My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 477 Only One Ama

Chapter 477 There is only one Ama

The fourth elder brother listened, some could understand the literal meaning, while others did not.

But isn't it too strange to eat these several ways?
How can eggs be made sweet?
He was puzzled in his heart, but his face remained unchanged. He nodded slightly and said, "There are indeed many tricks..."

After speaking, he looked at Elder Brother Ten and said, "Five grains are for nourishment and five vegetables are for filling. How can you only eat meat and not vegetables?"

Elder Brother Shi didn't expect to have his own affairs, so he said in a sly way: "I didn't like vegetables when I was young..."

Brother Si thought about it and knew why.

The regular dishes in the dining room in the palace, meat dishes with thick oil and red sauce, taste better, but the vegetables are indeed not well cooked.

The fourth elder brother said with concern: "You can't stop eating all the time. In the future, you will ask the dining room to make more dumplings, buns, etc., and you should eat more."

Elder Brother Ten feels weird.

In my memory, this elder brother always likes to lecture people, and he is always the unpleasant kind.

Today is also training people, but I know this heart is good.

He didn't feel impatient, and nodded honestly: "My brother understands..."

Ninth elder brother was by the side, looking at tenth elder brother, winking and smiling strangely.

Elder Brother Ten glanced at him and said, "What is Brother Ninth muttering in his heart?"

This is the downside of growing up together when we were young, without needing Brother Nine to speak, Brother Ten would know that he is holding back his bad luck right now.

Brother Nine smiled and said: "You forgot how hot it is in the palace in summer, it's so different from Mongolia! When the younger brothers and sisters come in, if they are still so chubby, I'm afraid life will be difficult, and then I can't say that you will come and follow me!" Your sister-in-law's vegetarian recipes coaxed her younger siblings to lose weight..."

Elder Brother Ten felt that this was not pleasant, so he was too lazy to speak.

What is "chubby", that is healthy and strong!
Sister-in-law Jiu was thin when she first married, but hasn't she become healthier since then?

The fourth elder brother scolded the ninth elder brother: "Shut up, where did you learn from, and talk about the female relatives directly?"

And he was critical in person, he didn't see Elder Brother Shi's face froze, he couldn't hold back his words, and he didn't know how to look at his face.

Brother Jiu pursed his lips, and muttered: "Just to remind Eleven, make preparations early, so as not to suffer a great crime in Xia Tian..."

Seeing his heartless appearance, the fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother looked at each other, feeling helpless.

He was furious just now in the Babeile mansion, but now he has forgotten it.

If you don't remind me, maybe you will forget it.

Fortunately, someone who reminded Brother Nine has arrived.

At this moment, Qi Xi brought Fu Song and Zhu Liang to follow He Yuzhu.

The men are in a hurry, their faces are slightly heavy, and their eyes are full of anxiety.

When He Yuzhu went to invite someone, he didn't want to say much, just said that he was invited by his father.

Besides Qi Xi, Fu Song was also named.

It sounded suspenseful, and everyone thought it was Shu Shu.

When I was away from home, I only wrote a letter a few days ago, saying that everything was fine.

Could it be that you got sick on the road?

Or was it because of the eight blessings that he acted out of line and displeased the emperor?

It happened that Zhu Liang was also there, so he was really worried and insisted on coming with him.

The three of them arrived together.

After seeing Brother Nine, the father and son felt a little better.

Seeing that Brother Jiu looked calm, it didn't look like something bad had happened.

Brother Jiu didn't bother, and directly explained the reason to Qi Xi, and then reminded: "Is there any other ones at my uncle's house? They are not left outside. If there are, please collect them quickly. Who knows what is going on in her mind!"

To be honest, Fu Song's family and Ba Fujin are still related by marriage.

Bafujin's aunt is Fusong's congtang aunt.

Fu Song listened and thought of this too.

Should he focus on their house, or the Beizi Mansion next to their house?

It is the natal family of the cousin and grandmother.

Qi Xi somewhat guessed the reason.

He thought of the old county magistrate who married into Horqin during his northern tour.

At that time, the old county lord told Shu Shu about the grievances between the two families in the early years, because he was afraid that something would be revealed and Guo Luoluo's family would retaliate.

Later, Shu Shu told him, and it became a little secret between father and daughter.

He didn't tell Jueluoshi or Fusong for the time being.

Bafujin eyeing Fusong's house?

Could it be to investigate something that happened more than ten years ago?
But at that time, the aunt and mother-in-law were not raised in Fusong's house, but in Prince Jian's mansion.

It's been too long since the beginning of the year, and many people think that she is Gege from Prince Jane's mansion, but few remember that she is the daughter of her cousin who raised her.

If you really want to find clues, shouldn't you look there?
Besides that, what else is Fusong's family involved with Guo Luoluo's family?
The ancestral property of the Fusong family!

Qi Xi glanced at Brother Jiu.

Nine elder brothers don't know anything about the old grievances between the two families. It seems that the girl knows how close they are.

There can be more than one husband, but Amma has only one.

He chuckled inwardly, and said after deliberation: "Maybe it's to find out the old property of the Fusong family..."

Everyone looked at Qi Xi, and even Fu Song didn't expect this answer.

Qi Xi said: "Fusong's great-grandfather, my great-grandfather-in-law, is the direct son of Amin Baylor, who married the daughter of Bu Zhantai, the lord of Ula, in the first year of Shunzhi. He was executed, but he has no citizenship or property..."

The population of the Eight Banners is small, and they are all relatives by marrying each other, so when the crime is questioned, the culprit is usually executed directly, and the culprit is not affected much.

Although Fusong's grandfather became an orphan and lost his father, mother, and brother, he still had several uncles and a bunch of aunts and cousins. He was not bullied just because he was expelled.

His family background should not be too thin in his early years.

Qi Xi went on to say: "Because my father-in-law has been dismissed from the clan, he couldn't get into the army register, couldn't make up for the gaps in the clan, and spent half his life wandering around. Later, he got involved in gambling and gave away a lot of old property..."

He stopped at the end, and if he continued, it would be easy to make mistakes.

Brother Nine stroked his chin and said, "In this way, all those properties have gone to Guo Luoluo's house. Could it be that Fusong Mafa and Ming Shang are gambling friends?"

If that's the case, it's really evil.

Qi Xi shook his head and said: "Probably not, my wife passed away within two years of my wife's marriage, and I have been separated from Ming Shang's son-in-law by more than ten years."

The ninth elder brother couldn't think of the reason, and looked at the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother just worked in the Ministry of Criminal Justice a few years ago, and was responsible for checking the files of death row criminals.

After all, there are very few vicious people in this world, and most of them kill with passion or by fighting or manslaughter.

There are only one or two out of ten death row inmates who actually murder.

This passionate killing is divided into vendetta and love killing.

Ordinary people barely make ends meet, and their grievances and hatreds are simple, mostly involving property disputes.

Some are between outsiders, and more are among relatives.

Clan people seek wealth more ruthlessly than outsiders.

The ancestral property of the Fusong family was not directly occupied by the cousins, but it went to the family of Guo Luoluo, the in-law of the Beizi Mansion. It is not difficult to guess the trick.

It's nothing more than collusion between inside and outside to fool two fools.

At that time, the head of the family was Mafa of the Eight Fujin, and it seemed reasonable to distribute the new property to the two sons.

The fourth elder brother had a guess, and said: "Perhaps the Bafujin started to intervene in the property of Guo Luoluo's family..."

Guo Luoluo's family can't get the princess's dowry.

But Guo Luoluo's family still has property under Mingshang's name.

There should be something unclear about Mingshang's property, now it is not known whether it is under the name of Bafujin's uncle or her two concubine brothers.

Perhaps for this reason, Bafujin followed Fusong's family to find out.

Brother Jiu has also read the case file these days, which also includes various stories of property seizures, and said: "The first lineage was expelled from the nobles, and the other lineages later received the grace of the ancestor emperor and returned to the clan. It is not good to directly seize the property. Looking for Guo Luoluo's family as a cover? Think of a decent way to divide up the old property of Fusong's family?"

Gambling is a bottomless pit.

Gambling addiction is aroused, and it is justifiable to sell the property.

Speaking of this, Brother Nine sensed something was wrong, looked at Fu Song and said, "Ama also got involved in gambling last year, did you sell the property?"

Fu Song shook his head and said, "There is only one big village left in the family, one small one, and the current five-in-one mansion. There is nothing else to sell..."

Brother Nine smiled and said: "It's really interesting, I'm poor, I have nothing to sell, my cousin and Prince Jian's house came forward to help manage the gambling account, when I was not poor, why did I sit and watch Guo Luoluo's family come to invade the property?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that everyone was looking at him.

Brother Jiu blinked and said, "Am I not right? These two families are trying to sell favors to my father-in-law and me. After all, they are my uncles, but the favors are not worth much."

As long as money was involved, his mind would run fast, and he would get to the root of it all at once.

The fourth elder brother didn't say anything.

This is Fujin finally remembering that he still has a mother's family, and wants to intervene in her family's property?

He breathed a sigh of relief.

That's fine, let's harm others.

If he really went after Jiu Fujin, Lao Jiu would be blown up, and the troubled brothers would also be ugly.

There really is a reason in this world.

In the dark, there is God's will.

If it was really Mafa of the Eight Fujin who kidnapped people to gamble in order to embezzle property, then he would have received retribution later on.

His son also died from gambling.

Eight Fujin asked someone to investigate privately instead of asking her natal uncle and aunt directly, obviously there was a suspicion.

At that time, there will be no more arguments between the children and grandchildren for the sake of foreign money.

Since Ming Shang's death, Guo Luoluo's family has been in decline.

Now that there are more princes and sons-in-law, if the relationship is good, the eighth elder brother should not be stingy in supporting his brother-in-law and brother-in-law.

But right now, not only is the relationship between husband and wife alienated, Bafujin has also gone directly to her mother's family, and it would be good if there is no enmity, so why would she mention half-brothers and cousins?

Both Fu Song and Zhu Liang breathed a sigh of relief.

Even if those properties belonged to the Fusong family in the early days, times have changed.

They are not interested in other people's property disputes, as long as their own sister is not involved.

What Fusong is dissatisfied with is why Guo Luoluo is still so wanton.

The retinue was sent back halfway through, shouldn't he be cautious in his words and deeds?
Fu Song then asked Brother Nine, "Wouldn't it be people from the Wangfu who are instigating it, otherwise, how could the eight blessings think of wealth for no reason?"

Didn't think about it before the big wedding, but now think about it?
Could it be that Anjun Palace is in distress, and in the name of Bafu Jin, wants to intervene in the property of Guo Luoluo's family?

Brother Jiu said: "Who knows, maybe it's because there is not enough money to open the house, so I remembered this size!"

The fourth elder brother and the tenth elder brother both felt that this possibility was the greatest.

What happened to Anjun Palace?

Didn't the imperial father let the eighth elder brother pass the oral order?
Let An Jun Wang and An Jun Wang Fujin discipline Ba Fujin, how can they be so reckless and calm?

Elder Brother Shi took pleasure in other people's misfortune.

Just get used to it, being the emperor's oral order is child's play.

When the emperor couldn't bear it any longer, he completely demoted the Anjun Prince's Mansion, and it was considered that the foundation of the Eight Fortunes was broken.

At that time, Bafujin will be really honest.

The eighth elder brother will not be unable to control his wife, and he should be able to control it clearly.

The fourth elder brother frowned, feeling uncomfortable.

The power of the princes of the Eight Banners is still too great.

It made them less afraid of imperial power, so they left Khan Ama's oral instructions behind.

It shouldn't be.

After Weng finished speaking, both of them breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, the jokes made by Ba Fujin came out one after another, and everyone didn't want to get involved in it.

But it's not because she's afraid of her, but because she gets involved, for fear of affecting Shu Shu's reputation.

If the conflict between the two escalates, outsiders won't break up with the sister-in-law who is ignorant and who is right, and will feel bad...

The list of monthly tickets continues to slide down, begging for monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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