: "The green flag is the green flag of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also the green flag of the emperor, but the eight banners are not only the eight banners of the emperor."

The increasing imperial power is also an important factor.

The green battalion soldiers in Kangxi's hands are already four times the number of Eight Banners soldiers and horses.

Next to the emperor, there stood a military general in armor, it was Pan Yulong, the chief soldier of Tianjin Town.

He was a tall man, in his prime, with a scar the size of a child's fist on his right cheek, which looked a bit hideous.

He was a famous general of the green flag during the San Francisco War, and the scar on his face was the meritorious service he made during the thirty-five-year conquest of Zhungeer with Shengjia.

"I'm a vulgar person, and others don't know it. I only know that the emperor asked me to be the chief soldier. I will be the chief soldier. I will train my sons well. I don't want to ignore the salary given by the court. If there are enemies again. I beg you to lead your troops to destroy the enemy!"

He is from the Northwest, he speaks slowly, but his voice is loud.

Unlike the generals of the Eight Banners, who were all descendants of honored nobles, he was from a poor family in the Northwest, and he came up step by step from a small soldier.

He was a general selected by Kangxi himself. When he looked at Kangxi, his eyes were filled with fanaticism.

Kangxi was gratified, and said: "Okay, okay, I'm waiting for you to train me a town of elites!"

Prince Jian Yabu and King Pingjun Nerfu stepped forward and knelt half-kneeled.

One person holds a bow, the other holds a quiver, asking the emperor to perform shooting for the green flag soldiers.

Prince Jian Yabu is a distant relative, Shu Shu has met.

Pingjun Wang Naerfu, seems to be the first time to see it.

He is the youngest among the princes of the clan.

He is the grand-nephew of Kangxi and the nephew of the princes.

He looked about the same age as his elder brother.

He also has an identity, that is, Cao Yin's in-laws.

Kangxi took the bow in one hand, motioned for the elder brother to take the quiver, looked at the sons who followed him, glanced at the fifth elder brother, seventh elder brother, and eighth elder brother, and said: "Third elder brother, thirteenth elder brother Elder brother, fourteenth elder brother, follow me to play..."

Tears running, I have a cold, I write intermittently, I want two in one, but after taking the cold medicine, I can’t open my eyes now, I owe one more.

The next chapter will be updated at 10 a.m. on October 17th. This book is the first starting point. Welcome everyone to read it on the Qidian app.

(End of this chapter)

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