Chapter 494 Invoke
Although her family didn't suffer a loss and got a Qianmen Wangpu as compensation, Shu Shu was still uncomfortable.

She didn't feel that she had earned it.

Even though she had the intention of poaching the wall, she only subtly oscillated in front of the ninth elder brother, and never directed her malice at the eighth elder brother.

Eighth brother is like this, she remembers it in her heart.

It's just that people are not in front of them, and there is no chance to "return the gift".

Today is already the third day of March, and according to Brother Nine's impatient temper, he may be leaving today.

Shu Shu is a little fortunate that the weather is not too cold or hot, and she can avoid a lot of crimes.

I don't know how many days it will be able to catch up.

She looked towards the direction of the capital, full of anticipation.

Qianqing Palace Square, outside the South Study Room.

Coming out of Yuqing Palace, Brother Nine went straight to the South Study to ask if there was any letter from him.

It just so happened that the doctor of the Ministry of War sent a letter.

Brother Jiu got Shu Shu's letter, and couldn't wait to go back to elder brother's office. When he left the South Study Room, he couldn't wait to open it and read it.

He was happy at the beginning, but when he saw the end, there was disbelief and unhappiness on his face.

He Yuzhu was beside him, so he didn't dare to ask.

What happened to Fujin?
Being bullied outside?
Brother Jiu received the letter, put it away carefully, and said through grinding his teeth: "You know it, you will be wild if you let it go! The last letter still said that I missed you, so I just wrote a few words in this letter. Page! Everything else is nonsense!"

He Yuzhu felt relieved, so it was because of this.

That Fujin is really not right, the master here can hope for the stars and the moon, waiting for the reply.

Gao Bin stood aside, feeling a little excited, his body fluttering.

He will also go out of Beijing with him.

Brother Jiu read the letter, and made a note in the small notebook in his heart. If Shu Shu was in front of him, he must let him know what "Fu Gang" is.

Are the fish in Hongze Lake important?

Is Dongpo pork important?

Know how to eat and eat all day long!
He strode towards Elder Brother's place with great strides, already impatient.

In the second institute, there were people waiting.

It was Pei Lan from Yikun Palace who was waiting in the front yard, accompanied by Nanny Qi and Walnut.

Brother Jiu didn't know her well, he only knew that it was the little palace maid who was following behind Xiang Lan, and said, "What is your order?"

Now, although she has become a maid of honor by the empress's side, her qualifications are not comparable to Aunt Xianglan's.

Xiang Lan watched Fifth and Ninth Brothers grow up, and the two of them could still be honored as "Aunt", but if it was someone else, it wouldn't be necessary.

Pei Lan respectfully blessed her body, and said: "Your Majesty knew that Master Jiu was going out, so she asked the needleworker to hurry up and make two waistcoats, and sent the servants to bring them over."

After finishing speaking, she took the package from the nurse behind her and handed it to Walnut.

"One is western wool, and the other is ermine. The lady said that it will be cold in the morning and evening, so Master Jiu should pay attention to adding or removing clothes."

Brother Jiu heard this, motioned for the walnuts to be rewarded, and said: "Go back to your mother on behalf of the master, and say that the master has written it down, and let the mother not miss you, and the master will be back before the end of the month."

Perrin agreed, took his leave and left.

Brother Jiu asked He Yuzhu to take the package.

The other luggage has been packed before and has already been carried out of Miyagi.

Besides Nanny Qi and Walnut, Cui Nanshan, the manager, was also there.

Brother Jiu pointed to the backyard with his chin, and told Cui Nanshan, "If those two make trouble again, there is no need to keep them, and they will be sent directly to the Department of Punishment, and the matter of Madam Liu will be reinvestigated!"

Cui Nanshan knew that this master's patience had run out, his heart trembled, and he said: "This old slave has made a note."

These two masters used to jump around every time Fujin and elder brother were away.

Fujin is lenient and willing to keep them as decorations, but Elder Brother is not.

Nanny Qi was listening, feeling more satisfied.

For the past month, she has also stared at the backyard.

It's a good thing that those two are so cute, they didn't make any fuss at this time.

I also hope that they are sensible, otherwise, when the time comes to change, I don't know what kind of temperament the newcomer has.

After a while, there was movement in the three people next door.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Fujin changed their clothes and came out to join Brother Ninth.

When they went to Yuqing Palace for the "meeting ceremony", the couple wore the auspicious clothes of the prince and the auspicious clothes of the prince Fujin.

I definitely can't dress like that when I go out, and I also changed clothes.

Brother Jiu looked at the young couple wearing riding clothes and boots, frowned and said, "Okay, what are you doing wearing this?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said: "The weather is good today, and it's not too hot or cold. When we get out of the city, Brother Nine, you can take a car, and Brother will ride a horse with Fujin..."

Ten Fujin was beside him, nodded and said: "Ninth Brother, let's ride a horse."

Brother Nine: "..."

There seems to be nothing wrong with this name.

Just a little weird.

Brother Jiu was picky for a while, but fortunately Shu Shu was not like this.

While talking, Brother Twelve also came to see off his brother and sister-in-law.

Ninth elder brother glanced at him, not to mention, I thought twelve elder brother was deserted and not warm, but in fact twelve elder brother is still comprehensive in terms of rules, not short of faults, compared with fourteenth elder brother, he is more sensible Too much.

A group of people left the Shenwu Gate, and the guards and guards who followed were already waiting.

Of the two bodyguards, one head is the Bose mentioned by Elder Brother Ten, and the other head is the clan Aiyintu, a branch of Prince Jian's mansion, and the fifth grandson of Prince Heshuozhuang Shuerhaqi.

There are also a hundred guards accompanying them.

There are a total of four carriages prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, two for luggage and two for people.

The ninth elder brother sent the twelve elder brothers back, saying: "Go to school well..."

Speaking of this, he remembered what he had told Brother Twelve before, and it was a bit difficult for others.

Twelve Elder Brothers are honest and honest, but they don't have a prickly temper. When encountering things, they can't wait to hide and run away.

It's really not good for children to make a fuss, and it's not good for Twelve Elder Brothers to come forward to confront Yuqing Palace.

He said: "If elder brother Yuqing Palace is disobedient, then go tell the Crown Princess and ask the Crown Princess to make the decision."

Brother Twelve didn't want to nod his head, but under Brother Nine's gaze, his jaw moved slightly.

Only then was Brother Jiu satisfied and got into the carriage.

Outside Di'anmen, there was a carriage waiting.

There are a few people standing by.

Sitting on the shaft of the car, He Yuzhu recognized the person and hurriedly turned around and said, "Master, Mr. Qi is here, and there are two young masters..."

Brother Jiu heard this, and quickly picked up the car curtain.

Standing in front of the carriage are Qi Xi, Fu Song and Zhu Liang.

Brother Jiu hurriedly stopped the carriage, turned over and got out of the carriage.

"Father-in-law, why are you here?"

Brother Nine stepped forward to salute.

Qi Xi said: "It's okay to be idle, come here to see elder brother off."

Elder Brother Ten's carriage followed behind. Seeing the movement ahead, he also stopped the carriage and brought Shi Fujin over.

Qi Xi hurriedly bowed to see the two of them.

Elder Brother Ten avoided, turned his eyes around Fu Song and Zhu Liang, glanced at the carriage, saw the joy on Zhu Liang's face, and said, "Are you going out with me too?"

Fu Song didn't speak, but looked at Zhu Liang with envy in his eyes.

In fact, he also wanted to go out to see his sister.

But now that he has an errand, he has to keep an eye on the construction of the Prince's Mansion, so it's hard to move lightly.

Zhu Liang grinned and said: "Ene said that the opportunity is rare, let me go out to see and see."

Qi Xi has already called a guard leader, and introduced to brother Jiu: "This is Montenegro, he often goes out with me, and going out is no better than at home. Let him go with brother and help brother with trivial matters."

This man looked very tall, Qi Xi was not short, he was half a head taller than Qi Xi.

Brother Ninth wants to look up.

He felt that this person was dark, and his features were familiar. He probably knew that he was the father of the black girl. He heard that his ancestor was also a general. He was affected by the "Blue Flag Incident" that year. His ancestors accused him of crimes. .

On the contrary, he and Suo'etu's biological mother's family were the same group of questioners.

Because of this background, although Heishan is a veteran of many battles, he still cannot escape his status as a servant, and is still a slave of Dong E's family.

Brother Jiu didn't reject his father-in-law's kindness, but looked at Heishan's mount and said, "Father-in-law, we have to run fast this time."

Everyone must have two horses and two saddles, otherwise the mounts will not be able to bear it if the road is not trimmed.

Qi Xi said: "The other guard horses are waiting outside Dongzhi Gate."

The team was going south, and it was difficult for so many guards and guards to pass through the capital, so as not to attract attention, they left the city directly through Dongzhimen.

Brother Jiu looked back at the staff behind him.

I have already brought a hundred and twenty guards here, isn't that enough?
It was not given to one person, but someone else?

Qi Xi said: "When you go out, you should be careful."

Although following the official path, there should be nothing wrong, but it's better to be prepared.

Brother Jiu received the kindness of his father-in-law, and this is also someone who cares.

It's just that there are more and more people, so I hope you don't procrastinate.

After bidding farewell to Qi Xi, the group headed towards Dongzhimen.

Outside the Dongzhi Gate, not far from the city gate, on both sides of the official road, there were two groups of people standing.

The first group is the guards of Dong E's family, a total of twenty people, with two horses and two saddles.

The first group is the vests of the Four Baylor Mansion, and there are also twenty people, with two horses and two saddles.

In front of these vests, there is Fu Nai, the second-class bodyguard of Baylor Mansion, who often walks beside the fourth elder brother, who is from the fourth elder brother's Haha Zhuzi.

Brother Jiu picked up the curtain inside the carriage, and said in surprise: "Why did Brother Four send you out?"

Brothers talked yesterday, but didn't mention this.

Fu Nai laughed and said, "Our master is afraid that Master Jiu and Master Shi have not traveled far and will be unfamiliar on the road, so he sent his servants over to serve as servants."

Brother Jiu looked at these people and felt helpless.

It's just that the manpower from the father-in-law's family has taken over, and there is no reason why the manpower from the elder brother's family should not be followed up.

He nodded and said, "Then let's go..."

Speaking of this, he thought of something, and teased Fu Nai: "This time you are going south, old Fu, you are also a relative, and you are just empty-handed, and you didn't prepare any gifts?"

It turned out that Fu Nai was still Cao Yin's sister-in-law, and his wife Cao was Cao Yin's sister.

Mrs. Sun, who is currently living in Zhizao Mansion in Jiangning, is his mother-in-law.

Fu Nai smiled and said, "It's too late to buy it when we get there."

Shi Fujin was sitting on the carriage, holding Elder Brother Shi's hand in his hand, feeling a little regretful: "I knew it earlier, I should have brought my bodyguard with me."

Among her dowry population, besides two mothers, four maids, and twenty Mongolian guards.

It's just because Elder Brother Shi didn't open the mansion, those people still stay in the inner hall.

Knowing that he was going to go out, Shi Fujin even mentioned it to Elder Brother Shi, who was rejected by Elder Brother Ten.

This is going to Yuqian, Elder Brother Shi thinks that his wife should not be conspicuous here.

Khan Ama is old, he admires Confucianism, and he doesn't like women who are too jumpy.

Just look at the prince Fujin he was referring to. Except for Ba Fujin, everyone else looks virtuous and virtuous, so you can tell what he likes.

Elder Brother Ten was afraid that she would be unhappy, so he coaxed her and said, "Next time we go out, we will bring your bodyguard with us."

At that time, he should move out of the palace. At that time, the prince's mansion will also be equipped with guards and vests. It will not be conspicuous if the twenty people are included in it.

The imperial court pays for the guards and vests of the palace of the royal family and princes, but they do not directly appoint manpower.

It is to directly allocate the corresponding money, food and armor.

At that time, people will be recruited from the population of Zuo Ling under the name of the prince.

Brother Ten narrowed his eyes when he thought of this.

In this way, at that time, even if the Baqi Zuo leads the way and does not distribute, the wrapping Zuo Ling and Guan Ling will also be divided.

At that time, these people will make up for their subordinates first, so what will happen to the Eight Banners' leaders?
If there are vacancies and vacancies, people's hearts will be confused.

In this way, his disciples in the future are destined not to be able to get together.

The population of Baoyi Zuoling and the population of Eight Banners Zuoling are changing.

Brother Jiu's situation will be similar to his.

This is also the grace of Khan Amma.

Elder Brother Ten smiled wryly, he seemed to have implicated Brother Ninth again.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, Shi Fujin moved his head closer and said, "Why are you unhappy?"

Elder Brother Shi looked at her round little face, and forgot the annoyance in his heart, and said with a smile: "I'm not unhappy, I'm just afraid that you're working too hard."

Shi Fujin said mischievously, "As long as you're not tired, I won't be tired, and I won't be afraid if you come back three times..."

Elder Brother Ten's face turned red, he quickly blocked her mouth, and said, "Keep your voice down, there are people outside..."

Not to mention others, Wang Ping'an was sitting on the shaft of the chariot.

And the coachman.

Ten Fujin took his hand and said, "Then tell me, were you happy last night..."

Elder Brother Ten was afraid that she was talking about something else, so he nodded quickly and said, "Happy, happy, but don't talk about it during the day, let's talk about it at night!"

Seeing that he was nervous, Shi Fujin also lowered his volume, saying, "Why, it's not good during the day, but the girls and lovers on the grassland still go to Obao, that is, during the day."

She was very serious, Elder Brother Ten endured his embarrassment, and said: "Follow the rules in the palace first, then we will have Zhuangzi, I will take you there, and then we will talk about the daytime..."

There are nine thousand words in two changes, and ten thousand words will be worked hard tomorrow.

Attachment: The next update will be at 10:27 on November 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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