My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 476 You Ask Sweet

Chapter 476 You Ask Sweet (Part [-])
Following the voice, Haitang also looked at Brother Jiu.

It's not the shyness of an unmarried woman in a boudoir when she meets a foreign man, nor is it the cautiousness of a servant girl when she meets a noble master.

On the contrary, he looked at it a little bit, and there seemed to be some melancholy and insufficiency in it.

Brother Nine felt that his knowledge of people had improved, at least he could see the frivolity and shallowness of this woman.

He felt sticky and nauseous.

Is this when he is pork?

Weighing the weight?


Brother Jiu stretched out his hand and pulled it, and the tea tray fell from the coffee table to the ground, and the teapot and teacups on it were broken into pieces and splashed.

Haitang took a step back in fright, feeling somewhat at a loss, her face finally no longer had the calm look just now.

"Ninth Master!"

Seeing this, Yaqibu quickly took a step forward, protecting his daughter behind him, looking at Brother Nine, with doubts: "Okay, what's wrong with you..."

Brother Nine was furious, it turned out that it was really strange for the old boy to ask him to come here twice and three times for Old Ten and Fourth Brother to talk.

I was really underestimated by this old boy.

Okay, is this a beauty trick for him? !

Didn't even bother to spend the slightest bit of thought, such a shallow calculation, when he is a pig?

Brother Jiu is really annoyed.

He Yuzhu said from the side: "Presumptuous! What about the master, it's your turn to question this slave? Why don't you kneel down and plead guilty!"

Yaqibu ignored He Yuzhu, looking innocently at Brother Jiu.

It is true that there is a distinction between high and low, but he is the eighth elder brother's slave, not the ninth elder brother's slave.

It depends on the owner to beat the dog!
What's more, this dynasty respects breast protection, the emperor Shizu and today are like this, and the princes below follow suit.

Like Brother Jiu, it was the only one who sent the nurse's family to the Department of Punishment.

On weekdays, he walked outside on behalf of the eighth elder brother, who would call him "Uncle Ya" or "Uncle Ya"?
Seeing his affectation, Brother Nine couldn't help it, he casually picked up the chair next to him, and threw it at Yaqibu.

Yaqibu was startled and wanted to dodge backwards, but Haitang behind him was dumbfounded and didn't move.

As a result, the father and daughter stumbled, Yaqibu only stepped back half a step, and the chair leg just hit Yaqibu's head.

The head was not opened, but there was also a blood purlin drawn on the forehead.


Yazib yelled.

Brother Jiu also showed pain on his face.

The chair was rosewood, heavy, and the wrist was twisted.

He let go of the chair, went up and kicked Yaqibu, and said angrily, "You bastard, you are singing a big show with me, and you don't even open your eyes to see who I am!"

Yaqibu's feet were kicked firmly, and he wanted to struggle, but Alin pressed him down.

He Yuzhu was beside him, also with his sleeves on standby.

Looking at it like that, if Yaqibu dared to fight back, his fist would come up.

Yaqibu came to his senses, knelt down quickly, and begged, "For the sake of our elder brother, I beg Jiuye to show some dignity to this servant!"

Brother Nine was getting more and more annoyed, he didn't stop on his feet, and cursed in his mouth: "Decent ass! In front of the master, your master is still coaxing the master, it's not your turn for this bastard to rely on the old and sell the old!"

As soon as there was a commotion in this room, movement was heard outside.

The servants of Baylor's Mansion didn't have to give orders, so they didn't dare to rush in directly, and just stood in the yard with a look of anxiety on their faces.

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother estimated that it was almost the same outside, so they came in directly, and when they heard the movement, they immediately quickened their pace.

That Haitang then came to his senses, stepped forward and knelt down, his face was tense, held back his anger, and said: "Those who want to be killed or cut, Lord Jiu will also be charged with crimes, the servant Ama is kind, I just reminded Lord Jiu..."

Brother Jiu didn't give a wink, and only said to Yaqi: "In the future, stay away from the master, and then go to the master to make do, and send you directly to the Punishment Department!"

Yaqibu wanted to defend himself, but the fourth elder brother looked gloomy and said, "What's going on?"

Brother Nine was furious, pointed at Yaqibu, then pointed at his girl, and wanted to say "beauty trick", but swallowed the words again.

He didn't want to make a lawsuit between men and women, and it would become a joke in the mouths of others.

When the time comes, it will be unclear, what do others think?
When you are unkind as a brother, you get involved with your brother's maidservant?
When it reached Shu Shu's ears, she thought she was dishonest.

He snorted coldly and said: "This old boy is not a thing. He wants to use me as a swordsman. What do you mean by Eight Fujin inquiring about my Fujin's family? You want me to vent my anger on the Shang'an Prince's Mansion, or what? "

The fourth elder brother saw that he had changed his words, and reprimanded him: "Jaqibu, look at the ninth elder brother, why don't you hurry up and apologize!"

Yaqibu showed grief and anger on his face, and said: "Fourth master, what a misunderstanding, how dare the servant be so presumptuous? It was all ordered by our master before he left, and I am very worried about Master Fujin..."

The fourth prince frowned and said, "Shut up!"

If you go on, you will become the eighth elder brother calculating brother.

At this moment, Brother Ten discovered the abnormality of Brother Nine.

Brother Nine's right hand drooped, and cold sweat broke out from the pain on his forehead.

He Yuzhu was by the side, crying anxiously.

"Ninth Brother..."

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly stepped forward, seeing this situation, he was concerned and confused, a little numb.

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth, pointed to the chair lying on the ground with his chin, and said, "It seems to be stretched!"

The fourth elder brother walked over, frowning endlessly.

I really don't know what to say.

He was the one who hit someone, but when others didn't fight back, he was injured himself.

The fourth elder brother glanced at A Lin.

Ah Lin stepped forward and said: "Jiu Ye, I've offended you!"

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Brother Jiu's wrist, and pushed the dislocated wrist up with a "grab and pull".


Brother Nine was so painful that he almost jumped up and glared at A Lin.

Ah Lin had already put down Brother Jiu's arm, and respectfully said: "The dislocation is all right, Lord Jiu don't use your strength these few days, the rest is a sprain, you need to apply some plaster."

Brother Jiu also noticed the difference in the wrist, the numbness before was healed, but there were several finger prints on it, which were burning and painful.

He stretched his wrist in front of the fourth elder brother, with accusations on his face.

The fourth elder brother had no choice but to stare at A Lin, and said, "You bastard, it's neither light nor heavy!"

The tenth elder brother who was beside him also understood that the ninth elder brother was fine, he dislocated his wrist with force, and he didn't want to speak in front of Yaqibu and his daughter, so he said: "Fourth elder brother, go and ask the doctor to apply a compress on the ninth elder brother. Bar……"

The fourth elder brother nodded, and did not leave in a hurry, but looked at Yaqibu, and warned: "Whether it is a misunderstanding or not, since my elder brother hates you, you should stop going to my elder brother's side in the future!"

Yaqibu's face turned red, and he was frightened by the eyes of the fourth elder brother if he wanted to say more.

The fourth elder brother's eyes were cold and inquiring, and he even glanced at his daughter.

Yaqibu nodded with fear, his lips trembling.

The fourth elder brother brought the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother out and went to the next door.

Elder Brother Ten complained: "Brother Ninth is also true, even if he wanted to do something, he told A Lin and He Yuzhu to do it, why do you have to make trouble by yourself?"

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "Aren't you so angry? You bastard, you want to make a beauty trick, and you don't have to be careful, just ask his old girl who can't get married to come over, what is being a master?"

Elder Brother Ten glanced at him and said, "If he is better than his daughter, Brother Ninth will accept it?"

Brother Jiu raised his chin and said, "Nonsense! Naturally, you can't mess around in your arms. Is it the one with shallow eyelids?"

While speaking, the brothers arrived at the front hall of Sibaile Mansion.

Brother Jiu sat on the chair, touched his stomach with his left hand, and said, "Fourth brother, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten the lunch yet..."

The fourth elder brother instructed Su Peisheng who was following: "Go and tell Fujin that the two elder brothers are here, and ask the kitchen to prepare food and bring it up."

Su Peisheng went in response.

Ninth elder brother curled his lips, and said to fourth elder brother and tenth elder brother: "It's so disgusting, is this going to give me a hat for molesting my brother and maid? Did you send the estrus to elder brother's house? Or look at my life going smoothly , want to block me and push that old girl over?"

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother both looked bad.

Maybe both.

Elder Brother Shi didn't speak in a hurry, his eyes were cold, but he made a note of it in his heart.

The fourth elder brother changed the subject and said: "What's going on with Guo Luoluo's investigation into the family of the ninth younger brother and sister? There is something inappropriate over there, and it was revealed to the outside?"

Women are narrow-minded, sometimes unreasonable.

It doesn't seem uncommon if he wants to make a foolish move because of jealousy and hatred for his sister-in-law.

Brother Jiu frowned, thought about it carefully, and said: "My uncle, Fujin, is a dandy, and he has been eating his money all his life. Last year, he seemed to be tricked into gambling. Later, I don't know if it was my cousin or Prince Jian's mansion who came forward. , clearing the gambling accounts, it's a turn of events, and you don't have any serious business on weekdays, so what kind of trouble can you get into?"

Speaking of this, he was worried, and said: "How about I go to the Dutong Mansion and ask my father-in-law to find out what the reason is, don't delay, if Guo Luoluo goes crazy and drags others into the water Well, don't affect me, Fujin..."

With that said, he stood up and wanted to go out.

The fourth elder brother waved his hand and said: "Sit honestly, what are you doing in a panic, do you need to go there yourself?!"

As he said that, he told He Yuzhu: "Go to the Dutong Mansion, please come over to Mr. Qi..."

It is related to Qi Xi's Yue family, and Qi Xi is the rightful owner.

He Yuzhu looked at Brother Jiu and didn't move immediately.

Brother Jiu added: "Call Fu Song, and see what's going on."

He Yuzhu went immediately.

The fourth elder brother was not annoyed, but nodded and said: "He Yuzhu is not bad!"

Brother Jiu endured his complacency, and said: "Let's use it flexibly, even if you are a little stupid, it's not easy to change..."

At this moment, Sifu Jin came and greeted the ninth and tenth elder brothers before going back.

The seats are also good.

There were a few open river fishes in the kitchen, so I asked the kitchen to steam them. I also steamed a plate of sausages, and added a few stir-fries and a pimple soup.

There were only five or six plates, and they seemed to be mostly home-cooked dishes, with no chicken or duck.

The staple food is the mutton cakes sent to restaurants.

If it's someone else's house, it's impolite to deliver the food like this.

Changing brothers, the home-cooked dishes that came together in two quarters of an hour also meant not to treat my brother-in-law as an outsider.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten are also really hungry.

With the pimple soup, Brother Jiu ate a piece of mutton pie.

The tenth elder brother saw that the ninth elder brother ate almost the same, and the fourth elder brother didn't add meat pies, so he wrapped most of the remaining plate in rounds.

The fourth elder brother looked at the way the two were eating, and frowned, dissatisfied with the excess.

But there is no reason to teach at the dinner table.

After everyone put down their chopsticks, the fourth elder brother said to the ninth elder brother: "I eat too little, and I am picky. A balanced diet is the way to keep healthy. Whether you like food or not, you should hold a chopstick..."

It turned out that apart from half a bowl of pimple soup and a piece of mutton pie, brother Jiu didn't touch a single chopstick.

Brother Jiu muttered, "The river fish has thorns, the sausage is too salty, the eggs smell like eggs when fried directly, and the Chinese cabbage smells like vegetables..."

You don't have to taste it to know it's not good.

The fourth elder brother was a little puzzled when he heard it. Could it be that the table is really full and there is no room for chopsticks?

But vegetables can't be fried directly, and eggs can't be fried directly, so how to eat?
The fourth elder brother was curious and asked, "How do you eat the eggs in the second dining room?"

Brother Jiu said proudly: "Are you asking about sweet or salty ones? The sweet ones include shredded ginkgo, steamed eggs with milk, and fermented glutinous rice eggs, while the salty ones include crab, spicy poached eggs, and steamed egg rolls... "

Note, the chapter-said is not displayed now, but the author's back-stage can be displayed, and it will return to normal in the second half of the year.

(End of this chapter)

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