Chapter 486 Delay
After hearing what the third elder brother said, Kangxi looked at him carefully several times.

Seeing nothing but worry in his eyes.

It's not to shirk responsibility, to make excuses for Concubine Rong's improper behavior and illness.

Hundreds of good filial piety first.

Finally, there are some advantages.

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, the anger in his heart had dissipated, he nodded and said: "Let's take a look, later on you pass on my words, if she doesn't have the morals anymore, and she talks about those nonsense, she will 'sick' and don't need to see anyone anymore. !"

In the end, he brought condensation.

The third elder brother's heart was raised, and he quickly said: "Don't worry, Huang Ama, the empress was not like this before, probably because of her health, the son must serve her well, and she won't be like this again."

Could it be that my mother is old and confused?

How dare you say anything?

You must know that because the marriage customs in Manchuria were different from those in Guanli in the early years, they were often criticized by Confucian scholars.

Now the emperor's father advocates Confucianism, and even the royal family and clan have changed the rules.

Basically stopped "accepting step-marriage" and no compulsory observance of chastity, but fewer remarried.

Even if the clan is like this, the royal family cherishes face even more.

This is taboo.

Kangxi didn't nod, but said: "It's very unreasonable to make trouble in front of the Empress Dowager this time, and should have been severely punished."

It's just during the southern tour, and I don't want to spread a joke.

What he said was an understatement, but the third elder brother couldn't take it as a joke.

He had felt wronged before, but now he is only rejoicing.

It seems that compared with others, it is not unacceptable to only fine him three years of Baylor's salary.

Otherwise, no matter whether it is to send Er Niang back to the capital, or to demote her position, people dare not think about it.

Outside the tent, there was no one else except the guards and patrolling guards.

Whether it was Ma Qi or the elder brothers, they obeyed their orders and left separately.

Watching the emperor take Liang Jiugong to the Yuzhou, the third elder brother took a breath and went to accompany the imperial physician on duty...

In the queen's cabin.

After Bai Momo came back and heard some gossip, everyone dispersed.

The fifth elder brother and his wife went to the back cabin.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege went to the front cabin.

Jiu Gege's face was a bit ugly.

It's embarrassing.

She couldn't help complaining to Shu Shu: "I'm already twelve people. In order to eat food, first the troubled concubine and the third sister-in-law were disturbed, and then they went to the dining room. Even Khan Ama was alarmed. What a shame! It's a shame!"

That was her half-brother.

Even though Nanny Bai had just mentioned something to Brother Fourteen when she came back to talk about it, but Jiugege Bingxue was smart, and after hearing the cause and effect, she also thought that it was the root of the trouble.

What can Shu Shu say?
It can only be said that bear children are very lethal, and she is happy to see it succeed.

It's not me who is tossing, but my opponent, how can there be more beautiful than this?
She suppressed her smile, and said with a very lenient look, "Fourteenth brother is still a child, he has a lively temper but is not unreasonable, he must have been really wronged."

Jiugege shook his head and said, "It's just capricious."

Who can not be wronged?

Being as honorable as the emperor's grandmother doesn't mean she can do whatever she wants.

He is a little elder brother who is following him for the first time, why can't he be honest and insist on going around to be annoying.

It was already time to light the lamps, and the sisters-in-law and sister-in-law went back to their rooms.

In the cabin, the lights are already on.

Xiao Chun was packing her clothes, and there were several brand-new spring clothes hanging on the hanger next to her.

It was stored in a box before, but it had to be ironed and hung to make it flat.

Wearing a Begonia red flag and a lotus root color flag.

The collar and cuffs of the begonia red flag are embroidered with roses, and the lotus color flag is embroidered with magnolia.

This is also the rule of dressing nowadays, don't choose those who don't embroider, if you embroider, you have to be in season.

There is also a blue waistcoat.

On the small table next to it, there are two shelf heads.

One is more gorgeous and is worn with bright-colored clothes, and the other is plainer and is worn with the lotus-colored flag dress.

Shu Shu looked at it, and couldn't help being in a daze: "Is it going to be released?"

Xiaochun replied: "Yes, tomorrow is the twenty-eighth, it's time for Fujin to change his clothes."

Shu Shu leaned on the couch, a little bit like Brother Nine.

Looking at the scenery outside, eating and drinking every day, unexpectedly passed so quickly, and it will be a month after leaving Beijing in a blink of an eye.

When did the last letter come?

Eighteen received one, and twenty-three received one.

I wrote back once at nineteen, but I didn't reply to twenty-three's letter.

Tomorrow I can just write a reply letter and express my thoughts.

It seems that there is no tomorrow.

This letter really cannot be delayed.

The tenth elder brother's big wedding day is the second day of March. With the ninth elder brother's temperament, it's time to leave after the "first meeting ceremony" on the third day of March.

Shu Shu calculated the time in her mind, and felt that it would be safer to write at night.

Seeing her go to the table and lay out paper and pens, Xiao Song moved the lamp there too.

Shu Shu held the brush and hesitated for a moment.

She didn't mention what happened today, and she couldn't keep complaining.

What has it become?

Became a gossiper who loves to learn.

She mentioned that tomorrow is twenty-eight, and wondered if he would remember to put on a new belt and purse.

The belt was made simply, and the purse was not delicate, so I wronged him, and married a mediocre woman from Fujin.

But the details are all in her mind.

He also mentioned that there are still a few days until Elder Brother Shi's big wedding, and the gift that the couple prepared privately before should also be sent to Elder Brother Ten.

There is also the makeup on Buyingege's side. She prepared it before, and forgot to remind him in the previous letter to send it to Sibeile Mansion, and asked Sifujin to help bring it there when she added makeup.

And asked him to ask the little maid Hazel for the recipe.

Among them are a few dairy products and mutton dishes, and I took them to Elder Brother Ten.

If the ten Fujin are newcomers and are not used to the palace dishes, they can ask someone to cook them.

In Twenty-Three's letter, Brother Jiu mentioned Tongrentang Pharmacy.

Dutong Mansion has sent people to look for it, and invited the head of the Le family to come to see Uncle.

He didn't mention anything else.

At this point, no news is good news.

Next, Shu Shu mentioned that today, following the Queen Mother's order, he and Wu Fujin introduced Jiangnan to the concubines, and mentioned Jiangnan cuisine.

Later, when the Queen Mother ordered food, she remembered a gourmet allusion in Hangzhou.

She had only seen "Dongpo Meat" in books, and it was the first time she ate it.

It was mentioned later that they will go to Huai'an Mansion in a few days, and they will ask people to try to cook "Dongpo cold pot fish".

In the entire letter, what she really wanted to say was the most important thing in the latter part.

I got annoyed a lot today, although it was the fourteenth elder brother who made the trouble, but the third elder brother was the one who got scolded last.

But who knows what Kangxi thinks?
He had to understand that today's extra meal was not arranged by himself.

Therefore, a turmoil has nothing to do with her...

Early the next morning, Shu Shu sent Xiao Luzi to run errands to deliver a letter to Gao Yanzhong.

On Kangxi's side, after getting the news, he hesitated for a while, and asked Liang Jiugong to withdraw.

He didn't mean anything else, but he was afraid that Dong E's resentment would be in his heart, and what he would say to brother Jiu would affect the brotherhood.

After all, there was no letter from Brother Jiu in the past two days, but Dong E chose this time to write.

After reading it again, except for the few words that started to get sticky, it is to ask the ten princes to give gifts and add makeup to Borzigit, and the rest is to eat and drink.

Instead, he specifically mentioned yesterday, and only mentioned food.

Kangxi immediately realized that he wanted to go left.

Dong Eshi didn't know the inside story at all, so there was nothing to sue.

From the previous letter, it can be seen that she is a well-behaved person.

I never mentioned the bad things about my uncle and sister-in-law in the letter.

Kangxi was satisfied, and then became curious.

What is "a gift prepared in private"?
Prepared two for the big wedding gift?
Adding Dong E's makeup to Borzigit's, there are three copies.

Although Kangxi didn't know what the gift was, but with the generosity of the two of them, they couldn't be thinner.

He felt a little helpless, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "This is an addiction to being a brother and a sister-in-law, and it can't be more than a few months..."

Liang Jiugong said: "The servant looked at it, in the eyes of the ninth master, I am afraid that the tenth master is closer than the fifth master."

This is telling the truth.

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "Anyway, when the fifth elder brother got married, I never saw the ninth elder brother so caring."

He complained in his mouth, but he was quite relieved in his heart.

Princes should be so close.

If the distance and closeness are divided according to the same mother and different mothers, then where will he, Khan Ama, be placed?

Brother Nine is not bad.

Brother Ten is also a good idea.

The eldest brother and the fourth elder brother are also good, they look like brothers.

Kangxi was depressed twice yesterday, but now he feels much more at ease, and it is rare to praise Shu Shu: "If the other prince Fujin also behaves like Dong E's, there is nothing to worry about."

It is also Dong E's family, why is it so far behind?

During the northern tour, how did Jiufu Jin treat the tenth and thirteenth elder brothers?

Not only sister-in-law, but also elder sister.

Changing to Sanfujin's place, I couldn't even take care of the food and drink errands personally, so I asked someone to give the dining room forty taels of silver and it was settled.

How contemptuous?

What I was thinking about yesterday was that my sons were not good, and I couldn't take care of others.

Thinking about it now, Sanfujin's fault is not one point, but several points...

Forbidden City, Qianxi Second Institute.

Brother Jiu looked at the mirror and took a very smug picture.

The belt looks good, with millet beads and coral beads mixed with embroidered blessing characters.

One inch square.

When the whole belt comes down, there are five blessings, which means that the five blessings are coming to the door.

It is accompanied by a big red tapestry purse, and the tassels on it are braided bat knots.

Brother Jiu thought it was beautiful, raised his chin, and asked He Yuzhu, "How is your outfit?"

He Yuzhu gave a thumbs up and said, "Spirit!"

"Haha! Today is a good day, grandpa is happy!"

Brother Nine said with joy.

The service is out, and February is also at the end of the month.

It's almost March.

Where is Shengjia now?

Should it still be in Huaibei?
By the time I set off on the third day of March, I should be able to catch up with Sheng Jia before he arrives at Suzhou Mansion.

Brother Jiu thought about it, and was filled with joy, and said, "Hold the two jewelry boxes that you found yesterday..."

He Yuzhu listened to the instructions, took a brocade package, and followed Brother Jiu out.

Brother Jiu went to the Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs first.

Gao Bin is already there.

Brother Nine looked over, with a bit of anticipation in his eyes.

Gao Bin shook his head and said: "The servant has gone to the South Study Room, there is no letter from Lord Jiu today."

Brother Nine looked sullen, and made a note of this in his heart.

After walking for twenty-six days, I sent five letters by myself, but the little heartless man only returned three letters.

I still owe myself two letters!

I was almost busy with the errands of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so Brother Jiu went to the Ministry of Household Affairs.

The fourth elder brother received the imperial decree and began to count the money and food owed by the disaster-stricken areas in the south of the Yangtze River in the past few years.

Shengjia's southern tour is for water conservancy and to appease the people.

After arriving in the south of the Yangtze River, the money and food will also be reduced to benefit the people.

Ninth elder brother stood at the door for a long time, and saw fourth elder brother lower his head to copy something, occasionally frowning and fiddling with the abacus at hand.

I don't know how long I wrote, and I rubbed my wrists from time to time, so I didn't notice the person coming at the door at all.

Brother Jiu touched his chin, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Compared with the fourth brother, I seem to be too leisurely.


He is not lazy.

One is that Zhang is able to keep it, and write the details of each errand well.

And it will also note the previous example for the reference of Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu was extremely relieved.

The second is that there is a new manager, He Yi.

It's not that He Yi is "three fires for new officials", and he didn't think about making troubles, but he acted too cautiously.

Afraid of what he might not be able to do, he works in the office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs every day.

Brother Jiu was also straightforward, and left most of the errands to He Yi to watch over.

It's also a job, isn't it good to do what you do?

What's the good of working so hard like fourth brother?

Brother Jiu shook his head and brought disapproval.

The fourth elder brother's eyes were tired, so he just raised his head, only to see the ninth elder brother there, frowning, raising his eyebrows, shaking his head.

He looked amused, put down his pen, and said, "What are you thinking?"

It's a big show all over the face.

Brother Nine came in and said, "I just think that what Brother Four did was wrong, or what Brother did right..."

The fourth elder brother was startled, a little confused.

What have you been doing?

Why did it go wrong?

Brother Nine had already pulled out a chair and sat opposite him, saying: "Brother has thought about it for a while, and it's better for him to act!"

The fourth elder brother was speechless, and said, "Where did I go wrong?"

Brother Jiu pointed to the abacus on his table and said, "What is this?"

The fourth elder brother glanced at him angrily, but didn't say anything.

Abacus, they all learned it when they were seven or eight years old when they were studying mathematics in the study room.

Brother Nine raised his eyebrows and said, "Fourth brother still says it's right? You have to do everything yourself, that's wrong! You have to check even a number by yourself, so what do those doctors, masters, and pen posts outside do?"

The fourth elder brother rubbed his forehead and said: "I'm used to being cautious, so don't worry if I don't check it again..."

In particular, this involves the disaster-stricken counties and the people's livelihood.

Ninth elder brother took out a small mirror from his purse and handed it to fourth elder brother.

"Fourth brother, take a good look, what has become of you?"

The fourth elder brother looked at the makeup mirror inlaid with gemstones, and was very speechless, and said, "Do you carry this with you on weekdays?"

Why didn't you know Brother Jiu had this problem before? !

Brother Nine had a smile on his face, with a little pride, and said: "It's commonly used by my younger brother Fujin, and my younger brother carries it on his body, just like Fujin is by his side."

The fourth elder brother felt that his teeth were sore.

I really don't understand, what's the point of this?

Who doesn't have Fujin?
It's just a month, it can be seen that brother Jiu is very busy.

He wrote letters to Fujin, followed the prince and his elder brothers to invite An Zhezi to the emperor's father, and went there twice by himself, and wrote letters to Ma Qi, the head of the House of Internal Affairs, and Gao Yanzhong, the doctor.

In less than thirty days, more than a dozen letters were sent to the Holy Driver team.

An average of one every other day.

Seeing that he didn't take the mirror, Brother Jiu opened it and handed it to him, saying: "Look carefully, what's the difference between you and my brother..."

The fourth elder brother had a headache from the nagging, and looked in the mirror with reluctance.

Eyebrows are still eyebrows, eyes are still eyes, no difference from usual.

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, not understanding what was wrong with him.

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "That means you don't have a beard, or if you say thirty-two is believed by people, how can it be like twenty-two?"

The fourth elder brother's face drooped, and he couldn't help looking into the mirror from the corner of his eyes.

He is a little black now, and his face is thin.

Others are fine.

But thirty-two is too exaggerated!
It is stable and dignified.

That's how men are supposed to be.

Dress like a peacock like Brother Nine, if you don't sit well, will that be fine?
The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother with disgust, and said: "I'm not a child anymore, so I should be more prudent."

Brother Nine curled his lips and said: "Sister-in-law Si is several years younger than you, and the women's family is wearing makeup to look young. When the couple go out later, others will see, ah, this looks like the two of you!"

The fourth elder brother sounds outrageous, why are you just the two of you?

Fujin is dignified, stable and just right.

On the contrary, the younger brother in front of him seemed to be of the same generation as Hong Hui, so he was worried about being an old man.

He just wanted to send him away with a wave of his hand. He was still busy on his side and didn't have time to grind his teeth with him.

But when he saw the package in He Yuzhu's arms, the fourth elder brother swallowed his words and said, "Is this a delivery?"

Only then did Brother Nine think of the business, and said: "This is the makeup gift that I, Fujin, prepared for the old ten Fujin. Don't you add makeup the day after tomorrow? I just need my sister-in-law to help bring it over."

The fourth elder brother listened carefully, took out his pocket watch to check the time, then called Su Peisheng and said: "Hurry up and send it to your home, and say that it was Jiu Fujin who added makeup. If Fujin has already set off, send it to the inside." Pavilion..."

After hearing this, Su Peisheng rushed away with the package in his arms.

Brother Nine was beside him, dumbfounded: "Why is it today? Isn't it only twenty-eight?"

The fourth elder brother rolled his eyes at him, frowned and said, "What are you thinking about all day long? Today is February [-]th, the day to add makeup; the next day is March [-]st, when ten younger siblings send makeup to the palace... "

There is generally no thirty in February, twenty-nine in ordinary years, and thirty in new years.

This year is not a new year, tomorrow is the end of the month, and the day after tomorrow is the first day of March...

Directly bigger chapters, two chapters, eight thousand, and one more, 555.Tomorrow, we will continue to maintain daily ten thousand, which is to change the three changes into two changes. The first change should be before 12:[-], and the second change should be before [-]:[-] pm. I have suffered a bit lately. The author and everyone have worked hard.Try a new time.Then, he continued to touch his numb little finger, begging pitifully for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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