My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 487 You Have to Have a Steady Person Staring at You

Chapter 487 Must Have a Steady Person Watching

Brother Nine was a little anxious after hearing this.

He thought it was several days before, and he acted calmly.

Now, it feels like time is running out.

Not to mention anything else, the Dutong Mansion still has to go there.

When Dongyue got engaged last year, I troubled my father-in-law to come forward to get the head start, and the invitations for this big wedding have also been sent out.

But what happened to the Bofu?
No mourning letter came out.

But if my brother is terminally ill, it is not the time to go out for a feast.

There is also the matter of Brother Jiu's plan to go south, and he did not mention it to the Dutong Mansion. They always have to make preparations, such as family letters and food.

Then Fujin will be even happier.

Brother Nine immediately told He Yuzhu: "Go to the Dutong Mansion, just say that the Lord has something to do, and go there in a while."

He Yuzhu agreed and went out immediately.

The fourth elder brother attended the tenth elder brother's engagement wedding, and heard it and said, "What's the matter? The post from the Dutong Mansion hasn't been sent yet?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "It's not this one, it's my younger brother who will leave Beijing in a few days, and I haven't told him yet."

The fourth elder brother said seriously: "Leaving Beijing, Khan Ama has sent you an errand, where are you going?"

Shouldn't it be heading south?
There are quite a few elder brothers who are accompanying the prince. If there is an errand in the south, they will not send someone from the capital, and they will just call the prince to go there.

If you go north, it's still cold.

Does the Ministry of Internal Affairs have any errands in the north?
What's next for the renovation of the palace?
"Isn't there still He Yi? Why do you want to go out in person?"

Fourth elder brother frowned.

He was worried about the errand at hand, and wished he could go through it all over again.

But Brother Jiu's errand, he was worried about Brother Jiu, and thought it would be better to change to a stable person.

Brother Nine coughed lightly, suppressed his complacency, and said, "Is this it? Both public and private matters must be taken care of, and my younger brother must go in person, no one else can do it for me!"

Seeing the pride on his face, the fourth elder brother couldn't hide it, and had a guess in his heart: "Ama Khan sent you to the imperial court?"

Okay, why call people over again?

Brother Nine raised his chin and said, "No, but before Shengjia set off, my brother asked Khan Ama for an order, and Khan Ama allowed brother to go to Jinan to meet Shengjia!"

The fourth elder brother glanced at him: "But this year's southern tour team will not go to Jinan!"

Because I am going to comfort the people in the Susong area, the focus of the itinerary is still in the south of the Yangtze River, not in Shandong.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "My brother knows, go to Qinghekou... what's the matter, anyway, just go south to meet the driver, it's all my brother's filial piety!"

He puffed out his chest and spoke with confidence.

The fourth elder brother felt blind.

Only the thief's look on his face, can others not see it?

This is not for filial piety, but for him, Fujin.

In the name of "picking up the driver", the fleet of the Southern Tour has only left halfway, why is it going to pick it up?

The fourth elder brother is always worried, and said: "You want to set off on the fourth day of the lunar new year, have you arranged for the guards? Where is the guard barracks?"

"Depart at noon on the third day of junior high school!"

Brother Nine beamed and said with a smile: "The rest has been arranged long ago, one bodyguard, fifty guards, all equipped with two horses and two saddles..."

The fourth elder brother was a little worried when he heard this, and told him: "Even if you have to go out, don't hurry too much, there is still plenty of time, just arrive before the Southern Tour team returns."

One or two thousand miles is not a journey of two or three days, and it is not safe to go too fast.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "That's impossible. After finally going out for a walk, my younger brother wants to take a tour of Suzhou and Hangzhou!"

The fourth elder brother said: "Then take a boat, there happens to be a big yellow boat going back and forth in the household department, I will arrange it for you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Brother Jiu had already turned around and walked out, saying: "Oh, everything is well arranged, don't worry, Fourth Brother!"

Like a dog chasing after him, the person is already far away.

The fourth elder brother has no choice, but he is not at ease.

He calculated the distance from the capital to Suzhou in his mind. If he really wanted to follow Brother Jiu's words, if he wanted to catch up with Shengjia on the way, it would take more than a hundred miles every day.

Even though he knew that elder brother Jiu could not ride a horse, he probably could ride a car, but he was still worried.

After thinking about it, he also left the yamen of the household department and went to the yamen of the clan mansion.

He wants to talk to Elder Brother Ten and ask Elder Brother Ten to persuade him.

If it takes three or two days to catch up, I will catch up, but for the two thousand miles, who has always been pampered and can't bear hardships, who can rest assured?

In the clan mansion.

Brother Ten nodded, thinking about the wedding in a few days.

three days left……

He is a married man.

When they are knighted, they are the ancestors of that branch.

In the future, the blood will multiply...

It is a new clan.

He recalled the few clan gossips he had heard yesterday.

In fact, it was a few transfers a few days ago that caused discussions in the clan.

That is the matter of Norob, the first-class bodyguard, being promoted to the Deputy Commander of the Han Army with a red flag.

Although there are no laws and regulations, there are restrictions on the appointment of the capital and deputy capitals of the Eight Banners.

The Dutong, Deputy Dutong, and Participating Leaders of each color flag are mostly elected in the flag.

There are occasional exceptions, also during wartime.

On weekdays, most people still follow the rules.

Nuo Luobu was born in Shuncheng Prince's Mansion, and he was a member of Zhenghongqi, but this time he made up for the lack of Xianghongqi.

It seems that in the future, the selection and appointment of the capital and deputy capital of the Eight Banners will not be limited to the nobles and nobles of the banner.

Elder Brother Ten also thought about it.

I don't know what changes will happen to the clan structure under the Five Banners.

Today, Prince Kang and Prince Shuncheng hold the red flag, Prince Pingjun, Prince Zhuang, and the descendants of Baylor Guanglue hold the red flag, Prince An and Prince Yu hold the blue flag, Prince Jian holds the blue flag, and Prince Xian holds the inlaid flag. white flag.

Whether it is the uncle king, uncle king who was entrusted before, or the elder brothers who were enfeoffed last year, they are all enfeoffed princes and have no banner rights.

But the current situation is different from that of Emperor Shizu or twenty years ago.

There are not many old princes left.

Now these princes, Prince Kang, Prince Shuncheng, Prince Xian, and Prince Ping are all nephews and grandchildren of the nephew, and they have no military merits.

Prince Zhuang, Prince An, and Prince Jian all have their own shortcomings, and they don't have the confidence to speak up in the clan.

The prince of grace, the next generation doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't know if anyone in their brother's generation can get the iron hat.

Brother Ten was thinking about it when there was movement at the door.

The fourth elder brother has arrived.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly got up and greeted him.

The fourth elder brother cut to the chase and said, "Do you know that the ninth elder brother is going to leave Beijing?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and nodded, "Before Khan Ama left Beijing, Brother Nine mentioned it, and he mentioned it twice in the past few days."

The fourth elder brother said: "He called the accompanying guards and guards to prepare two horses..."

Elder Brother Shi was a little puzzled when he heard this.

Isn't it right to have two horses for this long journey?

It would be troublesome if it was a single horse, and it was impossible to change horses on the road.

The fourth elder brother frowned and said: "He also called Bei Shuangan, intending to hurry up and catch up with Shengjia before he arrives in Suzhou!"

Elder Brother Ten was surprised and said: "This... how do you chase after him? Sheng Jia left and looked at January, and he will arrive in Suzhou Mansion in a few days..."

Do you have wings?
The fourth elder brother snorted coldly: "If you think about it, you will come out, this is planning to march in a hurry!"

If you go fast all the way, you can get there in seven or eight days from the capital.

Elder Brother Ten heard this, and became upset: "Brother Ninth's body... how can I suffer so much?"

The fourth elder brother said: "Is there any way to persuade him?"

The key is that the time is too tight, otherwise the fourth elder brother would hand over the paper directly to the emperor, and let the emperor order the ninth elder brother to stay in Beijing.

Right now, it takes about ten days to deliver the booklet to Yuqian, and the round trip is too late.

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said, "I can't stop it, I still have to ask someone to watch..."

Thinking of this, his heart skipped a beat.

"Fourth brother, I..."

Elder Brother Ten's eyes gleamed: "I'll follow along, keep an eye on Brother Ninth!"

The fourth elder brother felt a headache and reprimanded him: "Nonsense, the clan is 'not allowed to leave Beijing without holy order'!"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said, "Fourth Brother, that said 'Your Royal Family', but my younger brother is a bald prince..."

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "That's not appropriate, the ninth elder brother is going to leave at noon on the third day of junior high school, and you are still newly married."

Elder Brother Ten said, "Actually, it just happened. My younger brother took Fujin to salute Khan Ama and the Queen Mother. This is also filial piety..."

The fourth elder brother got more and more headaches: "This is not a joke, you don't have a title, but you are already working as an errand, should you leave the errands aside?"

Elder Brother Shi pointed to the outside and said, "Look, fourth brother, how busy this yamen is, even for weddings and funerals, we can't keep looking forward to the dead!"

The fourth elder brother's face was tense, he didn't expect such a situation.

He didn't find a way to keep Brother Nine, so he had to add two more.

He still wants to persuade.

Elder Brother Ten also had a pleading expression on his face, and said, "Fourth brother, my younger brother really wants to go, if I miss this time, I might never have the chance to go south in my life."

After being knighted, there will be more restrictions.

The identity of Elder Brother Ten is easy to be feared by others.

Prosperity in the south of the Yangtze River is also important. Since Brother Ten got a job in the clan's mansion, he probably wouldn't have the opportunity to send him a job there.

The fourth elder brother sighed: "But Borzigit's side, there is also a 'return ceremony'..."

When it comes to Mongolian vassal princes, one cannot appear contemptuous, and more importantly, be courteous.

Elder Brother Shi immediately said: "My brother, go to the inner hall and report this matter to Prince Fujin, Fujin will be considerate..."

The fourth elder brother had no choice but to nod his head and said: "Then talk about it."

Elder Brother Shi didn't delay, the two brothers came out of the clan mansion and went to the inner hall.

It's also convenient, less than one mile in total.

The fourth elder brother stood at the gate of the clan's mansion and watched the tenth elder brother's back go away. Instead of rushing back to the yamen of the household department, he entered the palace and went to the guard's office.

If the two princes and one prince, Fujin, were to leave the capital, the accompanying guards and guards would have to be doubled.

But with the addition of the ten elder brothers and his wife, the fourth elder brother can feel more at ease.

Although the tenth elder brother is two months younger than the ninth elder brother, he is more prudent in his actions...

Brother Jiu didn't know that in less than a moment, because of his brother's "care and love", he would have two more little tails.

With a bit of joy, he went to the Dutong Mansion, and met He Yuzhu on the way back.

This is already known.

"Master Qi is not at home in Daying, but Madam is here. It seems that she is about to receive guests and said that she is waiting for Master to pass."

He Yuzhu said.

Brother Jiu said casually: "Are you relative, which family?"

He Yuzhu said: "The slave is in a hurry to come back, so I forgot to ask, but seeing that the lady has arrived in the front yard, she should not be a very familiar guest."

If you are acquainted guests, you will directly lead them to the main room to talk.

Brother Jiu didn't mention anything this time.

Although it is not surprising that many people are polite, it is not good to be too outsider.

He has been here two or three times throughout February.

When I arrived at the gate of the Dutong Mansion, I saw the steward seeing off the guests.

Seeing Brother Jiu coming over, the steward even brought the guests to stand respectfully.

Brother Jiu got off his horse, looked at the two people dressed plainly and looked cautious, and asked curiously, "Where are these guests, are they relatives from the house?"

The steward said: "Back to Lord Jiu, this is my elder brother's cousin, grandpa, uncle..."

Brother Jiu frowned upon hearing the words: "Why did you come to the door at this time?"

He was worried that people from Fusong's family would come and cling to him.

It was so pitiful before, it was raised here, but now that it has an errand, it is too disgusting for relatives to cling to it.

Seeing that he had misunderstood, the steward hurriedly said: "Our wife invited the two of you over, and the two of you also came to visit Elder Brother earlier."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu's expression softened a little, and then he nodded and entered the Dutong Mansion.

The living room in the front courtyard of the Dutong Mansion.

Jue Luo looked at the box in front of him, and told the girl beside him to put it away: "Put it all away, and wait for elder brother to come back and transfer the ownership."

At that time, Fusong's grandfather and uncle both died in battle, and apart from his family property, he also retained his military title.

Even if it is only the lowest title, it can be passed on to children and grandchildren.

There is no one in Fusong's family, but his grandfather has cousins ​​and nephews.

Several families were vying to get a title and an inheritance for nothing like the house their son lived in.

But Grandpa Fusong still has his own grandson.

The Eight Banners talk about relatives, not by surname, but by blood.

Fusong's grandfather is gone, and the one who is most qualified to inherit the family property is Fusong's Ernie.

Fusong Ernie is gone, and there is Fusong, his grandson.

The patriarchal system of the Han people is that the same surname is the most important thing. Even if the "hukou is extinct", people with the same surname can inherit first. It is forbidden to raise a righteous son with a different surname, so as not to mess up the blood.

After the Eight Banners entered the customs, the clan system also began to change from civil regulations.

It's not that strict though.

Fusong's grandfather has no children and grandchildren, and Fusong's grandson left by a married woman can inherit the family property and title.

However, Fu Song belonged to the exiled clan, so if he could not be adopted by a foreign family, he would not be able to get all the family property, and he would have no chance with the Duke.

Therefore, at that time, Qi Xi and his wife, who raised Fusong, came forward to discuss with the clansman there, and divided the property left over there, two houses, four shops, and eight fertile fields in Fangshan, into two, and made cut.

Half of it was transferred to Fusong, and the other half, together with the title, was left to Fusong's heir uncle.

Those house deeds, land deeds, and even the property distribution documents are kept here by the Jueluo family, waiting for Fusong to transfer ownership when he becomes an adult.

But in case Fusong's Ama found out and intervened, Jue Luo did not intervene in the management of several properties, and Fusong's uncle was in charge.

At the end of each year, there will be a promise as agreed.

After more than ten years, the accounts are clean.

Now that Fusong has separated the households, Jue Luo wanted to transfer the property to Fusong, so he invited the people over there to let him know.

Also tell Fusong over there that he has an errand.

Although he is not a real uncle, but these years have passed on the surface, every year he celebrates his birthday with inner and outer clothes, and a gift money at the end of the year.

It will cost three to forty taels of silver in one year.

You know, the title of "Tuosha Lahafan" left by Uncle Fusong's annual salary is eighty taels of silver.

It was almost half delivered.

Not in the name of child support, but only as a gift.

Seeing people's hearts over time.

They were not from the same banner at all, and they didn't have the chance to seek Dong E's family. It was not easy to do this.

Here at Jueluo, they have a little more respect for them, and they will help Fusong prepare New Year's gifts during the New Year and holidays, and pay New Year's greetings in the past...

The double-larger chapter starts today, and the next one will be at [-]:[-] pm. Continue to ask for monthly tickets, ^_^.The February BUG has been modified yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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