My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 475 Flower Peacock

Chapter 475 Flower Peacock
The fourth elder brother has a cold temper on the outside and hot on the inside, and he can't rub sand in his eyes.

Now that something is wrong with the Babeile Mansion, we have to find out what happened.

He didn't think about the eighth elder brother, he was only worried that the subordinates would make their own decisions.

He wanted to use tricks to draw in the relationship between the eighth elder brother and the ninth elder brother, and eliminate the previous rift.

Or use this to cling to seek a fortune.

No matter which one is, to Brother Nine, it is all calculations.

The fourth elder brother, who is an older brother, has noticed it, so naturally he can't just sit idly by.

Brother Nine, however, was unhappy: "Why do you want to show your face? A breast-feeding man, he just calls me out, so what am I? Just go and take a look when you return home, I won’t go!”

The fourth elder brother couldn't help being lucky, he took the letter paper and wanted to clarify, but worried that he was thinking too much.

If it was just a coincidence, then if I said too much, it would seem to be sowing discord.

He frowned and said, "I don't want you to do anything, just show your face! Looking back, it's because of your generosity as a younger brother!"

Brother Jiu still shook his head and said: "No, I'm being stingy, whoever loves to be magnanimous will be magnanimous! People who are magnanimous will suffer, they will be depressed, and if they are stingy, there will be fewer people who dare to provoke them!"

The fourth elder brother didn't explain everything, but only half said: "This letter is too dense, and things are abnormal, I suspect there is something strange in it!"

Brother Nine was really attracted, and said: "Oh? What's wrong, Yaqibu is the father-in-law of myna, not mine, and he still wants to come to me and prostitute him?"

Speaking of this, he rubbed his chin and said, "You don't really want to cry poorly with me, do you? The starling in front paid for the storefronts of Haozhuangzi and the inner city, but this old thing couldn't bear it?! Hmph, I really think I'm good-tempered! "

After finishing speaking, he said: "Fourth brother, let's go quickly, I want to see what kind of drama that old boy is going to sing!"

The fourth elder brother sighed inwardly, and said, "Where's the horse? Where's the cart? How do you go?"

Brother Jiu didn't have the patience to go to the guard's office to report, and said: "The guards on your side just need to get out two horses. It's not hot or cold right now, so you don't need to take a car..."

The fourth elder brother thought about it, so he nodded and followed the ninth elder brother out of the yamen of the household department.

As soon as they arrived at the gate of the yamen, the two bumped into Elder Brother Ten.

Brother Jiu looked up at the sky, surprised, and said: "Didn't you go to the inner hall today? The county king Fujin didn't keep you for dinner?"

Seeing is the beginning, and it's time for lunch.

The tenth elder brother greeted the fourth elder brother first, and then said: "Ninth elder brother, will you go back to elder brother's place now, and let's go together?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "You go back first, I'll go to Myna's house."

Elder Brother Ten frowned and said, "Didn't it be agreed before that if there is something to ask for in the house over there, you should leave it to Fourth Brother. Just give the letter to Fourth Brother. Why do you still have to go there?"

The fourth elder brother was by the side, looking at the tenth elder brother with an unclear expression.

Ninth elder brother didn't answer, looked at tenth elder brother and asked, "How do you know I received the letter?"

Elder Brother Ten didn't hide anything, and said, "My brother arranged for someone to watch him..."

He only had a bad guess before, and Yaqibu's letter was delivered once.

Brother Ten arranged for people to keep an eye on Yaqibu's whereabouts.

The ninth elder brother looked at the fourth elder brother, then at the tenth elder brother, and said, "Aren't you overthinking? Yaqibu is a coat slave, how dare he plot against me?"

Elder Brother Ten was silent for a while, and said for a while: "Let's take precautions before they happen, because I'm afraid that someone who claims to be a loyal servant thinks that Brother Ninth smashed the door before and hurt their master's face."

It's just a guess, he can talk about the servant, but it's hard to talk about the eighth elder brother, otherwise if it spreads, it will become him provoking brotherhood.

The fourth elder brother glanced at the tenth elder brother again, and pursed his lips.

It is said that Elder Brother Ten is an idiot, has a bad temper, and is extremely stubborn. When did this rumor spread?
The fourth elder brother's eyes fell on the ninth elder brother, and his temper became timid for a while.

Homework in the study also changed ways to fool.

When Khan Ama took the school exams, he was at the bottom of the list for several years.

How can one person be naughty and ruin the reputation of two people?
Is someone pushing it?
Or is it the love of the imperial concubine?
The fourth elder brother couldn't tell.

The friendship between the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother is naturally not comparable to that of the fourth elder brother. He is more convinced by the tenth elder brother's words.

Hearing this, he immediately clenched his fists, blushed and said: "Okay, I want to see and see, how this uncle Ya can concoct me!"

Are you being too generous?

Obviously, it was my own family who was bullied and irritated, and I haven't thought about revenge yet, a slave will make a moth?

Ninth Brother was talking, thinking of Eighth Brother's letter, his voice became cold: "Could it be that the previous letter is a foreshadowing, they persuaded Mynah to leave me a letter, just for the calculation later?"

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.

The fourth elder brother felt heavy in his heart.

If there is something wrong, the brothers' suspicion will deepen.

Brother Jiu didn't want to ask what happened, his face drooped.

A group of people came out from the yamen of the household department.

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "You go over by yourself first, and the old ten will follow me behind for a while..."

There is a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no one who can guard against a thief for a thousand days.

No matter what the calculation is, it's better to expose it as soon as possible.

To save things from making a big fuss, it will not end well.

Sibaile's mansion is next to Babeile's mansion, if the three brothers go there at the same time, they will also get news there.

Brother Nine was a little uneasy, he pulled the rein and refused to leave, and said: "What kind of calculation, get a slave who is going to die to touch me; or trick me into an empty house and set fire outside; if it's not a beauty trick, get a girl directly pulling clothes?"

Although he is the prince's elder brother, but if he is really about to lose his life, even if the truth comes to light in the end, the spitting stars in front of him can still spray him in the face.

Everyone has a weak heart, and even if Khan Ama asks people to find out his innocence, the outside world will probably treat him as a domineering prince, disregarding human life, and still get away with it.

If you set fire to it, it is also scary.

The scar on Fifth Brother's face was not big, and it healed well at that time, leaving a mark of only one and a half inches, which can be said to be a badge of bravery for a man.

If I have a burning baldness, even if Shu Shu doesn't dislike it, I still feel disgusted looking at it.

There is also the beauty trick, I will not be fooled, but I also hate similar rumors.

If it is really going to be passed on to Shu Shu, what should I do if Shu Shu misunderstands it?
Now the husband and wife are thousands of miles apart, and the exchange of letters is slow, and it is difficult to explain the misunderstanding for a while.

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother all looked strange when they heard this.

Elder Brother Ten said helplessly: "Brother Ninth, you are the eldest brother of the prince, and Yaqibu is not stupid. If you really use these death-seeking moves, then it is not you who are planning, but myna!"

Brother Nine really wants to get hurt in the Bale Mansion, so Brother Bale doesn't want the Baylor hat either.

The fourth elder brother also frowned and said: "Lang Lang Qiankun, how can there be so many careless things about human lives? You have almost read the dossiers at the Ministry of Punishment, stop reading those too, don't keep reading those..."

People have misunderstood it, and casually talk about murder and arson.

Brother Nine said awkwardly: "It's not this, what is it? Am I not sure?"

Elder Brother Ten comforted: "Ninth Brother, don't be afraid, Fourth Brother and I will stay behind. If Ninth Brother doesn't come out for a cup of tea, we'll go in."

The fourth elder brother turned around and looked around among the guards, clicked one out, and said to the ninth elder brother: "This is the new guard A Lin in my house. It was difficult before, and it was only a few days ago. Today is the first time." One day's errand, let him follow you in!"

Brother Jiu looked over and saw that Ah Lin was in his twenties, tall and tall, with a knife directly on his waist, and his heart became more at ease. He nodded and said, "Thank you fourth brother, I won't be afraid this time!"

Coming to Andingmen, the fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother slowed down.

Brother Jiu took He Yuzhu and A Lin to Babeile Mansion on horseback.

The porter heard the commotion outside, stretched out his head to look around, saw that Brother Jiu was busy calling, and said: "Greetings to Lord Jiu!"

Brother Nine got off his horse and said, "Where's Yaqibu? Tell him to come out and see the Lord!"

The concierge didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly sent someone to send a message.

In a short while, a middle-aged man came out in a hurry, about forty years old, looking elegant, with a standard Chinese character face, not a sinister appearance.

"Master Jiu, I have caused you trouble..."

Yaqibu slapped his hands, with a look of shame on his face.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why don't you go back first?"

Did you underestimate him by playing hard-to-get tricks with him?

Yaqibu hurriedly said: "I have something serious to tell you, please come into the mansion to talk!"

Brother Jiu tapped the palm of his hand with a whip and said: "Then you have to listen carefully, what's the big deal, and you're in such a hurry that you have to call me over..."

Yaqibu bowed and said, "Don't dare, dare not, I dare not!"

As soon as he spoke, Brother Jiu was ushered into the mansion and sat in the living room in the front yard.

Brother Jiu is naturally the seat of honor.

Yaqibu didn't dare to sit down, he hesitated to speak on his face.

Brother Nine looked at Yaqibu, drooped his face, and said, "Speak!"

Seeing that he was annoyed, Yaqibu didn't dare to delay, and said: "Although master Fujin sent back to the palace, our master was worried, worried that there would be other omissions, and asked us to watch more before leaving, but the old slave found out that Fujin Master seems to be asking someone to inquire about Jiufujin's natal family..."

When Brother Jiu heard this, his eyes were about to burst into flames. He sneered and said, "What does she want to do? This is the father-in-law's house. I can't fault it. Are you eyeing the mother-in-law's house?"

Speaking of which, he frowned.

Right now, Dutong Mansion is easy to be talked about, and the reason is because of the lawsuit in Bo Mansion.

Mrs. Uncle came forward to pick out the unbearable background of the concubine and cut off his future. The beneficiaries were Qi Xi and his son.

These days, the capital made some false guesses, saying that the mastermind behind this matter was Qi Xi.

If Ba Fujin wants to take revenge on Shu Shu, shouldn't he contribute to this matter?
Why are you targeting Shu Shu's ancestral home?

Even if it was found out that there were other major crimes committed by the ancestors over there, it would be a few generations later, and it would have nothing to do with it.

Yaqibu was puzzled and said: "The servant can't guess the reason, and he dare not delay, so he thought of reporting this matter to Master Jiu..."

Brother Nine looked slightly relaxed.

This sounded quite plausible, Ba Fujin was like a lunatic, thinking about it, it was a one-off, mynah was tricked several times, no matter how careful the people in Babeile Mansion were.

Brother Jiu felt a little more at ease, and said: "Okay, Lord knows about this, forget it in a while, I will talk to King An Jun tomorrow, but I want to ask him, do you remember Khan Ama's oral order? This is how Bafujin is disciplined..."

After finishing speaking, he was about to get up when a tall woman came in with a tea tray.

Wearing a form-fitting pink flag suit with braids.

Just looking at this makeup, it doesn't look like an ordinary servant girl.

Brother Nine remembered the "beauty trap" mentioned on the road, so he took a few glances.

She has a slender figure, an oval face, exquisite eyebrows and eyes, somewhat familiar, and a calm demeanor.

It's really a flower peacock flying out of a chicken coop.

There is some color.

It's no wonder that when Bafujin first entered the house, he even talked to the mynah because of this breast sister.

Brother Jiu looked at Yaqibu, and said with a sneer: "Your Baylor Mansion has changed the rules, instead of eunuchs and servants, instead of maidservants to serve tea?"

Yaqibu hurriedly said: "Jiuye misunderstood, this is the slave's daughter Haitang, and these days I followed the slave to patrol the shop in the front yard..."

The woman put down the tea tray, and Fang Fuli said generously: "My servant Haitang has seen Master Jiu..."

Dianniang uniformly blocks comments, and it will be released in the second half of the year. Everyone’s comments are displayed in the back. Nine follow the above bugs, but sometimes the refresh of the front will be slow.

Attachment: The next update will be at ten o'clock in the morning on October 10th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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