Chapter 479 Respect (Part [-])
Stuck on the boat every day, Shu Shu hasn't tired of the itinerary yet, she is supported only by her curiosity about Jiangning Weaving Mansion.

As it gets farther and farther away from the capital, the green along the river becomes thicker.

Finally hearing the news about Zhizao Mansion, Shu Shu jumped for joy.

When she returned to the cabin, she was wilted.

She looked towards the direction of the capital.

Some homesick.

Seeing this, Xiao Chun said, "Fu Jin, how long is it until you arrive in Jiangnan?"

Shu Shu shook her head and said: "I don't know, the emperor's southern tour is mainly for river affairs, and it is estimated that the journey will be slow in the next ten days and a half months."


This is also very good...

Shu Shu thought that Elder Brother Ten's wedding would be at the beginning of March. If Elder Brother Nine went south after Elder Brother Ten got married, he might be able to catch up with the southern tour team before mid-March.

Doesn't that mean that Brother Jiu was there for most of the rest of the southern tour.

With joy on Shu Shu's face, she said to Xiaochun: "It will be fine after passing through Huai'an Mansion, when Yangzhou and Suzhou come all the way, they will be prosperous places..."

Xiaochun didn't follow the northern tour, thinking about the two governors of Huai'an Mansion coming to the court today, said: "Isn't it also coming to Huai'an Mansion soon?"

Xiao Song was beside him, and said: "It's still early, these elders greet the holy driver, and they have to travel eight hundred miles, one thousand miles to be considered respectful."

Shu Shu calculated the distance from here to Huai'an Mansion, and it's really about the same...

In the royal boat, the Governor of Water Transport and the Governor of River Channels have already left after seeing each other.

Now there are the accompanying princes and several ministers leading the guards.

Kangxi mentioned the branch to them.

Shengjia toured the south, and inspecting the river works was the top priority.

I have been following the fleet, going down the water, walking the canal, and what I hear and see is limited.

"Tomorrow night or the morning of the next day, change the small boat, reduce the retinue, go day and night, and visit several embankments south of the Yellow River..."

The eldest elder brother said: "Ama Khan, please follow me!"

The third elder brother and the eighth elder brother also came out to ask for orders.

Fifth elder brother and seventh elder brother did not move.

The fifth prince is an honest person, and he feels that what he said is in vain, so there is no need to say it.

As for Seventh Brother, he was leading the soldiers of the guard camp, not the guards of the guards.

Since it is to reduce the retinue, then there must be no matter of guarding the army.

The fourteenth elder brother was a little moved, but he knew that this was not a tour, so he glanced at the thirteenth elder brother and held back.

The thirteenth elder brother is as tall and straight as a pine.

He is still young now, will he still be young in the future?
It can't be said that when the next southern tour, the prince who asks for orders will be replaced by him.

Kangxi glanced at the three princes who came out of the line, and said: "The elder brother is accompanying, the third elder brother and the fifth elder brother will continue southward on the Queen Mother's boat..."

The three elder brothers agreed.

The eighth elder brother still looked respectful, but his face felt hot.

Three people came out, and Khan Ama ordered two of them to do errands.

Even with the fifth elder brother who was not on the list, Khan Ama mentioned a word, but skipped himself.

He felt heavy in his heart until he followed his brothers out.

Ever since he caught up with the southern tour team on the eighth day of the lunar new year, Khan Ama hadn't looked him in the eye.

This is the anger that has not dissipated...

He was a little dazed and felt powerless.

It's not a good feeling to be ignored.

Kangxi saw the reactions of his sons, but he didn't take it seriously.

For the eighth elder brother, he is indeed still angry.

Somewhat angry inside.

Not only did King An not submit an indictment, but he also didn't restrain Ba Fujin much.

Kangxi got the news of the princes' mansions in the capital yesterday, and he was not very happy to see this, even the eighth elder brother felt annoyed.

When it was too late, Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong.

Did you send a letter today?
Or the letter that came back?
Kangxi would not feel that he should not read his son's letter.

Unfilial son, An Zhezi has never seen him work so hard.

Sure enough, Liang Jiugong did not disappoint him, saying: "Jiu elder brother's letter has arrived."

As he spoke, he handed over a thick letter.

When Kangxi took it over, he was really worried about the capital.

Brother Ten's wedding is less than a month away, so he should be busy, right?

I heard that Brother Nine has sent people to the inner and outer halls many times these days, and it seems that he has collected a lot of money and ordered a lot of wool.

Although the road is a bit off, it can be regarded as a matter of business.

Kangxi was in a good mood, opened the letter, and raised the corners of his mouth.

But looking at it, he was not as cheerful as when he was reading the letter in the past, the corners of his mouth drooped, and his face was clouded.

Seeing this, Liang Jiugong lowered his head even more.

He had long been worried that such a situation would happen today.

Master Jiu wouldn't foolishly complain about the emperor in the letter, right?

In that case, the emperor will really be annoyed.

Kangxi held back his anger, and saw the end, speechless for a long time.

Is there any reason for this? !
He knows that the eighth prince cares about face, and he is better than others since he was a child.

There's nothing wrong with that.

Starting from the eldest, the third, the fourth, and the seventh, almost all of them are like this, not only the eighth elder brother.

But because his own life is poor, the life of the brother who is about to stir up is also not good, what do you think?

Harm others and disadvantage yourself!
It's just hateful.

Kangxi thought more.

Is it simply harming others and benefiting oneself, or is it because of Guo Luoluo's sake that he complained to his brother?
Brother Jiu grew up with him when he was a child, and he is also devoted to his elder brother, and he can even resent him, so what about himself, Khan Ama?
Kangxi put down the letter and told Liang Jiugong, "Take it down and seal it, and send it to Jiufujin tomorrow."

Liang Jiugong agreed.

Kangxi felt that his spirit was waning, and said: "From now on, there is no need to send letters from Brother Nine!"

Brother Jiu's letters, including letters to Brother Jiu, and letters from Brother Jiu.

Even watching it after dinner, he felt blocked.

The eighth elder brother is not kind, but Lao Jiu's jabbering is not pleasing either.

He was in a daze, unable to tell good from bad, but when his brother mentioned something, he still foolishly slammed into it.

In the end, I figured it out, and I didn't think about how to vent my anger. I only knew how to complain to my wife.

The last page was crumpled and tear-stained.

It's not shameful for a big man to cry...

Early the next morning, Shu Shu received a letter from Brother Jiu.

This solid weight.

Before Shu Shu saw it, she laughed.

She couldn't wait to open it, and looked at it, but her brows twitched.

what is this?
Beauty plan?
Shu Shu felt blocked.

She recalled the scene of meeting the eighth brother in the school field outside the palace on the eighth day of the lunar new year.

At that time, she saw the eighth elder brother looking over, but the eighth elder brother turned his eyes away to avoid her.

She thought it was because of Ba Fujin's nonsense that he avoided her.

So guilty?
Shu Shu's eyes fell on the envelope, and she sneered.

What would Kangxi think of such a stingy calculation?
An imposing prince who behaves like a woman, such a person still wants to miss the position of the crown prince?

Shu Shu put away the letter, her expression became more serious.

The boat is about to start.

She didn't reply in a hurry, but looked outside the cabin, looking at the greenery on the shore.

We have to find a way to "reciprocate courtesy".

"Sister-in-law Nine..."

It was Jiugege who came.

Shu Shu put away the haze on her face, looked lazy again, got up and greeted her.

Jiugege just came back from the Queen Mother.

"The fifth brother said just now that the branch is going to be branched. Will there be too much time to stop on the road..."

Jiugege chirped.

Shu Shu knew in her heart that the possibility was unlikely.

The purpose of branching is to not greatly delay the speed of the Southern Cruise Fleet.

If it was stop-and-go, then Sheng Jia would not need to leave the fleet in a fast boat to inspect the river workers.

But seeing that Jiu Gege was full of expectations, Shu Shu also cooperated and said: "It would be great if that is the case."

Jiugege complained: "I don't look forward to the palace now, but I can't stay on the boat forever."

The palace going south is so small, it might as well be more convenient to live on a boat.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "It's fine when we arrive in the south of the Yangtze River. We must stay somewhere, and we won't be cats on the boat."

In the afternoon, the fleet berthed in Linqing.

Sheng Jia then changed to Yu Xiaozhou, accompanied by several small warships, and separated from the fleet.

Before leaving, several princes went to see him off.

Kangxi's eyes finally fell on the eighth elder brother, and he scrutinized him a little more.

The eighth elder brother clenched his fist, feeling a little nervous.

He seemed to think of the scene when he was first tested by the emperor's father in the study room more than ten years ago.

It was the first time that the emperor's father passed the other princes and elder brothers, and fixed his eyes on him.

Should I be reprimanded now, or...

The eighth elder brother was very worried.

Kangxi's face was light, and he ordered: "Babeile will leave tomorrow, and go south first, check the palaces in various places, and pick up the driver!"

The eighth elder brother was ecstatic in his heart, suppressed the excitement on his face, and said in a loud voice: "My son leads the order!"

Khan Amarkan sent an errand, so the previous thing is over?

At this moment, I have to do it properly and live up to what Khan Ama values.

The princes and elder brothers next to him showed envy on their faces.

Even if you are tired, you don't have to be in the southern tour team...

On the side of the queen mother, watching Yu Xiaozhou leave, nothing showed on her face, but she started to become a vegetarian.

She also didn't invite the juniors to eat together.

The meat dishes in the daily dishes are all rewarded.

Seeing this, Jiugege felt uneasy, and said to Shushu in private: "Khan Ama is easy to follow, is this appropriate?"

Shu Shu only said: "There's nothing wrong with big elder brother in front of the imperial court and guards following."

What she was thinking of was the eighth elder brother.

I was ignored by Kangxi before, why did I get an errand again?

It was still after Brother Nine's letter.

Shu Shu couldn't figure out what Kangxi was thinking.

Is this the emperor's mind?

Here, Wu Fujin didn't worry about Sheng Jia's safety, but was a little confused.

On this day, she came over and chatted privately with Shu Shu.

"The emperor's grandmother's filial piety is in our eyes, and the emperor's grandmother also cares about the emperor, and they are no different from their own mother and child..."

Wu Fujin didn't say anything else.

Shu Shu glanced at her and knew that she was thinking of the elder brother of Wubeile Mansion.

But not the same.

Kangxi and the Queen Mother are not just the relationship between the concubine and the aunt.

The most important thing is that Kangxi lost his mother and the queen mother had no children.

The two are aunt mother and son, and also adoptive mother and son.

Instead of Wu Fujin and the eldest son of their family, there was a favored biological mother standing beside him.

Shu Shu said: "What kind of tea is Wu sister-in-law drinking now?"

Wu Fujin's face became more shy, and said: "It's the longan red date tea that my younger siblings said..."

This is a warm palace tea suitable for women, and it can be drunk when preparing for pregnancy.

This is what Shu Shu is drinking now.

Shu Shu thought about it and still had about ten days to go. Now that she is really going to get pregnant, the days have passed.

She waved her hand and sent Xiaochun and the others: "Don't let the old cats stay on the boat, go to the pier for a walk..."

When all the girls go out, only two sisters-in-law are left.

Shu Shu whispered the approximate location of the uterus.

At this time, it is not called the uterus, but the uterus.

If you want to have a baby, you have to put a pillow on the back of London, and you have to delay the time for water.

Wait at least half an hour before cleaning.

Wu Fujin was shy at first, but at the end his face turned pale.

She has always loved cleanliness, and every time the husband and wife have intercourse, they have to clean inside and out...

(End of this chapter)

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