My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 495 Jinshan

Chapter 495 Golden Mountain

As the ninth elder brother and his party set off, the fourth elder brother and Qi Xi also handed over the brochures to Yuqian.

The two talked about elder brother's departure, and they were worried about elder brother's trip, so they arranged more people.

The fourth elder brother is the prince's elder brother staying in Beijing, and the elder brother of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother. He has the responsibility to report this matter to the imperial court.

As for Qi Xi, it was rare for him to intervene in the matter of the prince's son-in-law, it would be better to make a report.

On that day, the letter was sent out of Beijing by the Chariot and Horse Division of the Ministry of War, and it was not sent to the southern tour team on the ninth day of March.

At this time, the Southern Tour fleet not only passed Huai'an Mansion, but also Yangzhou Mansion, and was mooring at Jiangtian Temple in Zhenjiang.

This is a thousand-year-old temple built in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. It was originally named "Zexin Temple". In the [-]th year of Emperor Kangxi's reign, it was inscribed "Jiangtian Temple" and given a plaque of "Jiangtian Temple", so it was renamed "Jiangtian Temple".

However, since the Tang Dynasty, the surrounding people still used to call it Jinshan Temple.

"White Snake fought Fahai, the 'Jinshan Temple' in Jinshan Temple is here..."

Shu Shu supported the Queen Mother and went up the steps, talking about the allusions of Jinshan Temple.

The Queen Mother listened with gusto, and said: "I know this, Lady Bai lost and was imprisoned in Leifeng Pagoda."

Shu Shu said: "Yes, the Leifeng Pagoda is right next to the West Lake in Hangzhou, so I happened to see it this time."

The Empress Dowager shook her head and said, "The Great Monk Fa Hai has too much control over her. Even if Lady Bai is a demon, she is still a good demon, and she is a disciple of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, she is not harmful to anyone!"

White Snake has two masters, one is the old mother of Lishan Mountain before leaving the mountain, and the other is Guanyin Bodhisattva when she was walking in the world.

The enduring "Legend of the White Snake" in later generations is also because in the eyes of everyone, the white snake is harmless, and she is only here to repay a favor.

However, what Fahai did was to break up the husband and wife regardless of whether it was good or bad.

When Shu Shu was young, she also thought that Fa Hai was the villain, and that Xu Xian'er had let the white lady down.

But when I grew up, I discovered the blind spot of the year.

That is Xiaoqing's love.

Xiaoqing likes the scholar Zhang Yutang, and the two are lingering. Zhang Yutang is poisoned by the snake and almost dies.

After the two separated, Zhang Yutang was safe.

This also verifies that shemales cannot coexist.

The White Snake is a monster who has been turned into a fairy, and Fa Hai only saw the monster in Xu Xian, so he can't predict that he can't hurt himself, so Fa Hai's position is not wrong.

When Shu Shu grows older, she will know that everything else is appearance, and identity is the decisive factor in deciding her position.

Fa Hai is a disciple of the Shi family, who opposes the Taoist sect, and would fight for nothing, let alone stand up for righteousness.

In addition to the white lady, the allusion about Jinshan Temple is the sage Yang Mingzi's ten-year-old "Ode to Jinshan".

A little bit of Jinshan is as big as a fist, breaking the underwater sky of Huaiyang.

Drunken and leaning on the wonderful high platform to go to the moon, the jade flute blows through the cave and the dragon sleeps.

The Queen Mother never liked poetry because she couldn't understand it.

Now, Shu Shu recited this, and the old man understood it, and praised: "This poem is well done, and the words are clear."

Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege looked at each other. They read a lot of poems, and naturally they could distinguish the good from the bad.

This song "Ode to the Golden Mountain" sounds superficial at first, but after a while, you will find that it is atmospheric and graceful, just like everyone's atmosphere.

Jinshan Temple is under martial law today and there are no outside visitors.

Everyone accompanied the queen mother to invite incense.

One is Ping An Incense, and the other three are Dharma Incense.

Shu Shu asked for an incense stick, but when she was burning the incense, she found that she had quite a lot to ask for.

Pray for Enie to give birth safely.

I hope Concubine Yi can give birth safely.

Ask Qifu Jin for safe production.

May Ama live a long life.

May Amu be healthy.

I hope brother Jiu is safe on the road.

Shu Shu's expression didn't change, but she felt embarrassed.

But it also gave birth to a sliver of expectation.

This is the magic and greatness of faith, which can bring people peace and hope.

When all the female relatives have invited incense, they go to the side hall to offer lamps.

The offering lamps are divided into one hundred and eight lamps for the Great Perfection and seven lamps for the Lesser Perfection.

The Empress Dowager said to the two concubines: "This year is the emperor's birthday, so I will make offerings for the Little Perfection. When the emperor's sixtieth birthday, I will make offerings for the Great Perfection."

Concubine Duan Shun said: "It is said that there are many temples in the south of the Yangtze River. If the offerings of this family continue, the Little Perfection will become the Great Perfection."

Concubine Shuhui said: "Anyway, we follow the example of the empress, if the empress donates more, we will follow the more; if the empress donates less, we will follow the less."

The Empress Dowager told the Zhike monk here that she had to offer seven lamps for a full year.

Two concubines, two concubines, two nobles, three princes Fujin, and one emperor's daughter were all enshrined in order.

There are five for the two concubines and concubines, and three for the others.

Seven liang of sesame oil is needed for lamp supply every day and night, which is the origin of the so-called "sesame oil money".

It was less than expected, the queen mother's sesame oil money was ninety taels of silver, the dowager concubine, concubine Hui, and concubine Rong were sixty-four taels, and Shu Shu and the others were thirty taels.

Shu Shu was bored following behind, so she calculated silently in her heart and came up with an estimated price.

This sesame oil is converted at eighty Wen per catty.

I don't know how much the price is different from the price outside.

In the meditation room, Kangxi was drinking tea with the abbot.

Kangxi read a lot of books, and he also dabbled in Buddhism and Taoism.

Seeing the majesty of the old monk Baoxiang, Kangxi thought of the Zen masters in several monasteries in Huai'an Prefecture.

What a different scene.

The monks over there are skinny, like ascetics; the monks here are indeed like Maitreya.

Across the river, the people in the north of the river have many hardships, and the Huanghuai area is also suffering from constant floods; when it comes to the Yangtze River, there is only a scene of prosperity.

The south of the Yangtze River is rich and prosperous, and the taxation is the best in the world.

The more so, the more need for stability.

That's fine too.

He thought about the rainbook that Cao Yin and Li Xu had handed over recently. The rain was suitable and the spring plowing was smooth. This year was a good year.

Kangxi was in a good mood, and he didn't find it annoying to see the old monk with a fat head and big ears. He listened to the development of Jiangtian Temple in the past ten years.

After the fast meal, Kangxi returned to the boat and saw the letter from Si Age and Qi Xi.

Kangxi snorted coldly, and was not surprised that Brother Jiu "welcomes the driver".

Because elder brother Jiu had mentioned it in his letter before.

At that time, Kangxi wanted to order him to stay in Beijing, but he was soft-hearted for a moment, so he ignored him, but he didn't expect that he could not indulge, and even brought his ten princes and his wife over with him.

"I really don't know the seriousness. He has never gone out before, so he dares to take others out!"

Kangxi saw it, felt unhappy, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "Brother Shi is the same, he has no idea, how can he follow around?"

They set off on the second day of the big wedding, saving even the "return door gift", which is easy for the Mongolians to choose the gift.

Liang Jiugong said: " all the filial piety of my brothers..."

Kangxi laughed angrily, and said: "Don't say good things for them, where is the filial piety, you just want to take the opportunity to play!"

Seeing that he was in a better mood, he was not really annoyed, Liang Jiugong said: "Then Jiufujin, should I use a servant to inform him?"

Kangxi thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "Forget it, you'll know when the person arrives, and if you say it in advance, you're just worried."

Who can rest assured?
Such a cautious person as Qi Xi couldn't help arranging for his son to take the nursing home with him.

The fourth elder brother even sent out the vest from Baylor Mansion.

But also because of this reason, Kangxi found that Brother Jiu was indeed not surrounded by old adults.

Brother Jiu himself is not a steady person, no wonder everyone is worried.

On the other hand, Brother Ten still has Yin De who can use him.

Brother Nine's uncles...

Thinking of Guo Guiren, Kangxi gave up this idea again.

Brother Jiu asked his brother-in-law to occupy the master of ceremonies, so Dianyi must appoint a stable person.

Kangxi made a note in his heart.

In the boat of the Queen Mother, Shu Shu was also thinking about Brother Nine.

If you left on the third day of March, where are you now?

Have you passed Jinan yet?

She recalled how she traveled during the northern tour last year. It was easy to ride a horse-drawn carriage for sixty to eighty miles a day, but for one hundred to one hundred and twenty miles, she had to get up early and work hard at night.

I don't know how fast Brother Jiu and the others went south this time, every day.

If brother Jiu was in front of him, he would tell her triumphantly that it was one hundred and sixty miles a day!

There are post stations along the official road, one forty miles away.

Except for the third day of March, because we set off at noon, we only traveled [-] miles that day.

On other days, four stations are passed every day.

The whole team has more than [-] people after Qi Xi sent people off and the fourth elder brother sent them off.

Brother Jiu had a plan before he set off, and arranged for a manpower to go to the front station one day in advance to make arrangements.

Because food and feed are the bulk.

After Gao Bin heard this, he took the initiative to ask for orders to take charge of the matter.

It's just that he lacks status, so Zhu Liang goes with him.

Although he is not mature, but he has already made up for the lack of a fourth-rank assistant leader.
So, every morning, Gao Bin and Zhu Liang took the [-] guards and set off first, and went to the post station to arrange various supplies.

The others set off later, fed the horses at the second post station at noon, and continued on their way in the afternoon.

After five and a half days, we arrived in Jinan.

Although they are all official ways, this carriage will kill people even if it runs.

Brother Nine felt that his body was going to fall apart, so when he arrived at the station, he lay down and hummed.

The tenth elder brother was worried. When he came to see, he heard the ninth elder brother instructing He Yuzhu: "Turn out the hat, and also need a mask, and gloves for tomorrow..."

Elder Brother Ten was confused and worried, so he went forward to touch Brother Ninth's forehead: "Brother Ninth, you have a fever, are you feeling unwell?"

Otherwise, what kind of mask gloves do you wear in the car?
Ninth elder brother was like a puddle of mud, refusing to move. He raised his eyelids and looked at tenth elder brother, "Hmph! Do you think of me now?"

Seeing that he didn't have a high fever and still had the energy to bicker, Elder Brother Shi felt relieved, sat on the edge of the kang, and argued, "This... Fujin doesn't have any companions, and it's hard for my brother to leave her alone."

Since the fourth day of junior high school, Ten Fujin refused to ride in a car, and Elder Brother Ten accompanied him on horseback riding, and the two were in pairs.

Brother Jiu saw it in his eyes and felt more and more lonely.

Brother Jiu gave him a disgusted look, and said, "You can ride a horse, but your life is too rough. You are exposed to the sun every day, and you are not afraid of getting sunburned."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "My younger brother persuaded Fujin, she said she can't get a tan."

Looking at it these days, it really is so.

Her fair and tender face was slightly flushed after being exposed to the sun every day, but after one night, it would be fine the next day.

Brother Jiu stretched out his hand and rubbed his waist.

I am so tired from the car ride.

He persisted for five and a half days, but finally couldn't persist, and decided to start changing horses tomorrow.

Just now he ordered He Yuzhu to turn things over for the purpose of shading the sun.

"Then you keep drying, I don't want to become black charcoal..."

Brother Nine hummed and replied.

Elder Brother Ten was listening, feeling weird, and said: "Brother Ninth, let's not be afraid of the sun, it will be dark when it gets dark, and it will be over if you cover it in winter."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "That won't work, your sister-in-law doesn't like it when it looks dirty."

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

Seeing Brother Nine suffering, Elder Ten couldn't bear it anymore as a younger brother, and said, "Brother Ninth, why don't you start walking a hundred and twenty miles from tomorrow, and there is still time."

Ninth elder brother turned over and sat up, looked at tenth elder brother and said, "Are you stupid? Forgot that there is still a big day in the middle of the month?"

Brother Ten blinked, mid-March...


He looked embarrassed, he really didn't think of this before.

Ninth elder brother shook his head, remembering what fourth elder brother had warned him, he changed it and said: "In the future, you will treat matters related to Khan Ama as a big matter, and don't neglect it. No matter what you think, this face His filial piety cannot be bad."

This filial piety is not filial, it is a matter of deeds regardless of heart.

Even if he doesn't ask for anything in return, Khan Ama knows it well.

Elder Brother Ten was silent for a while, then nodded and said, "Your brother understands."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said: "Brother said all good words, don't be reluctant, don't think that you will be safe if you get the promise of the county king. Wasn't the third child also the county king before? To say that you are condescending is just a word from Khan Ama For the matter, be more filial in the front, even if there is a mistake in the future, Han Ama thought that this son is filial, so he just passed by without raising his hand. Like the third child, he just plays with his mouth, and we can't even fool him In the past, can you fool Ama Khan?"

Elder Brother Ten laughed and said, "All listen to Brother Ninth!"

Brother Nine proudly said: "It should be like this, who said that I am a brother, I still have such a smart head!"

Brother Ten was very cooperative and listened to his boasting, but before leaving, he remembered what happened in the first month and told He Yuzhu: "Tomorrow, Brother Nine will change into thick pants, and put two more layers on the saddle..."

Save yourself from being bumped again, and suffer tomorrow.

He Yuzhu agreed.

Brother Nine waved his hands in disgust, and said, "Let's go, let's go, don't talk too much, I can't be a child..."

Brother Ten came out of his room and saw Gao Bin coming with a post.

"Master Ten..."

Gao Bin immediately stood up and bowed to pay his respects.

"Whose post?"

Brother Ten glanced at his hand and asked.

"The prefect of Jinan is here."

Gao Bin replied respectfully.

The magistrate is from the fourth rank, and is a parent official, but it is nothing in front of the prince's elder brother.

You must know that among the accompanying guards, two first-class guards are of the third rank, and six second-class guards are of the fourth rank, all of which are higher in rank than the magistrate.

Brother Ten followed Gao Bin in, wanting to see how Brother Nine would deal with it.

"People are coming, just outside?"

Brother Jiu looked at the post and asked.

Gao Bin said, "Just wait outside."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Didn't it mean that the governor's office in Shandong is also stationed in Jinan, and there is no one there?"

You must know that the post stations along the way are not only under the Ministry of War, but also under the jurisdiction of the local government.

They sent people half a day in advance to prepare for the settlement, and it was reasonable to report to the yamen at the post station.

Gao Bin shook his head and said, "I haven't seen anyone coming."

Brother Nine had a displeasure on his face, and complained to Brother Ten: "Are you looking down on our two bald princes? If the elder brother comes over, how dare they neglect you like this?"

After all, he put down the post and wanted to tell Gao Bin.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Brother Ninth, why don't we see each other!"

Brother Jiu looked at him and said, "Is there anything wrong?"

Elder Brother Shi thought for a while, and said: "I'm afraid it will become a common practice and cause a stir in the local area. If we see people delaying the time and spread it to the imperial court, Khan Ama will be unhappy."

Jinan Mansion is next to Yanzhou Mansion, and further south is Suzhou Mansion, Huai'an Mansion, and Yangzhou Mansion. If you see the Jinan Prefect, the other prefects will also come to pay their respects.

Elder Brother Nine got up feeling bored, threw the greeting card aside, and told Gao Bin, "Just say that Master and Master Ten are in a hurry to see the driver, and the carriage is bothering you. It will be gone this time. Please trouble him."

Gao Bin went down to deliver a message.

Brother Nine stroked his chin with regret, and said, "I don't know if there is Cheng Yi..."

Elder Brother Shi knew that he was not short of money, so he just talked about it, so he smiled and went back to his room.

Seeing him coming back, Shi Fujin stepped forward and pulled him, "Why have you been away for so long, didn't you mean to send someone to buy some meat?"

Brother Ten said: "I'll go and see Brother Nine, Brother Nine is tired, don't worry, I've already sent someone to buy the meat."

Shi Fujin lowered his voice and said, "Then what should we do next? Seeing that Brother Jiu doesn't seem to be strong, I can't help but toss."

Otherwise, it wouldn't cause people to worry. The Yue family sent people, and the elder brother's family also sent people.

Even Brother Jiu's brother-in-law looks more like an adult than him.

Elder Brother Ten hurriedly said: "Don't say such things in the future, Brother Ninth just looks thin and healthy."

Speaking of this, he was a little worried about his wife, and said, "Will you be too tired after traveling for several hours every day?"

Shi Fujin shook his head with a smile and said, "I'm not tired, I'm not tired. When we entered Beijing from Abahai, we walked faster than this!"

After a while, I bought the meat back.

This is what Elder Brother Ten specially ordered to give everyone extra meals.

I went to a dozen or so people, made rounds in several places, brought back a few pots, and added meals for everyone.

This is a famous product in Jinan, which is a large piece of roasted pork with soy sauce. It is rumored that it originated from the marriage between Liu Guan and Zhang in the Three Kingdoms period.

Although it sounds far-fetched, the taste of this meat is really good. Everyone eats the white rice prepared by the kitchen of the station, and it tastes delicious...

(End of this chapter)

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