My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 488 Two Gold Squares

Chapter 488 Two Thousand Gold Workshops

After entering the Dutong Mansion, Brother Jiu was led directly to the living room in the front yard.

On Jue Luo's side, he was still thinking about Niu Hulu's family.

It is inconvenient for me to come in and out like this now.

Unexpectedly, Shu Shu is not at home.

Before, it was possible to ask Mrs. Uncle to come forward, but now it is inconvenient.

But if it drags, that's not the case.

During the past half month, Fu Song went to see Yin De several times, and also went to Yin De's house.

There was a message from over there that he wanted to meet the elders here.

This is the match, waiting for the elders here to see each other, and then they can discuss marriage.

In fact, Niu Hulu's family still has a patriarch, A Ling'a, by his side, and Yin De also wants to finalize the marriage as soon as possible.

Seeing Brother Jiu arrived, Jue Luo supported his waist, stood up to greet him, with anticipation on his face: "But Fujin's letter has arrived?"

In the first two trips, brother Jiu sent letters.

Brother Nine heard this, with grievance on his face: "No... My son-in-law sent five letters, and Fujin only returned three. I must save it up, and only reply once in ten and a half months."

Jue Luo frowned and said: "Then Fujin should not have done so, he should return in time, so as not to worry my elder brother and his family."

Brother Jiu was afraid that she would be really angry, so he turned around and scolded Shu Shu again, explaining: "I guess it's not easy to reply too often, after all, you have to go through the Ministry of War."

This mother-in-law loves her daughter because she loves her daughter, but when she teaches her a lesson, it is also a real lesson, and she will do it.


Seeing that Jue Luo still wanted to talk, Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Mother-in-law, please sit down first, don't get tired..."

After all, at this age, Brother Nine also followed suit.

Both parents are fine, he doesn't want to make Shu Shu sad by any chance.

Jue Luo was already seven months pregnant, she was already a bit plump, but now she looks plump and her stomach is more obvious, she looks very burdened.

Brother Jiu is not an outsider either, since he said it, Jue Luo sat down and said, "Then why is Brother coming here today?"

Brother Jiu said: "The son-in-law is here to see if his father-in-law will go to the inner hall for dinner in a few days, if it's inconvenient then forget it."

This is about the physical condition of the uncle next door.

If it is right in front of your eyes, then as a brother, Qi Xi still has to guard it.

It's not that he is afraid of the rumors outside, but Brother Jiu knows that the two brothers have a deeper relationship than others, so he doesn't want to make things difficult for Qi Xi.

Jueluo said: "It's okay, the Tongrentang pharmacy that Fujin mentioned before happened to have two patented medicines for the symptoms..."

In fact, both Qi Xi and Mrs. Bo were very surprised.

I really didn't expect that Uncle would endure it for so long.

Uncle takes medicine and sleeps every day, and then he just keeps his eyes open and falls into remembrance.

Nor did they ask about the situation of Zhao and Xizhu's mother and son.

Seeing that the situation did not improve, but it did not continue to deteriorate, even the imperial physician followed Nahan.

Both Qi Xi and Jue Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

Here Qi Xi didn't expect his brother to die immediately.

It is better to die than to live.

As for the Jueluo family, what they think of is not love, but the big girl who is on the southern tour.

If Shu Shu walks to the south, and there is a filial piety by his side, then he can only stay in the cabin and make a fuss for nothing.

The ninth elder brother mentioned the second matter, saying: "Before Sheng Jia left Beijing, my son-in-law begged for grace in front of the emperor. After finishing the arrangements for the tenth elder brother's wedding, he can go south to meet Sheng Jia."

Jue Luoshi showed surprise on his face: "When is elder brother going to leave?"

Speaking of worrying too much, Jue Luo is really worried about her daughter and son-in-law being separated like this.

There was a filial piety period before.

Now that I've changed my clothes, I'm out of clothes, and there are still two grids on the back.

To say that when the daughter was around, those two behaved well and stayed away.

But the daughter is not here, and the serious concubine of the prince can't say anything even if he goes up to serve others.

Nine Elder Brother's body is here, and he has been raising it for several months. Seeing that he is getting better, the husband and wife are reunited, so he can take the opportunity to seek a child.

But if it was wasted on others, adding a concubine's eldest son, wouldn't it make people vomit to death?

Just look at Uncle and Mrs. Uncle and you will know that the relationship between husband and wife is the relationship between husband and wife, and the relationship between father and son is the relationship between father and son.

For men, biological children are not the same after all.

Even if the young couple seems to be mixing oil with honey now, but if they really want to establish a bastard, in the future there will only be "respect each other as guests".

It is said that women should be virtuous, but there is a man and a woman in this family.

Just like a tigress who has taken over the territory, who can accommodate a second woman?

How did Brother Jiu think that his mother-in-law was thinking about this, only because she missed Shu Shu too much like himself, so he said: "Leave at noon on the third day of junior high school. If you and father-in-law are writing letters or preparing things, son-in-law Once we leave Beijing, we will come again..."

Speaking of this, thinking of his plan to go fast, he said: "Try to bring some light ones, there won't be too many carriages following..."

Last year, during the northern tour of the Dutong Mansion, a cart of things was prepared for Shu Shu. At that time, his father-in-law was there, so it didn't matter if there was one more carriage or one less.

Since he was on a hurry this time, he planned to streamline his own luggage.

Jue Luo's expression did not change, he felt a little worried, and said, "Where are you going to meet my brother?"

The south is different from the capital.

There are many people in the capital banner.

Although there are Eight Banners stationed in the south, there are still many people.

Even though Jue Luo is just a woman, she knows that peace in this world is relative.

Over the years, there have been successive crops of anti-thieves who "anti-Qing and Ming Dynasty" in the localities.

Shengjia's southern tour did not bring many people from the capital, but he was stationed along the way with Eight Banners and green battalion troops to escort him along the way.

How many people can Brother Jiu bring with him if he goes out of Beijing?
Is this going to be easy?
It's getting more and more worrying.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "My son-in-law plans to walk faster on the road, and catch up with the southern tour team before Shengjia arrives in Hangzhou."

Although Jueluo has never been to far places, but because the girl is on the southern tour, she also heard her husband mention it several times, and knows that the journey is thousands of miles.

Hearing Brother Nine say this, she was also worried.

It's just that she didn't hesitate, and said: "If you don't bring it next to it, just bring a letter and a few catties of beef jerky."

Brother Nine came over to talk about these two things.

Now that he finished speaking, he stopped talking, got up and said: "My son-in-law has other things to do, so I'm leaving today, please stay."

Jueluo thought that the second day of March would be Elder Brother's big wedding, and the third day would have a "first meeting ceremony" for the new couple, so he said, "My brother doesn't need to come over on the third day of the month, I will send Fu Song or Zhu Liang over there."

Brother Jiu thought about how busy the third year of junior high school was, so he nodded.

After leaving the Dutong Mansion, Brother Jiu went to Nancheng.

He went to the Tongrentang pharmacy.

The house in the alley near Qianmen Street is not a shop at all.

I don't know where Fujin heard the name of this restaurant.

But Brother Nine is paying attention.

It doesn't matter whether he is a big shop or a small shop, as long as the prescription is good.

The ancestors of the Le family were from Ningbo. During the reign of Emperor Yongle, the first ancestor of this branch settled in Beijing.

It has been passed down for several generations.

It can also be regarded as family origin.

The address in Brother Jiu's hand was still copied from the imperial physician.

Lejia's old house is in Hongfu Hutong behind Qianmen Street.

It was two people who entered the courtyard, and Brother Nine signaled He Yuzhu to knock on the door.

"Father is back, did you bring the Chen family fire on Xisi Avenue..."

A boy and a half opened the door, still shouting.

When he saw the person outside the door, he was startled.

The one who came was a bannerman dressed in gorgeous clothes, tall and tall, followed by guards with crossed swords, that boy was a little cautious.

Brother Jiu had a bad premonition, and said, "Le Fengming is your father, he's not at home? Where did he go?"

The boy respectfully said: "Yes, my father has gone to the inner city..."

The city of Beijing is a "convex" character.

The earliest building was Sifang City.

Later, when they couldn’t live anymore, they built the outer city. It was the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and because the Ministry of Households had no money, they first built the southern half of the city.

Banner people now live separately, and the banner people are divided into governance, and the capital is no exception.

Bannermen live above the word "convex", which is called the inner city, also known as "Sijiu City".

The common people live in the lower half of the word "Tong", called the Outer City, also known as "South City".

Brother Nine couldn't help frowning, and said, "Do you know which one you went to?"

The kid replied: "It's Dong E's family from Zhenghongqi..."

What a miss.

Brother Jiu said: "When your father comes back, tell him that Master Jiu is looking for him, and ask him to go to the Imperial Hospital tomorrow to find Imperial Doctor Yin Hui."

Imperial Physician Yin is the old imperial physician who was in charge of Nine Elder Brother's physical conditioning.

Brother Nine went to Taitai Hospital last year to figure out a prescription, and he also consulted a lot with this old gentleman.

Later, when the matter of selling medicines was completed, brother Jiu also gave credit to the old man, which made the old man register in the imperial court.

Now the Supreme Hospital is full of envoys and judges at the top and right and left, and below that is the first-class imperial doctor like the old gentleman.

When there is a vacancy, this Imperial Physician Yin is the candidate.

For this reason, Imperial Physician Yin respected Brother Nine and wished for the opportunity to continue working.

Brother Nine thinks that the two good things can be combined into one good.

Since Lejia's old prescription is really useful, it is also worry-free to use it in the Tai Hospital.

The kid took it down carefully.

Brother Nine just got on the horse.

When passing by Qianmen Street, Brother Jiu took a few glances at the shops on both sides.

If we really want to talk about prosperity, the shops on Qianmen Street are no less than Di'anmenwai Street and Gulou Street.

The people living in the inner city are all bannermen, and the total number is quite a few. The registered population is about [-].

The people living in Nancheng have a registered population of about [-], but they cannot support the large number of non-registered people.

Those who do business, those who study, and those who are officials all come to the capital.

The actual population living here has far exceeded that of the inner city.

When passing by a shop, Brother Jiu took a second look.

"Thousands of Gold Square".

There was an endless stream of customers at the door, and it was brand new to look at the shop sign.

It looks like a newly opened shop.

Brother Nine took the reins and asked He Yuzhu, "This is Fujin's business, have you opened a branch?"

Otherwise, why are the signs similar?

He Yuzhu hesitated and said: "This slave really doesn't know, but I just remember that there are only two silver buildings under the name of Master Fujin."

It is the Shun'an Silver Building and the "Qianjinfang".

Two days ago, a few boxes of scorpions from the Shun'an Silver House arrived again.

Brother Jiu looked at the shop.

Not only the name of the signboard is the same as the "Qianjinfang" on Gulou Street, but also the gold letters on the black background of the signboard, and the font is also very similar at first glance.

Brother Jiu thought of his wife's girl who was out of the palace.

Didn't it mean that the new addition is the rouge shop?

Changed the silver building?
It doesn't quite fit the name either.

Brother Nine feels that it is not his own business.

If so, Fujin would not mention it or mention it.

"Go and ask, whose business is it and what it sells..."

Could it be a coincidence?
It is easy to get out of the inner city, but it is not easy for the people of the outer city to enter the inner city.

Maybe it was a coincidence that they took the same name and used similar fonts when making the plaque?

In that case, what a coincidence.

Brother Jiu left in no hurry.

He Yuzhu went up to inquire, and when he came back, he looked a little weird.

"Master, it's Ba Ye's business. It's also a silver building. It only opened in early February. I heard it's Ba Ye's grandma who manages it..."

Brother Nine's face darkened, he nodded, he reined in his horse and left without saying a word.

His heart was on fire.

Qianjinfang, Qianjinfang...

Before he was going to open the shop, he asked mynah to help him set up this signboard.

What do you mean?
Because it was started by starlings at first, so their business in Fujin was good, so they followed the example of others and set up a similar shop in the outer city, also called it this name?

This is because I am sure that I will admit it, so I don't care about it?
He Yuzhu was beside him, not knowing what to say.

Is this intentional?
Deliberately touching his own Fujin's business?
Was it Ba Ye's intention, or was that old girl from Yaqibu's family making her own decision?
Deliberately looking for a reason, looking for opportunities for yourself to climb the dragon and the phoenix?

The inner hall, in the courtyard of Aba Haibu.

Buyingege's laughter was as crisp as that of a lark.

She tugged on Elder Brother Ten's sleeve, and asked Jiang Nanlai with a smile on her face: "Is it really summer there already? How warm is that?"

"It's also spring over there now, but it's warmer than the capital, and the flowers bloom earlier, so crops can be planted twice a year."

Brother Ten answered patiently.

Buyingge laughed and said, "That's great. I thought the farthest place I'd go was the capital city. I didn't expect to go further. Is it as far as Abahai?"

Elder Brother Shi thought about it carefully, and said, "Abahai is one thousand miles from the capital, two thousand miles from the capital to Suzhou, and two thousand five hundred miles to Hangzhou."

After hearing this, Buyingege was even more joyful, pinching his fingers and counting: "That's really far away, that's great!"

Seeing her plump and rosy cheeks, Elder Brother Shi hesitated a bit, and said, "Because we have to hurry, the road will be faster, and it may be very hard..."

Buyingege took his hand, and said with great interest, "Then can I take my white cloud with me? Then, I can ride a horse and walk faster."

Elder Brother Shi also laughed, nodded and said: "Take it, when you want to ride a horse on the way, I will accompany you to ride a horse!"

Buyin Gege showed pride, and showed off: "My Baiyun is a Tianshan horse, tall and strong, and it can run fast!"

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and secretly rejoiced.

Fortunately, Master Qi Xi gave him a silver-maned horse, which was also a Tianshan horse, on his northern tour last year.

Otherwise, I would be riding a Mongolian horse with Buyinggege's horse, so I wouldn't be able to see it.

He laughed and said, "I also have a Tianshan horse, a silver-maned horse called 'Yinniu'."

Buyingege blushed when he heard this, and laughed "giggle".

Brother Ten was a little stunned.

Where is this sentence funny?
Is the name not powerful enough?

Should it also be named Tiger and Leopard?

Brother Thirteen's horse is called "Red Tiger", so I wish I had called it "Silver Tiger" or "Silver Lion"...

Buyin Gege had already pursed his lips, held up two thumbs, tilted his head, looked at Elder Brother Ten, and said, "We are a couple. After we get married, we will have a younger brother and a younger Gege, 'Yinniu' and 'Yinniu' Bai Yun' can also be a pair, and they will give birth to foals in the future..."

Elder Brother Ten felt his face was a little hot.

It's not good to say these things in front of outsiders, right?

YouQi sits beside Fujin and Taiji.

After the big marriage, he must teach her well, and it will be fine to say such things when the two of them are together in the future.

Elder Brother Shi felt a little uncomfortable, looked over, and saw the county king Fujin looking at him with a smile.

His eyes hesitated on him, as if he was not very satisfied.

"My elder brother is too thin. You need to eat more meat to be stronger, and the children you will give birth to in the future will also be stronger."

Seeing Elder Brother Ten looking at him, Prince Fujin made a serious suggestion.

Taiji also laughed "haha" twice, and said, "Yes, if my elder brother is not strong, I can't hold Xiao Buyin!"

Brother Ten's face was really red.

He thought about the various ceremonies of the big wedding. After remembering, he had seen the prince's big wedding many times, but at that time he was young and only knew about eating and drinking, and didn't pay much attention to the process.

But in the past few years, the four older brothers got married one after another.

The fifth and seventh brothers in thirty-four years, and the eighth and ninth brothers last year.

Especially Brother Jiu's wedding, he participated in the whole process and paid attention to it.

Is there a part where the groom hugs the bride?

Elder Brother Ten felt that the scent of Buyingege was too offensive, and his head was a little messed up, like a ball of paste.

I can't really think about it.

He planned to go back to Elder Brother's office in a while, and ask Ninth Brother carefully, if there is any omission.

How did he know that Brother Jiu is now in the second institute, and he found a handwritten "Qianjinfang", looking at it, his eyes were red, his face was complicated, he couldn't tell whether it was grievance or something...

Note, the time reserved for myself is not enough, I forgot to remove the lunch time, and update these first, the first update tomorrow will be before 12 o'clock, and the second update will be moved to before [-] o'clock in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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