Chapter 492 Same as Ninth Sister-in-Law
The first day of March.

The fleet of the southern tour berthed at Qinghekou.

On the second day of March, the fleet did not move and continued to berth at Qinghekou.

Sheng drove into the imperial boat and went to inspect the muddy places in the shallows of the river.

But this time the Empress Dowager didn't worry too much, because it was along the embankment, not going far.

I will arrive in Huai'an tomorrow, and I don't need to inspect the river engineering for the rest of the journey.

After lunch, Concubine Hui and two concubines came over.

The three played cards with the Queen Mother.

Aunt Shu Shu became the one who watched the cards.

The queen mother and concubine are getting old, their eyes are a little blurry, and they can't see clearly when holding the cards.

So, Jiugege sat next to the Queen Mother, Wu Fujin sat behind Princess Shuhui, and Shu Shu sat behind Princess Duanshun.

It can be regarded as the juniors serving.

This time the Empress Dowager not only did not distribute the money box to the two concubines, but also instructed Jiugege: "Your eyes are a little sharper, I want to win them hard today, they are all rich men."

Not to mention the dowry of the two, let's talk about the silver rewards in the palace every year. The two concubines are all first-class, and there is nothing to spend money on.

Concubine Duan Shun, who was sitting opposite the Empress Dowager, smiled and said to her superior, Concubine Shuhui: "It's over, the private money I brought with me this time made my empress keep an eye on it..."

Concubine Shuhui smiled, looked at Concubine Hui opposite, and reminded: "Be careful, don't deliberately feed the empress with cards."

Concubine Hui happened to sit at the head of the Queen Mother, and this position was the easiest for the Queen Mother to take advantage of.

Concubine Hui patted her money box and said, "Don't worry, Concubine Toffee, let's eat rich people today."

Shu Shu sat behind Princess Duan Shun, looking at the game in front of her, feeling a little less interesting.

There is no "crash clatter" shuffling sound.

When did Mahjong start?
It seems to be in the nineteenth century, the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods.

Today's poker is similar to the mahjong of later generations.

"Southeast and northwest" was added, and "middle hair white" was added.

Shu Shu felt that when she returned to the capital, she could get Mahjong out.

At that time, all the materials will be produced, which will be regarded as a luxury in the Qing Dynasty.

Shu Shu felt that her small coffers had grown thicker, and she smiled.

Concubine Duan Shun was by her side, felt her good mood, and boasted to the Queen Mother: "I just like Jiu Fujin's temperament. I am happy all day long, and it makes me feel comfortable to look at."

The queen mother smiled and said: "Shu Shuxin is very comfortable, Xiao Fang has a good temper, and our little Jiu'er is also good."

Concubine Shuhui said: "Our fifth elder brother and ninth elder brother are also blessed."

Concubine Hui said from the side: "Prince Fu Jin was carefully selected by the emperor. His temperament and actions are naturally appropriate in everything. He also has a mother-in-law who is as generous as Concubine Yi's sister, and a mother-in-law who is as loving as Empress. Don't you just be happy all day long?"

Jiu Gege sat quietly, watching the two sister-in-laws and smiling.

Wu Fujin was a little shy.

My own prince, Fujin, is actually not qualified.

That is to say, the fifth master is honest and the mother-in-law is kind, so he didn't care about her.

Seeing this, Shu Shu followed suit with embarrassment.

If you really want to count it down, she has been married for less than a year and is still a new wife, but this is not the case at this time, a year is counted as a year.

She is now in her second year of marriage.

Under normal circumstances, if she is not able to conceive and have children next year, even if she is not directly induced, it will still be eye-catching.

Because of Brother Jiu's body, Kangxi and Concubine Yi will not rush this, so she has no sense of urgency.

Seeing this, Concubine Duan Shun thought she was really ashamed, so she stopped boasting, and said to Shu Shu: "You have to memorize the cards carefully in a while. Today is a big game. Let's not play foolishly. We just need to play ourselves, and we will win when the time comes." Three!"

Very high-spirited appearance.

Shu Shu also cooperated and said: "You told me, the granddaughter-in-law must work hard."

Concubine Shuhui said helplessly: "Sister, really, didn't you just say that we are three against one, why are we divided again?"

Concubine Duan Shun smiled and said: "Isn't this going out to read the almanac? It is said that the God of Wealth is in the south today, and I will take the seat of the God of Wealth!"

The game begins.

Shu Shu sat behind the Empress Dowager Duan Shun and endured so that her face did not change.

Is this really the God of Wealth?

A deck of cards was shredded.

All three colors are available, and they are not connected.

Concubine Duan Shun didn't notice it, and whispered to Shu Shu with a bit of pride: "There is a match, so there is no need to join hands."

Shu Shu had a smile on her face.

It's really not that demanding.

Originally, she still wanted to play a big role, memorize the cards well, and follow the concubine's partner to kill all directions.

This card game is only addictive if you win or lose. If everyone coaxes the Queen Mother to play, then what's the point.

But no matter how good you think, you can't do it with strength.

She kept her eyes on the table, and just barely let the concubine light the cannon.

On the other hand, the Empress Dowager continued to lose cards, and then Concubine Shuhui won the Empress Dowager and Concubine Hui.

The empress dowager's old child did not admit that he was bad at playing cards, but only said Jiugege: "Learn hard from your two sister-in-laws. You can't just memorize the cards, you have to guess the cards."

Memorizing cards is to write down the approximate number, and guessing cards is to follow the cards played and guess the remaining cards in the hands of others.

Jiugege felt a headache, looked at the two sister-in-laws and asked, "How did the sister-in-laws guess?"

Wu Fujin smiled and said: "I can't seem to tell, when we touch a few, I'll talk to my sister in detail."

Jiugege looked at Shushu again.

Shu Shu thought about the cards just now, and said: "There are some rules in it, just like the concubine Toffee played a five-of-a-kind card just now, and after reporting it, you have to think about not playing a four-of-a-kind or six Nine, those are all dangerous cards."

Jiugege thought that what she asked the Queen Mother to type just now was exactly a nine-tiao, so it was really a match.

She frowned and said, "Do you think so much? Playing cards is too much work."

The Empress Dowager said: "I'll have some free time in the future, don't keep thinking about reading, learn how to play cards with your two sister-in-laws, it will be a good time to spend in the future."

Jiugege's identity is here, which means that you don't need to serve your parents-in-law after marriage, and it's not a bad thing to have a few more hobbies to pass the time.

Jiugege agreed, and said: "Well, I will also play cards with the emperor's grandmother later..."

The Forbidden City, Ganxi three.

There is a wedding shed in the yard, which is bright red.

The main room and side rooms in the front yard have been cleaned up to entertain guests.

Many relatives and female relatives have come.

In the west room of the upper room, there is also a game of cards.

Sitting here are Prince Zhuang Fujin, Prince Yu Fujin, Prince Gong Fujin and Prince Xian Tongxian.

Prince Jane Fujin, as the bride's wife, went to the inner hall to get married with the tenth elder brother and the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Elder Brother Ten welcomes you in person today.

So many princes have been married before, and this is the first time that the prince greets him in person.

The ninth elder brother, the twelfth elder brother, and several elder brothers from Prince Yu's residence and Prince Gong's residence were all dragged by the tenth elder brother to make up the numbers and became best men.

The Crown Princess and several Fujins from Prince Yu's Mansion and Prince Gong's Mansion accompanied other county kings Fujin, Baylor, and Mrs. Beizi to talk.

The princess had a smile on her face, but she was sad in her heart.

Looking around, they are all clan relatives, and she is the only sister-in-law.

It was completely different from last year when elder brother Jiu got married.

On June [-]th last year, Brother Nine got married, just next door, with seven sisters-in-law, and went to the wedding room to accompany Shu Shu, the bride.

In half a year's time, Dafujin passed away, Bafujin angered the emperor and was sent back to Prince An's Mansion, Qifujin stayed at home for seven and a half months pregnant, and the other three followed the southern tour.

Originally, she and Sifujin were here today, but on the night of February [-]th, the second elder brother of Sibeile Mansion died.

Although Ge Gesheng's bastard, there are only two elder brothers in the Sibeile Mansion at the moment, and it's uncomfortable to lose one.

A three-year-old child is a death without clothes, but Si Fujin is not good at coming to the wedding, for fear of offending the couple.

Even with the fourth elder brother, he returned after showing up in the morning.

The princess and concubine also gave birth, and she knew more and more that it is not easy to be an Ernie, and it is difficult to raise a child, so I am really worried.

If the confinement baby died, it wouldn't be so sad. They are three years old, and they will stand still when they see it.

The auspicious time has come, and the wedding sedan chair outside has arrived.

When the bride was sent to the new house, the crown princess and clan relatives Fujin also followed.

For this ten Fujin, there have been some rumors from the clan.

The words are not very pleasant, and the description of the appearance and figure is very harsh.

When the news of the dowry of the ten Fujin came out, others were a little sour when they said it, which meant that Aba Haibu sent an ugly girl to the royal family, so they desperately paid for it.

But when she saw the person, the princess thought it was an exaggeration.

Where is the fat?
Just not slim.

She has a round face, born from the heart, and the color of the eyeballs is lighter, but Baqi is not without it, she looks like a pure and pleasing girl.

Shi Fujin was also looking at the princess, his round eyes were full of curiosity.

San Fujin from Prince Yu's Mansion introduced, "This is the Crown Princess."

Ten Fujin was sitting on the bed. He knew the rules before, so he couldn't get up, so he sat and bowed: "Hello, Empress Crown Princess..."

The concubine took a look at Sanfujin in Prince Yu's mansion, took over the introducer's errand, and introduced the elders of the clan next to her.

Ten Fujin greeted each other one by one.

The rules are correct, and there are no omissions in words.

The elders of the clan were polite and went out to eat, leaving the princess and several concubines from the palace.

The princess was beside her, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the status of Shifujin is here, and he is married to the son of a noble concubine, and her natal family is also capable. If she is really domineering, it will only cause headaches.

The princess felt as if she was old and didn't like any changes.

In the first month of this year, there are waves on the ground, which makes people feel frightened.

The peaceful and stable life that has been restored now is very good.

Shi Fujin looked at the princess with a tangled expression on his face.

The princess looked at her, worried that she would be inconvenient, and whispered: "Do you want to change?"

Shi Fujin shook his head and said: "The palace is full of empresses, empress dowagers, concubine empresses, concubine empresses, concubine empresses, why do you still call you empress? Do other people call me empress too? Prince Fujin empress?"

She asked very seriously.

Today, the ten princes greeted him personally, and Ehe cried.

He said to let her be obedient in the future, to be the prince Fujin well, and not to disappoint the love of the ten princes.

She was afraid that there was something she hadn't learned.

The princess patiently said: "I wouldn't call you that, and I didn't call you that in person. Others call you 'Shifujin', and the elders call you 'Old Shijia' or just call you by your surname, Borzigit." Shi..."

Shi Fujin smiled and said, "Let's call me 'Old Shi'. If it's called 'Borzigit', I wouldn't even know it was me."

There are also several Borzigits in the palace.

The queen mother, two concubines, and a concubine.

Seeing her innocence, the princess felt much better, and said: "I guess the emperor will call you like that, don't worry, we won't see you twice a year."

Shi Fujin smiled and said: "I'm not afraid, tomorrow I will set off with Master Shi to meet Tian Khan!"

Brother Nine and Brother Ten must report to Yuqing Palace if they want to go out of Beijing.

The Crown Princess already knew about this matter, although she was worried, but there was no room for her to stop her, she just said: "Yes, I can still see the Queen Mother and the two concubines."

"And Sister Nine..."

Shi Fujin frowned, and said: "Sister-in-law Nine reminded me last time, telling me that I can't directly say 'I', but remember to say 'you', I know to say 'you', but I don't know whether to say me , what should I say..."

The crown princess thought about it carefully, and said: "Then remember two things, use 'granddaughter-in-law' to refer to yourself in front of the queen mother and the concubine, use 'daughter-in-law' in front of the emperor and all concubines and concubines, and use 'daughter-in-law' in front of other people It's okay."

Others are either of the same generation, or their status is not as noble as their husband and wife.

Shi Fujin's face showed surprise: "Am I also the daughter-in-law of concubine and concubine? Isn't my mother-in-law buried?"


San Fujin of Prince Yu's Mansion who was accompanying him was eating melon seeds, and when he heard this, he spit out all of a sudden.

The princess is also a little stuck.

She thought about it and said: "From the emperor's point of view, the concubines in the harem are all elders. When they see concubines and concubines, they must behave respectfully and respectfully. Although it is common courtesy to meet nobles, they must also be respectful. Be polite, too."

This is the emperor's Forbidden City, as long as the emperor's concubines, even if it is a promise, they are the concubine mothers of their princes and prince Fujin.

In addition to respect, there is also ethics.

Ten Fujin was nervous, and said, "How many mothers-in-law?"

She had a mournful face. She had heard of the rules of the capital before, and her mother-in-law had to respect them.

The Crown Princess didn't dare to let her continue, so as not to make a joke out of this ignorant appearance, she changed the subject and said, "I'm leaving at noon tomorrow. Is the carriage of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ready? Have you packed your luggage?"

Ten Fujin nodded obediently and said, "It's all packed. Elder Brother Ten said I don't need to worry about it. Elder Brother Ninth asked someone to prepare it properly."

The crown princess felt a little headache, and reminded in a low voice: "You can't directly call tenth uncle 'ten elder brother', and you can't directly call ninth uncle 'nine elder brother', this is called by the elders."

Shi Fujin pursed his lips, looked at the princess pitifully, and said, "I called you before..."

The Crown Princess didn't speak directly, but looked at several concubines.

Several generals' wives knew the interest, made a plea, and went out to serve the table.

The princess then said: "The prince is honorable. If the emperor finds out, he won't be happy. You should change it and call him ten uncle 'Shi Ye', or simply 'Ye'; for Jiu uncle, you can call him 'Jiu Bo' or 'Jiuye', or follow 'Uncle Ten' and call him 'Brother Jiu'..."

Shi Fujin was even more confused.

The Crown Princess couldn't bear it, so she said: "Don't think about it today, if you are unsure later, just ask Uncle Ten, just listen to Uncle Ten."

Shi Fujin nodded hurriedly, then his eyes lit up, and said, "Why don't I talk less in the future, and I can speak Mongolian as well, so I don't have to learn so much..."

The princess shook her head and said: "That's not good, it will be difficult to learn at the beginning, and it will be fine after learning."

Elder Brother Shi already has a reputation as a scumbag, and if he adds Fujin who doesn't know how to be polite, what's the point?

Or do as the Romans do.

"You are the prince Fujin, and you represent Uncle Ten's decency, so don't be fooled like this."

The princess said seriously.

After Shi Fujin finished speaking, he already regretted it, nodded and said: "Well, I will learn the rules and not embarrass Shi..."

The princess's face was warm, and she said: "Don't be nervous, as long as you follow the rules in front of the emperor and the queen mother, it's okay to be negligent in other places."

The emperor attaches great importance to rules, and the imperial court will be disgusted if the rules are short.

The Empress Dowager can't treat her in the slightest, otherwise the Empress Dowager will not care about it, and the Emperor will make a note of it.

The current royal daughters-in-law, including the princess, are all selected by the emperor himself, referring to marriage.

Perhaps it was because of this that he had high demands on these royal daughter-in-laws.

She is sincerely teaching, and Shi Fujin naturally sensed her friendliness, and said affectionately: "Can I not call you the princess concubine, it sounds not close, I want to call you the second sister-in-law, just like the ninth sister-in-law... "

Attachment: The next update will be at 10:26 on November 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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