Chapter 472 The Heart of Defense
The tenth elder brother talked with him for a while, and the ninth elder brother felt more at ease.

But he still didn't have much appetite, so he ate two small ivory steamed buns with the crispy fish, and he put down his chopsticks.

Elder Brother Shi also knew that he had a small appetite, so as long as he was willing to eat, he would be satisfied, so he ate the rest to his heart's content.

When Sister-in-law Jiu was not at home, the second school was lifeless.

The dishes delivered by the dining room are no longer carefully matched, but also have a lot of meat.

Fortunately, in addition to the crispy fish, there is also a side dish of spicy seaweed shreds, which is okay to eat with meat dishes.

At this moment, Wang Changshou, the eunuch of Haha Beads of Brother Ten, came.

In the afternoon, before Elder Brother Shi came back from the clan's mansion, he sent Wang Changshou to the inner hall. In addition to delivering some newly-launched Dongzi dishes, he also sent a personal letter to Buyin Gege.

"Why did you come back?"

Seeing that the sky was getting dark outside, Elder Brother Ten asked with some anticipation.

Wang Changshou took out a letter from his chest and said, "The servant is waiting for Gege's reply."

Elder Brother Ten couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Never been writing until now?
More than an hour?
How much is this written?

"Bring it!"

Brother Ten couldn't wait any longer, and opened the letter as soon as he asked for it.

Brother Jiu looked at it displeased, and said, "Okay, what letter should I write?"

The inner hall is less than two miles away from the clan mansion.

When will Brother Ten want to go there? Didn't he just lift his legs?

It's the same over there, if you want to call ten princes, you can send someone to the clan mansion to invite him, and it will only take a quarter of an hour.

Brother Ten laughed and said, "I learned this from Brother Nine. It's not easy to see the sky, but it's not a problem to send people to deliver things. It's also convenient to deliver letters!"

While speaking, he had already opened the letter paper, but his expression was stunned.

On one page, there are a few lines of Mongolian characters written like a heavenly script, which can also be said to be Mongolian characters.


This is clearly a poorly written one.

Seeing him in a daze, brother Jiu tiptoed over and poked his head to peek.

After reading the contents of the letter paper clearly, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "'Have you eaten'? Okay, this takes up half a page, what's next? 'I ate', haha!"

"Ninth Brother!"

Elder Brother Shi didn't rush to receive the letter, he just said: "Do not despise evil..."

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said, "What kind of impoliteness is it? It's not a letter to others. Old ten, old ten, you should be more careful in what you say in the future. Don't pull these idioms. Isn't this embarrassing your siblings? Shouldn't your siblings be Learn Chinese, you should be more considerate."

Elder Brother Shi listened, nodded and said, "My brother will pay attention."

Although I had prepared myself, the letter I wrote to Buyingege was also in Mongolian, and it was relatively simple. I just asked about the daily life of their mother and child, and then I also talked about my own daily life.

But seeing such a reply, Elder Brother Ten was still slightly disappointed.

Brother Jiu saw it and said, "What? I hate my younger brother and sister's bad handwriting? After entering the door, I will teach you slowly. Otherwise, what do the couple do all day, they always have to find something to pass the time."

Night is night and day is day.

It's not good, what about during the day...

why not? !

Who made a bad rule!

When I go back to repair the other courtyard, I will not come out for three days and three nights...

Brother Nine is dreaming.

Elder Brother Ten has regained his energy and said, "It's my younger brother who wants to go left."

Now Confucianism is popular in the Eight Banners, and there are quite a lot of elegant characters like the fifth sister-in-law and the ninth sister-in-law, but Mongolia is different from the capital.

I am demanding.

He said with a smile: "If Princess wants to learn, my brother will teach; if she doesn't want to learn, follow her."

It is not easy to marry from afar, there is no need to live so hard.

Hearing this conniving words, Brother Jiu was worried, and reminded: "Everything else is fine, it's just the rules of conduct, you should be neat from the beginning, don't be like a starling, thinking that the bride is thin-skinned, indulge her again and again." Then, in the end, an ancestor was raised."

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "Ge Ge is different from Fujin Ba, so there's no need to be like this."

Nine Elder Brothers said: "Anyway, you have to know it in your heart, and you can't be confused. When the time comes, you will make your siblings a joke, and you will embarrass yourself..."

Speaking of this, he sighed and said: "The past few days, I have been complaining about the mynah in my heart, and I feel sorry for the mynah. He was a temperless person when he was a child, and he kept all his grievances in the room. If it was the master, Guo Luoluo would dare to be against him. The empress is rude, she has been reprimanded a long time ago!"

In Jiu's eyes, that was the beginning of Guo Luoluo's deviation.

Because the elders in the palace did not intervene in the affairs of the young couple, and the eighth elder brother did not restrain her, her behavior became more and more wanton.

Elder Brother Ten thought of a sentence in his mind, "Poor people must have something to hate."

Ba Fujin's temper is not developed in a day or two.

Didn't the eighth brother know before?

In the early years, every time he left the palace, he also went to Prince An's Mansion.

If you want to teach, you don't need to go to the current situation.

The blisters on the feet go away by themselves.

Elder Brother Ten's expression faded.

There is a kind of person who will never feel that he is wrong.

Even if I am wrong, I feel that it is someone else's fault.

Guo Luoluo is such a person.

With her talking about her dissatisfaction with brother nine and sister-in-law nine in front of her husband all day long, what would eighth brother think?
Elder Brother Ten looked at the heartless Brother Ninth, feeling a little worried.

He thought for a while, and said: "Before the eighth brother left Beijing again, didn't you go to the House of Internal Affairs to meet the ninth brother?"

Brother Jiu shook his head, snorted coldly and said: "No, I guess he was uncomfortable, so he sent someone to send a letter, which contained the official deed between Zhuangzi and the shop, which had been transferred, and there was another letter mentioning Babeile Mansion There is no serious master right now, if there is anything over there, please take care of me."

Elder Brother Ten heard that something was wrong: "Brother Ninth is either in Elder Brother's place every day, or even in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and does not leave the palace. How should he take care of it? Shouldn't the fourth brother be entrusted to him?"

The two prefectures live next to each other, and there is still brother,


Brother Jiu also felt weird.

I have always been friends with mynah, and it is not uncommon to entrust the mansion and property.

But if you think about it carefully, it is Babeile Mansion, even if Bage is not in Beijing, who would dare to provoke him?

Baylor canonization is only the third rank in the clan, but it can't stand being the prince of the current dynasty. Can this be regarded as an ordinary Baylor mansion?
"I guess Starling is just saying politely, meaning to appear close!"

Brother Jiu thought about it and came to such a conclusion.

Elder Brother Ten thinks more.

He thinks it's inappropriate, the eighth elder brother has been in the city since he was a child, and he is not a person who is aimless.

The eighth brother is not here, but the ninth brother is still sincere.

In case someone in the mansion over there digs a hole for brother Jiu, who is to blame?

Eighth Prince is not in Beijing, so he is innocent.

In the end, even if he suffers a lot, it can't be concluded that brother Jiu is incompetent and was played by a slave.

Perhaps he was thinking too much, but he must be on guard against others, so he should be more careful to avoid trouble.

Elder Brother Ten said bluntly: "It doesn't matter if the eighth brother is really polite or fake, if there is really someone looking for ninth brother over there, don't meddle with ninth brother, just push it to fourth brother!"

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said, "Of course! No wonder Bafujin just bullied your sister-in-law Jiu, and the master here sent me to work as a housekeeper for Babeile Mansion. What happened? Master is so disrespectful." , has become the fun of the old and young of the Eight Banners to chew their tongues?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Nine is fine as long as you remember this, don't say what other people think, sister-in-law Nine will definitely not be happy anyway."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Master knows that women are narrow-minded. Your sister-in-law Jiu is already very good. She was bullied by Ba Fujin before, and she didn't want to take revenge. She just kept her at arm's length. Babeile Mansion, appointed to be annoyed..."

Zhoujiazui, Xinggong.

The three sisters-in-law also finished their dinner, and the dining table was removed.

Shu Shu's nose was itchy, she covered her mouth with a handkerchief, and sneezed twice.

Seeing this, Wu Fujin touched her body, and said, "Is the clothes thin? Did it blow just now?"

In addition, I didn't wear a hat and mask before, the school grounds are still empty, and the wind is relatively hard.

She was a little worried about causing Shu Shu's illness.

They traveled together for several months last year, and both Wufujin and Qifujin knew a little bit about Shu Shu's old illness.

Jiugege took snuff out of his purse and said, "Sister-in-law Jiu, take a sniff..."

Shu Shu took the snuff, thanked Jiu Gege, and then said to Wu Fujin: "It's not thin, and it's not blowing, maybe it's our master talking about me..."

Saying so, she still opened the snuff and took a sniff.

Then he sneezed twice, and the blocked nose became more unobstructed.

Because she lived with Jiugege, Shushu was a little worried.

When Wu Fujin returned to the East Chamber, Shu Shu asked someone to burn the footwashing water and soak for a while.

Her bedding was also pulled away, so it wasn't next to Jiugege's.

Jiugege Bingxue was smart, and immediately understood, and said, "Where is it?"

Shu Shu waved her hand and said, "It's better to be just in case. If I really catch a cold from the wind, I won't make you feel ill anymore."

Both of them lived with the queen mother, if they were both sick, they would cause the elders to worry.

"I drank too much hot water and soaked my feet. Now that the head of the kang is hot, it may be better tomorrow morning!"

Shu Shu had already got into bed and breathed out comfortably.

Nanny Lin, Xiaosong and Xiaotang all went back to the boat and resettled.

Xiaochun and Jiu Gege's palace maids were left on duty here.

Seeing that the two of them had no intention of resettlement, Shu Shu said: "Don't stay up late, it will be troublesome if you stay up late and get sick. One Luohan rests on the bed and one goes to the kang. The place here is quite big."

There are a total of about ten feet of kang, and Shushu occupies the top of the kang, and nine grids of bedding are placed on the bottom of the kang, with a distance of four or five feet between them.

Xiao Chun looked at the court lady and said, "My sister is in the back room, I'll go outside..."

The maid said: "Fu Jin is not comfortable, it is more convenient for my younger sister to serve nearby!"

Jiugege also said beside him: "That's very true."

Xiaochun didn't give in any more, took her luggage, carried the mattress directly to the outside room, and said: "There is a kang felt in the room, so I don't need a mattress, my sister can put your head under it, so as not to be cold outside."

The maid also accepted her kindness and said: "Thank you sister, my mattress is quite thick, but the quilt is thinner, just enough to press the quilt."

Xiao Chun went back again, washed her hands, put them under the blanket to warm up, and then went to check Shu Shu's forehead.

"Fortunately, it didn't burn!"

Shu Shu lazily said, "Maybe it was a false alarm, either I caught a cold, or someone was nagging me..."

After speaking, she sneezed two more times.

Her nose was red and her eyes were more moist.

She raised her head and calculated her current position.

The capital is in the north, right?

Don't tell me Brother Nine is talking about her?

Xinggong Middle Road.

After finishing his business, Kangxi asked for hot water to soak his feet without flipping the sign.

Liang Jiugong brought the letter over.

Kangxi was dissatisfied and said: "Brother Jiu is really not doing his job properly, didn't he just get a letter yesterday, why is there another letter today?"

Attachment: The next update will be at ten o'clock in the morning on October 10th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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