My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 498 Accounting

Chapter 498 Bookkeeping
The flag cloaks are all loose, as long as the length is suitable, ten Fujin can also wear comfortable clothes.

But the shoes, for comfort, Shu Shu's shoes all fit well, even if there are a lot of Fuyu's new shoes, they are not as fat and thin as Shi Fujin's feet.

Shu Shu took a look at Jiu Gege, hers was inappropriate, and Jiu Gege's was even more inappropriate.

Feeling helpless, she told Xiaosong: "Go to Sanfujin, and borrow a pair of shoes that are not on your feet first."

She didn't want to trouble Sanfujin, but she couldn't ask the Queen Mother for help.

The queen mother is old and widowed, and her shoes are black and blue flat flag shoes.

Not to mention whether it is suitable or not to borrow, even if it is borrowed, it will not match clothes.

Xiao Song responded.

Shi Fujin said embarrassingly, "It's because I brought too few things."

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, it will be available tomorrow."

Although this is the weaving mansion, it is not a place where she can directly order new clothes to be cut, so Shu Shu sent Xiaotang to see Concubine Hui, and told Concubine Hui about the difficulties of Shifu Jin.

For a while, when Xiaotang came back, she was still following the eldest maid beside Concubine Hui, and the needleworker who accompanied her on this southern tour.

"Your Majesty has ordered to go down and ask Zhizao Mansion to prepare the materials, and send servants to bring people over to make Fujin's body first."

The big lady said.

Ten Fujin brought a little novelty, got up and asked someone to measure him.

He is four feet nine inches tall, two feet two feet wide, one foot one inch five in shoulder width, and two feet eight inches in bust.

Shu Shu was listening, looking at Shi Fujin's bust with envy.

Even if the person loses weight and is one size smaller, the bust does not appear to shrink.

Where can there be better weight loss results than this?

In order to prepare for the big wedding, Shi Fujin took several measurements every year, and after hearing the results, he smiled and said to Shu Shu and Jiu Gege: "He is an inch taller than before, and his waist is two inches smaller..."

Shu Shu laughed when she heard this. She also grew an inch before and after she got married: "Eat well, and you can grow for another two years."

Jiugege was beside him, but he was surprised.

In this way, it turns out that Shi Fujin's waist is two feet four?
She endured it so that her face did not change.

She is thin, with a waist of one foot seven.

As far as she knew, Sister-in-law Nine had a thicker waist than hers, but not more than two feet.

No wonder there were rumors that the future ten Fujin would have an indecent figure.

As a little girl of their age, she had never seen anything like that.

When the amount was finished, the big court lady and the needleworker were about to leave, so Shu Shu asked Xiaotang to stuff the purse.

Shi Fujin watched, and after the two left, he asked Shu Shu, "Do you want to reward purses on weekdays?"

Shu Shu patiently said: "Dividing people, if the girls around us don't use this, since it's troublesome for others, it's also easy to reward others with a purse."

Ten Fujin followed suit, saying: "Then Sister-in-law Nine will also lend me some purses, and some of Sister-in-law Nine's maids will also be rewarded later."

Ever since she came in, these people have not been idle, they are cleaning and grooming, and they are running errands everywhere.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, tell them to thank you for the reward later."

While talking, Xiao Song came back from the front yard, followed by San Fujin.

Shu Shu had to be introduced again, and the two new sisters-in-law also met.

Sanfujin held Shifujin's fleshy little hand, looked him up and down, and said, "It's not the same as what I said, it looks really good."

Shi Fujin smiled, reluctant to look away, and said: "Sister-in-law San is also good-looking, and she is also well-dressed."

Sanfujin "giggled" and said with a smile: "This little mouth is also sweet, lucky brother ten."

After the previous farce, in the fight between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Sanfujin faintly gained the upper hand.

Although the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are still on the same boat, they do not violate the river water.

Sanfujin also felt better and began to dress up.

Because when I arrived in Suzhou, I also met the imperial family member today, and she also dressed carefully today.

On her head is a manly tin, on which is a tufted flower inlaid with gold thread and rubies, and Pianfeng with a ruby ​​tassel in her mouth. She also wears a matching gold thread inlaid ruby ​​bracelet, which looks graceful and luxurious.

Compared with Shushu and Jiu Gege, it has a completely different style.

To be honest, it's a little too serious.

The Abahai tribe where Ten Fujin belonged respected red. Looking at San Fujin's attire, he naturally felt good, and the praise on his face was also sincere.

Seeing Sanfujin, she felt much more at ease, and was willing to give away the shoes.

They are a pair of new flag shoes with coral tassels, and the uppers are also red satin, which is just right for the newlyweds of Fujin.

At this moment, Xiaochun has changed her clothes.

Ten Fujin changed into Shu Shu's clothes, San Fujin's shoes, and the golden crown on her head was her own. That one was as big as a pigeon egg.

In the past, the rubies of Sanfujin looked rich and noble, but compared with the corolla of Shifujin, they were insignificant, and the gemstones were too small and broken.

The smile on Sanfujin's face faded away, rubbed the handkerchief, and said: "The appearance of this golden crown is different from the one in the capital."

Shi Fujin smiled and said: "It's heavy, about ten catties, it's my Erhe's dowry, Erhe asked me to wear it on my big day."

But on big days in the court, you have to wear fixed clothes and hats.

Shi Fujin felt that today was her big day.

You can see Tian Khan in the evening, and you will see the queen mother and concubine soon.

After hearing this, Sanfujin looked at Shu Shu and said, "Why hasn't Elder Brother Ten come over yet, isn't he going to bring ten younger siblings to salute?"

Shu Shu said: "I heard that in front of the emperor, it should be soon..."

While talking, there was movement outside.

It was Brother Nine and Brother Ten who came.

Although Brother Nine was still next to He Yuzhu, he didn't look as embarrassed as before, and looked much more calm on his face.


Xiao Song happened to be standing at the door, stared straight at him, let out a voice of surprise, and hurriedly turned and went into the room: "Fu Jin, Fujin, the Lord is here..."

Shu Shu's mind was a little empty, but her feet moved immediately, and she walked out quickly: "The master is here! "

Brother Jiu had already pushed He Yuzhu away, looked at Shu Shu, raised his chin, and said proudly, "There's no delay, I'll take you to Suzhou Creek tomorrow."

When Shu Shu saw her, she felt distressed enough.

She lost weight again, her face turned pale, and she could hardly stand up.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, she couldn't say anything.

Seeing that elder brother Jiu was sweating on his forehead and his body was shaking a little, she stepped forward, helped elder brother Jiu by his arm, and said: "Fresh and wash first, and then go to greet the emperor's grandmother."

Brother Jiu didn't want to lean on her, but couldn't bear the weakness of his footsteps, so he shook her hand, coughed lightly and said, "Well, after we invite you, we will move the yard and live in the front. Easier to get in and out of.”

Shu Shu looked at him softly and nodded.

The eyes of the husband and wife are sticky, and no one can get in.

It was not unusual for Jiugege to have seen how they got along.

Ten Fujin was still watching curiously, but was pulled twice by Elder Brother Ten before he looked away.

Sanfujin looked at it, feeling sore in his heart, touched his temples and said: "The tenth elder brother washes up first, I'll go back first..."

After finishing speaking, she nodded to Brother Nine and Brother Ten, and helped the girl to leave.

Who hasn't had a youthful love?

But the love in this world is very vain, like a puff of smoke. When it comes, it covers the head and face, and when it leaves, it leaves no trace.

The most difficult to grasp.

Jiugege knew how interesting he was, he smiled and greeted Jiu and Shige and went back to the west chamber.

Elder Brother Shi glanced at the direction of the upper room, then at the new clothes on his wife, and said, "Let's kowtow to the imperial grandmother..."

Shi Fujin looked down at his hands, made an empty-handed gesture, and said pitifully, "Did you bring the gift for the empress dowager?"

Elder Brother Shi smiled and said: "It's okay, there is a reason for the incident, and the emperor's grandmother will understand."

Ninth elder brother was already sitting on the couch, looking at tenth elder brother, he said, "The 'meeting ceremony' at Khan Ama's side is at the dinner party, why don't you go directly to Grandmother's side, don't you want to change your clothes?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "We're all in the courtyard, but if you don't show respect in the past, you'll make up the ceremony later."

Brother Jiu didn't talk too much, and let the couple go to the Queen Mother.

There was no one else in the room, so elder brother Jiu said in a low voice: "Say, do you want to miss me?"

Shu Shu also rode a horse during his northern tour last year, and he knew that after riding for a long time, he would feel ecstasy, so he pushed Brother Jiu directly, and said, "Master, lie on your stomach first, and I will rub your waist."

Sitting on horseback for a long time not only hurts the buttocks, but also stiffens the waist.

Brother Jiu yawned: "You still have gray hair, you are dishonest, you have to be gentle."

Shu Shu rubbed his waist, and didn't argue with him.

Brother Nine sighed comfortably, stopped being stubborn, and began to complain, saying: "I was tired and jolted in the carriage before, and the journey was still long, so I made a stop at noon, and the journey took four or five hours. I thought it would be better if I changed to riding a horse, but the time I endured every day was shorter, but it was too much suffering..."

Shu Shu didn't know what to say.

If it wasn't for the Longevity Festival in the middle, they would be able to take it easy on the road, and then they would go directly to Hangzhou and return to Luan with Shengjia.

There is a Wanshou Festival in Piansheng, if it is only a few days away, what will Kangxi think?
Right now, the relationship between father and son is fairly harmonious, and they won't be picky about it. After a few years, they will become more suspicious, which is unfilial.

Just like in the twenty-ninth year of Kangxi, the imperial conquest, the crown prince's visit.

At that time the prince was only a teenager, how could he think so thoughtfully?
Even if someone around him encouraged him, he knew that he would not really hope that the emperor's father would die early.

Kangxi felt uncomfortable at the time, but it was the Hesheli family who complained, and he never really blamed the prince.

However, in the last years of Kangxi, when the emperor was getting old, the rift in the past became bigger and bigger, and that visit became one of the evidences of the prince's unfilial piety.

Brother Jiu felt extremely tired, but his spirit was still high.

He turned his head to look out the window. It was not yet noon.

"When will it be dark..."

Brother Jiu murmured carefully.

Shu Shu said softly: "Master, squint first, the time will pass quickly."

"But Grandpa can't bear to..."

Brother Jiu put his arms around her waist, looked at her face, and said.

It seems that there is not much change from the time of departure. It is still thick hair, fair skin, slender eyebrows, and watery eyes, which makes people feel itchy.

But in this courtyard, the Queen Mother lives above, and Jiugege lives opposite...

Shu Shu could only pat him on the back as if coaxing a child, and said, "I can't bear to part with you either, just sit here and don't go anywhere."

Only then did Brother Jiu close his eyes in satisfaction, yawned, and said, "Then just squint, let's change the yard..."

Shu Shu responded softly, pointed at the censer, and winked at Xiaochun.

Xiaochun tiptoedly lit the sleeping incense.

Brother Jiu was so tired that he closed his eyes and fell asleep drowsily.

When the tenth elder brother and ten Fujin came back to greet the queen mother, they saw that the ninth elder brother was asleep, so they didn't come in.

It happened that the steward of the weaving mansion came to report that the yard in front had been tidied up.

Elder Brother Shi whispered to Shu Shu and brought Shi Fujin there.

Brother Jiu slept from the first noon to the next noon.

Shu Shu didn't bother him either. Seeing that Shen Zheng was still awake, she pushed Brother Jiu and called out, "Master, wake up, there is a banquet tonight..."

Brother Jiu opened his eyes, looked at Shu Shu, still in a daze, stretched out his hand to pinch Shu Shu's face, and said, "Master, are you dreaming?"

Shu Shu grabbed his hand, put it in his mouth and took a bite.

" hurts..."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth.

Shu Shu smiled and said, "That's not a dream!"

Brother Jiu looked at the tooth marks on his hands, snorted softly, and ground his teeth, saying: "This is a new account, we will settle the new account and the old account together at night!"

There was not much time, so Shu Shu stopped teasing him and said, "I still have to change the yard, don't delay."

Ninth elder brother immediately regained his energy: "Hurry up and change, this cannot be delayed!"

The luggage is only opened in the morning, so it is easy to pack.

Shu Shu said: "My lord, please go and pay your respects to the emperor's grandmother, it will be almost done when you come back."

Brother Jiu nodded, remembered something, and said: "By the way, Zhu Liang is also here, and the father of the black girl has followed the guards to the guards' quarters."

Shu Shu was taken aback and said, "Amarang?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "I wanted to leave him in Jinan to follow the luggage slowly, but he didn't do it, he insisted on being brave."

Speaking of which, that is the child, only fifteen years old, not yet grown up.

Shu Shu thought about the state of Elder Brother Shi just now, and was not so worried about Zhu Liang.

Even though he is two years younger than Brother Nine, he really wants to talk about it.It is Zhuliang who is stronger, and should not be much worse than the ten princes.

Hei girl's father?
"Uncle Hei is here too? Then Ama really loves you."

Those are not ordinary noble guards, if it is not for the status of household servants, they are all people who can record several rounds of military merit.

Brother Nine also thought of this, and said puzzled: "The servants of the Eight Banners family can also open an account as an 'other account' because of their military exploits. If they have lost their status as servants, why didn't the black guards open an account?"

He is six feet tall and has the strength of a warrior. It is a pity that he is only a house slave.

Shu Shu said: "In the early years, I also asked Ama, it seems that Uncle Hei's family has no more males, and he was injured on the battlefield, and he lost the idea of ​​continuing to have children, so he did not leave Dong E's house."

Brother Jiu thought about Xiaosong's approximate age, and guessed: "It was also the time of Ulan Butong, and my father-in-law also went there?"

It was the biggest battle since the San Francisco Rebellion.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Ama didn't go. She had just been promoted to be a leader at that time, and it wasn't her turn to call in soldiers. It was the uncle from the manor who came to borrow someone from Ama, and borrowed Uncle Hei."

Brother Jiu sighed: "I didn't pay attention to this before, but looking back now, the pattern of the clan and the court has changed since then."

At that time, most of the political kings and ministers were abolished.

Before that, the emperor's father was more tolerant to the nobles and the clan, but after that, he became stricter.

Shu Shu felt that it was because the soldiers of the Eight Banners showed their timidity, and the princes and nobles showed their timidity.

The world of the Qing Dynasty is different from the model of the world in the past dynasties.

It wasn't that the founding emperor brought fierce advisers to fight the world, but the emperor Taizu brought brothers, nephews and Manchurian Jiuxun to fight the world.

And because there are few people in the Eight Banners, if they split, there will be foreign troubles.

Not only can the royal family not "kill the donkey" like the founding emperors of other dynasties, but also continue to appease and win over these powerful clans and old honors.

Marriage is the best way.

However, in the battle of Ulan Butong, the soldiers and horses of the Eight Banners were damaged by several percent, which broke the myth of the military power of the clan princes and nobles.

In addition, Kangxi was already developing the green battalion at this time, and he had three times as many green battalion soldiers as the Eight Banners soldiers in his hands, so he was full of confidence.

As for princes and nobles, he changed from appeasing and wooing to suppressing like a storm.

As a result, it has seen results, and has the current Gan Gang's arbitrariness.

In the queen mother's room.

Hearing that elder brother Jiu was coming, the queen mother passed it on.

Brother Nine immediately stretched out his hand and stepped forward, put his left knee on the ground, brought Rumu, and said: "Grandmother, grandson misses you..."

In the early days, he was just going through the motions with respect to the queen mother, respect is respect, but because he had no contact, he was not very close.

But last year, I got to know a lot during my northern tour.

This year, I can see the news of the queen mother in every letter from my wife, and know her love and preference for granddaughter-in-law.

Brother Nine's original five points for closeness became ten points.

Seeing Brother Jiu's actions, the queen mother was taken aback for a moment, then smiled lovingly, instead of avoiding Brother Jiu's embrace, she leaned over and pressed her cheek against him.

This is Manchuria's "hugging ceremony", also known as "hugging the waist and meeting the ceremony", which is a great gift when relatives reunite after a long absence.

After saluting, Brother Jiu looked at the queen mother, took a good look at her, and said: "The emperor's grandmother looks good, she looks better than in the palace, she is several years younger!"

This is really not flattery, the fine lines on the Empress Dowager's face seem to be less.

The queen mother smiled and said: "The food is good, here is not as dry as the capital, and the hair on the face is thin..."

What woman doesn't love beauty?

Even older women are no exception.

Brother Jiu looked at the Empress Dowager again, and said disapprovingly: "The clothes are too plain, they don't match your face. Later, my grandson will draw some clothes for you. They will be bright and bright, and you won't look like an imperial grandmother. Like a royal aunt..."

Speaking of this, he remembered the anger he received with Princess Duanmin last year, and said, "I'll go to Horqin later and make Aunt Duanmin envious..."

The queen mother was amused, and said: "Dare to say anything, and the emperor will punish you carefully."

Brother Jiu heard this, and said with dissatisfaction: "Does Khan Ama want to accept concubines again? Why are you short of money, why are you always thinking about the salaries of your sons?"

When Kangxi walked to the door, he was about to be reported, but when he heard this sentence, his face turned dark...

Continue to ask for monthly tickets, there is no double at the end of the month, and book friends who still have tickets are asking for tickets.

Attachment: The next update will be at 10:29 on November 12, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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