Chapter 481 Ruyi
Next door, the Queen's Cabin.

The empress dowager, who was always good-tempered, looked at Concubine Rong with drooping face, and said angrily, "What's wrong with Sanfujin, you teach her well, how can you do it?"

Concubine Rong showed grievances on her face, and said: "Your Majesty knows about my concubines. After all these years in the palace, when did you ever fight with others? If it wasn't for the disobedience of Sanfu Jin, the concubines would not be so angry. ..."

The Empress Dowager said with a tense face, "Then tell me, why did she disobey?"

Unlike the firecrackers of the eight Fujins, San Fujin has always been smooth and seldom speaks loudly to others.

Even if there were unpleasant moments, there was never a wrinkle on the face.

When mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along, they are even more tolerant.

Concubine Rong was stuck, looking at Sanfujin next to her.

Although it was San Fujin who came to complain first, but since Concubine Rong arrived, she shut up and just shed tears beside her.

Looking at it like that, I was really wronged.

Seeing her gesture, Concubine Rong's eyes almost spit fire.

Sanfujin lowered his eyes, his left cheek was red and swollen, and the palm print was clearly visible.

Concubine Rong's face turned red, and she choked out a sentence for a long time, saying: "She said that the concubine is always here..."

The queen mother glared at her angrily, and looked at Sanfujin.

Sanfujin's tears came down again, and he choked up and said: "Heard the movement outside, saying that Yu Zhou came back, so the empress asked the granddaughter-in-law to comb her hair, and the granddaughter-in-law saw the white hair on the top of the empress's head, so she asked whether to pull it out..."

Not only the queen mother was speechless, but also concubine Hui and the two concubines sitting next to her were speechless.

There are obviously other lawsuits between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.

It's just that Concubine Rong was guilty and couldn't speak.

I'm afraid that Sanfujin's inclusion in it doesn't make sense at all, otherwise it wouldn't be so vague.

Is this a complaint?
The sufferer himself didn't make it clear, how could the Queen Mother decide right from wrong?
However, Concubine Rong's behavior is too mean, she is using her daughter-in-law as a grooming girl.

Not deaf or dumb, not a parent.

The queen mother didn't have to distinguish between right and wrong, she said to Concubine Rong: "She is your daughter-in-law, but she is also the prince Fujin, and her decency is also that of the third elder brother, if you make her shameless, you will make the third elder brother shameless! "

Concubine Rong hurriedly said: "The concubine really didn't do it on purpose, the third elder brother is the lifeblood of the concubine, and the concubine treats him like an eyeball, how can he be willing to treat him...them a little?"

What she said, I'm afraid even she herself didn't believe it.

It was obvious that she valued San Elder Brother, and it was San Fujin who disliked her.

The queen mother snorted coldly and said: "When you go out, you represent the dignity of the royal family. If the royal family loses its dignity because of you, then don't want your dignity in the future!"

Concubine Rong has served Kangxi for many years, she knows his temper, and understands what the Empress Dowager said, so she dare not argue again.

The queen mother looked at Sanfujin again, but she didn't know what to say.

One generation governs one generation.

There is no reason for a grandparent to discipline a granddaughter-in-law.

She sighed and said: "Wipe your tears quickly, the imperial grandmother knows that you have been wronged, but who called her a mother-in-law, you are a daughter-in-law, you can't let your mother-in-law make amends for you, if you are annoyed, you can beat me three more times." Brother let out your anger a few times!"

Sanfujin's tears came down again, but she was unwilling to end like this.

She wiped her tears and whispered: "The grandson's wife also knows this truth. On weekdays, the mother scolds, and the granddaughter-in-law listens respectfully; Empress, when it comes to Jiufu Jin..."

"Dong E's!"

Concubine Rong glared over with a warning on her face.

The queen mother heard that something was wrong, and said: "What's wrong with Shushu? Your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are grinding their teeth, what are you doing with Shushu?"

Concubine Rong hurriedly said: "It's just a matter of time, the concubine praised Jiu Fujin for his thoroughness."

The queen mother didn't look at her, but only looked at Sanfujin.

San Fujin hesitated for a moment, and said: "Emiang said that Jiu Fujin hugged my uncle, but also hugged my uncle, intentionally aroused Ba Fujin's anger, and drove Ba Fujin away, saying that he was a good upbringer from Dong E's family..."


When the queen mother heard this, she couldn't stand it anymore, pointed at Concubine Rong, and said angrily, "This is what you can say as a concubine? You are also a woman to slander children like this. How can you make up such nonsense?!"

During the past half a month of going out, Shu Shu either followed Wu Fujin or Jiu Gege during her actions, and she never got an order.

Deliberately making Ba Fujin angry is even more nonsense.

Concubine Rong couldn't stand anymore, she knelt down, and continued to argue: "Mother, calm down, that's not what I mean by this concubine, this concubine is just saying that Jiufu Jin is well-mannered and popular, let Sanfujin learn more from her!"

The queen mother snorted coldly, and said: "I think you are bullying and fearing the hard. It was Elder Fourteen who was picky about food and poked your lungs! The food sent over here is what Elder Fourteen asked for, not Shu Shu. Yes, but in the end you lost your face and didn't dare to say Brother Fourteen, but Shu Shu!"

Concubine Rong blushed, speechless.

Shu Shu had nothing to do with her at all, and she felt unhappy these few days because of the meals of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

Fourteenth elder brother sent people to the Queen Mother's boat to spend two times, and the rest was spent by Sanfujin to add food to the dining room.

Concubine Rong has always been frugal with money, so naturally she can't see it.

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law started chirping because of this.

Concubine Rong's words were harsh, not only talking about Shu Shu, but also questioning the upbringing of Dong E's family.

What's more, she even brought Sanfujin to face-to-face, saying that she had thrown out a lot of money just to coax her uncle, who knows what it was for.

He also asked San Fujin to walk and speak more decently. The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are already half-grown, so don't cause scandals.

These words were really ugly, so Sanfujin replied, "Your Majesty also has grandchildren, so you don't have to talk about men and women all day long."

Concubine Rong thought of Concubine Yi mocking her for celebrating her birthday, and she felt an evil fire in her heart, so she slapped San Fujin.

These details are not easy to explain to others, so Concubine Rong wanted to be vague.

San Fujin was beside him, and said softly: "It's also the daughter-in-law's fault. I didn't want to trouble Jiu Fujin all the time, so I sent someone to take two envelopes of money and send them to the dining room, so that the people around Thirteenth and Fourteenth Uncles could watch and add food. "

With just this sentence, everyone understands the cause and effect.

It really fits Concubine Rong's temperament.

The queen mother became more and more angry, and reprimanded Concubine Rong: "That is the brother of the third elder brother, and you have only taken care of it for a few days, so you care about it? If you are dissatisfied, just go to the emperor, why are you angry with others?"

This behavior is still as stingy as ever.

Compared with Yifei, there is a world of difference.

Last year on the northern tour, the brother-in-law was also taking care of the underage brother, what did Concubine Yi say?

Not only did she not intervene, but she was still in her back pocket. She thought of everything that Brother Jiu and Shu Shu couldn't think of.

Shu Shu and Nine Brothers, like boys who spread money, donated a lot of money to supplement their brothers, and Yifei didn't say a word.

How dare Concubine Rong go to the imperial court?

She was vague before, but she just didn't want to involve the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

Hearing what the queen mother said, she blushed and said: "The concubine is not caressing, but thinking that the emperor is always frugal, and the imperial meal in the palace will be reduced. This time the southern tour is also the same. Elder brother ordered food, so it is not good to exceed the imperial court. go……"

In the entire southern tour team, meals were divided into several classes.

The emperor and the empress dowager had eight dishes per meal, the concubine, concubine, nobleman, prince, and prince Fujin had four dishes each, and the promise was two dishes each.

Accompanying bachelors, leading guards, internal ministers, ministers, etc. follow concubine rules, and guards follow promise rules.

Concubine Rong meant that Brother Fourteen ordered more than eight dishes, which was against the rules, not because she was being stingy.

The Empress Dowager frowned and said, "My elder brother, how is he doing? The emperor will discipline him, and Sanfujin will take care of him even in daily life, so don't worry about it!"

Concubine Rong was half short, her knees hurt from kneeling, and she was so ashamed to remember that she was still in front of Concubine Hui.

The Empress Dowager motioned for Nanny Bai to help her up, and solemnly warned: "Don't talk about Shu Shu again in the future, if gossip really spreads, I'll just take it as you who said it!"

After hearing this, Concubine Rong was a little anxious, and said, "This... Your Majesty, what if someone else said this?"

The queen mother snorted coldly: "No one else has the guts to make up the master's nonsense, anyway, I only listen to what you say!"

Concubine Rong showed grievances on her face.

The Queen Mother waved her hand and said, "Go back, I won't keep you!"

Concubine Rong wanted to speak again, but Nanny Bai had already supported her and said, "This old slave will send Madam off the boat..."

Concubine Rong had no choice but to be escorted out.

When the footsteps outside gradually faded away, the queen mother looked at Sanfu Jin and didn't speak for a while.

San Fujin looked a little apprehensive.

The queen mother has always been kind and loving, shouldn't she be rewarded with something to appease her at this time?

Then the big things became small, and the small things became small.

After all, she was the one who was wronged this time, and if she really wanted to make trouble, she would justify it.

After a short while, Bai Momo came back after seeing Concubine Rong off.

The Empress Dowager ordered: "Go and bring Ruyi from the back room, and reward three Fujin..."

The corners of Sanfujin's mouth curled up, she really developed as she thought, maybe it was just her own illusion.

Bai Momo agreed, went in and came out holding Ruyi.

Seeing Ruyi in her hand, Sanfujin was a little dumbfounded.

It is not the common gold and jade Ruyi, nor the precious Ruyi such as ivory, coral, agarwood, etc., but the humble bamboo Ruyi.

The queen mother looked at her and said: "It's nothing to look at this Ruyi more, and you must be upright, only this time, if there is trouble again, you mother-in-law and daughter-in-law will go back to Beijing together!"

This is too much to say.

Sanfujin was panicked and didn't know where to defend himself.

The queen mother waved her hand and said, "Go down!"

Sanfujin hangs his heart, hangs his head and goes out.

The queen mother complained to the two concubines and Concubine Hui: "It's a good and comfortable life, but they are not kind people. Their mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are getting better, what are you doing with Shu Shu?"

Concubine Duan Shun said: "Concubine Rong is like this when she was young, she can't tell the seriousness, looks clever, and does stupid things!"

Concubine Shuhui also said: "The little ones are also difficult to deal with. How could the emperor not know..."

Concubine Hui, as a concubine of the same rank, is not easy to comment on.

It's just that she knew in her heart that Concubine Rong was on the boat well, and there must be someone to pass on such gossip.

San Fujin and Shu Shu are cousins, they both prosper and lose, and if they don't say these things that make people question Shu Shu's character, the rest is that the third elder brother didn't run away.

People in their twenties, with such broken mouths, gossip about their sister-in-law behind their backs.

Concubine Hui felt itchy when she thought about it.

If this is her elder brother, she can sew his mouth shut...

Next door, in the Shushu cabin.

Shu Shu's complexion was a little ugly.

Although I can't hear everything, but because the board is thin, I can still hear a sentence and a half.

Especially the Queen Mother mentioned "Shu Shu" several times.

This mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled, and she was involved in the middle?

Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege were standing next to each other, looking at each other in blank dismay, they were not in the same boat, how could Shu Shu be involved...

Attachment: The next update will be at ten o'clock in the morning on October 10th. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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