Chapter 473
Liang Jiugong did not speak.

Occasionally, it is enough to help out with a word or two, and it is enough to just listen when it is not important.

Kangxi just muttered something, without any intention of continuing, so he opened the letter and read it.

Looking at the tone of the speech, it was different from yesterday's letter which was also a "child bride" and pulled the fourth elder brother to make decisions.

This letter is more like a reply letter, condemning Dong E's letter for not writing in detail, and understating Guo Luoluo's matter without complaint.

Can't be bullied in vain.

Let her make trouble when she should, it's too honest to suffer.

There is no punishment for Guo Luoluo's tossing around like this, so what are you afraid of?
So don't be too honest, just make a fuss, and he will stand in front of you.

The other thing is to tell her not to be stingy with money, if she doesn't have enough money, she can embezzle some money from Jiugege and fifth elder brother first.

When you come across something good, you can buy it together with Sanfujin, Wufujin and Jiugege, don't think about buying many copies to honor everywhere, you will be at a disadvantage.

The best distribution is that Wuge and his wife honor the queen mother and concubine, Sanfujin and Jiu Gege honor the concubines, and their husband and wife here only honor Khan Ama and the empress.

With the money saved, you can still do some serious things.

For example, dozens of pigs are raised in each of Tongzhou and Daxing’s villages...

Kangxi watched, shaking his head endlessly, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

It's a good thing this bastard didn't spare him his share of filial piety, otherwise he would have to be reprimanded.

They are all grown-up people, panicked when things happen, they are always asking for things, and always trouble others.

The fourth elder brother is also the same, the two brothers should scold together, not a few hands like coaxing children.

As for instigating Fujin to make trouble, this Kangxi was not worried.

Qi Xi is cautious, a girl who has been brought up cannot become arrogant.

Kangxi put down the ninth elder brother's letter and said, "Has the fourth elder brother's greeting book arrived?"

As the errand prince staying in Beijing, the fourth elder brother also went to the imperial court to invite An Zhezi.

About three or five days a letter.

Liang Jiugong shook his head and said, "It's not here yet, I guess it will be tomorrow or the day after tomorrow..."

Kangxi nodded, he wanted to hear some follow-up of Anjun Palace.

According to the rules, if the eight blessings were sent back, the Prince of Anjun's mansion would hand over the confession.

Even if the booklet is handed in on the fifth day of the lunar new year, it should go to the imperial court.

Either it was delayed, or it was not written.

Thinking of this, Kangxi couldn't help frowning, feeling bad.

Zhenglan flag...Zhenglan flag...

If King An can't do it, and the eighth elder brother can't do it, then the only ones left are the princes of the small banner owner Yu Wang, who now directly support the prince of Xinjun.

Kangxi frowned, this prince is unruly.

He gave grace and let the king of Xinjun, Ezha, be the patriarch. As a result, Ezha was lazy, and he didn't go to the clan's mansion very often on weekdays.

A few days ago, he sent a message to the princes of the clan to not slack off and practice riding and shooting diligently. As a result, Ezha was also thrown aside, and he did not take it as a serious job.

Kangxi planned to change this imperial order, and he already had a general candidate in mind.

Brother Nine, he planned to put it on Zhenglan Qi before.

I thought that if I put it in, I thought that I could become a rope with the eighth elder brother and help each other, so I still have to think about it now...

The relationship between the two brothers is not harmonious, and Guo Luoluo is a hidden danger.

At that time, let alone helping each other, it would become a joke if they would even tear each other down.

The next day, the imperial boat continued south along the canal.

During this period, Shu Shu temporarily provided extra He Jin and "Cheng Yi" for the in-laws and elders Norob.

Norob is Mrs. Uncle's half-brother, Guizhen Gege's uncle, a former first-class guard, and this time he is also on the southern tour.

Now he has been promoted to the deputy capital of the Han army with a red flag, and he is going back to Beijing to take up his post.

When Shu Shu got the news here, Norob was already preparing to leave for Beijing.

Although they turned several corners, because of the close relationship between the two families, Shu Shu brought Xiaochun and Xiaosong to see him off in person.

Norrob also treats her as her own nephew, thinking that the ninth elder brother is not here, and the rest are mostly her in-laws' family, fearing that it will be inconvenient.

He said: "There are still Changshan guards, and Ma Wu, the foreman of the guards, has always been on good terms with me. If Fujin has someone, he can also find him."

Shu Shu thanked her, and said: "Please trouble Third Uncle to visit the uncle's residence more when he is free..."

Always let people see that Mrs. Uncle and her family are not alone.

Even though he knew that Mrs. Uncle would be favored by the clan's mansion, there were still outsiders who chewed their tongues.

There are so many palaces in the capital, but the founding kings are quite numerous.

Among them, the Shuncheng Prince's Mansion and the Pingjun Prince's Mansion were a bit rough.

Let's not mention the Prince's Mansion of Pingjun, only the Prince's Mansion of Shuncheng.

Mrs. Uncle, the county leader, lost Ama when she was young, and lost her mother before she got married.

The half-brother inherited the title of the county king when he was a baby, but lost his hat again in his early twenties, and then his nephews took over the title one by one, and died of illness.

It was only passed down to the third generation, but the third generation had already lost three nephews of the county king.

They were all dead, and neither of the two bloodlines remained.

That's my mother's house.

On the side of the in-law's family, the father-in-law was gone before Mrs. Uncle married, and the grand-father was gone within two years of marriage.

Uncle, the eldest grandson, attacked the second-class uncle.

The filial piety is not full, and the mother-in-law also passed away.

Some people outside used this to criticize Mrs. Uncle, saying that it was hard life and punishing relatives.

Noro preached: "Don't worry, Fujin, I can save it, and I will often go there."

The emperor promoted him to be the deputy capital commander of the Han army with a red flag, so he should also be worried about Shun Cheng's palace.

Now Shuncheng County King is Mu Buba, the concubine brother of several deceased small county kings. Because his biological mother was a concubine, he was despised by his elders.

This title has also been controversial before.

Arranging for Uncle Norob to return to the capital now is probably to frighten the close relatives of King Shuncheng.

Shu Shu only asked for a word, and stopped talking, and sent Norob away.

Two days later, the royal boat stopped at the mulberry garden.

This has reached the territory of Shandong.

Shu Shu counted the days and felt that it was time to send the reply letter.

It was written intermittently before, and now she intends to mention the matter of Norrob's promotion.

Although the flags do not match the borders of the flags.

Some sense of autonomy.

But Shu Shu felt that the clans of Prince Li Lie's lineage were the most stable, but Brother Jiu would probably not be willing to get close to Prince Kang's House, so it would be good to have friendly contacts with the clans of Prince Shuncheng's House.

These few clans are relatively detached, and they don't seem to be involved in "Nine Dragons Seizing the Inheritance".

As soon as she laid the paper, Mother Bai came over: "Yan Shenggong, the governor of Shandong, and the general soldier of Shandong came to court, and the wives of the various families also arrived. The empress asked Fujin to dress up, so that we can see foreigners when we turn around."

Shu Shu agreed.

So solemn, it is no longer like meeting the wife of a courtier, but like summoning the wife of a feudal lord.

It is because there is Mrs. Yan Shenggong among them.

Yanshenggong is the hereditary title of the descendants of Confucius. It has been through the Song, Yuan, and Ming dynasties since the Song Dynasty.

As for the hereditary titles of the descendants of Confucius, it began earlier in the Han Dynasty.

This is a family that has lasted for more than a thousand years.

It is the family status of a saint in the eyes of scholars all over the world.

Beginning with Emperor Shizu, the Qing Dynasty promoted Confucianism and respected the Confucian family.

Yan Shenggong is not only a super grade, but also can ride a horse in the Forbidden City and walk on the imperial road.

Shu Shu didn't delay, and changed into Prince Fujin's autumn-scented auspicious clothes, a hat on his head, and a court bead around his neck.

After a while, Jiugege came.

She has not been formally canonized as a princess yet, and she doesn't have a princess costume, but she also has a dragon hexagram similar to the prince's python robe, which she also wears.

She spat: "This is too solemn!"

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Since you are meeting a guest, you should be more serious."

On the way to the south, such days should not be many.

Even if the wives and mothers of governors come to court, they are also ministers' wives, so there is no need to be so solemn.

Jiugege sat on the couch, but looked thoughtful.

Shu Shu looked at her and said, "What are you thinking, your brows are frowning?"

Jiugege sighed and said: "The Confucian rules emphasize order and regularity. The father guides the son and the emperor guides the ministers. These two make sense. There is a seniority and inferiority in it, but what kind of nonsense is it that the husband guides the wife? Do you want to divide the priority? The status of women has been lower since the Song Dynasty..."

Shu Shu was silent.

I really didn't expect Jiugege to have such an idea.

She said: "Because the rules are made by men, they require women to walk according to their rules, and limit women to a virtuous circle. Why are there no such rules in Mongolia? That is because Mongolians are nomadic. The family is also burdened with heavy housework, and the husband and wife are mutually supportive, and there is no reason why one has to overwhelm the other."

Jiugege glanced at Shushu, and sighed: "I understand why Jiusao envies my identity..."

Sister-in-law Nine is a "smart wife with a clumsy husband", she is already wronged, and she still has to abide by the rule of "the husband guides the wife", it is depressing to think about it.

Changed Jiugege herself, and "the emperor guides the ministers" is in front, even if she gets married, she can be more wanton.

Shu Shu said with a smile: "Don't think about it, don't make the imperial grandmother wait for a long time."

The aunt and sister-in-law went to the queen mother's cabin.

The Empress Dowager did not change into her auspicious clothes, but she also wore a baotou on her head, Dongzhu ear pliers on her ears, Dongzhu Chaozhu on her chest, and a string of eighteen Dongzhu on her hands.

Jiugege praised: "The emperor's grandmother cleaned up so beautifully today..."

The queen mother said with a smile: "Their family is different, they have to be more solemn, and there are officials who pay attention to daily life..."

The incumbent Yan Shenggong was granted the title in the sixth year of Kangxi. He was eleven years old at the time. After that, he had several audiences in the capital. He was not only awarded by the emperor, but also favored by the empress dowager.

The Empress Dowager remembers clearly that today's ceremonial treatment is also the same as the Empress Dowager's old practice.

After a while, Liang Jiugong, the former imperial eunuch, personally led Mrs. Yan Shenggong, Mrs. Governor of Shandong, and Mrs. Zongbing to arrive.

Shu Shu followed Wu Fujin and waited at the cabin door.

The few imperial orders who came also wore auspicious clothes and walked slowly with Liang Jiugong.

After seeing the leader clearly, Shu Shu and Wu Fujin exchanged looks, a little embarrassed.

I forgot to ask one more question, which wife is this, and she is about the same age as San Fujin, only in her twenties.

But that Yan Shenggong is about the same age as Kangxi, and he is also a person who looks around...

Note, it was cold, and I got up late again, crying.

(End of this chapter)

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