My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 493 Brother Yiyi

Chapter 493 Brother Yiyi

The princess's heart softened.

She didn't speak, but she was thinking about what she had just mentioned about Shi Fujin.

For the sake of the emperor, their husband and wife should respect even the concubine and promise, not to mention the prince and prince Fujin.

What did the prince do before the result?

The difference between monarch and minister is above that of brothers.

What does the emperor think?
After a while, she nodded with a smile and said, "Okay!"

"Second sister-in-law!"

Shi Fujin's address was straightforward and intimate, he held the princess's hand and said, "From now on, I will follow Master Shi and call the prince 'Second Brother' instead of 'Second Uncle', like calling me uncle!"

This princess has no way to make decisions.

The princes are more respectful than close to the prince.

This is a habit developed in childhood, and it is also a reminder from the emperor.

The title "Second Brother" may have been mentioned once or twice when I was a child, but it definitely doesn't exist now.

She said kindly: "Here, listen to Uncle Ten..."

At the banquet outside, Brother Nine was self-aware and didn't try to be brave, pushing a few cousins ​​forward.

Even with Elder Brother Twelve, he didn't let go, patted his younger brother on the shoulder, and said, "Drink well, watch carefully, learn from it, talk fast, you are almost the next year..."

The [-]th elder brother is [-] years old, the [-]th elder brother is [-] years old, and the [-]th elder brother is [-] years old. It should also refer to Fujin before the [-]th year of Kangxi's draft.

The twelfth elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Ninth elder brother will leave Beijing at noon tomorrow?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows, and said proudly: "Yes, don't be envious, study hard, who told you that you are not mature now, just go to the study room next year..."

Speaking of this, he thought about going out by himself, and he would not be in the palace for two months younger, so he said again: "Brother Fifteen, ask someone to watch over there, if someone is ignorant and bullies Shoushan, you help him Grandpa curse back!"

The twelfth elder brother knew that it was the ninth elder brother's brother-in-law, and said: "Those who can come to make haha ​​beads have been taught the rules at home."

Brother Jiu glanced at the direction of the East Palace, and said, "It's not that there are too many people now!"

This is about the matter of the elder brother of Yuqing Palace enrolling.

The twelfth elder brother fell silent immediately like a clam shell.

Although he is the prince and the grandson of the emperor over there, in the eyes of the courtiers and the clan, his status is not comparable to that of the elder brother of Yuqing Palace.

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and looked at it. It was almost Xuchu.

Due to my brother's wedding banquet tonight, Shenwu Sect will be closed later.

Seeing the bright red in front of his eyes and the hustle and bustle in his eyes, he took He Yuzhu back to the second institute.

Today, to celebrate the wedding ceremony, he is also the best man, wearing a bright royal blue robe and a walnut-colored waistcoat.

He changed his clothes, put on an ermine-colored light gray robe, and took off the big red purse on his waist.

He Yuzhu was beside him, and said: "Master, this is going to Sibeile's mansion, to annoy Sibeile?"

Brother Jiu nodded, sighed and said, "I never thought that it would be a shame to say Shang."

Although he is three years old, in fact, the second elder brother of Sibeile Mansion is not yet his second birthday.

Even though Brother Nine has been there a few times, he has never met face to face.

It's nonsense to talk about the relationship between uncle and nephew.

But thinking about the scene of seeing the fourth elder brother this morning, the ninth elder brother couldn't bear it.

He followed He Yuzhu and said, "I don't have a son and look forward to a son. If I have a son, I have to worry about my son's death. Poor Khan Ama, and the eldest brother is also pitiful, and the fourth brother is also very pitiful now."

This reminds me of the fact that the emperor had seven out of ten sons in his early years, and the elder brother and his wife gave birth to daughters one after another, just to seek a son-in-law.

He Yuzhu was silent.

He's a man, he's looking forward to bloodline inheritance, right?

He is rootless, so don't worry about it.

He only hoped that his master and Fujin would go smoothly in the future.

Because he was in a hurry, Brother Jiu didn't go to the guards to call for the guards, so he directly ordered a few guards at Shenwumen to follow, and rode to Sibeile Mansion.

Four Baylor Mansion, study room at the front.

The fourth elder brother was sitting behind the desk, copying the Ksitigarbha Sutra.

The room is lit with sandalwood, like a Buddhist room, with a little more Zen.

According to the current rules, there is no tomb or stele for a young child who has died, and he will just find a place to bury him.

The little elder brother has been buried in the ground and is buried in a big village in Haidian under his name.

Although the relationship between father and son is shallow, the fourth elder brother still plans to fast for three days, copy scriptures, and hope that his son will have a good reincarnation.

At this moment, a servant from the porter came in and said, "Master, Master Jiu is here."

The fourth elder brother was quite surprised, and then frowned.

It's already time to light the lanterns, and it's time for elder brother to open the banquet, why don't you just stay in the palace at this time, what are you going to do when you come out?
He didn't move, and just wanted to ask someone to bring Brother Jiu over directly, but Brother Jiu had already come over by himself.

"Fourth brother, fourth brother..."

Brother Nine came in bustlingly, and the room suddenly became noisy.

The fourth elder brother felt noisy, and wanted to reprimand him, but when he saw the ninth elder brother wearing it, his heart softened, so he changed his mind: "Why come out at this time, shouldn't you be accompanying the banquet?"

Brother Nine pulled up a chair and sat down, and said, "Don't worry, fourth brother, we have arranged for someone. The elder brothers from Uncle Wang's and Uncle Wang's residences are here..."

When he saw the pen and ink scriptures on the table, he didn't know how to persuade him.

He didn't have a son either, so he really didn't know what would happen if he lost his son, but he lost his younger brother.

The pain of losing a loved one should be similar.

He thought about it for a while, thought of words of comfort, and said, "Fourth brother, if this nephew is really weak, it's better to leave sooner rather than later."

The fourth elder brother glared at him, is this comforting person?
Brother Nine coughed lightly, and said: "It's better to raise it for two years than to raise it to ten or so? When the time comes, the child will suffer, and the adults will not be able to bear it."

To put it far away, for example, the cousin of their Prince Gong's mansion died when he lived to be sixteen years old and was about to become a adult in half a year.

To put it closer, there is Eleven Elder Brother, who was twelve years old when Shang was born.

The corners of Brother Jiu's mouth drooped, and he felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

He is a brother, and if that is the case, what about the empress and Ama Khan?

The fourth elder brother felt sad when he saw him talking, and said helplessly: "I know the truth, but I feel uncomfortable and want to be quiet, and it will be fine in a few days."

Brother Nine sighed and said, "It's not easy being a parent, Khan Ama is too pitiful."

Fourth elder brother: "..."

He rubbed his forehead, not understanding Brother Jiu's unconstrained thinking, and only warned: "In the future, whenever it involves Khan Ama, just think in your heart and don't say it!"

Regardless of the original intention, it is easy to become a handle and be criticized by others.

Brother Nine has already come out to work, knowing that this is a good word, he nodded reluctantly.

The lights are already on in the house, and it is not early yet.

The fourth elder brother urged: "Go back to the palace earlier, and eat less alcohol at night, and have to hurry tomorrow."

Brother Jiu didn't move his butt, looked at the clock, and said: "It's still early when the lock is locked at the beginning of the day."

The fourth elder brother couldn't see his procrastination, and said: "Then go back too, and see off the guests on behalf of the tenth brother."

This was originally his job, leaving it to Brother Jiu was already worrying, but Brother Jiu ran out again.

The prince's status is not easy to move lightly, and the cousins ​​of Prince Yu's residence and Prince Gong's residence are also low in title and status.

Brother Jiu got up reluctantly, but he thought of Sifu Jin.

Sifujin is a good sister-in-law and treats Shushu to be close.

Brother Nine was biased in his heart.

He said: "Fourth brother, you feel uncomfortable, but don't think about comforting Gege for this, and then give birth to a concubine or something. If you want to add another elder brother, you should go to fourth sister-in-law. It is better to have a son... ..."

The fourth elder brother's face turned black, and he scolded: "Shut up!"

It's getting more and more inappropriate!
A younger brother, actually pointing fingers at his elder brother's inner house? !
Brother Jiu saw that he was annoyed, and knew that he had said too much, showing pity, and said: "What if my younger brother has no son? At that time, I can't say that I will adopt my nephew. Anyway, I don't want a bastard."

The fourth elder brother couldn't bear it anymore, he was a little soft-hearted, waved his hands and said: "Stop talking nonsense, go back quickly!"

Prince Zhuang is fifty years old, and he's still groping for Yizi's concubine all over the world. How old is Brother Jiu, and you're saying this?
Brother Nine hurried out.

Si Fujin happened to come over with bird's nest porridge, and when he walked to the door of the study, he heard Brother Jiu talking, so it was not easy to come in.

When Brother Nine saw this, he grinned and said in a low voice, "Sister-in-law Si, hurry up and add a brother..."

After finishing speaking, before Si Fujin could speak, he left in a hurry.

Si Fujin stayed where he was, his heart turned sour.

Originally, she was still thinking that the fourth prince would be uncomfortable, so she persuaded him to go to Li Gege.

It feels better to have someone with you.

Now, she doesn't want to persuade...

Nine princes came and went in a hurry at Sibeile Mansion, and when he returned to the second office, he was not in Xuzheng, so he had to change his clothes and go there to continue to support him.

He didn't return to the second school until it was almost the beginning of Hai and saw off the guests.

That's all he said.

It's not that he really wants to adopt the little elder brother of the Sibeile Mansion.

Not to mention the Sibeile Mansion, even the tenth elder brother's son, the ninth elder brother has lost his mind.

Too many people are troublesome.

It was mainly the dossiers read by the Ministry of Criminal Justice, which had a great influence on him.

Among them, some clan vendettas were related to adoption.

Among them, there are many heirs who abuse their elderly heir parents, and are constantly involved with their own parents.

There are also brothers from the Bensheng brothers who continue to adopt the heirs. They follow suit and try to kill their brothers so that their sons can continue to adopt.

All kinds of things, all for money.

Those are just country gentry and merchants, and they are fighting for hundreds of acres of land and a few shops, and they are endless.

How much title and property does a prince's mansion leave behind?
In the early years of Prince Zhuang's mansion, there were rumors of choosing an heir.

After all, he doesn't have a real son, but he has two younger brothers, both of whom have nephews, especially the younger brother who is a compatriot. There are luxuriant heirs, there are only four of them, and there are only three legitimate sons.

His younger brother also had the crown of a county king, but later he lost his title due to an accident, so he became an idle clan, and his sons lost their future.

For this reason, they naturally set their sights on the heir of the Dazong of the Wangfu.

Prince Zhuang seems to have had a rift with his younger brother, and he is still asking for a son because he doesn't want to adopt his younger brother's son.

Brother Nine felt that it was too troublesome.

Neither he nor Shu Shu like trouble.

So he didn't just think about adopting the daughter here.

The nonsense in Sibeile's mansion just now was just "reciprocating the favor" and thinking about Sifu Jin's goodness.

Brother Jiu was soaking his feet, thinking that he would send someone to the South Study Room tomorrow morning to take a look.

According to Shu Shu's habit, one letter is sent every ten days, so should the reply arrive?
If you haven't, you're missing out.

Silent all night.

The next day, the ninth elder brother waited for the twelfth elder brother to return, and the two brothers went to Yuqing Palace together.

The Empress Dowager and the Emperor are not in the palace, and Imperial Concubine Wen Xi has passed away, so there is only Yuqing Palace for the "court meeting ceremony" between the ten princes and ten Fujin today.

On the way, Brother Nine recalled that Brother Twelve performed well yesterday, obediently obeyed orders, and was also a good younger brother, so he said, "It is said that Jiangnan is prosperous, do you have anything you want, I will buy it for you then."

Elder Brother Twelve thought for a while, and said: "It is said that there are many ancient temples in the south of the Yangtze River. If Brother Nine goes, I will help you to buy two strings of Buddhist beads..."

Speaking of this, he paused and said: "Next year is my aunt's [-]th birthday, if Brother Nine is convenient, I will help my younger brother to provide a few lamps for my aunt."

This aunt is his adoptive mother Su Ma.

Madam Su Ma was born in the Wanli period, and she is eighty-nine years old this year.

Brother Nine listened, and was about to nod his head when he remembered what happened last year from Paddock Road to Shengjing.

At that time, they passed through temples along the way, and they also offered lamps.

He said to Elder Brother Twelve: "Since it's your filial piety, you can't just offer lamps to Madam Su Ma, but also Ama Khan and the nobles."

Otherwise, it is easy to be picky.

Especially Khan Ama, he has many sons, and he won't take it seriously if he forgets one, but if that son leaves him behind, he will be unhappy.

Brother Jiu felt that he had already mastered the trick to make the emperor's father happy.

As for the "noble man" he mentioned?
During the first lunar month, Concubine Wanliuha, the mother of the twelfth elder brother, and Concubine Dai Jia, the mother of the seventh elder brother, were promoted to nobles along with the mothers of the fifteenth and sixteenth elder brothers, Wang Shufei.

Although in terms of daily supplies, these few people have long been here according to the rules of the nobles, but they are not qualified to go to Ningshou Palace to pay their respects because they have no seals and their names are not right.

It will be different in the future.

Brother Twelve obviously didn't expect this.

Hearing the reminder, he thought for a while, nodded and said: "Then give it all, my brother will send someone to send the money to the second institute later."

Brother Jiu waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it first, and I'll settle the score with you later."

It's not that he is stingy as an older brother, and he is reluctant to part with dozens of taels of silver, but that this is the filial piety of the twelfth elder brother, so naturally it must be counted on the twelfth elder brother.

Otherwise, it becomes his offering.

However, this also reminded Brother Jiu that when he arrived in the south of the Yangtze River, he would find a monastery with efficacious incense for Concubine Yi to offer as well.

In fact, he didn't believe it.

But what if it works?
In Yuqing Palace, the front side hall.

The princess has come out.

Because the four blessings have arrived.

The Crown Princess followed and talked with Si Fujin.

She annoyed Si Fujin.

No matter who comes out of the stomach, it is the son of the fourth brother and his wife.

For Si Fujin, the concubine who is only three months away from the eldest son is not very comfortable.

But there is a world of difference between the concubine and the concubine, so it's nothing.

With this concubine here, it would be better if the Sibeile Mansion had less heirs.

Si Fujin sighed and said: "I was in poor health earlier, so our master specially asked for a name to suppress him, but I didn't expect to be sad..."

big name...

The princess felt a little blocked.

The elder brother of Yuqing Palace has already started to study in the study room, but he hasn't officially taken his name yet, why?
The princess is clear.

The prince is waiting, and so is the emperor.

She looked down at her stomach, a little out of breath.

How many years will you leave her?
Left and right can't wait until the elder brother Akton becomes a member.

She didn't know that because of her, Kangxi was not happy with the two grandsons born by Li Gege.

I feel that the biological mothers of the two grandsons are of poor conduct, and they are suspected of colluding with Nanny He to murder the mistress.

It's just that Kangxi didn't mention this to the prince.

There are only three Elder Brothers in the East Palace now, and the ones from Li Gege occupy the first two, and they are already established.

If Li Gege's fault is investigated at this time, and the murder of the crown princess is dismissed, not only will the crown princess have a difficult future, but the crown prince will also bear the reputation of "doting concubines and destroying wives".

The prince never thought that the emperor's father would be taboo against murdering the royal blood because he was investigating the past affairs of the palace in the twelfth lunar month.

Even though Li Gege didn't have any evidence related to He Nanny, Kangxi had already remembered one.

What Kangxi is waiting for now is not the concubine giving birth, but another elder brother landing in the East Palace.

If not for the time being, we have to wait until the third elder brother of Yuqing Palace stops to see how his aptitude is.

There are quite a few princes and elder brothers in the palace now, and there are not many who came to attend the "court ceremony" today.

A few little transparent princesses, three little ones, the fifteenth elder brother, the sixteenth elder brother, and the seventeenth elder brother.

Then came the prince and his wife, the fourth elder brother and his wife, the ninth elder brother and the twelfth elder brother.

There was a lot of noise yesterday, and brother Jiu didn't bother to look at the bride.

I read it today, and I feel that there is a big difference from when I was engaged. It can't be said that it is a different person, but it is about the same.

From Shushu's two big ones, to Shushu's one and a half big ones.

It doesn't look too fat, standing on the right side of Elder Brother Shi, looking at it with a smile is also festive.

Shi Fujin also looked at the crowd in front of him, the prince was fair and pretty, but he was too thin, with slender eyebrows and eyes, which made him a little less mighty.

The fourth elder brother has met before, and it seems that there is not much change from last year.

Elder Brother Twelfth also met yesterday, and he looked stronger than Brother Nine and Elder Brother Ten.

There are a few little elder brothers, none of them are naughty, each one is better than the other, like a little girl.

How many grids...

Each is slender and delicate, like a beauty in a painting.

When Shi Fujin greeted them, he involuntarily inhaled, making his waist look smaller, and slowed down his volume, so as not to disturb them.

The prince and fourth elder brother are also very satisfied with her lively and well-behaved appearance.

Although they are all uncles, they can't get along with their brothers and daughters-in-law easily, but with Guo Luoluo's presence, they are a little scared.

It's so noisy.

Even if it didn't happen to them, it made the royal family a joke.

Let the relationship between the royal family and the clan become sensitive and tense.

Behind the Ten Fortunes, but the Mongolian clan, it's better not to cause trouble...

At the Qinghekou Wharf, the fleet of the Southern Tour left the shore and headed for Huai'an Mansion.

Compared with the turbulent and turbulent crossing of the Yellow River the day before, it is much better than walking on flat ground now.

Shu Shu was sitting in the cabin, holding Brother Nine's letter in her hand, the corners of her mouth curled up.

The two had been married for half a year, and they quickly became an old couple. This time, the farewell, Hongyan passed on the letter, which gave birth to a bit of novelty and lingering love.

But after seeing the contents of the letter clearly, Shu Shu's face dropped.

Two "Qianjinfang", is the eighth elder brother seriously ill?
This is his method, to find something to do, to send his nanny sister to Brother Jiu?
If it weren't for the incident that the ninth elder brother beat Yaqibu, the plan might have been halfway.

Shu Shu is disgusting...

It's really white. When he started to use these methods, he was already out of the game.

Shu Shu touched the wet ink pad, and felt for the first time that Kangxi's monitoring of his son in all aspects is not a bad thing sometimes...

It's 31 again, I'm begging for a monthly pass...

(End of this chapter)

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