My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 482 Eating Meat

Chapter 482 Eating Meat

The aunts and sisters-in-law have their own doubts.

When Concubine Hui returned with the two concubines, they all looked at the Queen Dowager eagerly.

These people were all curious, they wanted to know the reason why mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled, and also wanted to know how they got involved with Shu Shu.

The Empress Dowager concealed the ugly words and told about the fourteenth elder brother's ordering.

My aunts and sisters-in-law did not expect this to be the reason.

Why are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law making such an ugly fight for two coins?

Concubine Rong is the concubine. Except for the empress dowager, no one has a higher status than her. She is actually talking to her daughter-in-law for money, and her eyelids are too shallow.

Jiugege asked curiously: "I heard that the third sister-in-law always loosens her hands, how big is that silver seal?"

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said: "Who knows this, if you reward it, you will reward it. The matter of Sanfujin is not wrong. If the money is spent, if the fourteenth elder brother is picky, he will pick and choose the dining room. Spending money to buy it will save you worry, and you will not lose money."

On Shu Shu's side, she really knows about this.

Because Xiaotang went to the dining room several times and listened to it.

It is a silver seal of twenty taels of silver, and two seals of silver are forty taels of silver.

Inconspicuous, but not too small.

The purse that Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to carry today was two five taels.

She felt bored.

I will do less in the future.

But this mother-in-law and daughter-in-law also hate it. Why do they tear it up? It's their housework, what are they doing with themselves?
Fourteenth elder brother sent someone to beg for food again, and she also had something to say.

Resolutely don't give it, don't cause this trouble.

She remembered one thing, and immediately told Xiaosong: "Go and spread the word over the dining room, there will be no Miss Zhong Cuigong's boat to add food tonight!"

Xiao Song went immediately.

Everyone looked at Shu Shu.

Shu Shu explained to the queen mother: "The recipe that I just thought of, because of the emperor's grandmother's words, the granddaughter-in-law also put a reward in the dining room, and asked everyone to send some. Now the granddaughter-in-law is not happy!"

How can people please everyone?
If you are not kind to yourself, then go away.

It is easy for people to make this mistake, neglecting to treat people who are good to them, and flattering those who are not good to them.

I'm not mean-tempered, so I don't make that mistake.

The Empress Dowager is correct in terms of general rules, but she is more casual in small things, she nodded and said: "If you don't like it, I won't give it away. If they want to eat, let them order by themselves!"

Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege didn't say anything.

They must be partial to Shu Shu.

Nor does it mean to persuade her to take care of the overall situation.

How can there be such a big picture?

Outside, we must pay attention to "family harmony and prosperity", but the royal family does not pay attention to that.

The royal family pays attention to it, if you don't recruit me, I won't recruit you either, each is safe.

If you really want to recruit, don't be cowardly, otherwise, if you are Baozi, don't complain about being bullied.

So, when we arrived at Youzheng, when it was late, except for the masters on Concubine Rong's boat, everyone else saw a famous dish "Dongpo Pork".

In front of the imperial court and the empress dowager, there is also a hot and sour boiled pork slice.

Kangxi has been on the road for the past few days. Although most of them are on the boat, he still spends a lot of time patrolling the embankments, walking twenty or thirty miles a day.

I'm really tired, and I don't have much appetite right now.

Seeing that the dining table was set, he wanted to reward the dishes without throwing money away.

Seeing this, Liang Jiugong hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, these two dishes are new dishes in the dining room, and they are the additions ordered by the Empress Dowager for the Imperial Palace."

Only then did Kangxi look carefully at the dining table, a dish of roast meat and a bowl of vegetables.

He thought of the news about the fleet that the Queen Mother had been a vegetarian for the past few days, and was moved.

Although I haven't moved my chopsticks yet, the sour smell of the bowl of vegetables is tangy.

Kangxi moved his chopsticks, the meat slices were sour and spicy, the roast meat was tender and soft, fat but not greasy.

For these two dishes, eat half a bowl of rice.

The cabbage is placed under the sliced ​​meat, and the soup tastes good after being soaked.

Kangxi ate a few mouthfuls, then set his sights on the roasted meat, tasting the aroma of wine.

Look at the shape and size of this dish again, and think of the allusion.

"Is this the recipe proposed by Jiufujin?"

Kangxi asked.

Liang Jiugong nodded and said: "That's right, the dining room has their eyes on this dish, and the manager wants to kowtow to Jiu Fujin, but Jiu Fujin didn't see him, so he said that the recipes he planned these days, let them put on the plate..."

Kangxi didn't say anything.

This daughter-in-law is not stingy.

Brother Nine also cares a lot in his mouth, but he is actually loose.

The couple can make money, but they can also spread it.

It's not reassuring, and I still want to split the government and live alone, and I don't know what my life will be like...

In the queen mother's room.

Today, the queen mother is open for meat, and the table will be open again.

The grandson, granddaughter-in-law, and granddaughter all gathered in front of him.

This roast meat is different from the usual table and plate.

Today is based on the head.

One per person.

Each serving bowl contains four pieces of Dongpo meat with a size of one inch.

After taking a bite, the queen mother felt that it was soft and delicious, but she took a look at the fifth elder brother and slowed down.

The fifth elder brother looked up, just in time to see it, and hurriedly said: "Grandmother doesn't need to keep it for her grandson, I eat Fujin..."

As he spoke, he looked down at Wu Fujin.

Fujin has always disliked meat, and usually does not touch any fatty meat.

After hearing this, Wu Fujin pushed his own bowl in front of Fifth Elder Brother, and said to the Empress Dowager, "Grandmother, the granddaughter-in-law will use less later..."

The Empress Dowager disapproved and said, "Eat more at night to gain weight. If you eat too much during the day, how can you gain weight?"

Wu Fujin listened with a smile, without nodding.

She still doesn't want to change her eating habits.

If she was really as rich as the Queen Mother and the fifth elder brother, she was worried that she would not be used to it...

Concubine Hui on board.

Concubine Hui is also eating, and the elder brother is also there.

Seeing that after a few days, her son became much darker and his cheeks were sunken, so Concubine Hui pushed her Dongpo flesh over.

There were three pieces left in it.

Eldest brother ate up his share early, looking at these pieces of meat, he felt a toothache: "What's going on in the dining room? This is pork, and it's not a rare thing, so why is there only such a small portion? "

One chopstick, one bite, a total of four bites, who is enough to eat?
I don't know, I thought it was dragon meat, it's so expensive.

It was obviously an ordinary meal, but it turned out to be very expensive.

Concubine Hui said: "The dishes added temporarily are not the orders made in advance."

Concubine Hui knew it was Shu Shu's idea, but she didn't specifically mention it.

Gossip with the junior, no matter if it's good or bad, isn't that similar to Concubine Rong?
The elder brother took a piece of meat out, pushed the remaining two pieces back, and said, "My son has almost eaten, this meat is burnt to a pulp, and it's not greasy yet, you can eat two more..."

Concubine Hui didn't stop persuading her, she also ate it, and said: "The eunuch who delivered the food said that this dish is on the board today, if you want to eat it, you can send someone to order it."

Eldest brother nodded, already planning to order five or six servings according to this amount tomorrow, and eat to his heart's content.

Thinking of today's farce, Concubine Hui didn't say anything else, she just said: "Stay away from the third child in the future..."

The elder brother swallowed all the food in his mouth and said, "What's the matter?"

Concubine Hui didn't elaborate on Shu Shu's reputation in the middle, but said: "It's not proper to mess with his mother-in-law and his daughter-in-law all day long."

Big Brother sneered and said, "It's getting more and more stupid..."

Just because of Fujin's good background and rich dowry, he flattered him and insisted on suppressing him.

Simply inexplicable.

I only heard that there are mother-in-law and daughter-in-law fighting for power, but I haven't heard of any family living in a family.

Concubine Rong is on board.

Concubine Rong didn't eat, and she didn't notice any difference in the dining table.

When he came to the dining table, he directly rewarded the people around him.

Her chest was tight,

Having lost face today, she looked towards the back cabin and gritted her teeth.

She was really uncomfortable, she was irritable, she couldn't sleep well at night, and she was always sweating.

Originally, I thought about preaching to the imperial physician today, but now that this has happened, it is not easy to call people.

Otherwise, in the eyes of outsiders, it would be like she is dissatisfied with the Queen Mother.

If the emperor found out, he would definitely be unhappy.

The results of it?
Dong E's fell ill,

As soon as the third elder brother came back, he was invited by her people.

Across the boat plank, Concubine Rong could hear the cry of "嘤嘤嘤", needless to say, she must file a complaint.

Concubine Rong wanted to scold immediately, but since the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers had already returned, she couldn't speak loudly.

The thirteenth brother is in the cabin, and the fourteenth brother is also there.

After moving here, the two brothers ate together.

Seeing that there were more than ten bowls and dishes on the table, Elder Brother Thirteen showed helplessness on his face, and persuaded: "Where can I eat these, next time I should ask for less!"

The fourteenth elder brother said disapprovingly: "I can't eat it, but I just reward the people around me..."

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "It's not just this, there are only eight regular dishes on the side of Han Ama and the emperor's grandmother."

So they ate ten dishes, which was a little too much.

Brother Fourteen reached out and gestured on the table: "The six ways belong to Brother Thirteen, and these four ways belong to me. There are ten ways in total. Why are there so many?"

Brother Thirteen frowned, looked at the table and asked, "Why am I six ways?"

The princes and brothers have four dishes on the road this time.

On my own side, the Six Paths did not go beyond the imperial court and the queen mother, but they were more than the elder brothers who were entrusted with knighthood!
Brother Fourteen blinked his eyes and said: "Isn't this Brother Thirteen or Brother? We don't have to argue with the dining room about which dish you ordered and which one I ordered, right?"

Brother Thirteen saw the scapegoat and buckled it in front of his face, laughed angrily, and said: "From tomorrow onwards, let's share the food. You can order whatever you like, and I will honestly eat my four regular dishes!"

As for today's meal, of course it can't be wasted.

This scapegoat cannot be borne in vain.

That is to say, the fourteenth elder brother is still immature now, and he really thought that asking the eunuchs around him to order food in the name of others would not give him the reputation of being picky and picky.

This is the southern tour team, where the holy driver is, loose on the outside and tight on the inside.

Is there any news that Khan Ama doesn't know?

Fourteenth elder brother's small tricks are nothing but self-deceiving jokes.

What's the matter with today's food?

Most of them are small stir-fries, there are no big dishes.

Elder Brother Thirteen was picky about the dish while eating.

Brother Fourteen also looked at the dishes and felt that there was nowhere to put his chopsticks, so he said with dissatisfaction: "What's the matter, there is no serious dish?"

After finishing speaking, he greeted the eunuch next to him and said, "What did you say when you went to the dining room in the next afternoon? Why is it all cooking today, and the dishes in the bowl are just a tiger skin elbow and a cabbage ball?"

The eunuch bowed and said: "I heard that Xing cooks new dishes in the dining room, occupying a few stoves..."


Elder Fourteen muttered something.

Is this because Khan Ama's royal boat is back, and the dining room prepares new dishes?

The fourteenth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother, and complained: "Ama Khan is too, why move us over here? If you don't move over, you can still eat with Ama Khan, so there is no need to worry about eating and drinking by yourself ?”

Brother Thirteen didn't answer the call, he was curious about the new dishes in the dining room.

"What big dish, it's so cumbersome, how many stoves does it take?"

Then when the new dish is ready to try, will it be on the dining room list?
If they have a chance in the future, they can also order and try it.

The eunuch didn't answer right away, with a troubled face, as if he didn't know how to answer.

Fourteenth elder brother rolled his eyes, "hehe" smiled and said, "It can't be some messy food, right? What to eat to make up for something?"

The eunuch shook his head and said: "That's not true, I heard it's roasting meat, a new way."

Elder Fourteen heard this, and his little face fell down.

"How many stoves does one roasted pork take up? The people in the dining room are greedy enough. They feel that the forty taels of silver are too short, and they don't want to let the master order food? These bastards, the master will ask them to settle the score!"

After saying that, he got up "teng" and hurried out...

(End of this chapter)

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