Chapter 489 Grandpa is the Pillar

When Elder Brother Ten left the inner hall, he was a little swaying when he walked.

Wang Changshou and Wang Ping'an were protecting him, for fear that he would fall.

Now that the service is out, the county king Fujin stays to drink, and ten princes just drink honestly.

This is the enthusiasm of the Mongolians, and the love is in the wine.

What I drank was kumiss brought from Mongolia.

Elder Brother Shi drank it a little smelly, astringent, and bitter.

Worse than any wine he's ever had.

But looking at Buyingege's smiling face, he felt that after the bitterness of the wine, it was sweetness.

Served with grilled lamb chops, it is just right to drink, and it also relieves greasiness.

He drank half a bowl at a time, and was persuaded by Taiji, so he drank several bowls in total.

Elder Brother Shi also paid special attention to it, Bouyingege drank it like drinking water.

He is a big man, he can't compare to Gege.

It's nothing when I drink it, just a little drunk.

But when he got out of the inner hall, when he saw the wind, Elder Brother Ten felt a bit over the top.

He was light and fluttering, but he was still happy, and told Wang Changshou and Wang Pingan: "Don't dawdle, hurry up, go to the second school..."

This is a clear mind, and I can't wait to share the joy with my good brother Ninth.

Seeing this, Wang Chang'an and Wang Baisui went to Donghua Gate to help.

At the guard over there, horses are prepared.

Because the Forbidden City is too big, it is okay on weekdays, but walking in rainy and snowy weather also suffers.

Therefore, during the time of Emperor Shizu, he was given Grace, and Prince Heshuo and King Duoluo could ride horses in the Forbidden City.

But you can only go through Donghuamen or Xihuamen.

And riding a horse can only go to the front court, not close to the inner court.

If you don't reach the Qianqing Gate, you have to dismount and walk to the Qianqing Palace.

In that case, the road can be reduced by half.

The tenth elder brother is the prince. Before being knighted, all the treatment was compared to that of the prince. Naturally, he was also qualified to ride a horse in the front court of the Forbidden City.

Seeing that the master was drunk, the guards rushed to lead the horse.

When Elder Brother Shi mounted his horse, surrounded by several guards, he entered the palace.

If you take the west road, you can go further north and dismount in front of Longzong Gate; if you take the east road, you will have to dismount at Jianting.

Near the Jianting Pavilion, Elder Brother Ten was helped off his horse
Elder Brother Shi opened his eyes and looked at the leading guard. He was a first-class prawn with a familiar look, as if he had gone to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs to look for He Yi, and he was He Yi's sister-in-law.

"Niu Hulu's family?"

The man was twenty-seven or eight years old, looking tall and majestic, with the demeanor of a warrior of the Eight Banners, he nodded with a smile and said: "Master Shi, the servant is Bose of Bafang, and Lord Zhongyi is the great-grandfather of the servant!"

The eighth house of Niu Hulu's family is the branch of Turg, the eighth son of the founding hero E Yidu.

That was originally the eldest son of the Niu Hulu family, and Turge also had the blood of the Aixinjueluo family, and his biological mother was the princess, the cousin of Emperor Taizu.

After E Yidu's death, Turge became the new head of Niu Hulu's family, and adopted his stepmother and cousin, Princess Mukush, according to the customs at the time.

This Princess Mukush is the great-grandmother of Elder Brother Ten.

After Turg's death, the Duke was still in the eighth room, and was succeeded by Turg's son Kobuso.

Later, there was a big mistake, and the title was transferred to the sixteenth room, which was the branch of the tenth elder brother's grandfather, Ye Bilong.

Turge had two sons, the eldest son died in battle and had no sons, but he left a fourth-rank title. He, Labulhafan, also had the post of Zuo Ling, so he left the title for Bafang, so he wouldn't be in vain.

Therefore, the children and grandchildren of Bafang are all descended from Kobuso.

If it is based on blood relationship, this person should be called uncle ten elder brother.

Elder Brother Ten felt weird.

In the past, I didn't think there was anything wrong with changing the title of honor.

Hundreds of good filial piety first.

My cousin's title came from his father and his ancestors, but in order to please Shangyi, he attacked his father after his father's death and lost his title.

It seems that it deserves it.

But after experiencing this generation's transfer, Elder Brother Ten finally understood.

This kind of ambiguous and inexplicable crime of reducing the title is mostly out of intention.

Or else the rich family, take good care of the family, and change it at will?
In the previous generation, the head of Niu Hulu's family was changed from the emperor's cousin and nephew to a cousin.

It was also because Niu Hulu's family was so powerful that the royal family was more willing to be headed by someone close to them.

What about this generation?

Both my uncle and Alinga are Khan Amma's cousins, but the duke has also changed.

Because the aunt comes from the Hershey family? !
Because A Ling'a married Concubine De's sister and became the half-brother-in-law of the emperor's father?
Elder Brother Ten felt as if he had discovered some rules.

He smiled, and said: "That's not an outsider, I remember the wedding wine that my elder brother drank in the second year of junior high school, so make up the number!"

Bose smiled and said: "I must go, my servant congratulated you in advance, I wish you and the Ten Fortunes a long life together, full of children and grandchildren!"

Elder Brother Shi heard the joy, nodded and said: "Then I will accept your good words!"

As soon as the two talked, they were delayed here for a while.

At this moment, a few eunuchs came out of Yuqing Palace and brought their chariots over.

It turned out that the prince got the news that Elder Brother Shi was drunk and entered the palace on horseback, so he sent someone to bring a chariot over.

It's not his chariot, it's the spare one of Yuqing Palace.

"Master Ten, the Crown Prince sent a servant here to take you back to Elder Brother's place..."

The person who came was the eunuch in charge of Yuqing Palace, and he said respectfully to Elder Brother Ten.

Elder Brother Ten was surprised, but he didn't show it on his face, he just nodded and said: "Please trouble the crown prince..."

He did not refuse the kindness, and was supported by the people around him onto the shoulder chariot.

This place is not far from Yuqing Palace, some palace servants with sharp eyes saw it before, and went to report to the crown prince, and now the crown prince sent someone over.

Because it was the east road, the shoulder chariot used the corridor all the way to the north until it reached the gate of the imperial garden, and then went west through the imperial garden and entered the elder brother's office.

When we got to the gate of the second school, Elder Brother Shi called a stop.

Elder Brother Shi still wobbled a little while walking, and knocked on the door with a "crack".

Cui Baisui, the eunuch of the second concierge, heard the movement and trotted out to open the door.

"Where is Brother Jiu..."

Brother Ten said, and was about to go to the backyard.

Cui Baisui hurriedly supported him, and said, "Master Shi, our master is ahead..."

He Yuzhu also came out from the main room in the front yard when he heard the movement, and seeing Elder Brother Shi was like seeing a savior.

"Master Ten, you are here..."

Elder Brother Shi saw that his expression was not right, he rubbed his face vigorously, his mind cleared up a lot, and said, "What's wrong, Brother Ninth?"

He Yuzhu whispered: "I'm so angry, I'm feeling uncomfortable, I didn't even eat dinner."

As he said that, he told about what he had seen and heard when he went to Nancheng in the afternoon.

"What do you think Ba Ye thinks? Let the people below be a monster?"

In the end, he didn't hide his dissatisfaction with the eight princes.

Elder Brother Ten frowned, did not speak, and entered the study.

Brother Jiu was still sitting behind the desk, leaning on the chair, motionless.

There was no expression on his face, his eyes looked at the roof and he didn't know what to think.

Hearing the movement at the door, his eyeballs moved.

Elder Brother Shi came in and didn't speak in a hurry, but sat down directly on the south kang, picked up the teapot and shook it, seeing that there was still water in it, he lifted it up and poured it directly into his mouth.

Seeing this, Brother Jiu hurriedly walked a few steps and pulled out the teapot in his hand.

"Why can't you wait for a moment, what cold tea do you want?"

While speaking, he smelled the smell of alcohol on Elder Brother Ten, took two steps back in disgust, and called He Yuzhu: "Make a new pot of tea, and ask the dining room to cook a bowl of hangover soup!"

Elder Brother Shi rubbed his temples, and said, "You don't need sober up soup, what you drink is kumiss, the taste is light..."

Brother Jiu also sat by the kang, frowned and said, "Why did you go to the inner hall again? Can't wait for a few days left?"

It's not like marrying Fujin, but more like going to be a door-to-door son-in-law for a Mongolian.

Brother Nine is a little lucky that Brother Ten is married to Prince Ge Ge, if it is Ge Ge from the Eight Banners who guards the capital, he must be staying in the old man's house.

Elder Brother Ten laughed "hehe" and said, "My brother is going to tell Gege about going out!"

"Going out? I'm really drunk, that's 'returning'!"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said.

Elder Brother Shi grinned, shook his head and said, "Either return home or go out. The 'return ceremony' is saved. When leaving Beijing, the carriage can just make a stop in the inner hall."

Brother Jiu didn't sound right: "Okay, where are you going?"

Elder Brother Ten laughed and said, "Let's go out to Beijing with Brother Nine, is Nine Brother Gao happy?"

Brother Jiu stood down from the edge of the kang all of a sudden, and said, "What, go out to Beijing with your master? How can that be done? How can you leave the bride and go out on the second day of the big wedding? It was rumored that you pinched your eyes and looked down on you." Did you run away, Fujin?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Let's go out together, my brother won't run away, it happened that my brother took Gege to meet Khan Ama and the emperor's grandmother..."

Brother Jiu quickly waved his hands and said: "Don't mess around, just stay in Beijing honestly!"

I had reported it to the emperor, but if I really wanted to go there, I would risk being reprimanded.

Coupled with Elder Brother Shi and him, Fujin, the scolding will definitely not escape.

"Ninth brother, my younger brother went to talk to Gege today, Prince Fujin, and Gege is very happy..."

Elder Brother Ten's face was full of pleading.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Hmph! Master is very unhappy!"

Interrupted by Elder Brother Shi, he couldn't care less about the suffocation before, he gave Elder Brother Shi a look, and said: "At this time, you are talking too fast!"

Elder Brother Shi took a favour, and said: "Isn't this a rare opportunity? If you miss this time, the next trip to the south of Shengjia may be ten years later, and not everyone will be able to follow..."

Brother Jiu sat down again, with helplessness, and said: "I really want to go out as soon as I go, it's too tight, I think about how to go..."

His original plan before was to follow the light car, accompany the guards with two horses and two saddles, and travel a hundred or twenty or fifty miles a day, so that it would take twelve to fifteen days to catch up with the Holy Driver team.

If you really go with the ten princes and his wife, it will be different after all if you have more female relatives.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Brother Ninth, there is no need to change the plan. According to the previous plan, Gege brought a mount and younger brother also brought a horse. There will be no delay on the road."

Brother Nine instructed: "All the way is an official road and official post, so take care of food and lodging, and don't bring too much luggage..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Well, my brother knows."

Brother Jiu gave him a sideways look, and said: "Anyway, if you two dare to dawdle, then the master will go first..."

Elder Brother Ten responded with a good temper.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Brother Jiu's words were very eloquent, as if he could really stand the hard work.

I just hope that he will be well, and don't be delayed on the road due to the fatigue of the horses and cars.

As for myself and Gege, it's okay to walk fast and slow, anyway, the two of them are in the same place.

As for the unhappiness at Qianmen today, Elder Brother Ten didn't ask further.

There are some things that he has to figure out by himself.

He was thinking like this, but Brother Jiu spoke up by himself, patted his chest and said: "My heart has been blocked for a long time, and now I feel more comfortable."

Elder Brother Ten looked at him.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly and said, "It's really unreasonable? Master understands, mynah... He never thinks highly of me in his heart. I guess in his heart, I'm a worthless fool who can be coaxed away with a few good words!"

Elder Brother Ten had a look of surprise on his face.

Brother Jiu, you seem to be very smart today, to think of this.

Brother Jiu glared at him: "Does it mean that in your heart, you also think your brother and I are fools?"

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said, "Why? In my heart, Brother Ninth treats people with sincerity."

Brother Nine's face drooped, and he said with a wry smile: "However, Brother Fan really values ​​me as a brother. How dare Guo Luoluo treat you poorly? How dare his nanny and sister dare to provoke you? I know the truth of 'love the house and the crow'..."

It's just that before he deceived himself and others, every time he explained for the eighth elder brother, he felt that it was the fault of others and had nothing to do with the eighth elder brother.

But compare your heart with your heart...

Earlier, he saw that the people in the Dutong Mansion were normal, and thought that Qi Xi was smooth and sophisticated, and that Luo Shi spoke bluntly and lost his softness; his brothers-in-law had ordinary qualifications and were not very clever;

But after half a year of marriage, he felt that his father-in-law was cunning on the outside and simple on the inside, and he was a model of morality, so he even handed over the title passed down from his ancestors; Good; the brothers-in-law are good-natured, reassuring; Fu Song has a bit of Fujin's character, thoughtful and smart, and is better than his peers.

Because he is close to Fujin, he is also willing to be close to Fujin's relatives.

Fujin also takes the lead, being filial to the elders, and close to brothers, sisters-in-law, uncles, and sister-in-laws of the same generation.

As an uncle, Shu Shu is the closest to the fifth brother and the tenth brother, because he values ​​them the most.

In this comparison, what else does Brother Jiu not understand?
Even among relatives, there is snobbery.

The eight blessings are crazy, but they have never been crazy to go to the elder brother.

The tenth brother didn't comment on the eighth brother, but said: "Growing up is different from when I was a child. When I was a child, a few kind words and a few pieces of cake were friendship; when I grow up, I have to go through things before I know friendship." Far and near..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yes, if you don't do anything, you will still bother the boss and the fourth brother!"

Elder Brother Ten said: "Brother Ninth will teach you a lesson in the future. When others say good things again, you just listen to them, and compare things later before speaking."

Brother Nine asked curiously, "Myna doesn't have much contact with you on weekdays, so why did he offend you?"

This is a reminder to Brother Nine, but it casts doubt on Brother Eight's conduct.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "I didn't offend me, I just think that Starling's behavior is a bit cold and snobbish..."

Brother Nine was surprised and said, "Since when did you become cold and snobbish? Mynah is the warmest and kindest among the older brothers, and he is not as arrogant as the others."

The tenth elder brother pointed to the west and said: "In the yards of the elder brothers here, the eighth brother is the oldest, and he treats us like a good elder brother, but what about the twelve elder brothers?"

Three younger brothers, treat them differently, what is it if they are not snobbish?
But because their brothers are the sons of concubines and noble concubines, they are the sons of concubines.

Elder Brother Ten hadn't paid attention to these before, but after he started to pay attention, he discovered the difference.

Brother Nine thought about it, but still felt that this conclusion was not fair, and said, "As for Brother Twelve, who usually dies and is deserted, who cares about him? This is not bad for Myna, let's live with Brother Twelve These years, isn't it the same?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "What about the concubine Wei? When it comes to the identity of the harem, she is Khan Ama's concubine; when it comes to close relatives, she is the birth mother of mynah. Bafujin never treats her poorly in terms of etiquette, rules, and dignity." Why did you dare to wait too long at the beginning?"

Brother Nine frowned and said: "This can't be blamed on Brother Ba, can it? Isn't it a misunderstanding, the two Gege in the back also have a cousin of some concubine's mother..."

Women are narrow-minded and jealous, how can it make sense?
Especially Bafu Jin, who has lost his upbringing and can be happy and angry, otherwise he would not have fallen to the current situation.

Elder Brother Shi sneered and said, "No matter how misunderstood, it's Myna's biological mother. She was treated poorly by the daughter-in-law who just came in and became a joke in the harem. If it's Concubine Yi's mother, Brother Ninth will be able to watch?"

Brother Jiu immediately shook his head and said: "That can't be done, filial piety is the duty of a human being, and no one can go against it!"

If Shu Shu dared to do that, then he would not be the current Shu Shu. As a son of man, he couldn't tolerate this.

Elder Brother Ten said: "Yes, Brother Ba was feeling depressed at the time, and asked Brother Jiu to drink, and then what did he do? He didn't do anything, who is this unfilial? There can be many daughter-in-laws, but he is the only son. !"

Brother Jiu couldn't say anything in defense.

He remembered what Shu Shu had mentioned, there is such a kind of person who seeks perfection everywhere and wants to be recognized by others.

They habitually ignore people who treat them well, and are more willing to please those who treat them badly.

Treat the relationship between people as a strategy.

After completing the strategy, they will conquer the next goal.

Always wear a mask.

It's called "Pleasing Personality".

It seems that starlings are indeed a little bit close.

Elder Brother Ten saw him displeased, and said: "Brother Ninth, don't be angry, tell Sister-in-law Jiu later, and let Sister-in-law Jiu find a way to help you vent your anger!"

This is about the renaming of the gold and silver shop.

After getting along for more than half a year, Elder Brother Shi saw that Shu Shu's temperament was not stingy, but this generosity also had its limits.

She is generous when she is willing to be generous, and when she is not willing to be generous, there is no way for others to take advantage of it.

The gold and silver shop made money, but Jiusao did not expand, in order to preserve Brother Jiu's reputation and leave room for others.

Otherwise, if you eat alone, you will also be left with gossip.

Can she take advantage of Babeile Mansion?
Even when Bafujin came to Jiusao, she was defeated repeatedly; the so-called nurse sister was not counted.

Ninth elder brother raised his eyelids, looked at tenth elder brother, raised his chin, and said disdainfully: "Master is so worthless? You have to rely on your sister-in-law when you encounter problems? Master is the pillar, let her worry about it. What do you do?" ..."

"Huh? What did Brother Jiu do?"

Brother Ten was surprised.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "It's just a trivial matter, just send someone to smash the signboard and report it to the official!"

Qianmen Street.

In front of Qianjinfang, many spectators gathered around, pointing and pointing.

The brand-new plaque has fallen to the ground, not torn apart, but it is also damaged.

There are two seals pasted in front of the door, which are the seals of the Daxing County Government Office and the Infantry Command Office.

Daxing County and Wanping County are the two subsidiary counties of Shuntian Prefecture, the capital city.

Qianmen Street is the central axis, with Daxing County to the east and Wanping County to the west.

This silver shop is just on the east half of Qianmen Street...

Before the next update at [-]:[-] p.m., welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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