My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 471 Work and Order

Chapter 471 Work and Order

Xiao Luzi was waiting when he returned to the small courtyard on Xinggong West Road.

He is an eunuch under the name of Jiugege, and after listening to Shushu's orders these few days, he is in charge of running to Gao Yanzhong, the doctor of the house of internal affairs, to see if there is a letter from Brother Jiu.

It's Brother Jiu's letter that has arrived.

Shu Shu accepted it with some joy.

She counted the days in her mind, sent back a letter on the fourth day of the lunar new year, and sent back a letter on the fifth day of the fifth day.

Today, on the eighth day of February, I received the letter and kept it for two days, and then handed it back on the twelfth.

Jiugege joked, "Is that so happy?"

Shu Shu smiled and said nothing, and didn't rush to open the letter.

Instead, he took a closer look at the seal on the envelope.

Jiu Gege thought she was ashamed, and regretted making fun of her, got up and said, "Jiu's sister-in-law will read the letter first, I'll talk to Wu's sister-in-law..."

After finishing speaking, she took Mammy to the East Chamber.

Shu Shu nodded, watched Jiu Gege go out, then looked at the envelope, and found something strange.

She touched it with her hands, and the seal on the envelope was a little damp.

Now that we are far away from Beijing, this letter has been on the road for two or three days, and it has not been sealed yet?
The past two days have been sunny, sunny and dry.

The possibility of quitting is very small, and the possibility of opening and resealing is high.

Shu Shu was speechless.

This is a private letter from a husband and wife, and there are countless people who have passed through it. It is not difficult to guess who has the courage to open it.

She regretted it faintly, and forgot to tell Brother Jiu to be more cautious when writing letters.

It's over, it's useless to think about it.

Shu Shu opened the letter, not rushing to read the content, but first looked at the signature time below.

The letter written on the evening of the fourth day of the first month was handed out on the fifth day, and the seventh day arrived at the latest.

This is a day taken out in the middle.

Shu Shu can only pray that there will be less resentment in Brother Nine's letter.

After opening it, Shu Shu felt a little embarrassed.

Brother Nine actually had a few pages talking about the harm of "Baby Parents".

For example, Ba Age and Ba Fujin.

If it wasn't for the appointment of a baby girl, but for a normal draft referral marriage, Ba Fujin's character and behavior are there, and he can't point to the eighth elder brother.

Then he wrote about receiving the letter from her and the fifth elder brother, feeling resentful in his heart, and went to Babeile's mansion to kick the door.

Shu Shu looked a little distressed.

For the most jealous person, even if he knew that these ugly words were made by Guo Luoluo, it was disgusting enough to listen to.

When he sees that he is obstructing the order of seniority, it is not good to shake a fist with the eighth elder brother and let the fourth elder brother decide for him.

A strange idea came to Shu Shu's mind, is this a blessing in disguise?
Has this become the "Four Lords Party"?
Then I thought about Brother Nine's temperament, he is really "bendable and stretchable", anyone's thigh is willing to hug, but there is no long-term nature, they are all for immediate use.

If he would belong to any party if he asked any elder brother to do something, he had asked all of them except the crown prince and the third elder brother.

Shu Shu felt at ease again.

Very good, just keep serving the water.

As for the eighth elder brother, he was hit by a bamboo board and lost his property. He was really hurt both internally and externally.

I saw myself awkward before, could it be because of this?
Shu Shu thought for a while, then put it behind her.

Later, Brother Jiu wrote about going to the Dutong Mansion, and Ama and Ernie were worried.

Seeing Shu Shu, she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

She didn't even think about writing letters to Ama and Ernie.

He clearly knew that there had been such a big change in the family.

Before Jiugege came back, Shushu wrote a letter home.

Everything is fine when I come out, I am not seasick, and I have Jiugege as my companion.

The queen mother is also kind.

Then he asked if everything was well at home, uncle and Ah Mou.

Regarding Dong E's lawsuit, Shu Shu did not write in the letter.

On the contrary, it mentioned that there was a patent medicine shop on Qianmen Street. The late old owner was named Le, and he was a doctor of Ling.

Afterwards, he resigned from his job and opened a traditional medicine shop, Lejia Old Shop, which was named "Tongrentang".

Although it is said that the medicine is three-point poisonous, for Uncle, it is still a dead horse as a living horse doctor now.

As for the letter to Brother Jiu, Shu Shu mentioned that all things grow hair in spring, and it is important to nourish the liver, remove dampness, and invigorate the spleen. She read "Materia Medica" and previous recipes, and sorted out two medicinal recipes.

Shen Ling Jianpi Buyi Decoction and Gastrodia Bazhen Decoction.

The former invigorates the spleen, while the latter invigorates Qi.

In the letter, she told Brother Nine to ask the imperial physician about these two prescriptions, and try it if there is no hindrance.

The stomach-nourishing barley tea you drink in winter can also be stopped and replaced with chrysanthemum tea that clears away heat and relieves internal heat.

Dryness in spring is just right for chrysanthemum tea.

But because chrysanthemum is cool in nature, it can be drunk with wolfberry and cassia seed.

If you catch up with a greasy diet, you can add a hawthorn.

Don't be fooled by the meal at the Yamen at noon, it's better to ask the dining room to deliver food boxes.

You have to be on time even if you are late, and you can’t just save as much as you want because of your poor appetite.

She also raised her mouth, and as the weather got warmer, wild vegetables came out outside.

It is born with nature, you can ask someone to ask the imperial dining room, if there is any, adding a cold wild vegetable every day is also the way of health preservation in spring.

After writing here, Shu Shu wanted to close the pen.

But after thinking about it, she couldn't differ too much from the first two letters.

Otherwise, it is easy to make someone think too much.

Smart women are pleasing, but too smart women are detestable.

Shu Shu mentioned that when she passed "Yangliuqing" yesterday, she heard that there were clay dolls there, and they were all in pairs.

It's a pity that brother Jiu is not here, otherwise they could go buy a pair of dolls.

From Yang Liuqing's clay dolls, Shu Shu mentioned Wuxi clay dolls.

I don't know if the Southern Tour passes through Wuxi, but if she does, she will send someone to buy clay dolls.

It would be great if I could find a clay sculptor, make a little doll in her image, and send it back to Beijing; also follow her description, make a nine elder brother, and she will take it with her.

When I finished writing, there were several pages of eloquence.

Shu Shu packed the letter.

The family letter from Dutong Mansion was not packed separately, it was directly put in the same envelope as that given to Brother Jiu.

There was movement outside, people from the dining room of the palace came to deliver food.

Jiugege picked up the curtain and came in, accompanied by Wu Fujin.

"Fifth Brother is not here, I invited Fifth Sister-in-law over to eat together..."

Jiu Ge Ge Road.

The aunt and sister-in-law washed their hands and sat down.

Jiugege regretted a bit and said, "Sister-in-law San hasn't come back yet."

She has a kind personality, and she can't understand San Fujin's behavior, so she opened her mouth.But seeing that Sanfu Jin was really detained by Concubine Rong, he was worried that she would be tortured.

Shu Shu said: "I didn't come back at this time, I should have left a meal."

Jiugege breathed a sigh of relief: "That's right, I forgot about that."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at each other without explanation.

Between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, there are still rules of serving meals.

That is to say, there hasn't been a queen in the palace for many years, and others are not qualified to serve the queen mother, so Jiugege doesn't know.

Reserving food is reserving food, that is, with Concubine Rong's disposition, she probably wouldn't allow San Fujin to sit down and eat.

The sister-in-law didn't say anything.

As Jiugege, he doesn't need to know these rules.

Even if she descends in the future, she will still be the king, her in-laws and son-in-law are all ministers, and state etiquette comes first.

Forbidden City, Qianxi Second Institute.

In the study, the dining table was also set up.

Brother Ninth drooped his face and refused to lift his chopsticks.

Elder Brother Ten sat across from him and said, "Brother Ninth, you can't write this letter every day, so you won't be delayed on the way!"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "What's the delay? I went to the South Study Room and asked personally. The official document sent by the imperial court arrived last night on the morning of the sixth day. What happened? No letter yesterday, and no letter today! After going out for ten days, I wrote it. Two letters!"

Elder Brother Ten felt that he could not count.

The southern tour team set off on the third day of February. Today is the eighth day of February. Isn't that only six days?

Why is it only ten days?
Brother Ten complained in his heart, still coaxing on his face, and said: "Brother Ninth is also considerate of Sister-in-law Nine. This letter is from the Ministry of War, and it is all government affairs. If it is really a private letter a day, it will be too eye-catching. Already!"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "It's just a letter."

Elder Brother Ten persuaded: "That is also suspected of private use of public equipment! Brother Ninth is the same here, save what you want to say in the future, and just write one in ten days and a half months."

Shengjia is getting farther and farther away from the capital, and the cycle of the letter on the road is also longer.

Brother Jiu felt a little uncomfortable: "This is too inconvenient! When the Lord has money and someone, he will arrange a special delivery business, and no one can control how many letters he wants to send!"

Hearing him mention this, Brother Ten thought of Abahai Taiji, and seemed to have sent his subordinates back to Abahai to withdraw money.

"How much is Jiu Ge's medicine money?"

Elder Brother Ten asked curiously.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows proudly, "Guess?"

Brother Ten remembered the high price that Brother Nine had mentioned, and said, "Only the inner hall, it's tens of thousands more taels, right?"

It seems that there are not one or two people who go back to collect money.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "There are only [-] taels of silver in cash. This is only [-]% of the silver, and the remaining [-]% is allowed to be converted into wool and sheepskin within three years..."

Brother Ten was taken aback: "It's the deer blood balls and ganoderma powder that sold so much?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "There is also a Jin Kui Shen Qi Pill and a Changchun Yishou Pill, four in total, all of which are the most effective medicines in the Imperial Pharmacy."

Elder Brother Ten couldn't help but praised: "Brother Ninth is amazing, the selections are just right."

He also said to the Mongolian prince that he is most afraid of two things, one is fear of death, and the other is fear of failure.

These four medicines just solved the heart problems of most middle-aged and elderly Mongolian princes.

Brother Jiu talked eloquently: "What is this? I only made [-]% of the money. I will wait for my master to think about it later, and then I will come up with a few recipes for beauty and beauty, and I can earn a lot of money. Then it is smart Pills, fitness pills, etc., which are specially for pediatricians to study, are also a batch..."

Elder Brother Shi couldn't help laughing.

This is to catch men, women, and children all at once.

And discounts on wool and sheepskin...

Elder Brother Ten was astonished.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Didn't Brother Jiu hand over the cashmere field?"

Brother Nine said: "I just thought that there is less cashmere and more wool. In a short period of time, the material of cashmere is limited, but the wool is abundant. If the wool is processed properly and the yarn is used for weaving, even if it is not as exquisite as cashmere, It should also be able to make general clothing materials, tapestries and the like.”

Speaking of this, he said: "The three banners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have a large number of people, and the vacancies below are arranged more and more. It is obviously a job that can be done by one person, and it is divided among several people. People who come into the palace every day to perform duties More than two thousand, if there is a new government office, the population of the palace can be reduced..."

Elder Brother Shi admired: "Brother Ninth is a good manager, he thinks so carefully."

Nine Elder Brothers said: "Hey, although I pinch my eyes and look down on Bao Yi's behavior, but it's probably a world-class family, and it's not easy for ordinary Bao Yi's family, but it's just for a bowl of rice, and my heart is nothing more... "

With serious errands, he would not go to the palace specifically to seek camp.

The order in the palace will also be clear.

Although the ninth elder brother wants to start a mansion, he hopes that the little elder brothers and the little princesses below are doing well...

Note: The bug was changed according to the message in the background, but it is estimated that some of them have been pulled down. Wait for the chapter to say that it is restored before picking it up again.I asked the editor and said that it will be released in the second half of the year, looking forward to it.Continue to ask for monthly tickets, and there are 31 people, and I dare not rest for a day! 55
(End of this chapter)

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