My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 491 Four Brothers Are Envious

Chapter 491 The fourth elder brother is very envious (first ask for a monthly pass)

On the first day of March, the Empress Dowager of Shangfeng crossed the river by boat.

Shu Shu was sitting in her own cabin, with Jiu Gege sitting next to her.

She looked as usual, looking at the scenery of the river outside.

This is the Yellow River.

It feels yellower than the Yellow River I have seen in my previous life.

It should not be an illusion.

Jiugege looked a little nervous, and his face was a little pale.

Unlike the soothing water flow of the canal, the turbulent waves of the Yellow River make one's heart palpitate.

Seeing this, Shu Shu hurriedly handed over the porcelain box at hand, and said, "Eat some dried fruit."

Jiugege took it, pinched a piece of dried apple and put it in his mouth, said: "It's not that I feel uncomfortable, but I'm more afraid in my heart."

In order to cross the river, the emperor also came.

Shu Shu comforted: "The fleet has chosen this time and crossed the river here, so it must be safe and worry-free."

Otherwise, the emperor, queen mother, and several princes are all on the fleet, and if something goes wrong, it will become a joke.

Jiugege caressed his chest, his body swayed slightly following the turbulence of the ship, and he said pitifully, "How long will it take?"

Shu Shu said: "Quickly, I chose a place where the Yellow River is narrow, and the distance between the two banks is less than one mile..."

In order to divert Jiu Gege's attention, she changed the subject and said, "Today is the first day of March, and it's time for Buying Gege's dowry to enter the palace."

Girls, especially girls of marriageable age, are quite concerned about these things.

As expected, Jiugege diverted his attention, and asked curiously, "Is the dowry in Mongolia the same as in Beijing? Do you also pay attention to the number?"

Shu Shu didn't know the details, so after thinking about it, she said: "There should be a difference. There are a lot of dowry furniture and daily necessities in Beijing, while gold and silver utensils should be the main ones in Mongolia. If you count them, you don't know the county king Fujin." How will it be arranged?"

According to the rules in Mongolia, no one will be picky.

If you go to the country and do as the Romans do, it is also reasonable.

After all, the county king Fujin had been preparing for his marriage in Beijing for several months.

Jiugege remembered one thing, and said: "I remember last year I heard the concubine talk to the emperor's grandmother, saying that she married a horse and a mule..."

Shu Shu also remembered this.

But it seems that there are other arrangements for the ownership of this dowry.

Shu Shu said: "Mongolian and Manchurian customs are similar. They are rich marriages. The dowry is more than the dowry, so there is an old saying, 'You can afford a wife, but you can't hire a girl'..."

Jiugege smiled and said: "From this point of view, it is better to have a son, who can wear armor and eat food, and save a dowry."

Shu Shu also laughed, and said: "Then we have to divide the children into several. I'll be next to my younger brother, a bunch of naughty boys. I have been disturbed for a long time and have a headache. I regret having too many children."

This regret is not just lip service.

Today is different from the past. In the past, the world was uncertain, and all men in the Eight Banners had to wear armor.

A few more sons are also the guarantee of family reproduction.

But now the world is peaceful, there is no life and death crisis, no large-scale battles, and the only thing to consider is the issue of food.

There are many sons, but the property and world duties that can be distributed by the family are fixed.

The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh. The biological parents naturally hope that every son will be better.

Shu Shu thought of the noble title and world position of the uncle's mansion very unkindly.

For the Dutong Mansion, it can be regarded as a solution to the urgent need.

After all, Zhu Liang is already fifteen years old, and will be a teenager next year, and the next twins are only two years apart, so it's time to make arrangements for their future.

Jiugege met Xiaoliu before, and praised: "Shoushan is really a sensible and decent boy, I think he is more sensible than Brother Fourteen."

Shu Shu hurriedly said: "Where is it? The fourteenth elder brother looks more delicate because he is the youngest son. It would be better if he was older."

When did Wang Guiren orally order her to be a concubine?

Currently, due to the lack of birth mother status, the fifteenth elder brother and the sixteenth elder brother are still two little transparent.

The palace pays attention to "the son is more expensive than the mother" and "the mother is more valuable than the son".

This is all about concubines and above.

The fourteenth elder brother is twelve, and he is still treated as the youngest son.

Wang Guiren, do you want to wait until the eighteenth elder brother is born?

That elder brother left a mark in history. He was taken by Shengjia as a retinue at the age of eight, and he was the youngest among the retinue princes in the entire Kangxi Dynasty.

Because of his death, he became the fuse of "a wasteful prince".

Although Wang Guiren did not come from behind, he still became one of the most favored concubines in the last years of Kangxi.

Thinking of this, Shu Shu became a little distracted.

She found that Kangxi was very nostalgic.

Wang Guiren has been favored for more than [-] years since he entered the palace.

My own mother-in-law, Yifei, has been here for a longer time, for more than forty years, until the end of Kangxi, she was still the one who received the most rewards among the concubines in the harem.

There is also Concubine Hui, the big elder brother circled behind her, but Concubine Hui's position has not been shaken.

Kangxi treated his sons harshly, and later on he was a bit like a "tiger dad", but he was lenient towards the harem...

The Forbidden City, Ganxi three.

At the beginning of the morning, Buyingege's dowry entered the palace through Di'anmen.

Arranged by Aba Hai Fujin, do as the Romans do, it was also changed into a dowry of one set, a total of one hundred and ten sets.

There are no large utensils that are common in the capital. Even if there are some furniture, the quantity is not much, and there are more gold, jade and gemstones.

And there are all kinds of fur.

Except for the furniture that is placed in the house, everything else is in the yard, and the yard is laid out.

These dowries will not be put into storage until after noon, when the make-up is done.

Along with the dowry, Buyingege's wet nurse and two maids came first.

Brother Jiu was watching in the yard, remembering what happened before his wedding last year.

He somewhat understood why Fifth Brother was in a good mood last year.

This ten Fujin is sensible.

If she relied on her status as the vassal king Ge Ge and insisted on being strong, and made a hundred and fourteen lifts to stand shoulder to shoulder with Shu Shu, then she would be unhappy in her heart.

The fourth elder brother was beside him, with a bit of satisfaction on his face.

It's not greedy for money, but the amount of dowry also represents the importance that Aba Haibu attaches to this marriage.

I thought that if I accompanied the horses, there would not be much dowry left, but I didn't expect this to be the case.

Calculated in this way, it is almost equivalent to two dowries.

Elder Brother Ten was beside him, and he knew this in his heart, and he was deeply moved.

Then, there is uneasiness.

Aba Haibu has achieved this point, which means to show surrender to Khan Ama, and also has the heart of loving his daughter.

Don't look at the joyful performance of the county king Fujin, but after all, his beloved daughter is marrying away, so there is something to worry about.

Elder Brother Ten was worried that he would not do well and make Gege feel wronged.

Immediately, when he saw Brother Nine, he felt at ease.

There are Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine.

If you don't know what you do, just follow others and learn from others.

In the future, everyone will move out and live next to each other, and life will be better.

Brother Jiu saw that there were several boxes of gold bricks and silver bricks at the end. He belatedly remembered what he had forgotten.

He quickly ordered He Yuzhu: "Go back and bring a few people to bring the gift from the study. I haven't been idle these few days, and I forgot about it."

He Yuzhu went down in response.

The tenth elder brother and the fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, wondering what he forgot.

Brother Jiu was not in a hurry to say, and said in a sly way: "You will know in a while, it is an extra gift prepared by me and Fujin in private..."

Elder Brother Shi was moved and helpless after hearing this.

What moved me was that I seemed to be favored by my brother and sister-in-law.

Is it still "in private" to speak out about helpless things like this?

How can the fourth elder brother compare this?

He is like the tenth elder brother, and he is speechless to the ninth elder brother.

Since it was prepared by Dong E's family, it should have been done long ago. As a result, Brother Jiu is unreliable, so he can forget about it. If it is delayed for another day, the wedding will be over.

After a while, He Yuzhu brought a few eunuchs and eunuchs, and brought two boxes over.

Elder Brother Shi saw it and was taken aback.

How much stuff does such a big box have to hold?

Brother Jiu opened it, and said: "Your sister-in-law called Yinlou to prepare it. I was worried that you Fujin would not send money to reward people when you came in. I really prepared it."

The gold and silver that Buyinggege brought in as a dowry were all large pieces of gold bricks and silver bricks, which were really not suitable for daily rewards.

"This box is full of purses, fifty pairs each of red, blue, and cyan. Inside are gold and silver locks, which are convenient for rewarding people; There is a list on it with details..."

Brother Jiu said with a bit of complacency, "It's all from the Shun'an Silver House under the name of Sister-in-law's. The appearance of this son is still in the mind of Master and Fujin..."

There are red dates, peanuts, longan, lotus seeds, persimmons and ruyi.

This is to wish Shi elder brother and Shi Gege to give birth to a precious son early and make every wish come true.

Elder Brother Ten looked at the two boxes and was deeply moved.

The day before yesterday Brother Nine said "Ai Wu Ji Wu", now this is Ai Wu Ji Wu, right? !
Ninth sister-in-law is also willing to treat herself well because she treats Brother Jiu well.

For their own sake, they also thought of Gege well.

If Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine hadn't helped prepare this, when Ge Ge came in and rewarded the servants, something might have gone wrong.

The fourth elder brother was by the side, feeling a little sour in his heart.

He also wants such a brother!

When he got married, why didn't anyone "privately" prepare another gift?

But thinking about the two princes and elder brothers in front of me, they were different from others when they were young.

Others can't say that they are all alone, but they are not as tired of being together all day long.

Now he plans to go out to play in the name of "Yingjia", and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is "a traitor".

go out and play...

The fourth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother and said: "Have you informed Concubine Yi about leaving Beijing?"


Brother Jiu looked dull and said, "My brother forgot..."

I thought it was too early to go out, so I don't need to rush to report.

Now there are only two days left before departure.

But Shengjia is not in the palace, even if it is his own mother and child, he can't easily go to the inner court, so he can only tell He Yuzhu: "Go and talk to the mother, please go to the Yikun Palace, and tell the mother about the trip. .”

In the past two days, the No. [-] School has been busy packing their luggage, and Nanny Qi and Walnut also know that he is going to leave with Brother Shi and his wife in the third year of junior high.

He Yuzhu went.

The fourth elder brother frowned and said, "I said that earlier."

Brother Jiu also knew that there was an omission, and said embarrassingly: "I didn't think of it for a while."

Elder Brother Ten was by the side, not showing on his face, but he was a little worried in his heart.

Will Concubine Yi be angry?

Brother Jiu's attempt is too obvious.

If you follow others and say it's for the purpose of meeting the driver, you can still fool it, but I'm afraid that you can't fool it with Concubine Yi's mother.

It was for Sister-in-law Jiu.

Yikun Palace, Dongci Room.

Concubine Yi was wearing loose clothes, leaning on the south kang.

She has been pregnant for six months, and she is already struggling.

Huilan was sitting on the little chair, talking about Xianglan's new home.

"The yard is clean and decent, her man looks honest and honest, and the relatives over there are not difficult..."

Pandan leaves the palace in mid-February.

The wedding date is also set in these few days.

Huilan was not on duty yesterday, so she put on makeup in the past.

Concubine Yi nodded, as if she had let go of a worry.

When she saw Huilan, she said, "Earlier, if you didn't go out, you didn't have to shy away from this name. Now that you have to go out because of Xianglan's deficiency, this name is not appropriate."

The grand lady wants to show up on behalf of Yikun Palace, so it would be disrespectful to say her name.

Earlier, no one in the palace cared about this, but now as the emperor promotes Confucianism, there are more and more rules.

Hui Lan's "Hui" emphasizes the title of Concubine Hui.

Hui Lan said: "Then I will reward you with a new name..."

Concubine Yi said: "Hui Lan is also called Pei Lan, so let's just change it to Pei Lan."

Huilan bowed her knees to accept the new name, and she has been called Peilan ever since.

While the master and servant were talking, someone came in from outside to report that Nanny Qi and Walnut from the second school had come.

Yi Fei was a little surprised, she sat up and nodded to Pei Lan.

Come at this time, what trouble did that bastard Lao Jiu get into?
It is said that raising a child for ninety-nine years often worries about being a hundred years old.

Besides, Brother Nine is only in his teens, and he hasn't grown up in Concubine Yi's heart, so he is not reassuring.

Peilan knew that Nanny Qi was Jiufujin's nanny, so she got a signal and went out to welcome her in.

Received a message from He Yuzhu, Mother Qi brought walnuts with her.

This is because I am afraid that there is something unclear.

"Old slave (slave) asks your mother to be well..."

After entering the second room, the two greet Concubine Yi.


Yifei raised her hand and shouted, and told Peilan, "Move a stool!"

Perrin moved the small stool,
Nanny Qi only did half of it, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Master Jiu sent this old slave here to tell your Majesty about the matter of going out to Beijing after sunrise..."

Concubine Yi frowned and said, "Why are you so busy with a new job in the Ministry of Internal Affairs? Going out at this time?"

Isn't there a "first meeting ceremony" between ten elder brothers and ten Fujin the day after tomorrow?
Now the empress dowager and the emperor are not in the palace, and the prince has left for most of the time. In the "first meeting ceremony", only the uncles, sisters-in-law and sister-in-law of the same generation are left to meet.

The tenth elder brother has no siblings, and the ninth elder brother is the closest elder brother, but he is not here, which is very rude.

Nanny Qi talked about the matter that at noon on the third day of junior high school, brother nine and elder brother ten went out of Beijing together to "welcome the driver".

Yifei gritted her back molars and tried her best not to change her face.

"When did you ask for it?"

She was annoyed in her heart, but she also knew that brother Jiu's nature was not really lawless and reckless.

Nanny Qi said: "When we were in the garden, Lord Jiu reported it to the imperial court."

Concubine Yi felt panicked in her heart, and said: "Then what happened to Elder Brother Shi and Fujin Shi?"

Nanny Qi replied: "Master Shi, don't worry about Master Jiu going out of Beijing alone..."

Concubine Yi laughed out of anger.

So just mess around with it?
Concubine Yi was tired, she nodded and said: "Yes, I understand, tell elder brother, go well, come back well, don't delay on the way."

Nanny Qi stood up and listened, and repeated it, remembering not a single word wrongly, and then took the walnuts and left.

When the two of them went out, Yifei's face drooped, she gritted her teeth and said: "You bastard, you look like a worthless person, really worthless!"

Really can't wait.

It's not wrong to say that it's not wrong to envy the brothers to follow the southern tour, thinking about keeping up with the second half of the journey in the name of "welcoming the driver", but why is it so urgent?
We will start at noon on the third day of junior high school!

Pei Lan sent Nanny Qi back, and when she saw her making a fuss, she said, "Don't worry, Madam, there is nothing to worry about with Master Shi here, as well as guards and guards."

Yi Fei's eyelids drooped, and she said: "Who cares about him so much? Get out of here, I don't worry..."

Her mood is complicated.

I can't understand my son's anxious look, but I also have a faint expectation.

It's hard to say that there will be good news this time.

Shu Shu's health was already good, and brother Jiu's medicine had also been stopped for a while.

Just toss and toss.

As long as there is good news, there is nothing to be angry about.

But when she thought of Fifth Elder Brother and Wu Fujin, she became worried again.

When the time comes, she will be pregnant on one side, but there will be no movement on the other side. I'm afraid Wu Fujin is more worried.

The fate of women here is sometimes hard to tell.

Sometimes the more nervous you are, the more difficult it is...

(End of this chapter)

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