My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 483 Revenge

Chapter 483 Revenge

On the pier, walk in the dining room.

The meal boxes of the masters are sent up, and this side will be free.

The steward on duty took the two Baitang'a to his seat, ready to eat.

When preparing before, "Dongpo Meat" was prepared according to the head, and two more servings were prepared in addition to the total number of masters just in case.

Later, Jiufu Jin sent word that the five shares from Concubine Rong's side were not given away, and she became rich all of a sudden.

This is a new dish, the emperor and the empress dowager only entered it today, and it is not respectful to distribute it to others.

The stewards called to put them out.

There is also the hot and sour pork slices, which is not on the side, but there is a prepared one in the dining room.

Gotta try the food.

Three people plus a chef and a deputy chef, five people sat down.

The table is full, besides Dongpo meat and sliced ​​meat, there is also a tiger skin elbow.

The tiger skin knuckles are also thick oily red sauce, which is heavier than Dongpo meat.

If you eat Dongpo pork later in the day, the tiger-skin elbow will be richer.

"I hope that Jiufujin will reward you with more recipes..."

said the steward.

The recipes in the palace are really handed down from generation to generation, but most of them are big meat and game.

At that time, it was still an example outside the customs.

It was good then, but now it's bad.

But they didn't dare to change the menu easily, fearing that something would be inappropriate, so they could only make the menu according to the rules.

Come and go, the masters don't like to eat, and what they cook is not interesting.

Just about to move the chopsticks, there was movement outside.

With a "click", the tent door was kicked open.

Brother Fourteen came here in anger.

The people in the tent were startled.

The person in charge was about to scold, but when he saw that it was Elder Fourteen who swallowed it quickly, he got up and said respectfully, "Master Fourteen, why are you here?"

Dirty is not dirty, but the tents here are all set up, and the place is small.

Several other people also stood up and took care.

This young master is obviously a bad visitor.

Doesn't this taste good?
Brother Fourteen's eyes fell directly on the dining table, a large bowl of hot and sour pork slices, several cups of Dongpo pork.

These two dishes look delicious in color and fragrance, and they are not the same as the tired tiger skin knuckles and bland cabbage balls.

Elder Fourteen was about to blow his lungs out of anger, pointed at the two dishes, gritted his teeth and said, "What is this?"

The steward looked along, with a guilty conscience on his face.

This is to know that there are new dishes on the side, but there are no ones on the other side?

He said nervously, "This is... a new dish I just tried to make this afternoon..."

With a "bang bang", Elder Fourteen kicked the table over.

The dishes and chopsticks on the table "cracked" and fell to the ground.

"Fourteenth brother!"

Brother Thirteen happened to be chasing after him. Seeing this situation, he hurriedly scolded, "What are you doing?"

The fourteenth brother has already picked up a stick next to him, and rolled it on the steward: "You bastard, eat delicious and spicy food yourself, let the master drink the northwest wind!"

The person in charge didn't dare to hide, he was hit straight, his forehead was bleeding profusely.

The fourteenth elder brother wanted to continue hitting the second time, but was severely grabbed by the thirteenth elder brother.

Brother Fourteen struggled, and said sharply: "Thirteen, don't stop me, just look at what's on the ground? The new dish that Ama Khan wants to eat, it's not our son's turn yet, these slaves have already eaten it It's a round!"

The steward knelt on the ground, his mind buzzing, but he didn't make any excuses.

How to justify it?

Push Jiufujin out?
Not to mention whether it is useful or not, but to say that he offended Jiu Fujin, and behind it is Brother Jiu, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The thirteenth brother was two years older, and his strength was stronger after all. He snatched the stick from the fourteenth brother and handed it to the frightened Baitang next to him, signaling him to take it outside.

He looked at the steward of the dining room, a little unfamiliar, he was not from Wu Ya's family, nor from Wei's family.

Brother Thirteen looked at the vegetables on the ground, and there was indeed something wrong.

Not that they have to eat new dishes.

But when Brother Fourteen had already sent someone to add food, the manager still dealt with it, and didn't say to send the food here.

Brother Thirteen's face also turned cold.

Some believed the words of Brother Fourteen, and thought that the manager was greedy, and the forty taels of silver was not enough, so he deliberately wanted to blackmail him for a second time.

He was immediately annoyed, turned around and told the eunuch who was following him: "Go and ask Mr. Ma Qi to come over!"

This is a matter for the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and it is still up to the Lord.

Although Khan Ama ordered this trip to be frugal, he would not be harsh on his son.

Brother Thirteen's eunuch immediately obeyed the order and went out to invite someone.

Brother Fourteen then said: "Hmph! Brother Thirteen will believe it this time too. The servants in the imperial dining room are greedy, they are all used to it!"

Brother Thirteen didn't speak.

If this is true, then the Wuya family and the Wei family are the biggest moths.

The steward knelt on the ground with despair on his face.

When confronting the two princes and elder brothers, he was justified or unreasonable.

Before, I thought that this southern tour was an opportunity. If I worked hard, I might not be able to go further.

Gao Yanzhong left early.

The personnel affairs of the imperial dining room have changed.

Years later, the in-laws of the Wuya family and the Wei family were transferred out of the imperial dining room one after another.

There are several blank spaces above and below.

If Gao Yanzhong was still there, he must have been promoted this time.

The fourteenth elder brother pulled a chair and sat down directly.

Seeing how many people were left, Elder Fourteen pointed at Bai Tang A and said, "What's the matter with the new dishes, did you only send one to the emperor?"

Nabai Tang'a listened, his face dodged, but he didn't answer, he just looked at the steward who was kneeling on the ground.

Elder Fourteen's complexion became more and more ugly, he sneered and said, "Okay, this is someone covering the sky with one hand in the dining room!"

At this moment, Ma Qi is here, along with Seventh Brother.

Seeing the mess, both of them changed their expressions.

Look at the blood on the forehead of the steward.

Ma Qi's face also turned cold.

During the Shengjia's southern tour, in order not to disturb the local area, the Ministry of Internal Affairs was responsible for all the supplies, and the dining room accounted for the majority of them.

This steward is not very old, but he is seasoned and hardworking. After half a month, he will do his best.

Ma Qi cupped his hands to the two elder brothers: "Slave Ma Qi has seen the Thirteenth Master and the Fourteenth Master!"

Seventh elder brother frowned and said: "What's the matter, do you want to fight and kill?"

The guard barracks is just behind the dining room.

He was too lazy to answer when he heard movement at this end.

Unexpectedly, after seeing the eunuch of the thirteenth elder brother bring Ma Qi over, he realized that the prince elder brother was involved, so he followed him.

Elder Fourteen was still so angry that his heart, liver and lungs ached, he pointed at the steward and said: "This dead slave bullied Brother Thirteen and me as a bald elder brother, and the meals were not prepared carefully. They themselves ate and drank..."

Speaking of this, he pointed to the dish on the ground: "There is no master in the eyes! This roast meat and a bowl of dishes are new dishes today. I respect you. I don't know who to give as favors. On the contrary, we If you are a prince and elder brother, you can't get a bite of it if you are a serious master!"

Brother Qi looked at the Dongpo meat on the ground, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Ma Qi looked like the steward, with a stern expression on his face, he said, "What Master Fourteen said, is it true?"

It's not good to talk to Jiufu Jin before being in charge, otherwise it would be like stirring fire between masters and masters.

Now the boss is here, but there is nothing to hide. He sent a message to the people around Jiufujin to refill the food at noon today, and then sent someone to come for the second time to stop the refills on Concubine Rong's boat. .

"This is not a dish in the order. It was added by Jiufujin. For this, I asked someone to send over ten taels of silver..."

This person who treats guests is not invited, he is a slave, and he can only obey orders.

Elder Fourteen's face was flushed, and he almost got angry when he saw it: "What does she mean? All right, why treat it differently?"

After all, he was about to rush out.

Elder Brother Thirteen was on guard and hugged tightly: "Calm down, there must be a reason for it, or something wrong with the recipe..."

The fourteenth elder brother's eyes were red with anger: "What's the reason? Why can't we eat what everyone else eats? It's just that I don't like it. I offended her in the twelfth lunar month last year, and she has revenge!"

Having said that, he looked at Seventh Brother and said, "Seventh Brother, do you have new dishes over there?"

Seventh elder brother looked a little numb.

He didn't really want to nod at this time.

But it's not good to shake your head.

Brother Fourteen already had an answer when he saw his reaction.

"I can't bear this anger, I want to ask Han Ama to decide..."

Before the words fell, someone answered outside: "What do you want me to do?"

It was Kangxi who came.

Tonight, because there were two side dishes, he ate half a bowl of rice too much, which was a little bit overwhelmed.

Although he was tired, he still went ashore for a stroll to digest his food.

As a result, I saw the fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother running in the dining room one after another, and the little eunuch came to invite Ma Qi to come.

Curious, he strolled over and just heard Brother Fourteen talking.

"Khan Ama..."

Elder Fourteen became angry and turned into a frog. When he saw Kangxi, his eye circles became redder: "Jiu Fujin deliberately targeted his son!"

He was also annoyed, and even Ninth Sister-in-law stopped calling.

Kangxi looked at the mess on the ground.

Rice, vegetables, all mixed together.

He is thrifty by nature, he can't see waste, and his heart is already filled with displeasure.

The fourteenth elder brother kept talking, "baba" and explained the reasons.

The thirteenth elder brother was beside him, and hurriedly said: "Khan Ama, there must be a misunderstanding in this, the ninth sister-in-law has always been generous, and she has never bothered with the fourteenth elder brother."

Kangxi's face sank like water, remembering the news he got a little later.

Concubine Rong and Sanfujin went to the Empress Dowager today.

Is this the empress dowager?
Jiufujin acted like her father, with a respectful temperament.

If it wasn't for other reasons, Concubine Rong's filial piety would not have been lost.

Tonight's new dish, both nobles have a share.

Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong, and said: "Go and ask Mother Bai, what's going on in the next afternoon, is it because Concubine Rong is rude and made the Queen Mother angry!"

Liang Jiugong responded with a cry.

Brother Fourteen was a little dumbfounded.

Isn't it aimed at him, but at Concubine Rong?
His mind was spinning fast.

Something is really wrong.

The five masters on the boat, even if they don't have their own, they don't have concubines?

Brother Fourteen's mind was spinning fast.

Seems to be in trouble?
How to make up for it?

(End of this chapter)

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