My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 496 Hmph, I Don't Want to Listen

Chapter 496 Hmph, I Don’t Want to Listen (Second Monthly Pass Request)

On March [-]th, the dragon boat arrived in Suzhou.

Gentlemen, soldiers and civilians in Hejun kneel to welcome the holy driver.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege stood on the deck, watching the scene of picking up the driver from the shore in the distance, and looked at each other with excitement on their faces.

Finally arrived in Suzhou!

It has been a total of [-] days since I left Beijing on the third day of February, and the number of times I went ashore to stay in the palace in the middle can be counted on the fingers.

Once in Zhoujiazui Palace, once in Huai'an Mansion, once in Yangzhou Mansion, and only three times.

Even if there is no delay in taking a shower and washing hair on the boat, it is different after all.

The entire southern tour team knew about the use of secondary water on board.

With her purse, Shu Shu only rewarded the eunuch who carried the water, and went out many times.

She also has the habit of washing her hair the next day, calling for hot water more than others, which is very eye-catching and embarrassing.

When you arrive in this bustling place, let alone whether you have the opportunity to go out for a stroll, you just want to take a good bath and wash your hair.

The dragon boat in front began to dock slowly at the pier.

It's still early.

The sister-in-law returned to the cabin again.

By the time the fleet berthed one by one and could disembark, two quarters of an hour had passed.

The sister-in-law disembarked with the Queen Mother, boarded the car again, and headed for Suzhou Weaving Mansion.

This time, when Sheng Jia stayed in Suzhou Mansion, he directly stayed in Suzhou Weaving Mansion.

Shu Shu was surprised, so at this time, the Li family started picking up the driver?

When she came here before, Shu Shu thought it was the Cao family who would pick her up this time, and the Li family would only start picking up the driver during the fourth or fifth southern tour.

When they arrived at the Zhizao Mansion in Suzhou, the female family members of Li Xu's family came out to welcome the Queen Mother Feng Jia, and the leaders were Li Xu's birth mother Wen and his wife Han.

Wen's used to be Kangxi's nanny, but she didn't serve in the palace for as long as Cao Yin's aunt Sun.

Now because of the pushback of the seal, the Wen family has been ordered by the fourth-rank Taigong.

Now to welcome the Empress Dowager, Wen and his daughter-in-law are also wearing respectful auspicious clothes.

The Empress Dowager should still remember Wen Shi, she called her to come closer, looked at her a few times, and said with a smile: "It looks solid, you've been out of Beijing for a long time, right?"

Wen's age is over sixty, he looks tall and tall, and he speaks with an accent from outside the customs.

"The servant left Beijing for [-] years, and went to Guangdong at that time, and even entered the palace to kowtow to the Empress Dowager."

As Wen said, his eyes turned red: "The servant is old. A few years ago, when my husband died of illness, I didn't go back to Beijing to attend the funeral. But the Empress Dowager looks pretty much the same as before."

The queen mother shook her head and said, "I'm old, I'm old too..."

Shu Shu followed Wu Fujin and Jiu Gege behind.

Weaving House has limited places.

Shu Shu and Jiu Gege lived with the Queen Mother, living in the east and west chambers of the Queen Mother's courtyard.

Although it is only three small rooms, it is much better than the one on the boat.

Shu Shu slumped directly on the couch.

This is the Li family. According to the Red Scholar, this corresponds to the Wang family in the "Four Great Families".

Li Xu's cousin, Li Shi, married Cao Yin as his successor.

As for the current relationship between the Li family and the royal family, there is still a nobleman.

Mrs. Wang is Li Xu's "beauty offering", and she entered the palace as the niece of Mrs. Wang, Li Xu's mother.

Shu Shu said to Xiaochun: "You can also pack your luggage and put away your thick clothes."

Xiaochun agreed, and took Xiaotang and Xiaosong to clean up.

Jiugege came, remembering the situation at the gate of Zhicai Mansion just now, he was puzzled and said: "Didn't Nurse Wen be the nanny of Ama Khan? Why did you only seal Taigong?"

Shu Shu said: "I heard that the service in the palace is not long, the emperor should value Li Zhizao himself more."

Li Xu's current status is Suzhou weaving doctor plus two ranks, and he is a fourth-rank official.

His rank is not high, but he is one of the most famous people in the south of the Yangtze River. Because he is a slave of the emperor, he has the right to directly submit secret documents.

The so-called secret fold means that it goes directly to the front of the imperial court without going through the governor and the cabinet.

Jiugege was still puzzled and said, "That should be the second grade. Wasn't Nanny Wen's husband the governor during his lifetime?"

Shu Shu said: "Because Governor Li still has his wife, and Li Zhizao still has his mother."

Jiugege became more and more confused: "The Ministry of Internal Affairs chooses the nanny, not the identity? Why did they choose the concubine's room?"

Because Shu Shu is a red fan, she happened to know this passage, so she told Jiu Gege about it.

Li Zhizao's father, the late Li Shizhen, the governor of Guangdong, was originally surnamed Jiang and was from Shandong.

At that time, the Eight Banners had not yet entered the customs, and once they went south to plunder the population, they captured Jiang Shizhen and went to Liaodong.

At that time, Li Xiquan, the leader of Zhengbaiqi Baoyi, saw that he was a scholar. In order to save his life, he recognized him as his adopted son, and changed his name to Li Shizhen ever since.

Wen's is the wife that the Li family married Zhang Luo, and she was also born in Baoyi.

When the Eight Banners entered the customs during the Chinese New Year, and the Eight Banners took turns, Li Shizhen's court was against Zhongdi and began to serve as an official. He also sent people back to Shandong to pick up his wife, Wang Shi.

At that time, the Eight Banners were still polygamous, and marriage was common, and no one cared too much.

Later, Li Shizhen's rank became higher and higher, and he also asked for titles from the female relatives, so that he could truly say goodbye to his concubines.

But because of previous reasons, no one treats the Wen family as a concubine. Li Xu, the eldest son, is also treated as the eldest son.

Seeing what Wen Shi said to the queen mother before, she let her son out of Beijing, and she followed her out of Beijing.

The eldest wife of the Li family and other concubines and children of Li Shizhen are all in Beijing now.

Jiugege listened, it was like listening to a story, followed by sentimentality.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, are you saying that Mrs. Wang is unlucky, or is it Mum Wen?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "You can only remarry outside the customs, that's 'do as the Romans do in the country'; later give the original wife a seal, that's 'time has passed'..."

When he was in Liaodong, Li's father recognized Baoyi Bannerman as his adoptive parents, so he saved his life, and let his adoptive parents hire a wife.

After he became an official, he faced not only the Eight Banners, but also the scholars and common people in the world.

If he was a man of firm character, Li's father would not have survived after being robbed.

Both his father and brother died in that military disaster, so to speak, he could be regarded as taking refuge in the enemy.

Listening to Li's father's actions, Jiu Gege felt displeased, but he didn't utter any bad words.

During the change of dynasties, not one or two became second ministers.

She didn't wonder why Shu Shu knew so much, she just thought it was Brother Jiu who said it.

Li's father was a second-rank official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and Li Xu is now a weaving doctor in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is not unusual for the Ministry of Internal Affairs to know more about the Li family's story.

"It's a good thing that Nanny Wen has a son, otherwise she would really be aggrieved to death."

Jiu Ge Ge Road.

She was originally married as a wife, but inexplicably became a concubine.

Shu Shu whispered: "It's even more fortunate to be the emperor's nanny..."

This is the main reason why she kept her son's treatment as the eldest son after losing the position of wife.

Now that Li Shizhen has died of illness, the head of the Li family is the eldest son Li Xu, not the two descendants of Mrs. Wang.

Jiugege also understood, and said: "No wonder Khan Ama promoted Li Xu, so that Li Zhizao can only work desperately."

The aunt and sister-in-law chatted for a while.

Jiugege mentioned the Longevity Ceremony again.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "Our share was prepared by Lord Jiu, and it was ready long ago."

Bring it this time too.

Jiugege asked curiously, "What is it?"

Shu Shu didn't say anything, but said: "When the day comes, my sister will know."

If the expectations are not bad, Brother Nine should arrive in Suzhou before the Longevity Festival.

At that time, let him personally offer the birthday gift.

Shu Shu thinks Brother Jiu should be able to arrive, but the journey is too rushed.

She counted the time in her mind, as if she was very tight.

Whenever there is a delay on the way, it will be delayed.

For a moment, Shu Shu was a little conflicted.

Not only looking forward to the smooth arrival of Brother Jiu, but also worrying about running too fast and encountering problems.

Seeing her gloomy expression, Jiugege asked with concern, "Haven't Brother Jiu's letter arrived yet?"

Every time Xiaoluzi went to Gao Yanzhong to win the trust, and Jiugege knew the frequency of communication between brother and sister-in-law.

It's been ten days since this time.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "The letter hasn't arrived, but the person should be here soon."

She didn't hide it, and told about Brother Jiu going out of Beijing to "pick him up".

Jiu Gege really took it as a pick-up, calculated the time in his heart and said: "I will see Brother Jiu at the end of that month..."

Shu Shu smiled and did not explain. If there is no accident, it should be the day after tomorrow, at the latest the day after tomorrow.

Shengjia was originally scheduled to stay in Suzhou for two days and depart on March [-]th.

As a result, in the early morning of the [-]th, officials, soldiers and people of the Suzhou government gathered in the palace to kneel down and leave the holy car.

Afterwards, Kangxi sent a verbal order to stay for another three days and set off on the [-]th.

When the officers, soldiers and people at the gate of the palace dispersed one after another, two groups of people came and met in front of the palace.

A group of more than forty people, most of them are guards and vests in armor; another group of more than ten people is also mainly guards.

"Ninth brother, tenth brother..."

The eighth elder brother looked at the crowd in front of him with disbelief.

Brother Nine had dismounted from his horse, and was supported by a burly black-faced man, looking very embarrassed.

Elder Brother Ten next to him got off his horse, looking worriedly at Brother Ninth with worry on his face.

Next to her was a strong woman in a Mongolian robe, with a childish face.

Dressed like this, is this ten Fujin?

The eighth elder brother felt dazed and looked at the mansion behind him.

Indeed, it says "Suzhou Weaving Yamen" in large characters.

This is Suzhou, not the capital, why are they all here?
Brother Jiu's whole body was about to fall apart, and the roots of his thighs and coccyx were also aching and painful, and his heart became irritable.

In the past, even if what happened before, he must be the one who is embarrassed.

And he felt that there must be a more suitable rhetoric and explanation from the starling's mouth.

In the end, it was a "misunderstanding".

If he cares about it, it will appear that he has a small belly.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes willfully, raised his chin, and didn't even bother to say hello.

The eighth elder brother smiled tolerantly, looked at the tenth elder brother, and said, "Why are you annoyed, is this a bickering on the road?"

The tenth elder brother glanced at the eighth elder brother, did not answer, and only said: "Mynah, you are busy, let's go see you first..."

After finishing speaking, he said to Fu Nai who was next to him, "Please trouble Guard Fu to go to Yuqian Dai Ninth Brother to meet me."

The reason why Fu Nai was asked to report to the imperial court was because he was ordered by the fourth elder brother to escort him.

This move is also for Fu Nai's face, and it is also for the fourth elder brother to give credit to the imperial court.

Fu Nai responded and went to the weaving government office.

In order to hurry, they streamlined their manpower when they left Jinan.

One hundred guards stayed.

There were also ten people left in Baylor House's twenty armored men.

The guards of Dong E's mansion stayed with ten people.

The five carriages also remained.

In this way, they took the remaining fifty people, riding on two saddles, and every other day, they would get up early and set off late at night, traveling two hundred miles.

After seven days of hard work, I finally arrived at Suzhou Mansion.

Others are still trying their best to support it, but Brother Nine is at the end of his strength.

When he saw the gate of Suzhou City, he burst into tears.

After dismounting, he couldn't even stand upright, and he was all supported by Heishan.

The eighth elder brother neither stayed nor left, so he went to see the ninth elder brother again.

Brother Jiu snorted coldly and looked away.

The eighth elder brother smiled wryly, "Did I offend the ninth brother?"

Ninth elder brother felt uncomfortable, looked directly at eighth elder brother, and sneered: "Why are eighth brothers pretending to be confused? Didn't you receive the letter from Yaqibu?"

He really misunderstood.

The eighth elder brother was ordered to go first in February to check the pick-up arrangements of various prefectures. He was away for ten days and only returned to Suzhou today.

I haven't seen him yet, and I haven't gone to see my letter with the ministers in the entourage.

"He...offended you?"

The eighth elder brother was moved, and asked tentatively: "If there is anything wrong, the elder brother will compensate you on his behalf..."

Brother Nine looked at him, with more thought in his eyes, and said: "Mynah doesn't even ask why he offended me, so he apologizes on his behalf?"

The eighth elder brother said warmly: "No matter what the reason is, there is a sense of superiority and inferiority. If you offend the ninth brother, it's all his fault."

Brother Nine couldn't help laughing, and said with sarcasm, "So in mynah's heart, there is a distinction between distance and distance..."

Naturally, the nanny is close, but his younger brother is far away.

Otherwise, shouldn't he be thinking about teaching the servant a lesson and venting his anger on behalf of his younger brother?

How did you become a slave to make amends?

The eighth elder brother hurriedly said: "How can you talk nonsense? He is a slave, no matter how much he kisses, how can he kiss my brother?"

Brother Nine felt very weak, and he didn't really want to see Brother Eight's face, nor did he want to listen to his reasoning.

Starlings are also "often reasonable"...

It's just that Shu Shu's "it's always reasonable" doesn't bother Nine Brothers, but rather amusing; like Mynah, he was convinced of the previous truths and was persuaded every time, so he doesn't want to listen now.

The ninth elder brother looked at the gate of Zhizao Mansion instead of the eighth elder brother.

The eighth elder brother showed helplessness on his face, and went to see the tenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Shi turned his eyes away and said to Shi Fujin, "This is the Suzhou Weaving Mansion. It is responsible for the procurement of various materials for the palace in Suzhou. It is under the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

Shi Fujin half-understood what he heard, and said: "That's not Brother Nine's subordinates, so what about the officials here, should they come out?"

Brother Ten nodded and said, "It's almost there."

It's not because of the subordinates of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but because of their status as the prince's elder brother.

Li Xu is a courtier in a coat, so as the host, he would be more thoughtful and considerate.

While talking, Li Xu got the news, and when he saw everyone, he called thousands.

"Eighth Master, Ninth Master, Tenth Master, Ten Blessed Masters..."

After greeting the princes and elder brothers, how dare he let them wait outside Zhizao Mansion, and greeted them in person.

Brother Jiu felt that his waist was not his own anymore, and he was still supported by Heishan. With his help, he walked into Zhizao mansion step by step.

In front of Kangxi, Fu Nai was kneeling to report: "Leave Beijing at noon on the third day of junior high school, and travel [-] miles a day. When you arrive at Jinan Prefecture, in order to catch up with the Wanshou Festival and arrive at Yuqian, the two elder brothers reduced their manpower and speeded up the journey. One hundred and eighty miles away, we arrived in Suzhou today, and now we are waiting outside Zhizao Mansion."

He is the fourth elder brother's haha ​​bead, and he has been in the study for more than ten years. He also saw Shengjia often in the early years, and he is neither humble nor overbearing at this moment.

When Kangxi heard this, his face turned black, and he said, "Tell those two bastards to come in!"

An average of [-] miles a day, do you want to die?
None of the Eight Banners marched at such a speed.

Occasionally, I would drive one hundred and sixty miles a day, and that would be a short distance, two or three days at most.

They were actually half a month old, and they even surpassed this speed in the end.

Fu Nai got up, but didn't leave immediately, but reminded: "Your Majesty, Shifu Jin is also here, waiting to go to the imperial court for the 'meeting ceremony'..."

Kangxi wanted to scold his son, but he didn't want to scold his daughter-in-law. He said: "I will tell you that the Ten Fortunes have come from afar to work hard, so I will send them to the Nine Fortunes to freshen up, and then I will hold a banquet for her in the evening."

Fu Nai responded with a sound.

Kangxi's face was gloomy. He thought that even if Brother Jiu took the driver, he would arrive in Hangzhou at the end of the month.

According to the distance from the capital to Hangzhou, it is [-] miles a day, and it is almost the end of the month to Hangzhou, so I can go back to Luan with everyone.

I didn't expect Brother Nine to be so willful, dividing troops, traveling at night, and going out, all the mistakes that shouldn't be made!

Fortunately, all the way is the official road, and Brother Jiu walked quickly, otherwise there would be troubles, Kangxi dare not think about it.

He held back his words, but when he saw Elder Brother Nine came in with the help of Elder Brother Ten, he stopped when he scolded him.

Brother Jiu couldn't even close his legs, and he staggered like an old man when he walked.

Kangxi laughed angrily, and said fiercely: "Yes! I don't know how much I weigh, so what can I do?!"

From the capital city to the Changchun Garden, it is possible to hire an imperial doctor for more than [-] miles. In the [-] miles, it is not bad to have half a life left.

Brother Jiu didn't wait for him to speak, he moved his buttocks and sat on the chair, his legs were trembling, and he said with a mournful face: "Khan Ama, my son is wrong, if I do it all over again, my son will come to welcome me by boat honestly. drive……"

Attachment: The next update will be at 10:28 on November 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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