Chapter 480 Sufferer
Although there is still a Liu Gege between the husband and wife, but the fifth elder brother is kind, and he did not really spoil his concubine and kill his wife.

Except for the time of resettlement at another Gege's place every month, resting at Wufujin's place is similar to staying at Liugege's place on other days.

As a result, Wu Fujin was not pregnant for a long time.

Especially during the northern tour last year, the relationship between husband and wife was relaxed, and they stuck together for several months, but there was no movement.

Why is Wu Fujin not in a hurry?
I didn't expect this to be the reason...

But Wu Fujin was relieved, and after feeling uncomfortable for a while, he thought about it too.

It's over, it's useless to think about it.

Knowing the reason, and also knowing the suitable days to conceive, it is time to prescribe the right medicine.

If it goes well, the fate of children will come.

If it still doesn't go well, you can't force it.

When Jiu Gege came over, Wu Fujin had calmed down.

Jiu Gege is here to invite Wu Fujin and Jiu Fujin.

Concubine Hui came with the two concubines.

After hearing this, the sister-in-law got up quickly and followed Jiugege out.

Just now he was concentrating on talking, and didn't hear any movement outside.

After a while, the sister-in-law arrived at the Queen Mother's cabin.

The Empress Dowager was sitting on the couch, the two concubines were sitting on the edge of the couch talking, and Concubine Hui was sitting on a chair.

Seeing the two concubines coming in, the Empress Dowager waved: "Come here, come here, you both love to read, tell the two concubines what's ahead..."

The Baimao who was serving next to her moved the round stool with the maids of honor.

When Shu Shu and Wu Fujin greeted the two concubines and Concubine Hui, each of them got a small stool.

Shu Shu opened her mouth in no hurry, and looked at Wu Fujin.

Wu Fujin thought for a while, and said: "In a few days, you will be able to arrive at Huai'an Mansion, which is where the General Mansion of Water Transport and the Yamen of the Governor of Rivers are located. Starting from Huai'an, plus Yangzhou, Suzhou, and Hangzhou ahead, this is the largest canal on the canal." The four state capitals, Huai'an are outstanding people, Han Xin who sang "Xiao Heyue Chasing Han Xin" on the stage is from Huai'an; and Wu Chengen who wrote "Journey to the West" is also from Huai'an..."

The queen mother waved her hand and said: "Don't talk about these things, talk about other things, what are the delicious and interesting things in Huai'an, ancient temples and Taoist temples..."

Wu Fujin got stuck and looked at Shu Shu.

Before Shu Shu left Beijing, she did her homework, but she remembered everything, and then gave an introduction.

"In Dong'an County, Huai'an Prefecture, there is an ancient temple built in the early Tang Dynasty. It was called 'Wenshu Temple' at first, then changed to 'Chengtian Temple', and changed to 'Nengrenjiao Temple' in the Song Dynasty. .”

"There is also Ciyun Nunnery, which was built at the end of the previous dynasty. It is less than a hundred years ago, but it is the place where the national teacher Dajue Zen Master, who was canonized by the emperor Shizu, died. It was more than [-] years ago, and Khan Ama ordered people to bury him Zen Master, the Ciyun Nunnery has been rebuilt, and I heard that the incense here is also flourishing..."

The Queen Mother and the two concubines are devout Buddhists.

I listened with gusto and didn't feel bored.

Especially when I heard the names of familiar people.

The queen mother sighed: "I still remember the scene of the national teacher entering Beijing, it has been almost forty years..."

Zen Master Dajue, whose Dharma name is Tongxiu, and whose courtesy name is Yulin, is called "Zhan Master Yulin" by the world.

Emperor Shizu not only canonized Zen Master Dajue as the national teacher, but also took the teacher as his teacher and accepted the Bodhisattva precepts.

The two concubines also fell into memory.

At that time, they were still in the Jade Nianhua, and they had also seen the demeanor of the national teacher by the side of the Empress Dowager.

At that time, the national teacher was in his prime, but it has been gone for many years.

Concubine Hui saw that the atmosphere was getting heavy, she quickly gave Shu Shu a wink.

She came here with the two concubines because she was asked by the fifth elder brother to come here to accompany the queen mother to relieve boredom, so as not to make the old man feel sad again.

Shu Shu started talking: "There is Hongze Lake in Huai'an, and now is the time when fresh fish is on the market. Although the whitebait in Hongze Lake is not a tribute, it is said that it is no less than the whitebait in Taihu Lake."

The dining room of the Ningshou Palace of the Queen Mother is not short of tributes from all over the world.

Hearing this whitebait, the Queen Mother looked at Nanny Bai.

Bai Momo said: "The dried fish is smaller than a finger, and the water contains scrambled eggs, and there are no thorns. The empress didn't like it after eating it once, so she didn't make it again."

The Queen Mother thought about it, shook her head and said, "That tastes bland, I don't like it."

Shu Shu said: "Huai'an is also rich in eels, and you can make a whole eel banquet. There is a soft bag of eels with thick oil and red sauce, which must suit the taste of the emperor's grandmother..."

The Queen Mother asked, "Aside from fish and shrimp, what about meat? Are the meat dishes here delicious?"

The old lady's diet is similar to that of the fifth elder brother, and she rarely eats vegetables.

Shu Shu had eaten Huai'an meatballs in her previous life, which was claimed to be a century-old traditional delicacy, but it's hard to say if she has it now.

It seems to be the Huaiyang area, with a variety of river and lake dishes as the main dishes.

It's really not to the queen's taste.

What about pork dishes?

Shu Shu remembered something, she glanced at the clock.

In the second quarter of Shenchu, there is still an hour before the late use, but there is enough time.

She just laughed, and said: "My daughter-in-law really thinks of a meat dish, it's not from Huai'an, it's from Hangzhou..."

The Queen Mother asked curiously, "What's delicious?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Don't ask, the recipe for this dish is quite simple, so my daughter-in-law will send someone to the dining room to deliver the recipe, so you can use it later!"

The queen mother hesitated after hearing this.

She is also a vegetarian here.

At this moment, the fifth elder brother came in and said: "Grandmother, Khan Ama's royal boat is back!"

The Empress Dowager heard the words, her face was full of joy, and she immediately said to Shu Shu: "Since it is delicious, let the dining room make more, and everyone will taste it..."

Shu Shu stood up and answered, "Then the granddaughter-in-law and sister-in-law go down first, and see what we can add to dinner."

The queen mother nodded lovingly, and said: "Go, go, and think about a hot and sour one, it's so appetizing..."

This is because he is worried that Sheng Jia will be exhausted after traveling around for the past few days and will not have an appetite.

Shu Shu agreed, and followed Wu Fujin out.

Now that the Yu Zhou has moored, Kangxi is about to come to pay his respects to the Empress Dowager.

At that time, they have to avoid being daughter-in-laws, so it's better to step back first.

Wu Fujin took her hand and said, "Fortunately, you are here..."

Shu Shu whispered: "Even without me, when Yu Zhou comes back, Grandmother will miss food..."

It is not easy to get a person who does not like vegetables to become a vegetarian.

Wu Fujin said: "Then there are new dishes, the emperor's grandmother can eat a few more bites..."

There is still plenty of time to be late.

But Shu Shu didn't delay, and wrote the recipe for Dongpo Pork, and then for the hot and sour dishes, she wrote an improved version of boiled pork slices.

These two ingredients are all pork, and the dining room is well prepared.

Shu Shu asked Xiaoluzi to take Xiaotang to the dining room.

With the Queen Mother's order, it can be regarded as Yizhi.

If the "Dongpo dish" is rich, the masters will send it.

Others, the people in the dining room looked at the arrangement.

The hot and sour version of boiled pork slices, except for the queen mother, is mainly the one in front of the emperor.

But even with Lingjian, Shu Shu still told Xiaotang to take two purses.

This temporary change of the menu is also causing trouble for the people in the dining room.

After a while, Xiaotang came back.

On behalf of Shu Shu, she rewarded two purses and took two purses, which were heavy and contained small gold ingots, and said: "The steward in the dining room was the deputy steward during the northern tour last year. He wants to come and kowtow to Fujin." , ask the servant to ask Fujin if it is convenient..."

She is the old man next to Shu Shu, and because she often walked in the dining room during the northern tour last year, there are also a few acquaintances there.

bother you for something.

Mostly for Fang Zi.

Since Shu Shu gave the recipe out, naturally she didn't shy away from adding it to the menu of the dining room, so she said, "It's not convenient now, so it's gone, tell him the recipe given here, if there is no special order, The water sign that can be served in the dining room..."

Xiaotang agreed, and went to pass on the message again.

At this moment, there was movement outside.

It was Kangxi who brought all the princes to greet the Queen Mother.

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin looked at each other, and both of them stopped talking.

After an estimated two quarters of an hour, there was another commotion outside.

Kangxi took all the princes away.

The sister-in-law didn't rush over either.

Maybe the queen mother and concubines also have private things to say.

They worked hard in front of the elders, and the elders carried it in front of the younger generation, unable to let go.

"There will be no branches in the future?"

Wufu Jin said.

Traveling on a boat and riding a horse is three-point risky, even if the emperor is over the age, there are old queens who worry about him.

Shu Shu was really not sure, said: "It seems that the flood is mainly caused by the Huanghuai generation, and the emperor's inspection of the river works is also in this section. It will be fine after Huai'an."

Wu Fujin frowned and said: "Then, the emperor's grandmother will be worried again."

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "Shengjia was not in the fleet before, but there should be news from here, the emperor is the most filial, even if the branch is next, it should not be so long."

Only then did Wu Fujin breathe a sigh of relief, and said, "That's fine, otherwise Master Wu would also have trouble sleeping and eating."

The sister-in-law was talking, when there was a lot of movement outside.

Jiugege passed again, with a strange look on his face: "Concubine Rong and sister-in-law three are here."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin are juniors, they had to go to pay their respects when they got the news, so they got up quickly.

But Jiu Gege waved his hand and said, "No need to go, the emperor's grandmother didn't call, she even sent me out."

Both Shu Shu and Wu Fujin were surprised.

Shu Shu had a guess in her heart, and said, "Is this... a trouble?"

If it's a normal way to ask An to speak, there is no reason for the junior to avoid it.

Among the juniors who were born, Sanfujin was also left behind.

That San Fujin is the one who suffers.

Jiugege waited for the two sister-in-laws to sit down again, and then sat down with them, and then said with a bit of aura: "They didn't come together, they came from the front and back..."

Speaking of this, she felt a little more uncomfortable, pointed to her face and said: "Sister-in-law San's face is swollen, come here to complain..."

Shu Shu and Wu Fujin were surprised just now, but now they have escalated into shock.

Hit people without hitting them in the face!
Even the mother-in-law is.

No one disciplines his daughter-in-law like this.

You must know that the Eight Banners respect rules and have a lot of etiquette, not only for the juniors, but also for the elders.

Regardless of the reason, let alone a slap in the face, even if a finger fell on San Fujin, it was Concubine Rong's fault.

It is reasonable for Sanfujin to file a complaint with the Queen Mother...

(End of this chapter)

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